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Although often viewed as burdensome, academic writing guidelines are rarely treated as actively problematic. Even progressive scholars are unlikely to challenge the cultural assumptions or political investments of academic style guides. Yet standards regarding clarity, precision, appropriateness, sensitivity, and objectivity are not politically innocent. In codifying formal guidelines for the presentation of research, academic style manuals reflect and reinscribe the racialized and gendered (among other) power relations characteristic of the academy. Drawing on critical race feminism and whiteness theories, this paper considers how scholarly investments in whiteness and patriarchy organize the influential APA writing guidelines. The present analysis refers specifically to the APA Manual , but similar analyses might apply to aspects of the Chicago and MLA manuals and the Bluebook , among other style guides.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality (VR) technology seems to offer the opportunity of designing 3D worlds and navigation activities which provide settings that are close to children's everyday experiences, capitalising on their enthusiasm for videogame-like technologies.This paper describes how different types of exploration of a VR scene by 6[emsp4 ]y-old children affected their performance in a series of spatial tasks. Individual children explored a desktop virtual world where we varied both the visual perspective on the VR scene (route vs. survey view) and the level of exploration control (active vs. passive movement). We measured children's knowledge of the spatial layout of the environment through their memory of objects' location in the virtual scene and through the analysis of their wayfinding abilities within the scene.The results indicate that children were able to develop and display different levels of allocentric knowledge about the virtual world depending on the way they had familiarized with it and on the characteristics of the task demands. This finding contributes to inform the design of VR technologies aimed at supporting or evaluating spatial abilities in children of this age.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors critically synthesize how Critical Race Theory (CRT) as an emerging field of inquiry has been used as a tool of critique and analysis in K-12 education research. The authors point out that CRT has been used as a framework for examining: persistent racial inequities in education, qualitative research methods, pedagogy and practice, the schooling experiences of marginalized students of color, and the efficacy of race-conscious education policy. The authors explore how these studies have changed the nature of education research and stress the need for further research that critically interrogates race and racism in education.Marvin Lynn is an Assistant Professor of Department of Curriculum & Instruction in University of Maryland, College Park. He completed his B.S., at DePaul University, Chicago, IL, M.A. at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY and Ph.D. at University of California, Los Angeles. He has published articles in the area of Critical Race Theory and education and critical race pedagogy. He has also written a number of articles that explore the work and lives of Black male teachers.Laurence Parker is Professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies in University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He completed his B.A., at Earlham College, Richmond, IN, M.A. and Ph.D. in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His current research examines Critical Race Theory and its connection to educational research, policy and practice in the k-12 and post-secondary settings. His research also examines social justice perspectives in educational administration, leadership and policy, particularly with respect to race and social class  相似文献   

Science & Education - Researchers have raised concerns about teachers’ ability to embed nature of science (NOS) in their science instruction, a complicated situation that is certainly...  相似文献   

对于《日出》和《恭顺的妓女》这两个剧作,评论家大都从陈白露和丽瑟这两个妓女形象为引言展开对于当时整个国家社会政治的讨论。而实际上就这两个形象本身而言,体现着女性的社会存在状态。而女性在男权社会中是否拥有自由选择的权利无疑成为了女性生存境遇的一种检验手段。但是从陈白露与丽瑟的经历来看,女性的自由选择不仅遭遇着以金钱、权力形式出现的显性束缚,更被囚禁于先验的道德价值原则与行为规范之中。  相似文献   

This literary analysis examines constructions of normalcy and disability within contemporary young adult literature, including Jerk, California (Friesen, 2008), Marcelo in the Real World (Stork, 2009), and Five Flavors of Dumb (John, 2010). As recent winners of the Schneider Family Book Award from the American Library Association, these novels offer complex and realistic portrayals of characters with disabilities. Drawing on critical discourse analysis, this paper explores how identity, agency, and power shape the novels’ plots and themes. The growing prevalence of characters with disabilities in young adult literature offers an opportunity for students to consider how disability is constructed in society and represented in literary works. By taking a critical approach to literary analysis, teachers can emphasize social justice within the English curriculum.  相似文献   

At a 5-day summer camp designed for middle-school girls (N = 50), fifth through ninth-grade students were able to identify with individual scientists and learn more about the science field. Data from the girls’ journals, pictorial representations, and field notes demonstrated that these young women related to scientists who actively engaged them in hands-on, problem-based activities and had a sense of humor while doing so. Girls closely identified with science fields that offer an opportunity for travel and for interaction with animals. In addition, it is evident that the girls’ personal and social interactions shaped their perceptions of scientists and helped them internalize their experiences as members of a science community in relation to their overall science identities.  相似文献   

The creative and flexible use of symbols is a unique human ability. In order to use a symbol, one must understand the basic relation between the symbol and what it represents. How do young children come to appreciate such relations? One possibility is that insight into one symbolic relation helps children appreciate different ones. The 3 studies presented here support this possibility. In Experiments 1 and 2, both 2.5- and 3.0-year-old children showed transfer from an easy task that required appreciation of a model-room symbolic relation to a more difficult one, one that children their age typically do not appreciate. In Experiment 3, 2.5-year-olds showed transfer between symbol types: Experience with a model-room relation helped them appreciate a map-room relation. These transfer effects are consistent with the claim that early experience with symbolic relations contributes to symbolic sensitivity, a basic readiness to recognize that one object or event may stand for another.  相似文献   

在翻译相同原著过程中,中国女翻译家和中国男翻译家有着不同的创作方式.中国女翻译家受西方女性主义的影响,用女性的视角,凭借女性的亲身体验,重塑真实女性形象,在她们的译著中体现女性意识的萌芽.  相似文献   

美国的种族批判法学是20世纪80年代后期从批判法律研究运动中分离出来的一股新的法学思潮。种族批判法学的后现代性主要体现在其法律实体观和法学方法论两个方面。具体说来,体现在种族批判法学概念的多元性、种族批判法学对法律中立性的质疑以及种族批判法学的方法论等几个方面。  相似文献   

女大学生要真正成为新时代的知识女性,成为未来社会实践的主体,就必须具备现代女性意识。本文介绍了女性主义思想,指出女性主义视野下女大学生女性意识的缺失,并主张培养当代女大学生的现代女性意识。  相似文献   

青少年运动员中长跑应以"短"促"长","短""长"相结合,这是青少年中长跑训练的突出特点.只注重跑量与注重持续跑的距离训练方法,既不符合青少年的生长发育规律,也违背现代中长跑的训练理论.应该清楚地认识到:现代中长跑比赛实践中无氧功能的比例越来越大,激烈的比赛实践对运动员的速度能力要求越来越高.文章结合教学训练中的实际情况,分析了青少年的训练特点,并对其训练的方法手段及措施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

从女权主义的角度解读莎士比亚的女性形象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
威廉·莎士比亚在世界文学史上起着极其重要的作用,他的作品长期以来倍受人们关注。本文主要从女权主义的角度分析其笔下的女性人物形象。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,美国阶级斗争相对缓和,种族问题日渐显现出来.在此背景下,美国教育理论界应运而生出教育批判种族理论.本文通过文献分析,从概念、起源与发展历程、主要观点等角度对这一理论进行深入探讨与评价.  相似文献   

批评话语分析旨在通过分析语言特征及其生成的社会文化背景发掘隐含于语言中的意识形态,进而揭露语言、权势和意识形态之间的复杂关系。以gos.sbc.edu网站的20篇女性政治人物演讲为语料,拟用批评话语分析方法,从人称代词、情态、和及物性三方面对语料进行公众,探究女性政治家演讲的特点及与男性政客演讲的异同。  相似文献   

郧阳师专在校女大学生女性观调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郧阳师专2003年在校生中女生占53.5%。课题组于2003年3月对我校女大学生进行了一项有关女性观的问卷调查.旨在了解我校女大学生的性别观念状况,掌握第一手详实数据.为进一步深入探讨提高女大学生的主体意识、增强可持续性发展意识和能力的策略和方法打下基础。调查结果显示.我校女大学生的女性观总体状况良好,具有较为先进的法律意识、自主意识和就业观念,但是在参政意识、女性角色定位、家庭婚姻、两性观念、生育健康观念等方面相对保守、滞后。  相似文献   

In 2 studies, we address young children's understanding of the origin and representational relations of imagination, a fictional mental state, and contrast this with their understanding of knowledge, an epistemic mental state. In the first study, 54 3- and 4-year-old children received 2 tasks to assess their understanding of origins, and 4 stories to assess their understanding of representational relations. Children of both ages understood that, whereas perception is necessary for knowledge, it is irrelevant for imagination. Results for children's understanding of representational relations revealed intriguing developmental differences. Although children understood that knowledge represents reality more truthfully than imagination, 3-year-olds often claimed that imagination reflected reality. The second study provided additional evidence that younger 3-year-olds judge that imaginary representations truthfully reflect reality. We propose that children's responses indicate an early understanding of the distinction between mental states and the world, but also a confusion regarding the extent to which mental contents represent the physical world.  相似文献   

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