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This paper presents an easy-to-use, power-free, and modular pump for portable microfluidic applications. The pump module is a degassed particle desorption polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) slab with an integrated mesh-shaped chamber, which can be attached on the outlet port of microfluidic device to absorb the air in the microfluidic system and then to create a negative pressure for driving fluid. Different from the existing monolithic degassed PDMS pumps that are generally restricted to limited pumping capacity and are only compatible with PDMS-based microfluidic devices, this pump can offer various possible configures of pumping power by varying the geometries of the pump or by combining different pump modules and can also be employed in any material microfluidic devices. The key advantage of this pump is that its operation only requires the user to place the degassed PDMS slab on the outlet ports of microfluidic devices. To help design pumps with a suitable pumping performance, the effect of pump module geometry on its pumping capacity is also investigated. The results indicate that the performance of the degassed PDMS pump is strongly dependent on the surface area of the pump chamber, the exposure area and the volume of the PDMS pump slab. In addition, the initial volume of air in the closed microfluidic system and the cross-linking degree of PDMS also affect the performance of the degassed PDMS pump. Finally, we demonstrated the utility of this modular pumping method by applying it to a glass-based microfluidic device and a PDMS-based protein crystallization microfluidic device.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of electrokinetic transport in single nanopores integrated into vertically stacked three-dimensional hybrid microfluidic∕nanofluidic structures. In these devices, single nanopores, created by focused ion beam (FIB) milling in thin polymer films, provide fluidic connection between two vertically separated, perpendicular microfluidic channels. Experiments address both systems in which the nanoporous membrane is composed of the same (homojunction) or different (heterojunction) polymer as the microfluidic channels. These devices are then used to study the electrokinetic transport properties of synthetic (i.e., polystyrene sulfonate and polyallylamine) and biological (i.e., DNA) polyelectrolytes across these nanopores using both electrical current measurements and confocal microscopy. Both optical and electrical measurements indicate that electro-osmotic transport is predominant over electrophoresis in single nanopores with d>180 nm, consistent with results obtained under similar conditions for nanocapillary array membranes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new “twisted” 3D microfluidic mixer fabricated by a laser writing/microfabrication technique. Effective and efficient mixing using the twisted micromixers can be obtained by combining two general chaotic mixing mechanisms: splitting/recombining and chaotic advection. The lamination of mixer units provides the splitting and recombination mechanism when the quadrant of circles is arranged in a two-layered serial arrangement of mixing units. The overall 3D path of the microchannel introduces the advection. An experimental investigation using chemical solutions revealed that these novel 3D passive microfluidic mixers were stable and could be operated at a wide range of flow rates. This micromixer finds application in the manipulation of tiny volumes of liquids that are crucial in diagnostics. The mixing performance was evaluated by dye visualization, and using a pH test that determined the chemical reaction of the solutions. A comparison of the tornado-mixer with this twisted micromixer was made to evaluate the efficiency of mixing. The efficiency of mixing was calculated within the channel by acquiring intensities using ImageJ software. Results suggested that efficient mixing can be obtained when more than 3 units were consecutively placed. The geometry of the device, which has a length of 30 mm, enables the device to be integrated with micro total analysis systems and other lab-on-chip devices.  相似文献   

We present an integrated microfluidic chip for detection of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides. Aβ peptides are major biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer''s disease (AD) in its early stages. This microfluidic device consists of three main parts: (1) An immunocapture microcolumn based on self-assembled magnetic beads coated with antibodies specific to Aβ peptides, (2) a nano-porous membrane made of photopolymerized hydrogel for preconcentration, and (3) a microchip electrophoresis (MCE) channel with fluorescent detection. Sub-milliliter sample volume is either mixed off-chip with antibody coated magnetic beads and injected into the device or is injected into an already self-assembled column of magnetic beads in the microchannel. The captured peptides on the beads are then electrokinetically eluted and re-concentrated onto the nano-membrane in a few nano-liters. By integrating the nano-membrane, total assay time was reduced and also off-chip re-concentration or buffer exchange steps were not needed. Finally, the concentrated peptides in the chip are separated by electrophoresis in a polymer-based matrix. The device was applied to the capture and MCE analysis of differently truncated peptides Aβ (1–37, 1–39, 1–40, and 1–42) and was able to detect as low as 25 ng of synthetic Aβ peptides spiked in undiluted cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The device was also tested with CSF samples from healthy donors. CSF samples were fluorescently labelled and pre-mixed with the magnetic beads and injected into the device. The results indicated that Aβ1-40, an important biomarker for distinguishing patients with frontotemporal lobe dementia from controls and AD patients, was detectable. Although the sensitivity of this device is not yet enough to detect all Aβ subtypes in CSF, this is the first report on an integrated or semi-integrated device for capturing and analyzing of differently truncated Aβ peptides. The method is less demanding and faster than the conventional Western blotting method currently used for research.  相似文献   

The stability and stabilization conditions of the nonlinear system in Takagi–Sugeno's form are considered. The homogeneously polynomially nonquadratic (HPNQ) Lyapunov functions and homogeneously polynomially parameterized (HPP) state feedback laws are adopted. By generalizing the procedure based on the Polya's theorem, the asymptotically necessary and sufficient (ANS) stability and stabilization conditions in the case of HPNQ Lyapunov functions and HPP control laws are reformulated. The major contribution of this paper is to give the parallel results using the multiple indices, so that the slack matrices can be extensively utilized to improve the numerical efficiency. The effectiveness of the results is illustrated by the numerical examples.  相似文献   

A framework consisting of a conceptual model and a closed-loop knowledge work outsourcing decision model is developed. A process flow model of a medical device company's product development function is analysed, where this framework is applied to understand various outsourcing options for the company. The conceptual framework describes major attributes related to outsourcing decisions, parameters associated with various attributes and the relationship intensity of parameters with three knowledge work outsourcing options – in-house, near-shoring, and off-shoring. The proposed model is closed loop, emphasizing the importance of regular re-evaluation needed for an off-shored function. The modeling framework contributes to a company's decision whether or not a particular knowledge-based function should either be kept in-house, near-sourced or off-shored. The general perception of off-shoring is to reduce costs but, the proposed model takes into account additional factors such as, market accessibility, strategic partnership, reduced time to regional market, access to overseas talent pool, and governmental incentives, etc. These factors play a vital role in determining an outsourced function. The paper discusses various options and makes recommendations for tapping into technological advancements around the world, their effects on supply chain management and other competitive advantages presented by off-shoring.  相似文献   

The linear logarithmic relations between deformation and temperature and pressure, previously empirical, have been directly derived from the defining equations for compressibility and thermal expansivity and shown to apply to all three stages of every deformation.Gibbs' thermodynamic potential function is shown to lead directly to simple and exact expressions for the energy of change of phase and of deformation within any one phase. The latter, a general equation of state, amounts to a simple relation between the four internal pressures.The derived deformation and energy functions are applied to some experimental data on steel tape which included thermal and relaxation observations.Thermodynamic relations governing both elastic and viscous behavior are developed. Plastic behavior involves both single phase and multiple phase applications of the second law. Precise thermal measurements should give the constants.  相似文献   

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