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元英宗硕德八刺与丞相拜住,昭合无间,戮力同心。坚持“得天下以得民,)为本,失其心则失天下”的儒家学说,发政施仁,推行新政;整饬吏治,选贤与能,兴办学校,培育人才等,使元朝在“中统、至元之治”之后,又出现了期复中统至元之盛的“至治之政”,“四方远近,莫敢不一于正”。  相似文献   

仲长统为汉末著名思想家和政论家,其行政管理思想主要体现在:反分封的行政权力论;“政在一人”的行政体制论:以刑助德、法有变复的行政实施理论;“选用必取善士”的人事行政理论;“复井田”、提高税率的宏观经济管理思想等。  相似文献   

李斯的功过与历史教训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综观李斯一生,有功有过,功大于过。其功在于:一、谏辅秦王政,作出“天下统一”的决策;二、谏阻秦王逐客,为秦王政广揽人才;三、参与重大改革,巩固奏的统一;四、提出“上农除末,黔首是富”的经济政策和“百姓当家,则力农工”的经济思想。其过在于:一、扩大焚书事态,摧毁文化典籍;二、妒贤嫉能,谗杀韩非;三、屈从赵高,诈立胡亥,阴弑扶苏,逼死蒙恬;四、阿顺苟合,助纣为虐。李斯的功绩与罪过,具有深刻的历史教训。  相似文献   

晨读下班辅导,一学生问我:“《勾践灭吴》‘当室者死,三年释其政;支子死,三月释其政’,课本上的注释是:‘政’通‘征’,征税。这句话该怎么翻译?”当时我颇觉此问太易,便不假思索地说:“嫡长子死了,减免三年的赋税;支子死了,减免三个月的赋税。”学生又问:“课文中这一段的末尾有‘十年不收于国’又是什么意思?”顿时,我感到十分尴尬,仿佛落入圈套。因为按译文应该是:“连续十年,国家不收赋税。”这样岂不前后自相矛盾:明明上文说只有死了“当室者”或“支子”的才可“释其政”,而此处却是普遍“十年不收于国”。不过我…  相似文献   

加志 注重;特别注意。同“加意”。《松窗梦语》卷七:再补卫郡。巡抚商公荐云:“性行不凡,操持有素。莅政未久,恒加志于穷民;敷政有条,先责成于属吏。”(7,143)  相似文献   

隋世杰 《中国德育》2004,(2):44-44,48
孔子说:“导之以政,齐之以型,民免而无耻;导之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”意思是说:用法律命令去治理,用刑罚去制约,百姓即使苟免犯罪,也不知道犯罪是可耻的;用道理引导,用礼教开化,百姓不但知道廉耻,而且能够自觉地遵纪守法。这个古代的治国之道,对于我们今天“治班”仍不失其借鉴意义。  相似文献   

一、服务型政府:政治还是治政? 对于“私人领域”的管理可以称作“社会治理”或“治理社会”,属于“政治”的范畴。“公共领域”的管理主要被界定为“政府治理”或“治理政府”,属于“治政”的范畴。前者强调的是“治民”,后者强调的“治官”;前者的目的是要规范公民行为和社会组织行为,保障公民权益,防止暴民政治;后者是要规范政府(包括官员)行为,限制公共权力,防止暴政统治。  相似文献   

山风 《现代教学》2005,(10):1-1
这几日,笔者听到一个很“时髦”的概念——“课程统整”,这个词以迅雷不及掩耳之势,出现在大小报告、演讲、会议之中。有人说:“为了提升学生综合运用知识的能力,将各科的教学目标整合起来,制定新的课程计划进行教学,这就是课程统整。”有人说:“课程统整就是要把各种课程资源整合起来,开发校本课程。”还有人说:“能不能将知识点进行一番统整,提高教学效率。”甚至有人说:“课程统整就是要重新审视我们现在纷繁复杂的课程设置,进行一场课程的‘整治’。”  相似文献   

新论人文精神与科学理性:中西融合之道   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牟宗三先生就中西化的内涵区分道统、学统与政统。他认为中国化有道统而无学统与政统。但他又以为在中国化内道统即是以仁教为中心的道德政治或礼乐政治教化系统,直言之,即是儒家的思想与价值系统。在此了解下,他以为道统、政统与学统是一件事。但这些说法十分笼  相似文献   

王夫之的历史观主要由“理势相成”、“唯道是从”、“以政而治民”等几部分组成。这些历史观点,在继承中国古代唯物史观的基础上有了进一步的发展,特别是“以政而治民”的观点。不仅抛弃了法家所主张的以刑治国的观点,而且一反宋明陋儒的“德治”,主张“治统”和“道统”同时并重,要求统治者廉以洁己,慈以爱民,在礼治的前提下辅之以刑,这在中国封建社会是有进步意义的。  相似文献   

In the opening years of the 21st Century it would appear that a new development model has emerged supported by multilateral assistance groups such as the UN Group, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and various NGOs. This paper will: (a) briefly sketch the emergence of the major concepts and proposed actions which form the new model for development; (b) analyze the strategic implications for national and local educational change; and, (c) critique both the general model, and in particular, examine its limitations in planning and implementing educational reform. The analysis and critique will include an argument that the new development orthodoxy requires significant and, at times, unrealistic changes in the capacities and consequences of education programs and systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents the concept of critical flexibility as an alternative to eclecticism in instructional design. Eclecticism is often viewed as a persuasive alternative to theoretical orthodoxy (i.e., rigid use of a single perspective or process) due to the openness and flexibility it purports to offer. In contrast, the authors argue that eclecticism ignores or discourages critical reflection regarding background understanding (e.g., implicit assumptions and values) and perpetuates the lack of openness and flexibility commonly associated with orthodoxy. Critical flexibility, as an alternative to eclecticism, emphasizes an awareness of background understanding, but construes it as capable of being explicated, critically examined, adjusted in specific contexts, and refined or developed over time to facilitate increasingly flexible and effective design practices. The authors clarify the nature of critical flexibility as a general way of being involved in the design process, suggest how it helps overcome the traditional theory–practice split, and discuss several of its implications for scholarship and training.  相似文献   

Drawing on the literature this article identifies five characteristics that are frequently attributed to the doctoral student experience in the natural and physical sciences. These are then used to assist with the interpretation of qualitative data derived from a study in the earth sciences at a research‐intensive university in Australia. Case narrative is employed to synthesise three insider perspectives—a candidate and her co‐supervisors—as well as to capture the particularity of the contemporary doctoral enterprise. While similarities to the current orthodoxy can be identified in this study, it is the subtle variations and significant points of departure that reveal a higher level of complexity than is generally acknowledged.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork conducted in five alternative provision schools across three large cities in England, this article explores the relationship between young people's involvement in urban street gangs and their attitudes and behaviour in school. By applying and developing a lens of social field theory, the article highlights the ways in which gang‐involved young people navigate their way between two distinct social fields, namely that of the street gang and that of the school. Although pupil gang involvement can raise significant issues for schools, particularly around violence and educational engagement, our findings challenge the prevailing orthodoxy that depicts an entirely negative portrait of the effects of gang involvement on pupils’ attitudes and behaviour. Instead, through an analysis of interview and observational data, we argue that there is nothing inevitable about the internal logic of a gang social field permeating a school's gates. Young people involved in gangs do not typically spend their entire waking hours wedded to a ‘gang member’ identity—if they are given the opportunity to transition away from the gang social field when they enter the school gates, they will often embrace it. In short, the links between pupils’ involvement in gangs, violent behaviour in school and engagement in education are more contingent and nuanced than is suggested by the literature on gangs and schools to date.  相似文献   

This paper examines new structured attempts to address and manage emotions in the classroom. Critical analysis focuses on the broad emotional literacy agenda operating within schools, and more specifically the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme. Data are drawn on from an ethnographic study located in Behaviour Support Units in three mainstream, inner‐city comprehensives to highlight the gap between the ‘rational emotionality’ being promoted and the fraught, and often uncontainable, emotions that drive everyday school life. It is also argued that the therapeutic model underpinning SEAL activities in schools risks individualising and thereby misinterpreting socially and culturally embedded difference, pathologising particular pupils in the process.  相似文献   

Specialists with international influence have been advocating in an uncompromising manner the policy of including all children with special educational needs (SEN) in regular schools and classrooms. The endorsement of this policy by an internationally agreed convention implies that it is universally applicable. This paper, however, questions the relevance of this orthodoxy to the educational systems of low‐income countries and argues that the latter cannot easily progress from a situation of virtually no educational provision for disabilities straight to one of fully integrated provision. The paper examines an inclusion policy in Lesotho, a low‐income country, which began with ambitious goals but largely failed to meet the needs of children with disabilities. It then outlines an alternative strategy for that context. A phase of development in which there is considerable use of specialised facilities and selected schools is seen as necessary if more children with disabilities are to have meaningful opportunities for learning.  相似文献   

略论唐传奇对正统文化的背离与修补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐传奇冲决史传传统的束缚,完成中国古典小说文体独立的历程(无其名而有其实),可以见出它对正统文化某种程度之背离。这种背离,不仅体现在它的“作意好奇”、“尽设幻语”方面,而且在于它的描写题材及人物的新变、文学创作方法的自觉实践和文化功能的转换上。由此而在实际上修补了正统文化禁锢、压抑人性,限制文学独立发展的缺陷。  相似文献   

In the last decade, the Reflect approach—an alternative to the ‘great divide’ theory of literacy—has gained wider currency in developing countries because of its ability to deal with social, cultural and political issues by placing the identification and solution of local problems in the hands of local people. In Ghana, ActionAid International Ghana (AAIG) has supported Reflect in the Upper East, Northern, Upper West, Brong Ahafo and Greater Accra regions. An evaluation of the literacy circles showed that whilst women’s self‐efficacy had increased since joining the literacy circles, the progression from personal to community empowerment has been very slow as communities still perceive AAIG as the ‘donor’ and the communities as ‘recipients’ of funds, rather than become empowered to demand accountability from district assemblies for development projects. Fewer opportunities have been created by communities to facilitate wider socio‐economic change where they could use the PRA as a tool to assert their right to development.  相似文献   

Experimental intervention studies constitute the current dominant research designs in the autism education field. Such designs are based on a ‘knowledge‐transfer’ model of evidence‐based practice in which research is conducted by researchers, and is then ‘transferred’ to practitioners to enable them to implement evidence‐based interventions. While these research designs contribute important knowledge, they lead to a gap between what the research evidence may prescribe and what happens in practice, with a concomitant disparity between the priorities of researchers and practitioners. This paper discusses findings from the ESRC‐funded ‘SHAPE’ project, which adopted a different model of evidence‐based practice, focusing on knowledge co‐construction. Pupils (= 8), teachers (= 10), a speech and language therapist and a parent in three different school communities investigated creative ways in which children's social communication skills could be enhanced through technology use. Through a participatory methodology, digital stories were used as a method to enable engagement with the practical realities of the classroom and empower practitioners to construct and share their own authentic narratives. Participants articulated precise knowledge about the learning opportunities afforded to them and their pupils through quality interactions that were mediated by the technologies, as evidenced through digital stories. The SHAPE project shows that it is feasible to develop methodologies that enable genuine knowledge co‐construction with school practitioners, parents and pupils. Such co‐construction could offer realistic opportunities for pedagogical emancipation and innovation in evidence‐based practice as an alternative to the currently dominant and narrow model of knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

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