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耤河是渭河的重要支流之一,发源于甘谷县境内的石鼓山麓,婉蜒东流,至天水县城以西的河口入渭,全长180多华里.古城天水,就座落在耤河下游狭长的小型冲积川原上.耤河下游地区,这里系指天水市以东至河口这一段川道及南北二山的部分山地.作为耤河支流的七里墩河沟两侧及其源头,称为水家沟的一片山地,自然亦应包括在内.这里位于东经105°45′略东,北纬34°35′左右.最低处海拔约1120m(河口附近川道),最高海拔1500m以上(南山).地处北温带与亚热带之间的过渡地带,气候温和,雨量也较充沛.由  相似文献   

汪舒婷 《阅读》2008,(10):44-45
Hello, boys and girls. My name is Wang Shuting. My English name is Teresa.I'm a Chinese girl.I'm from Changshu.I'm nine.I'm short.I'm not fat.  相似文献   

My Birthday     
周心愉  陈蕾 《阅读》2006,(11):45-45
Today is myeleventh birthday.I getupearly in the m orning.A fterbreakfast,seven classm atesofm ine com e to m y house.They are Qian Yuting,BoYum eng,Zou Y uxin...Theybring m any sm all presentsto m e.They are cards,abag,and m any school★指导教师:陈蕾things.I like these presents very m uch.W e share a big birthdaycake and play m any interesting gam es together in m y room.A llofus are very happy today.难度系数:☆☆My Birthday$苏州工业园区新城花园小学五(4)班@周心愉…  相似文献   

My Family     
朱自琦 《阅读》2013,(10):43-45
Hello, everyone! I'm Wang Zhi. I'm in DaoShu Primary School. I'm in Class 3, Grade 4. I'm eleven years old. I like drawing pictures very much. I have a beautiful mother. She's a teacher.  相似文献   

L ast Sunday m y parents and I visited a farm.W e saw m any anim als there.It’s so funny that a horse wasonly six years old but it’s m uch bigger than m e.On the farmwe could see som e pigs were asleep.The geese m ade a lot ofnoise when they saw us.At feeding tim e,we fed the chickenswith corn.Then we wanted to let the ducks out of their houseand gave them their breakfast.To our surprise,we saw they hadlaid m any eggs.So we helped to collect their eggs.In the after-noon we m ilked cows.T…  相似文献   

My Bedroom     
Ihave a bedroom .Itissm allbut very nice.There is a sm allbed in m y bedroom .There is a bookshelfbe- side it.There are a lotofbooks on the bookshelf.Ilike reading books, so m y parents often buy books for m e as presents.There is also a desk beside the bookshelf. There are som e textbooks,exercise books and a dollon it.The dollis a giftfrom m y grandparents.Every evening w hen I do m y hom ew ork atthe desk ,Ifeel she is sm iling at m e and saying, “ Do your hom ew ork carefully!”M y be…  相似文献   

My Birthday     
沈佳阳  施莉娜 《阅读》2006,(1):46-46
Today is the 18th of Septem ber. It is m y birthday. There are one big birthday cake and som e birthday pre- sents on the table. They are from m y parents and m y friends. Oh,the doorbellis ring- ing. M iss Panda com es. She gives m e som e notebooks as a present. I like them very m uch.Butw ho is she? she is m ybestfriend,Gao Tianlin. Now ,allofus are singing the song“ Happy Birthday to You”.Im ake a w ish and blow out (吹灭)the candles on the cake.Let'shave the cake now . How happyI…  相似文献   

My Twin Brother     
宋子轩 《阅读》2010,(11):45-45
Hello, I'm Fan Cheng. I'm a Chinese boy. I'm eleven years old. I have many hobbies,such as watching TV, reading storybooks, playing chess and so on.  相似文献   

为探讨200m和400m个人混合泳比赛中不同的节奏策略规律,本研究选取近4届奥运会(2004,2008,2012,2016)和6届世界锦标赛(2005,2007,2009,2011,2013,2015)个人混合泳比赛前8名运动员的320项成绩为研究对象,运用Bonferroni事后检测法、皮尔逊相关性、双因素方差分析法进行统计分析.结果表明:1)在性别的对比中,200m和400m男运动员与女运动员有显著性差异,其中男运动员在自由泳和蛙泳(p<0.001)更明显.2)在等级对比中,200m与400m奖牌获得者与未获奖牌者有显著性差异,其中男子200m奖牌获得者在蝶泳、仰泳和自由泳(p<0.001),400m在蝶泳(p<0.001)更明显.3)除200m个人混合泳中的仰泳(p=0.003)以外,性别与等级的对比没有显著性差异.结论:1)对于男子奖牌获得者而言(200m和400m),仰泳与最终的时间相关性最强;女子奖牌获得者,则是仰泳(200m)和自由泳(400m).对于男子未获奖牌者(200m和400m)在蛙泳,女子(200m)在蛙泳和(400m)在自由泳上所起的作用更为明显.2)男运动员在200m和400m个人混合泳的比赛中采用的是积极加速节奏策略,女子运动员采用的是消极节奏策略.3)在个人混合泳训练中教练可以专注于采用积极加速节奏策略进行训练,尤其是在200m上,而在400m要考虑第一圈蝶泳尽可能"有氧"运动.  相似文献   

A Letter     
钱燕 《阅读》2007,(1):45-45
Friday Dear Jim,Hi,Jim!My name is Qian Yan.I’m thirteen.I’m a student in Grade Six.I want to be your penfriend. I’m beautiful and clever.I want to be an airline hostess.  相似文献   

My Family     
Ihave a good fam ily.W e all likeeach other very m uch. M y father isan engineer.H e’s funny.And he is busy,too.But if he isfree, he always com es back. W hen he com es back, we willvery happy,because he always does all the housework.Besides,he tells jokes and m akes us laugh. M y m other is a teacher.She is very kind.She can teach her students very well.I am astudent. I am helpful. I have m any friends in our school. Ilove m y fam ily.My Family$南京市琅琊路小学分校六(2)班@张煊…  相似文献   

A Nice Weekend     
Last weekend,on Saturday,I hadlessons from m orning to afternoon.In the evening,I played com puter gam es.Iwatched TV too.On Sunday m orning,I didhom ework,and I felt very tired.In the after-noon,I listened to m usic,and then playedfootball with m y friends,it was fun。I had a nice weekend.A Nice Weekend$南京市长江路小学六(3)班@顾明轩…  相似文献   

许曼然 《阅读》2014,(5):44-44
Hello! Everybody, I'm Lily. I'm nine years old. I am in Class 9, Grade 4. I'm a pretty girl. My eyes are big, but my mouth is small. I can dance,sing and play the piano. I like making bread and reading storybooks. I have a happy family. There are three people in my family.  相似文献   

My Hobbies     
褚晨瑶 《阅读》2014,(43):42-42
<正>Hi!My name is Chu Chenyao.I’m twelve years old.I’m a Chinese girl,so I can speak Chinese well.I live in Fenhu,a small town near Shanghai.I’m a student.I study at Luxu Experimental Primary School.I like English,but I cannot speak English very well.I like watching TV.I often  相似文献   

女子100 m栏发展趋势及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女子跨栏是1932年的洛杉矶奥运会上被列为奥运会项目,总距离80 m,8个栏架,栏高76.2 cm,栏间距8 m.到了60年代,女子跨栏迅速发展,因此,不可避免地引起了该项目结构的变革.1969年,由80 m栏改为100 m栏,栏高由76.2 cm提高到84 cm,栏数由8个增加到10个,栏间距由8 m提高到8.50 m.1984年,女子跨栏比赛又增设了400 m栏.综观女子跨栏项目的演化,一直是沿着由短到长(总距离和栏间距)、由低到高(栏架高度)和由女性化到男性化(跨栏技术)的道路向前发展的.演变所追求的目标是,充分表现女子的运动能力,充分体现跨栏项目的专项特征.近几年的研究重点集中到了栏高问题上.  相似文献   

My English name is KiKi. I’m elevenyears old. I wear glasses. I’m not tall, but I’mvery clever. My father is an engineer. My moth-er is an engineer, too. They take care of me.They always play with me. They love me verymuch. I love them, too. I’m from Nanjing Lixue Primary School. Isic, swimming and drawing. So I want to be amusic teacher in the future. I’m good at draw-ing. I like Miss Su. She is a beautiful Englishteacher. My favorite television programme is“Lucky 52”in CCT…  相似文献   

A Dream     
Hi, m y nam e is ZhuJiaJia. I’m an o-ceanographer(海洋研究者).NowI am swim m ing in the ocean. I see five colorful fish playinggam es beside a sunken(沉没的)ship。I im m ediately(立即)take m ycam era out。 Then a piece of bread com es down from a fishingline,and two fish com e and eat it。。H ow funny。Iwill tell m y classm ates about the ocean.“Get up, it’s tim e to get up,” M y alarmclock is shouting. Oh, it’s only a dream 。 Anice dream 。A Dream$海门市海门镇中心小学剑英兴趣班@朱…  相似文献   

给定了正整数a,m ,如何求a~n被m除所得到的余数?当(a,m)=l时,Euler定理是解决此类问题的有力工具;但是,当n及m都比较大时,往往不方便.另一方面,当(a,m)≠1时,又该怎样解决这类问题呢?本文将根据Euler定理、孙子定理和以下定理,对各种情形加以讨论.  相似文献   

通过研究低氧运动对大鼠心肌线粒体结构和功能损伤的影响,探讨线粒体的可逆与不可逆损伤的作用,为低氧训练计划的制订提供理论参考.选择3 000 m和4 000m的低氧环境,大鼠作急性低氧运动和慢性低氧训练适应,分别测定心肌线粒体超微结构、MDA、ATP的含量和游离钙的浓度.得出结论:低氧运动使线粒体氧化磷酸化效率降低,ATP合成减少,自由基生成增多,线粒体结构破坏,进而损伤心肌细胞功能.海拔4 000 m组低氧运动较3 000 m组损伤严重;经过间歇低氧训练适应后,3 000 m组有明显改善,而4 000 m组只有部分恢复.结果表明,低氧运动对心肌线粒体的损伤是否可逆与低氧环境有关.  相似文献   

It Is My Friend     
I have a lovely friend. Its fur is green, and it has two big eyes and a big mouth. It is my good friend "frog". I love it very much. It usually lies on my bed. When I finish my homework, I always play with it. It has a big belly(肚皮), it's so big that I can put a hot-water bottle in it. It always gives me warmth in winter .Ihave a lovely friend.Itsfur is green, and it has twobig eyes and a big m outh. Itis m y good friend “frog”.I love it very m uch.It usually lieson m y bed.W hen I f…  相似文献   

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