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幼儿园教育活动是一种教师和幼儿共同的话语实践活动。在有些教师的教育活动中,教师的话语权彰显得多一些;而在有些教师的教育活动中,幼儿的话语权彰显得多一些。福柯认为,话语不仅是一种实践,更是一种权力。一个个体在言说的同时,就是在实行着对听的“符号暴力”。如果在教育活动中,作为言和作为听的身份能够实行有效的互换和轮流,从而带有某种对话的意味,那么对话双方就是在寻求着一种在已有“前经验”基础上的“视域融合”。如果在教育活动中,话语实践出现了不对称,一方始终在言说,而一方不得不处于听的位置时,“话语霸权”就生成了,它就是作为强势的一方对作为弱势一方的话语入侵。  相似文献   

幼儿团科学活动是培养幼儿创新精神的沃土。科学活动中培养幼儿创新精神应从课题制定、材料准备、设计问题、组织交流等着手.尽可能地帮助幼儿获取有关环境的充分的科学经验,并适当地将部分科学经验上升为初级概念;设计指导幼儿操作活动的问题要讲求开放性与可控性想结合;从理念上对幼儿的奇思异想变否定为鼓励;树立“过程”重于“结果”的观念,正确评价活动效果。  相似文献   

<正>幼儿在适宜的环境中进行真实的实践体验才能建构知识和获得经验。我们在最大限度地支持幼儿通过“直接感知、实际操作和亲身体验”获取经验的实践过程中,发现幼儿成长环境存在以下问题:一是祖辈带养的幼儿成长环境相对封闭,活动内容单一;二是受办园条件限制,幼儿的活动空间相对局限;三是受互联网异化的负面影响,幼儿的活动类型和内容被制约等。受中小学研学活动的经验启示,我们尝试探索具有杭州本土特色的“小伢儿”游学活动,通过其独特的资源载体、活动形式、操作方式,丰富幼儿对杭州生活的美好体验,助力每一名幼儿“美好成长”,这也是我们对杭州“美好教育”的践行与回应。  相似文献   

蒙台梭利的"工作"教育理论及其在幼儿园中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“工作”是蒙台梭利教育理论中的一个基本概念,其实质和成人的工作是截然不同的,它是一种手脑结合,身心协调的活动。因其自由、自主、自助的特性,工作和游戏有着密切的联系,但它又不等同于游戏。工作能促进幼儿的生理和心理的发展,所以我们希望现实中的幼儿园活动能成为幼儿的“工作”。但幼儿园活动的实践并非如此。幼儿园里的活动要成为幼儿工作的关键是,幼儿园能为幼儿提供一个符合其需要的真实环境,以及在其中为幼儿提供满足身心发展的活动。  相似文献   

为了培养幼儿的创造性发展,应从以下六个方面着手:营造鼓励幼儿创造的氛围;树立“过程”重于“结果”的观念;提供充分的“选择”机会:提供必要的帮助;提供足够的变化性;活动设计要富有创造性,以及最大限度地开发幼儿的创造潜能,为使更多的幼儿将来成为创造型人才提供必要的成长条件。  相似文献   

幼儿教育活动课程是幼儿发展的基础和源泉,它符合幼儿的身心发展的特点,只有“活”与“动”的有机结合,活动课才能达到预期效果,“活”是教育活动的灵魂,“动”是教育活动的个性,两者相互映衬,才是“活动课”的优化结合。  相似文献   

在集体体育活动中充分发挥幼儿的主体性文/焦艳在户外集体体育活动中,以下场景随处可见:活动前,教师忙于布置场地或分发玩具;活动中,幼儿一遍一遍重复练习;活动后,教师收拾“战场”,一片忙乱。这里,教师表现出全面的包办代替———代替幼儿思考,代替幼儿动手操...  相似文献   

山水画技法特讲究“空白”艺术,画山水时留一隙空白,静谧中犹生动感,灵动、亮丽的色彩跃然眼帘,能达到“此处无景胜有景”的效果。在教学中如何应用“空白”艺术呢?笔者尝试从适当保留思维空白、语言空白和操作空白三个方面来谈一孔之见。  1.保留思维空白——解放幼儿的头脑。  幼儿具体形象思维占优势,教师只有以幼儿丰富的感性经验和情感体验作铺垫,幼儿才易学、乐学;头脑中有了丰富的鲜活表象,幼儿就能进行知识的迁移,运用已有的认知结构进行同化或顺应;对于只能意会不能言传的知识,教师可以深入浅出地旁敲侧击,以贴近…  相似文献   

幼儿园“多元智能做中学”整合课程既有“全球化视野”,也注重“本土化行动”。课程设计的整体思路力图体现“主题连续体,纵横大贯通”,教师教学力求做到“计划课程具体到位,生成课程灵活创新”,保证教师合理有效地开展计划课程,鼓励教师积极主动地不断生成课程。幼儿园课程不仅是教师引导幼儿进行的集体探究活动,同时也是教师引导幼儿进行的个别探究活动。  相似文献   

在日常生活中,我们常常发现,有的幼儿上课不敢举手发言,碰到困难以哭表示,怯于表现;有的幼儿不敢参加体育活动,不敢与人交往,回避集体活动;也有的幼儿害怕黑暗,不肯独自睡觉等等。在集体活动中,他们特别胆小,总是充当“听众”“观众”的角色,一旦让他们试试,就紧张得愁眉苦脸。这类孩子平时总是小心、谨慎做事,唯恐自己成为别人  相似文献   

幼儿园常规教育的反思与批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑名  孙爱琴 《教育研究》2006,27(4):89-92
常规教育是幼儿园教育的重要组成部分。随着现代幼儿园的普及及其标准化建设,常规的触角遍及幼儿园教育的方方面面,在一定程度上提高了儿童在幼儿园的生活质量,但同时也影响到了儿童的日常生活领域,加速了儿童日常生活的异化进程。把儿童作为常规教育的客体,其主动性受到了压抑,主体性近乎丧失。通过对幼儿园常规生活的道具、制度和生活进行分析,可以看出常规教育对儿童的异化过程。解放儿童,发展儿童的内在自由,才是常规教育的本真面目。  相似文献   

The present study sought to examine whether preschool children's emotion regulation, problem behaviors, and kindergarten behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were predictors of kindergarten achievement scores. The children (N = 122, 47% male and 63% European American) who were participating in an ongoing longitudinal study, were seen at both a preschool and kindergarten assessment. The present study examined the relation between parent report, teacher report, and laboratory measures of regulation and children's achievement test scores. Children's emotion regulation and behavioral self-regulation in the classroom were related to all measures of achievement. The relation between preschool emotion regulation and kindergarten achievement was mediated by behavioral self-regulation in the kindergarten classroom. In addition, all measures of regulation were correlated, suggesting that some children who have difficulty regulating their behavior in one setting (such as home) may also have difficulty with regulation in other settings (such as school).  相似文献   

The present study is a longitudinal examination of the relations between parental expressions of affect and parental control behaviors and children's classroom acceptance in kindergarten and first grade. One hundred-sixteen kindergarten-aged children and their parents were videotaped during physical play sessions and parents were rated on global affective and behavioral dimensions. Ratings of classroom social acceptance were provided by teachers and peers. Results indicated that parents' expressed positive and negative affect were related to children's classroom acceptance in kindergarten and in first grade. The most powerful and consistent predictor of children's social acceptance was fathers' expressed negative affect, particularly between father-son dyads. The current study emphasizes the importance of continued examination of linkages between the family and peer systems, especially with respect to the ways in which children's experiences in the family and school environments may mutually influence social development, and points to the need for further examination of the mechanisms by which multiple social contexts may influence children's behavior in the family and in school.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to further explore the linkage between children's early school attitudes and interpersonal features of the classroom, including children's relationships with classmates and their perceptions of these relationships. Participants included 102 kindergarten children (M age = 5.8 years) who were interviewed at the beginning and end of kindergarten to obtain measures of their school attitudes (i.e., school liking), classroom peer relationships (i.e., peer acceptance, mutual friendships), and peer relationship perceptions (i.e., perceived loneliness, peer support). Results showed that initial school liking was associated with all four measures of children's peer relationships; however, only the number of mutual friendships that children possessed in their classrooms predicted changes in school attitudes (gains) over time. Early school attitudes were linked to changes in children's peer perceptions; children who disliked school early in kindergarten were more likely to view classmates as unsupportive as the school year progressed. Results are discussed in terms of the potential impact that classroom peer relations may have on early school attitudes, and vice versa. Implications for educational policy are also considered.  相似文献   

体育幼儿园是将体育教育融入幼儿园保育体系,以培养幼儿身心健康为目标的特色幼儿园。体育幼儿园教育评价对提高幼儿园的保育水平,促进幼儿身心健康全面发展,为发现和培养体育运动人才具有重要意义。以保定体育幼儿园为例,分析了幼儿园教育评价的现状和存在的问题,在此基础上提出了体育幼儿园教育评价的指标体系。  相似文献   

马守辰 《成才之路》2021,(11):96-97
在幼儿园教育中,教师可通过体育教学活动增强幼儿体质,培养幼儿健康生活的态度和行为习惯,以满足幼儿身心发展的需要,让幼儿度过快乐而有意义的童年。文章从教学实践、体育游戏内容及其他教学策略三方面探讨基于兴趣导向的幼儿园体育教学游戏化策略,以期为幼儿园体育教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

杨晓莉 《成才之路》2021,(11):98-99
幼儿园主题墙是幼儿园环境的一部分,也是幼儿园文化的重要组成内容,对幼儿的身心健康发展具有潜移默化的影响。因此,教师要重视幼儿园主题墙的创设,其内容要贴近幼儿生活,可鼓励幼儿参与其中,让主题墙更富有童趣。文章探讨幼儿园主题墙环境创设策略,以发挥幼儿园主题墙对幼儿的教育启发功能。  相似文献   

Ladd GW  Birch SH  Buhs ES 《Child development》1999,70(6):1373-1400
Evidence from two studies conducted with kindergarten samples (N = 200, M age = 5.58 years; N = 199, M age = 5.47 years) supported a series of interrelated hypotheses derived from a child x environment model of early school adjustment. The findings obtained were consistent with the following inferences: (1) Entry factors, such as children's cognitive maturity and family backgrounds, directly as well as indirectly influence children's behavior, participation, and achievement in kindergarten; (2) as children enter school, their initial behavioral orientations influence the types of relationships they form with peers and teachers; (3) stressful aspects of children's peer and teacher relationships in the school environment adversely impact classroom participation and achievement; and (4) classroom participation is an important prerequisite for achievement during kindergarten. Collectively, these findings illustrate the need to revise prevailing theories of school adjustment, and the research agendas that evolve from these perspectives, so as to incorporate interpersonal risk factors that operate within the school environment.  相似文献   

计算策略是影响儿童计算能力发展的重要因素,反映了儿童的思维过程及问题解决水平。目前已有研究对儿童早期加法策略的类型、水平及发展特点进行了深入细致的探讨。幼儿园在开展计算教学活动时应积极利用这些研究成果,为儿童提供运用、表达与交流策略的机会,并积极促进儿童策略意识与水平的发展。  相似文献   

All 12 kindergarten classrooms from a small town/rural Midwestern county were observed for the full session on the first day of school to determine teachers' language and classroom practices. Data collection included completion of a classroom checklist by the investigator and running accounts of classroom events with verbatim notes of teacher language. The findings from this study provide evidence of demands for entering kindergartners to process complex language, organize themselves and their materials, and comply with many new rules and procedures. Based on these data, the author and participating teachers present recommendations for preschool teachers, kindergarten teachers, and researchers. The findings provide convergent validity for previous surveys of teacher expectations for children at kindergarten entry. They can be used by preschool personnel to plan preschool language experiences to assist young children's transition to kindergarten. The method of classroom observation employed here can also help local personnel in varied communities to shape a more seamless system of experiences for the early years.  相似文献   

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