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体育比赛深受广大中小学生们喜爱,如美国的职业拳击、NBA篮球,中国的乒乓球,世界杯足球赛,奥运会等精彩的比赛场面都给人们留下了深刻的印象。目前,全世界范围内展开的各种体育比赛大约有20000多种,真可谓花样翻新,名目繁多。怎样欣赏体育比赛呢?这里仅从体育比赛成绩和获得名次的评定角度做以简单的介绍,以供参考。一、测量类(包括测试速度和测量距离两种)1.测试速度类:以通过一定距离的时间的快慢来决定体育比赛的成绩和名次。例如奥运会比赛中的径赛项目,有短跑(100米、200米、400米),中长跑(800、1500、3000、5000、…  相似文献   

一、田径在奥林匹克运动中的地位(一)田径与奥林匹克运动源远流长 奥林匹克运动的历史可追溯到公元前776年在古希腊举办的奥运会。从那时起,田径就与奥林匹克运动结下了不解之缘。据文字记载,田径是古代奥运会最早设立的竞赛项目,其场地跑为第1~14届古代奥运会的惟一竞赛项目。场地跑的距离是192.27米,后来又增加中跑和长跑,距离是192.27米的倍数。公元前708年的第18届古代奥运会开始增设五项全能,由场地跑、跳远、铁饼、标枪和摔跤组成,其中前4个项目是田径项目。公元393年罗马皇帝狄奥多西一世宣布…  相似文献   

人称1983年为“世界田径年”,看来是有道理的。这一年大部份田径世界纪录被刷新。7月3日,美国运动员卡尔文·史密斯虽然仅以0.02秒的优势打破男子100 米世界纪录,这项成绩却是一项重大成果。因为自从海因斯在1968年墨西哥奥运会上创造男子100米9秒95世界纪录以来,在整整十五年的时间内没有人能够超越它。100米赛跑在将近一个世纪里经历了漫长的演变和发展过程。在古代,短跑的距离并不固定。古希腊时,把短跑长度称为“埃斯达迪奥”,这个词后来演变  相似文献   

<正>本文是关于现代田径短跑项目特点的研究,通过文献资料研究和专家访谈等方法,从短跑技术特征、力量特征、供能特点等项目特征对短跑项目进行分析,从而了解现代田径短跑运动的项目特点,以便使运动员更好地进行体育锻炼,从而取得更好的运动成绩。1研究背景短跑是世界体育史上最古老的体育项目,是田径运动的基础。短跑自公元前776年举行的古希腊奥运会开始至后来的13届古代奥运会中都只有一个比赛项目,即短跑。  相似文献   

去年8月22日,美国女子短跑名将阿什福德继荣获洛杉(?)奥运会女子百米金牌后,在慕尼黑又以10″76的成绩刷新了由她本人保持的10″79的世界纪录,创出了人们认为目前在平原难以实现的成绩。女子百米世界纪录首次得到正式承认是1922年,当时的成绩为12″8。而当年的男子百米世界纪录是10″4,二者之前的差距为2″4,即相当于24米的距离。此后男、  相似文献   

鲍博·海斯在东京奥运会100米比赛中取得的巨大成就——以10秒的成绩领先对手两米到达终点取得冠军,标志着他是20世纪最伟大的短跑运动员之一。 “我认为他是最伟大的短跑运动员!”这是杰西·欧文斯观看了1964年10月15日东京奥运会100米决赛后,对鲍博发出的  相似文献   

邵春华 《收藏》2007,(9):142-143
1932年在美国洛杉矶举行的第10届奥运会仅有36个国家约2000名运动员参加。当时唯一代表中国参赛的短跑运动员刘长春,当年在中国第四、五、六届全运会上蝉联100米短跑冠军,在第四、五届全运会上连续两次获200米短跑冠军,可谓短跑名将。但由于国民党政府热衷于打内战,哪还顾得上什么奥运会,因而刘长春还是靠张学良将军的私人赞助,才得以成行。  相似文献   

鲍博&#183;海斯在东京奥运会100米比赛中取得的巨大成就——以10秒的成绩领先对手两米到达终点取得冠军,标志着他是20世纪最伟大的短跑运动员之一。 “我认为他是最伟大的短跑运动员!”这是杰西&#183;欧文斯观看了1964年10月15日东京奥运会100米决赛后,对鲍博发出的  相似文献   

短跑是最古老的运动项目之一。公元前776年举行的古希腊奥运会就有短跑比赛。从1896年第一届奥运会至今,短跑经历了近120年的发展历程,其短跑技术的演变和发展也经历了一个漫长的过程。特别是20世纪60年代末到70年代,随着塑胶跑道的出现,短跑技术理论已随之相应地发生了深刻的变化。  相似文献   

短跑是指400米以内(含400米)的一些短距离径赛项目。《学生体质健康标准(试行方案)》中,小学三、四年级必测50米跑;小学五、六年级、初中及以上各年级(含大学)选测项目中有50米跑;各级各类田径比赛中一般都设有100米、200米、400米项目,部分省市体育专业高考中有100米这项素质项目,还可选取200米、400米作专项。有些教师及教练员只注意到运动场上训练短跑。而忽视了运动场地跑道以外的一些训练短跑的方法,笔者从近二十年的教学及训练中摸索出以下脱离运动场地跑道的短跑训练法,可适用于下雨或没有运动场地的时候来训练短跑。  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、灰色关联度分析等方法,对中外优秀110m跨栏跑运动员主要技术指标与成绩的关系进行量化研究,结果显示:优秀110m栏运动员主要技术指标与成绩关联度排序是栏间3步的平均时间、冲刺平均速度、冲刺时间、保持最大速度经过栏的个数、起跑至H1速度、跨栏腾空时间平均值、最大分栏速度、平均分栏速度。同时发现栏间3步的平均时间、冲刺平均速度、冲刺时间3项指标是影响优秀110m栏运动成绩的关键技术指标。就此进行了探讨并提出了建议,对提高我国110m栏运动水平和科学化训练具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine whether there are differences in kinematics between sprint and distance front crawl specialists when swimming at a distance pace using a six beat kick. Seven sprint and eight distance male specialists performed one maximum 400 m swim through a 6.75 m3 calibrated space recorded by six gen-locked cameras. The following variables were calculated: average swim velocity, stroke length, stroke frequency, upper limb and foot displacement, elbow angle, the shoulder and hip roll angle, duration of the stroke phases and time corresponding to particular events within the stroke cycle relative to hand entry. Differences between the groups were assessed by an independent t-test and effect size (d) calculations for each variable. The groups only differed significantly with respect to the average swim velocity, with the distance swimmers maintaining a greater velocity throughout the 400 m. However, effect sizes were moderate for elbow angle range during the pull phase (d = 0.78) and the total hip roll magnitude (d = 0.76). There was little evidence to suggest that sprint and distance swimmers using a six beat kick pattern differ in technique when swimming at a distance pace and therefore coaches should not encourage the development of different techniques between these groups.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to determine whether there are differences in kinematics between sprint and distance front crawl specialists when swimming at a distance pace using a six beat kick. Seven sprint and eight distance male specialists performed one maximum 400 m swim through a 6.75 m3 calibrated space recorded by six gen-locked cameras. The following variables were calculated: average swim velocity, stroke length, stroke frequency, upper limb and foot displacement, elbow angle, the shoulder and hip roll angle, duration of the stroke phases and time corresponding to particular events within the stroke cycle relative to hand entry. Differences between the groups were assessed by an independent t-test and effect size (d) calculations for each variable. The groups only differed significantly with respect to the average swim velocity, with the distance swimmers maintaining a greater velocity throughout the 400 m. However, effect sizes were moderate for elbow angle range during the pull phase (d = 0.78) and the total hip roll magnitude (d = 0.76). There was little evidence to suggest that sprint and distance swimmers using a six beat kick pattern differ in technique when swimming at a distance pace and therefore coaches should not encourage the development of different techniques between these groups.  相似文献   

足球运动员比赛条件下运动距离测量和运动速度分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
使用专用的技、战术录像分析系统(S IM I°Scou t),对中、日足球运动员在比赛条件下进行运动距离测量和跑速分析。结果显示,3名中国运动员全场运动距离平均为9 300 m,两名日本运动员平均运动距离为9 700 m;下半场运动员距离比上半场有所减少,中国运动员减少量高于日本运动员;从运动形式上看,“冲刺”、“快跑”两项之和占总距离的10%;运动员下半场活动范围一般比上半场有所增加。  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine sprint profiles of professional female soccer players and evaluate how various speed thresholds impact those outcomes. Seventy-one professional players competing in full matches were assessed repeatedly during 12 regular season matches using a Global Positioning System (GPS). Locomotion ≥18?km?·?h(-1) was defined as sprinting and each event was classified into: Zone 1: 18.0-20.9?km· h(-1); Zone 2: 21.0-22.9?km?·?h(-1); Zone 3: 23.0-24.9?km?·?h(-1) and Zone 4: >25?km?·?h(-1). Outcomes included: duration (s), distance (m), maximum speed (km?·?h(-1)), duration since previous sprint (min) and proportion of total sprint distance. In total 5,019 events were analysed from 139 player-matches. Mean sprint duration, distance, maximum speed and time between sprints were 2.3?±?1.5?s, 15.1?±?9.4?m, 21.8?±?2.3?km· h(-1), and 2.5?±?2.5?min, respectively. Mean sprint distances were 657?±?157, 447?±?185, and 545?±?217?m for forwards, midfielders and defenders, respectively (P?≤?0.046). Midfielders had shorter sprint duration (P = 0.023), distance (P?≤?0.003) and maximum speed (P?相似文献   

The neural activation (iEMG) and selected stride characteristics of six male sprinters were studied for 100-, 200-, 300- and 400-m experimental sprints, which were run according to the velocity in the 400 m. Blood lactate (BLa) was analysed and drop jumps were performed with EMG registration at rest and after each sprint. Running velocity (P less than 0.001) and stride length (P less than 0.05) decreased and contact time increased (P less than 0.01) during the 400-m sprint. The increase in contact time was greatest immediately after runs of 100 and 300 m. The peak BLa increased and the rate of BLa accumulation decreased with running distance (P less than 0.001). The height of rise of the centre of mass in the drop jumps was smaller immediately after the 300 m (P less than 0.05) and the 400 m (P less than 0.01) than at rest, and it correlated negatively with peak BLa (r = -0.77, P less than 0.001). The EMG and EMG:running velocity ratio increased with running distance. It was concluded that force generation of the leg muscles had already begun to decrease during the first quarter of the 400-m sprint. The deteriorating force production was compensated for until about 200-300 m. Thereafter, it was impossible to compensate for fatigue and the speed of running dropped. According to this study, fatigue in the 400-m sprint among trained athletes is mainly due to processes within skeletal muscle rather than the central nervous system.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的男子100m项目得到了迅速发展,但仍与世界水平,尤其是世界短跑王国——美国存在一定的差距。本文通过文献法、比较法等研究方法,对中美两国男子100m技术特征进行了比较,并进一步分析差距背后的种种原因,最后提出了改变中国男子100m项目落后局面的几点建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use three-dimensional methods to determine whether there are distinct kinematic differences between sprint and distance front crawl swimmers when swimming at a sprint pace. Seven sprint and eight distance specialists performed four 25-m sprints through a 6.75-m(3) calibrated space recorded by six gen-locked cameras. The variables of interest were: average swim velocity, stroke length, stroke frequency, upper limb and foot displacement, elbow angle, shoulder and hip roll angles, duration of stroke phases, and the time corresponding to particular events within the stroke cycle relative to hand entry. Differences between sprint and distance swimmers were assessed with an independent t-test for each variable, in addition to effect size calculations. Differences between sprint and distance front crawl swimmers were generally small and not significant when swimming at a sprint pace. Differences were limited to temporal aspects of the stroke cycle. These findings suggest that coaches should not train sprint and distance specialists differently in terms of technique development.  相似文献   

采用实验、数理统计、比较分析等方法 ,对短跑训练中运用重复训练法在不同季节、练习距离与负荷强度指标的相关性进行研究 ,结果表明 :在不同季节、不同距离与负荷强度的相关性 ,在春夏两季相关性不大 ,秋冬两季相关性较大 ;不同季节、相同距离与负荷强度的相关性 ,在春夏两季各短距离负荷强度均可一致 ,对在秋冬两季 6 0 m影响不大 ,而对 10 0 m、15 0 m均有较大影响  相似文献   

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