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Cognitive load theory has been concerned primarily with techniques that will facilitate the acquisition by students of knowledge previously generated by others and deemed to be important by society. The initial generation of that knowledge, a creative process, has been largely ignored. The recent expansion of cognitive load theory’s cognitive architectural base to incorporate evolutionary biological principles has opened the possibility of using the theory to consider the generation of knowledge as well as its transmission. It has been suggested that the logical base that underlies evolution by natural selection also underlies human cognitive architecture. The purpose of evolutionary theory is to explain the creation of new biological entities and processes. If human cognitive architecture is organized around the same principles, it should analogically be possible to explain knowledge generation. This paper will outline the relevant theoretical machinery, indicate data that support the theory, and indicate instructional procedures that, based on the theory, should facilitate creativity.  相似文献   

According to cognitive load theory (CLT), the limitations of working memory (WM) in the learning of new tasks together with its ability to cooperate with an unlimited long-term memory (LTM) for familiar tasks enable human beings to deal effectively with complex problems and acquire highly complex knowledge and skills. With regard to WM, CLT has focused to a large extent on learning task characteristics, and to a lesser extent on learner characteristics to manage WM load and optimize learning through instructional design. With regard to LTM, explanations of human learning and cognition have mainly focused on domain-general skills, instead of domain-specific knowledge held in LTM. The contributions to this special issue provide a broader cognitive load view on the role of memory in learning and education by presenting the historical roots and conceptual development of the concept of WM, as well as the theoretical and practical implications of current debates about WM mechanisms (Cowan 2014), by presenting an updated model of cognitive load in which the physical learning environment is considered a distinct causal factor for WM load (Choi et al. 2014), by an experimental demonstration of the effects of persistent pain on the available WM resources for learning (Smith and Ayres 2014), and by using aspects of evolutionary educational psychology to argue for the primacy of domain-specific knowledge in human cognition (Tricot and Sweller 2014).  相似文献   

Evolution by natural selection may becharacterized as a system in which a largestore of genetic information will persistindefinitely while it remains coordinated withits environment but will continuously producesmall random variations that are tested forenvironmental effectiveness. In anyenvironment, effective variations will persistwhile ineffective variations will disappear.Similarly, human cognitive architectureincludes a large store of information held inlong-term memory that coordinates our cognitiveactivities. A very limited working memory teststhe effectiveness of small variations tolong-term memory with effective variationsaltering long-term memory while ineffectivevariations are lost. Both an existing geneticcode and information in long-term memoryprovide a central executive that guidesbehaviour. Such a central executive isunavailable when an environment alters or whenworking memory must be used to deal with novelinformation. A major function of instructionaldesign is to provide the otherwise missingstructure of a central executive when dealingwith novel information and to reduce thatstructural support as knowledge accumulates inlong-term memory. Cognitive load theory bothprovides instructional design principles thatwould be difficult to devise without itsparticular view of human cognitive architectureand throws further light on that architecture.  相似文献   

进化心理学的诞生,特别是进化教育心理学与进化发展心理学的发展,为解释当前教育问题和教育现象提供了新的视角。进化理论把人类知识分为生物初级知识和生物次级知识,重新诠释了教育,特别是学校教育存在的必要性和价值;进化发展心理学对"发展"概念的独到诠释,给当前盛行的"超前教育"以警示;进化理念下对不同知识类型儿童学习方式的区分,启发教育工作者重新认识接受学习的价值;学习动机偏差理论解释了为什么大多数学生不喜欢学习,也启发教育者重新审视外部动机激发的意义;进化理念下的性别差异解释了当前教育领域中常见的性别学习偏好,也给教育教学提供了重要的启迪;进化心理学对几种儿童"问题行为"的全新阐释为今后教育提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Cognitive load theory has been designed to provide guidelines intended to assist in the presentation of information in a manner that encourages learner activities that optimize intellectual performance. The theory assumes a limited capacity working memory that includes partially independent subcomponents to deal with auditory/verbal material and visual/2- or 3-dimensional information as well as an effectively unlimited long-term memory, holding schemas that vary in their degree of automation. These structures and functions of human cognitive architecture have been used to design a variety of novel instructional procedures based on the assumption that working memory load should be reduced and schema construction encouraged. This paper reviews the theory and the instructional designs generated by it.  相似文献   

The development of flexible, transferable problem-solving skills is an important aim of contemporary educational systems. Since processing limitations of our mind represent a major factor influencing any meaningful learning, the acquisition of flexible problem-solving skills needs to be based on known characteristics of our cognitive architecture in order to be effective and efficient. This paper takes a closer look at the processes involved in the acquisition of flexible problem-solving skills within a cognitive load framework. It concludes that (1) cognitive load theory can benefit from putting more emphasis on generalized knowledge structures; (2) there are tradeoffs between generality and power with respect to specific versus generalized knowledge structures; (3) generalized knowledge structures of “medium” generality are essential for flexible expertise; and (4) cognitive load theory could provide a valuable framework for considering essential attributes of flexible expertise.  相似文献   

Depletion of limited working memory resources may occur following extensive mental effort resulting in decreased performance compared to conditions requiring less extensive mental effort. This “depletion effect” can be incorporated into cognitive load theory that is concerned with using the properties of human cognitive architecture, especially working memory, when designing instruction. Two experiments were carried out on the spacing effect that occurs when learning that is spaced by temporal gaps between learning episodes is superior to identical, massed learning with no gaps between learning episodes. Using primary school students learning mathematics, it was found that students obtained lower scores on a working memory capacity test (Experiments 1 and 2) and higher ratings of cognitive load (Experiment 2) after massed than after spaced practice. The reduction in working memory capacity may be attributed to working memory resource depletion following the relatively prolonged mental effort associated with massed compared to spaced practice. An expansion of cognitive load theory to incorporate working memory resource depletion along with instructional design implications, including the spacing effect, is discussed.  相似文献   

The focus of this special issue is on the cognitive load underlying processes of interactive knowledge construction in a wide range of instructional multimedia platforms. Multimedia comprehension involves the parallel processing of auditory–verbal and visual–pictorial channels within working memory. By means of integrating multimodal information, students are able to acquire new knowledge. However, the processes of knowledge construction may be dependent on the load a task imposes on the learner's cognitive system. Such cognitive load is determined by prior knowledge, motivation, and processing strategies on the part of the learner as well as on task demands. Other critical factors that should be explored are goal adoption and perspective taking, effects of interactive animation, environmental support, and possibilities of collaboration.  相似文献   

马库斯关于自我图式、可能自我、工作的自我概念等观点形成了自我的社会认知理论。自我图式是个体对源于过去经验的自我的认知类化,能够组织和引导个体与自我有关的信息加工过程。可能自我代表了个体可能成为的、喜欢成为的、担心成为的自我,它具有联系自我认知与动机、与自我情感的重要作用。工作的自我概念是在当前的思维和记忆中处于活跃状态的自我概念。马库斯及其同事的跨文化研究表明,文化与人格是相互建构的。  相似文献   

工作记忆与算术认知的研究现状与前瞻   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工作记忆是当今认知心理学研究的一个重要领域。它是一种记忆系统,用于有限容量信息的暂时性储存和加工,在许多复杂的认知活动中起作用,如算术认知等。工作记忆的各成分对个体的算术认知所起的作用不同。目前工作记忆与算术认知研究的新趋势主要集中在采用“纯”干扰中央执行功能的任务研究工作记忆与算术认知的关系、工作记忆在各种算术运算中的作用、工作记忆与算术认知策略的关系等方面。  相似文献   

20世纪70、80年代诞生的认知语言学对传统的生成主义理论提出强有力的挑战。基于语言生成论的主要缺陷,从儿童母语习得、新词新语及新的语言构式的产生等方面可以探得语法系统的认知理据。新的认知视角能够对语言的产生、进化、产出与识解提供了更好的解释。  相似文献   

第二语言习得是一个复杂的心理认知过程。研究发生在语言学习者身上的习得过程,是目前语言学和认知心理学着重研究的课题。第二语言习得理论认为,语言习得的过程是“输入-中央处理-输出”的过程,其间“注意”和“记忆”起了十分重要的作用。结合语言学习实践,怎样解决教和学的过程中的问题,仍是人们关注的问题。  相似文献   

It is usually assumed that successful problemsolving in knowledge-rich domains depends onthe availability of abstract problem-typeschemas whose acquisition can be supported bypresenting students with worked examples.Conventionally designed worked examples oftenfocus on information that is related to themain components of problem-type schemas, namelyon information related to problem-categorymembership, structural task features, andcategory-specific solution procedures. However,studying these examples might be cognitivelydemanding because it requires learners tosimultaneously hold active a substantial amountof information in working memory. In ourresearch, we try to reduce intrinsic cognitiveload in example-based learning by shifting thelevel of presenting and explaining solutionprocedures from a `molar' view – that focuseson problem categories and their associatedoverall solution procedures – to a more`modular' view where complex solutions arebroken down into smaller meaningful solutionelements that can be conveyed separately. Wereview findings from five of our own studiesthat yield evidence for the fact thatprocessing modular examples is associated witha lower degree of intrinsic cognitive load andthus, improves learning.  相似文献   

This concluding paper summarizes the main points and recommendations of the previous papers in this Special issue within a conceptual framework of cognitive load theory. Design of efficient interactive learning environments should take into account main features and limitations of our cognitive architecture. The paper provides a brief overview of this architecture and sources of cognitive load, considers their instructional implications for interactive e-learning environments, and analyzes methods for managing cognitive load and enhancing instructional efficiency of such environments.  相似文献   

Cognitive load theorists Paul Kirschner, John Sweller and Richard Clark argue that an array of inquiry-based pedagogies widely promoted in teacher preparation programmes are out of step with current cognitive science and should be eliminated for novice learners. According to these cognitive load theorists, inquiry-based pedagogies are likely to increase achievement gaps between the lowest and highest achieving students while reducing total learning. On almost any theory of justice in educational provision, an educational practice that results in the acquisition of fewer total educational goods by students and greater inequality in the distribution of goods will be considered unjust. I argue that inquiry-based pedagogies can be defended, even for novice learners, not as means to other goods but as embodiments of the least controversial liberal-democratic educational ends. I claim that once understood as part of the ends of liberal democratic education, inquiry-based pedagogies cannot be rightly eliminated from educational pathways. In addition, I argue that by interpreting cognitive load theory in light of uncontroversial liberal democratic educational ends, central claims about instructional design that are advanced by both cognitive load theorists and their opponents are either moderated or overturned. Most notably, the claim that there are no domain-general inquiry skills which need to be taught, which is advanced by cognitive load theorists against inquiry theorists, is revealed to be self-refuting. Integrating cognitive load theory into processes of liberal democratic problem-solving turns out to be a biologically secondary domain-general inquiry skill of just the sort cognitive load theorists deny exists.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the advantages of instructional formats based on cognitive load theory for elderly learners engaged in the acquisition of complex cognitive skills. A great body of research has demonstrated that cognitive aging is accompanied by a reduction of working - memory capacity, a general slowing of mental processes, and a decline of the ability to repress irrelevant information. The core idea of cognitive load theory is that working - memory capacity is limited and should therefore be managed with great care and discretion. Cognitive load theory claims that this can be achieved by minimizing the level of extraneous cognitive load, which is the portion of load that does not contribute to schema acquisition, and by maximizing the level of germane cognitive load, which directly contributes to the construction of cognitive schemata. Since instructions based on cognitive load theory deal with cognitive limitations, in that they lead to an efficient use of the available resources, it was hypothesized that they are especially effective when elderly people are involved. This idea was analyzed by means of a framework merging cognitive load theory with the aforementioned research findings concerning cognitive aging. It was concluded that cognitive load theory, enabling elderly people to acquire new complex skills, can be regarded as an essential guide for educational gerontology.  相似文献   

The present study sought to identify cognitive abilities that might distinguish Hong Kong Chinese adolescents with dyslexia and to assess how these abilities were associated with Chinese word reading, word dictation, and reading comprehension. The cognitive skills of interest were morphological awareness, visual-orthographic knowledge, rapid naming, and verbal working memory. A total of 90 junior secondary school students, 30 dyslexic, 30 chronological age controls, and 30 reading level controls was tested on a range of cognitive and literacy tasks. Dyslexic students were less competent than the control students in all cognitive and literacy measures. The regression analyses also showed that verbal working memory, rapid naming, morphological awareness, and visual-orthographic knowledge were significantly associated with literacy performance. Findings underscore the importance of these cognitive skills for Chinese literacy acquisition. Overall, this study highlights the persistent difficulties of Chinese dyslexic adolescents who seem to have multiple causes for reading and spelling difficulties.  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory (CLT) is aimed at developing training material that efficiently makes use of the available cognitive processing capacity and stimulates the learner's ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in new situations. It is claimed that CLT-based training formats meet the cognitive abilities of elderly learners particularly well. That is, cognitive aging brings about several declines of working memory, which impede the acquisition of complex cognitive skills. By making an optimal use of the ‘remaining’ cognitive resources, learning can be enhanced. For that purpose, CLT provides a promising range of training formats that have proven their effectiveness relative to conventional formats in young adults. This article presents an experimental study (N=54) aimed at the efficiency of worked examples as a substitute for conventional practice problems in training both elderly and young adults. According to CLT, studying worked examples is a more efficient means of training complex skills than solving conventional problems. As predicted, the results show that — with respect to the elderly — the efficiency of studying worked examples is higher than the efficiency of solving conventional problems in that less training time and cognitive load leads to a comparable level of performance.  相似文献   

增添理论对英语词汇教学的指导作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
增添理论是上个世纪70年代末发展起来的一个理论课题,最初主要用于认知领域的教学设计。在对知识的习得和提取过程的研究中,学们发现增添理论对于信息的建立与提取都有积极的促进作用,由此,该理论被广泛地应用于语言教学研究与实践领域。本主要从教师的“教”与学生的“学”两个方面,探讨增添理论对英语词汇教学的指导作用和启示。  相似文献   

危冠 《怀化学院学报》2011,30(1):117-118
为了促进二语听力教学,从二语听力学习者出发,对二语学习者听力困难的原因进行了分析,发现他们分辨语音的能力低,构建语义的能力都不强.要提高学习者的听力理解能力,听力教学必须根据学习者的认知心理特点,在课堂上创造条件鼓励学习者抓大意、主要内容和关键词等;扩展词汇;启发学生对词、内容和背景知识进行联想,在大脑里构成意义网络,...  相似文献   

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