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朱子的治《诗》理念可以从治《诗》宗旨、立场和原则三个方面来观照。朱子的治《诗》宗旨可归纳为三个方面:一是试图回归圣贤本意;二是遍采群言,熔铸新篇;三是指导为人为学,以便学者切己体察。朱子治《诗》,持经学立场,但又兼顾文学立场,以经学立场凌驾于文学立场之上。朱子的治《诗》原则可以概括为:一、严别经传,以《诗》言《诗》;二、由训诂求义理,二者兼顾;三、简洁;四、多闻阙疑。  相似文献   

东晋哲理化诗歌可分为三个不同层次:一是以诗演理的理语诗,二是缘理赋诗的理境诗,三是引思入诗的理趣诗。哲理化在诗歌中表现的层次不同,其艺术价值和对诗歌发展所产生的影响也各不相同。因此,在研究中对它们应加以区分。  相似文献   

清初王士祯标举神韵,通过细读其论诗之语,可以将其神韵说的要义提炼为三个层面:第一个层面是诗之美是传神与余韵的结合,第二个层面是诗之境是禅境与诗境的融通,第三个层面是诗之作是兴会与性情的共鸣。由此可以为神韵说建立一个包括作者、作品、读者、世界这四要素在内的基本理论框架。  相似文献   

英国文艺复兴时期是阳性诗的时代.阳性诗有三个特点: 纵欲、浪漫和非理性.对中世纪宗教禁欲的极端反抗是英国文艺复兴时期阳性诗产生的时代原因.  相似文献   

初中生阅读古诗的心理流程,一般经历感知理解语言文字、形成意象、体会情感三个阶段。因此阅读古诗,首先要接受诗的信息,感知语言文字,理解词句意思;二是要在理解字面意思的基础上展开想象,领会意境;三是要探究诗的言外之意,体会诗所蕴寓的思想感情。这三个阶段,是体现理解古诗的三个层次,现代中学生接触诗词少,而接触古诗更少,因此,诵读理解古诗的三个阶段都有可能产生心理障碍。只有克服心理障碍,才能从低级向高级阶段发展,真正读懂古诗。  相似文献   

本文从三个方面对《诗经》中的思妇诗进行了探讨。一,关于解《诗》的方法与难点。作者认为,强《诗》就经或以《诗》为史的说诗,不失之固即失之妄,应以《诗》为诗,按诗歌的艺术规律去解诗。“诗三百”中不少篇什旨归难求,除文字障碍外还在于比兴义难于把握。二,思妇诗所表现的思妇之苦集中于三个方面:(一)相思与被弃忧恨交加;(二)夫妻长期分离造成性饥渴;(三)丈夫追求功名与爱情的矛盾。三,思妇诗的艺术成就在下述三个方面十分突出:(一)“透过一层”,曲而愈深,(二)情景交融,真情实境,(三)从对面着笔,表现深情。  相似文献   

宋代的集杜诗经历了三个发展阶段,三个阶段各具特征。北宋中期是宋代集杜诗发展的第一个阶段,王安石在他的集句诗中大量使用杜诗,黄庭坚的集句诗也多使用杜诗。这个时期集杜诗的特征是在集句诗中大量使用杜甫诗句。南宋前期是宋代集杜诗发展的第二个阶段,杨万里写出了完整的集杜诗。南宋后期是宋代集杜诗发展的第三个阶段,这个阶段是宋代集杜诗的高潮期,文天祥取得了集杜诗创作的最高成就并开创了集杜诗入乐的先河。  相似文献   

小学生学习古诗,一般来说要经历感知语言、形成意象、体会情感三个阶段.学习古诗,首先要接受诗的信息,感知语言文字,理解词句意思:二是要在理解字面意思的基础上展开想象,领会意境;三是要探究诗的言外之意,体会诗里的思想感情.  相似文献   

春秋时代是个用诗的时代。赋诗、引诗和教诗是春秋时期流行的三种诗歌接受方式和运用方式。以断章取义为方法,以政治功利为最终归依的春秋用诗实践,为孔子诗说奠定了深沃的理论与历史土壤。  相似文献   

高中语文新教材第三册作为整套教材的第二阶段,内容主要是学习我国现当代文学作品、古代文学作品和外国文学作品,着重培养初步欣赏文学作品的能力。诗歌鉴赏部分占了三个单元,是极其重要的一个部分。这三个单元的鉴赏要求是由浅入深排列的,即由“初步理解意象的意义和象征的作用”——“了解四言诗、骚体诗、五言诗的节奏”——“运用联想和想象,探求诗的意境”。这几个要求看似简单,在教学中要真正落实则是非常困难的。因为诗的语言是非常精练的,一句诗甚或一个字都有丰  相似文献   

In this paper a conceptual model of instruction “the six mirrors of the classroom” used as a frame for teaching a learning topic, the microorganisms are depicted. The paper consists of four sections: (a) the six mirrors of the classroom model (SMC); (b) the SMC as implemented in the expository and cooperative modes of instruction in classrooms and results; (c) a “Journey of Inquiry into the Wonderful World of Microorganisms” (JIWWM), developed according to the Science–Technology–Environment–Peace–Society (STEPS) approach; and (d) teaching and learning the JIWWM, in ninth-grade classes, within the SMC model. The results show that science topic can be taught in the frame of the mirrors of the classroom. When the instructional goals of the teachers used the mirror “1, classroom organization” and mirror “6, pupils’ social behavior” and the third ring around the all six mirrors cooperative skills were practiced, academic outcomes were achieved, and attitudes toward environmental preservation and peace improved. The SMC model can serve as a valuable tool for teachers, since it can design their teaching and learning settings in a more controlled environment, in terms of objectives, teachers’ and students’ social behaviors, and academic outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper explores the formation of a political order, a constituency, during the 1938–1940 senatorial campaign of the Partido Popular Democratico in Puerto Rico. In particular it examines the constitutive force of the Catecismo del Pueblo, a small booklet in the form of questions and answers regarding the party's basic assumptions and orientations. This booklet developed a political constituency by mediating a covenantal relationship through discourse in the form of a catechism. Burke's notion of constitutional dialectics is used to explore the Catecismo's nature as constitutive, as a catechism, and as the mediator of a political covenant between the Party and the jíbaros.  相似文献   

The design of educational experiences is often mediated by historical, institutional, and social conceptions. Although these influences can initially shape the way that educational opportunities are created and implemented, this preliminary form has the potential to reorganize. In this paper, we illustrate how history shows its presence in the ways that instructors systematically arrange a technology course for urban youth. This original approach to the course inhibits youth participation. Incrementally, however, the cultural enactments of instructors and students lead to a reorganization of activity. Through highlighting history and examining the intersection of culture, we provide insight into the ways in which adolescents of color become successfully engaged in learning technology. We focus our study by asking how co-existence and the dialectic of structure and agency play a role as youth develop an identity as a technology user. Further, this emergent learning design affords outsiders a unique view of the educational and contextual experiences of these youth. Our illustration of how history, enacted culture and identity mediate the emergent learning design stems from a grounded theory approach to analyzing video, interview and artifact data in this after-school technology course.
Donna DeGennaroEmail:

Donna DeGennaro   is an assistant professor at Montclair State University in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching. She earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Susquehanna University, a master’s degree in educational technology from Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, PA and a PhD in Educational Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests center on youth technology practices and interactions to inform innovative designs of learning environments. Tiffany L. Brown   is an assistant professor in the Family and Child Studies Department of Montclair State University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychobiology and a master’s degree in social science, both from Binghamton University in Binghamton, NY and a PhD in child and family studies from Syracuse University, located in Syracuse NY. Areas of research include African American parenting and African American adolescent functioning and development.  相似文献   


The Gülen Movement, a global network and religious community revolving the Turkish Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, has become a topic of political discourses in worldwide media since the coup attempt in Turkey in 2016. Earlier, it was particularly known for its worldwide education activities. The article discusses first results of a reconstructive analysis of practices and biographies in a context of a weekly religious sohbet (conversation circle) for male university students within the DFG-financed project Pedagogy of the ‘Gülen Movement’ (2016–2019). The Islamic culture of education inside the sohbet can be understood in the context of ongoing educational inequalities of Turkish-Muslim students in the German migration-society. Against this background, in Germany, Gülen Movement’s idea of education hizmet comes along with certain religious practices and subjectifications, which aim to enable young Turkish Muslims taking a recognised standing in society.  相似文献   

Using a global–local dialectic approach, this paper traces the rise of the basic education programme in the 1980s and 1990s in Botswana and its subsequent attenuation in the 2000s. Amongst the local forces that led to the rise of BEP were Botswana's political project of nation-building; the country's dire human resources situation in the decades following Independence in 1966; and its propitious economic climate in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Global forces included the global circulation of the World Bank's educational discourse on the primacy of primary education as a public ‘investment’ option and Botswana's desire to be a member of the influential transnational social structure. BEP's attenuation can similarly be traced back to both local and global forces. Local forces included the growth of youth unemployment, and a sluggish economy. Global forces included the globalization of neo-liberalism which called for cost-sharing/recovery measures, and, ironically, Botswana's ‘promotion’ to a ‘middle income status’ country. While conceptually the attenuation represents a case of policy reversal and in some ways a sense of ‘loss’, empirically, the attenuation has not been of material consequence to access to ‘basic’ education. This is attributed to the ambiguous position (best captured by the term ‘doublethink’) the Botswana government1 has adopted in relation to the issue of school fees.  相似文献   


The meanings invested by people in any given environment—natural or built, large scale or intimate—play a crucial role in determining attitudes toward the place and eventual commitment and goals of action. The “location task” described in this article enables its users to explore their “desired” spatial organization of a place: a room, a school, a neighborhood, a park. Using their individual, social, and organizational goals and values, they attempt to develop in the spatial configuration of the place a hierarchically embedded system.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of a “lead literacy teacher” initiative in one Canadian province. This initiative is related to a “minority world” trend in teacher in-service that seeks to develop “experts” in a field with the intent that such experts can help other teachers to raise student achievement for the betterment of the economy. Using a post-colonial theoretical framework that advocates for professional development premised on teacher knowledge production, the study finds that the initiative instead forwards a “train-the-trainer” model of information transmission that negates teachers' prior knowledge, experience, and practices. The study argues that for teachers to become critically reflective in their practice, they need material supports (e.g., time) to share with one another and knowledge must be allowed to flow in all directions within the educational hierarchy.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes our analysis of the complexity of ratio problems at Grades 6 and 7, and reports a two-year experiment related to the teaching and learning of rational numbers and proportionality in these grades. Two classes were followed and observed. Part of the teaching material was common to both classes, mainly the objectives and the corpus of ratio problems in a physical context. But in one class, here called “Partial-experiment”, the learning environment was exclusively a paper-pencil one and the teacher followed his usual method in designing and conducting teaching sequences. In the other class, here called “Full-experiment”, the teaching was based on a framework, emerging from our analysis of complexity of ratio problems, involving precise guidelines and a specific computer environment. Using a pre-test and a post-test, we observed clear progress in both classes compared to a sample of “standard” pupils. Our comparative pupil-oriented study indicates more complete improvement in the “full-experiment” class, i.e., a better acquisition of fractions and their use for solving usual proportionality problems. The average pupil’s progress is greater in the “full experiment”, with the pupils who were initially high- or low-level attainers benefiting the most from the “full-experiment”.  相似文献   

Private supplementary tutoring became a widespread phenomenon in Japan during the 1960s. Since then, institutions providing tutoring known as juku have provided a wide range of services to supplement mainstream education. During decades of development, the shapes and functions of juku have changed in response to changes in schooling. Government attitudes towards juku have also shifted from rejection to collaboration, partly because juku have become so entrenched in Japanese society and can no longer be excluded from public decision-making processes. Collaboration between schools and juku is becoming increasingly evident in a series of neoliberal policy choices and socio-demographic changes. Patterns underline a government move to mobilize profit-driven juku to serve the public good. The inclusion of juku in public schooling necessitates reconceptualization of the roles of juku in the educational landscape. This article presents a conceptual framework based on an overview of the changing relationships between juku and schooling. It also identifies challenges in the collaboration, and explores implications for future relationships between mainstream and shadow education.  相似文献   

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