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Although Muslims have a significant presence at American universities, they are largely ignored by campus policies and resources and may find it difficult to reconcile their university experience with their religious values and practices. Using bicultural acculturation as a theoretical lens along with interviews and document analysis, this exploratory study of ten Muslim students at one university suggests that students have acquired the tools to successfully navigate membership in both American and Muslim cultural groups, evaluating each setting before invoking a particular identity. However, the acculturation process does not require any change by the institution. While participants described a need to adopt situationally-appropriate behaviors, they did not expect accommodation from the university or their peers.  相似文献   

利用调和乘积公式和幂级数展开的方法,证明了若干包含多重Zeta函数,多重交替Zeta函数和多重Hurwitz Zeta函数的级数的恒等式.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):121-128
In fall 2012, an interdisciplinary team of science, English, and library faculty embedded reading, writing, and information literacy strategies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curricula as a first step in improving student learning and retention in science courses and aligning them with the Next Generation Science and Common Core State Standards. The authors present their reading, writing, and information literacy contributions, explaining the importance of introducing these concepts and strategies into science courses.  相似文献   

Recent research in second-language acquisition has revealed that the language learning process is a complex interplay of many variables in which social roles, relationships, power relations, and identities are constantly reconstituted. Most research studies on language and identity have been conducted in predominantly English-language native-speaker settings (McKay & Wong, 1996; Peirce, 1995). This article presents the findings of my doctoral research study on the relation between language and sociocultural identities of English as a second language (ESL) learners in a multicultural society in Southeast Asia. Using a qualitative research approach, 14 Malaysian participants were interviewed using critical ethnography research methods (Carspecken, 1996). They also had to write a personal narrative and complete a questionnaire. The findings reveal that in a multicultural, postcolonial society such as Malaysia, identity issues are far more complex and multilayered. Identity shifts take place frequently in strategic and nonstrategic ways as the participants find their way in society in search of acceptance and belonging.  相似文献   

National shortages of math and science teachers have led to a variety of strategies and programs to attract second career professionals into teaching. This qualitative study explores the development of professional teaching identities in six STEM career changers in a post-baccalaureate pre-service teacher credential program in California. Findings suggest the career changers relied upon skills developed in their previous careers to navigate through a new profession; however, returning to the life of a student again was difficult. Additionally, the career changers in this study valued interacting with their traditional aged peers in the program as these relationships were beneficial to their own socialization into teaching as they developed their teacher identities.  相似文献   

This article defines the process of adaptive teaching in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). We assert that teachers who possess a well-developed STEM pedagogical content knowledge, a constructivist paradigm of teaching and learning, and an ability to draw on a vision while reflecting on and during teaching to help negotiate challenges are well positioned to engage in the process of adaptive teaching. This article acknowledges the valuable knowledge, skills, and dispositions that novice teachers bring with them as they enter the workforce. To illustrate the process of adaptive teaching in STEM, we use an in-depth case study of a novice teacher. Our conclusion offers a discussion of how teacher educators and those who provide professional development services during induction can best support teachers in their development of becoming adaptive, and therefore, effective.  相似文献   

《呼啸山庄》的艺术魅力之一是小说中那丰富多彩的人物形象。一个半世纪以来,读者关注最多,评论也最多的莫过于两个主人公凯瑟琳和希斯克厉夫。但书中的小人物纳莉也是不容忽视的,因为作者艾米莉赋予了她女管家、代理母亲、叙事者等多重身份,使得她成为了这部小说一股不可小看的力量之源。  相似文献   

This paper adds to earlier reviews by the author of the changing roles and identities of contemporary professional staff in UK higher education, and builds on a categorisation of professional staff identities as having bounded, cross‐boundary and unbounded characteristics. Drawing on a study of 54 professional managers in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, it describes a further category of blended professionals, who have mixed backgrounds and portfolios, comprising elements of both professional and academic activity. The paper goes on to introduce the concept of third space as an emergent territory between academic and professional domains, which is colonised primarily by less bounded forms of professional. The implications of these developments for institutions and for individuals are considered, and some international comparisons drawn. Finally, it is suggested that third space working may be indicative of future trends in professional identities, which may increasingly coalesce with those of academic colleagues who undertake project‐ and management‐oriented roles, so that new forms of third space professional are likely to continue to emerge.  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is a critical component of federal policymakers' agendas. Out-of-school time (OST) programs are designated as an important venue to teach STEM to K–12 students. Using a sample of OST direct staff in Pennsylvania (n = 133), the present analysis examines instructional methods used for STEM lessons and then explores the comfort level that staff have teaching STEM. About 20% or more of staff are not comfortable teaching STEM, depending on the subject. Multivariate analyses (Mann-Whitney tests) also show that staff with fewer STEM credentials, and who work in less-networked programs, or programs with less STEM instruction overall, are more likely to express discomfort teaching STEM. Policy and planning implications are discussed.  相似文献   

满足不断变化的社会需求是教师专业化的源动力,在社会发展进程中,教师的边缘化和再定位会在教师专业化中交替出现,并贯穿于整个过程。当前中国社会对大学教育质量和毕业生就业的诘难,使教师处于边缘化阶段。教师专业化要在新环境下再定位,就需要我国政府、学校和教师三方努力,让教育在人们心中恢复其自身价值。  相似文献   

薛丛华 《高教论坛》2005,(6):137-138
文章介绍了情境教学法的含义和实施依据,探讨了情境教学法用于航海英语教学的具体途径,阐明了实施过程中的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

STEM教育源于美国实用主义国策,意在通过跨学科的学习方式培养学生的问题解决能力、创新能力、团队协作能力等21世纪人才需要的综合素养。近年来,STEM教育在我国蓬勃发展的同时,在实践中也存在着课程体系不成熟、教学设计不合理、与学科知识脱节等偏离STEM教育初衷的问题。针对这一情况,本文围绕STEM教育中的核心元素"工程",以工程设计过程为出发点,结合相关案例的分析,从问题的结构与基本特征两个维度探讨了STEM课程中驱动问题的设计。在STEM课程中,以"工程"为中心的驱动问题应当是劣构的、与情境紧密相连的,并且具有领域相关性与动态性。问题的3个关键元素——初始条件、障碍、目标通过与工程设计过程的融合可转换为课程设计的关键元素。以"工程"为中心的驱动问题设计对STEM教育实践的启示包括:在课程中正确地体现跨学科性,注重对学生问题解决能力与工程思维的培养、转变课程评价方式以及多方合力建设STEM课程生态共同体。  相似文献   

高校辅导员具有管理人员、教师等多重身份。通过分析多重身份下辅导员专业化建设的现状与困境,结合高校辅导员队伍建设的相关要求,提出有效的高校辅导员专业化的建设方式方法,进一步提升辅导员专业素质,稳定高校辅导员队伍。  相似文献   

全球化背景下比较教育的多重身份及其构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了比较教育身份危机的表现形式和生成原因,提出应从二元对立、非此即彼的思维方式中解脱出来,站在更加开放的平台上来理解比较教育;同时,结合全球化的时代背景,指出在全球化浪潮带来的种种机遇和挑战下,比较教育应着力构建多元一体的新型身份,应立足于国际合作和整体发展,促进多元文化背景下各种教育相互尊重与国际理解.本文认为比较教育身份应具有融合的视野、开放的胸襟、创造的智慧等学术品格.  相似文献   

Today’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are tomorrow’s new faculty members; but these junior academicians often receive limited pedagogical training. We describe four iterations of an entry-level program with a low time commitment, Mentored Discussions of Teaching (MDT). The program is designed to introduce participants to pedagogical issues and literature in STEM disciplines and foster related discussions. It consists of group meetings, classroom observations, and discussions with faculty members. Program components were generally highly rated and valuable, even for those with prior teaching experience. We have found that this program is also an effective way to engage faculty members in the teaching aspects of students’ professional development.  相似文献   

现代教育正面临着改革的时代,教育模式、教育思想都在进行着全方位的改革,新课程为教学改革提供了一个崭新的“平台”,同时也对教学改革提出了全新的要求———教学要有实质性、全方位的改变。新课程强调:教学是教与学的交往、互动,师生双方相互交流、相互沟通,实现教学相长和共同发展。下面,就谈谈本人对物理教学改革的一些看法:1重视人文精神,促进学生主动地,富有个性地学习。人文精神认为:人本身是一个一个活生生的丰富多彩的生命。它要求尊重人的需要、情感,并有高尚的道德情操和欣赏美、创造美的能力。它要求关怀人性的终极意义,培养健…  相似文献   

作为当今世界不可逆转的趋势,知识经济的全球化推动了高等教育国际化的进程,而国际化教育的主要目的是培养国际化应用型人才,实现国际教育资源与人才资源的共享。适应国际化教育需要,结合我校区国际化联合办学的实际,在总结校区多年办学经验的基础上,从实验教材、师资、实践课程建设和实践技能培训等方面对国际化应用型人才的实践教学模式进行了探索和研究,并就其国际化实践教学效果进行了分析与总结。  相似文献   

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