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Evaluations of preschool children’s library programs and activities have for the most part been based on effectiveness with respect to parameters such as reading and literacy, while the preferences of the children have been ignored. This study uses the laddering method to identify Chinese preschool children’s preferences for certain library activities. Thirty-four children were recruited from three activities at three Chinese public libraries. The laddering method proved effective in revealing the preschoolers’ library activity preferences and the reasons for those preferences from the perspective of personal value. The results suggest that library activity designers should consider factors such as familiarity, newness, ease, presence of friends and peers, and joy.  相似文献   

Currently, no research has systematically investigated the beliefs underpinning caregivers' intentions to visit public libraries with their young children. Drawing from the theory of planned behaviour, this study adopted a three-phase program of formative research to examine the decision making processes of parents and carers with young children living in a low socio-economic area. Phase 1 identified seven behavioural, five normative, and ten control beliefs as modal salient beliefs held by parents and carers. Phase 2 identified a variety of key behavioural, normative, and control beliefs as significant predictors of intention to visit the library with their young child. Phase 3 elicited the reasons underpinning these key beliefs guiding parents' and carers' intentions, identifying 34 reasons that could be used in messages to promote library visits. The results provide useful information that intervention designers, councils, and library services can use to encourage library use among parents and carers with young children.  相似文献   

Personal information management behaviors appear differently by sources and by context. This study investigates personal information spaces from a quantitative approach and factors specific information behaviors and sources into information contexts. Using the information source horizon theory as a theoretical framework, college students' information behaviors to specific information sources were investigated in three personal information contexts (academic, health, and personal history contexts). In the college setting, students' personal information horizons echo the findings of previous studies that information contexts determine information horizons in general. In addition, specific information behaviors (collect, organize, and utilize) in this study are an important factor to influence personal information horizons. Certain information activities are observed in similar patterns regardless of contexts. The study suggests that the Information Horizon theory could be expanded to include information behaviors as an important determinant. From the data, radar charts visually present the relationships between information sources and activities, and they served as a collective form of information horizon maps.  相似文献   

This study reports a content analysis of the frequency distribution of diversity-related research in four high-impact Library and Information Science (LIS) journals published between 1995 and 2014. High-impact journals (with high rankings and impact factors) were chosen because empirically based articles from them are more likely to be able to influence future research direction. The journals chosen were published articles quarterly or bi-monthly, with an average of 5–6 articles per issue. A total of 1766 research articles were collected, with 28.71% determined to be related to diversity. Results show an increasing interest in diversity-related research in the LIS field, with a dramatic increase between 2010 and 2014. The majority of diversity-related research focuses on age, gender and ethnicity. Only a small portion of research discusses issues concerning specific populations and emphasizes diversity-related theoretical concepts. More efforts are needed to highlight the link in order to contribute to the diversity and inclusion agenda in LIS.  相似文献   

Process mining techniques have already been studied in a wide range of sectors, revealing useful information on the processes. In this study, a five-step methodology is applied to an integrated library system (ILS) for the first time. Given two event logs from two different organizations the ILS, a process mining tool is used for process discovery and data analysis. The findings reveal that although both of the organizations were using the same system, there were differences in the activities, sequences, and approaches followed by each one in daily tasks. The results of this kind of analysis can be used to highlight best practices and improve processes. In addition process model comparisons can then be made across various systems and organizations.  相似文献   

This study highlights the unique accommodations integral to welcoming transgender library patrons. Research shows transgender people have unique needs which differ from lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) individuals, and experience substantial barriers to obtaining quality library service. Most studies in the past exploring the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender library users focused exclusively on LGBQ users. This study surveyed adult transgender individuals (n = 102) with an online questionnaire. The majority of participants were white, designated female at birth, and under 40 years old. Survey respondents needed libraries to make accommodations for them to feel safe (p < 0.001). The top 5 accommodations needed were recent transgender literature, gender identity or expression as part of library nondiscrimination policy, gender neutral, single-stall bathrooms where a key did not need to be requested, recent LGBQ literature), and an established remote process for name change.  相似文献   

Taking on responsibilities in research data management (RDM) has proven to be a significant challenge as libraries have adopted new roles within higher education institutions. A qualitative review using the meta-ethnographic approach was conducted that examined the experiences of academic libraries and provided clarity on contextual influences associated with achievements, as well as illuminating the reasons for deficiencies. Libraries experienced uncertainty around roles and relationships related to RDM yet were recognized positively as a neutral, centralized space within academic institutions. This perception, combined with the current approach of fostering partnerships and collaborations, may prove to be useful for libraries as they strategically consider how best to provide continued support and services in RDM. Understanding the perspectives of academic libraries on how they respond and support the demands related to RDM offers a fuller, more robust insight that is essential for planning and decision-making.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread application of technology in the 21st century, making informed decisions regarding its acceptance in organisations is a function of several factors, particularly in developing countries, due to factors such as rising cost of the information technology infrastructure and low technological exposure. A model that incorporated perceived ease of use (PEOU) and e-Skills to examine librarians' intention for actual library technology acceptance was tested. The correlational research design, along with a multistage sampling procedure, was applied to select samples to reduce the sample to a manageable proportion. Professional librarians and library officers in four university libraries provided the data for the study. Results showed that e-Skill is the model's strongest determinant of technology acceptance intention among librarians. Also, PEOU will significantly moderate librarians' intention towards library technology acceptance when e-Skills are insufficient. From these outcomes, the understanding of the determinants of behavioural intention captured in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAT) is extended and refined.  相似文献   

To evaluate the quality of service it is critical to know the concepts on which such evaluations are made from the user point of view. Differential semantics was applied in an emotional design framework to identify these concepts, or dimensions, and an equation was devised to discover the influence they have in the acceptance of a service by users. Some 53 users evaluated the tangible elements of 28 library information desks. Five latent concepts emerged from the analysis: modern, welcoming, professional, simple, and accessible. The most influential concepts influencing willingness to interact at library information desks were, in descending order, modernity, professionalism, welcoming environment, and accessibility. Finally, a comparative semantic profile was developed to explore the perception differences between the most and the least desirable information desks. Understanding the concepts that users consider when evaluating information desks and the influence of those concepts on user behavior can help designers improve overall service quality impressions.  相似文献   

Information literacy is vital to students seeking employment following their undergraduate education. Yet little is known about how students approach using information as part of their career search. This phenomenographic study examined how students experience using information as part of a career fair, or on-campus job expo. Researchers interviewed undergraduate students after a major campus career fair. The findings suggest that students may experience using information in a career fair context as: 1) navigators completing a series of steps, 2) performers seeking to connect with the right person, or 3) aligners determining if a company is a match for them.  相似文献   

In light of recent outbreaks of measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases, childhood vaccination has been the subject of significant attention and controversy. Much information seeking and debates about vaccines take place on social media, yet the effects of information context-specific factors on parental information seeking and sharing and information source assessment remain unknown. Through the lenses of reductionist thinking and cognitive authority, this study employed a multimodal critical discourse analysis approach to analyze the textual and graphic information within a public anti-vaccine Facebook group. Findings show that parental information seeking and sharing worked to create an isolated, sentimentalized information context favoring immediacy and emotional impact over scientific research and statistical evidence. Because participants shared fundamental beliefs and goals around vaccines, group members held cognitive authority despite the lack of expertise or evidentiary support in their postings. This controversial information-based movement poses challenges and opportunities for library outreach and information provision.  相似文献   

The mobile information behavior of Warner Pacific University students was studied using survey questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and group-based exercises through the lens of several common information theories and models. As ownership of connected devices became nearly ubiquitous, students used the Internet more than the library. Students built digital networks to connect with friends or classmates. The Internet was the students' primary information source, since using Google was a daily lifestyle habit while the library was totally new and unfamiliar territory. Comparison of the students' information search processes (ISPs) with Kuhlthau's ISP diagram revealed that the students searching was idiosyncratic and unpredictable, and they only adopted systematic search protocols when these were imposed on them. Chatman's theory of information poverty was useful as it revealed that the students' perception of information deprivation cut across all socio-economic groups.  相似文献   

Many disciplines within the social sciences have a dynamic culture of sharing and reusing data. Because social science data differ from data in the hard sciences, it is necessary to explicitly examine social science data reuse. This study explores the data reuse behaviors of social scientists in order to better understand both the factors that influence those social scientists' intentions to reuse data and the extent to which those factors influence actual data reuse. Using an integrated theoretical model developed from the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study provides a broad explanation of the relationships among factors influencing social scientists' data reuse. A total of 292 survey responses were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings suggest that social scientists' data reuse intentions are directly influenced by the subjective norm of data reuse, attitudes toward data reuse, and perceived effort involved in data reuse. Attitude toward data reuse mediated social scientists' intentions to reuse data, leading to the indirect influence of the perceived usefulness and perceived concern of data reuse, as well as the indirect influence of the subjective norm of data reuse. Finally, the availability of a data repository indirectly influenced social scientists' intentions to reuse data by reducing the perceived effort involved.  相似文献   

Even in a digitally advanced society, much of our daily lives is based in place, but information behavior research has largely ignored place as theoretically relevant to information behavior. This study explores the implications of a place-based approach to studying information practices, and examines factors that influence information seeking and sharing in place-based communities among parents of individuals with disabilities. Based on qualitative data gathered from 35 parents of individuals with disabilities, it proposes a spatial model of information source preferences based on the theory of information horizons, and discusses implications of the model for future research related to information seeking and places. It also presents substantive place-related findings about local information needs, including discussion of the local parent network as an information seeking system.  相似文献   

A credible scale based on the opinions of system users was developed to evaluate and assess data quality in automated library systems (ALS). Development and testing were carried out in two stages. In the first stage, 77 dimensions for data quality which had been previously identified through a systematic literature review were used to develop scale items. The first draft of the scale was then distributed among a target population of ALS experts to solicit their opinions on the scale and the items. In the second stage, a revised version of the scale was distributed among the main study population, which included end users of the target systems. This stage used factor analysis to determine the final draft of the scale, which consists of 4 factors and 62 items. The 4 factors were named after the qualities of their associated items: Data Content Quality, Data Organizational Quality, Data Presentation Quality, and Data Usage Quality. This scale can help system managers identify and resolve potential problems in the systems they manage and can also aid in evaluating the quality of data sources based on the opinions of end users.  相似文献   

In 2014, the University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) in partnership with the University's Faculty of Information (FI) launched a new internship program, the Toronto Academic Libraries Internship program (TALint). The program is designed to provide iSchool students with the opportunity to participant in a two-year paid internship at one of the University's libraries. In the course of running our TALint program, some unanticipated questions arose that challenged our assumptions about who, among a diverse student body, is drawn to academic librarianship as a potential career, what skills and competencies library supervisors are looking for in today's hire, and how students and faculty leverage (or not) student workplace experiences as a means of enhancing course-based learning?. Additionally, the university's recent emphasis on the discourse of workplace-integrated-learning (WIL) placed novel demands on the program's design and delivery warranting critical research engagement. The purpose of the following paper is threefold: (1) to introduce the concept of Workplace-Integrated-Learning (WIL) into the academic library literature, (2) present a case study of a WIL-inspired internship program, and (3) reflect on the outcomes of that case study with respect to best practices, policy implications and suggestions for future research into the changing face of the professional academic library workforce.  相似文献   

In the 2015 Summer Session I, the information literacy team combined two instruments, the Information Literacy Assessment (ILA) and the Students' Perceptions of Their Information Literacy Skills Questionnaire (SPIL-Q), into one survey and distributed it to the college's international graduate students through a Google Form. It was distributed to 932 international graduate students, and 172 valid respondents completed the survey. The purpose of this research was to compare the confidence gap in information literacy skills between men and women, particularly in international graduate students. Data collected illustrated that female international business students (n = 70) tended to be slightly more confident than their male counterparts (n = 102) regarding their perceived information literacy skills as evidenced by their SPIL-Q average score across all six IL topics, 3.78, vs. male student's average score of 3.58.  相似文献   

This study investigated the quality and clarity of health information from a total of 238 (126 English and 112 Chinese) answers retrieved from Yahoo!Answers sites. Registered nurses and library professionals judged information quality based on 8 criteria: accuracy, completeness, relevance, readability, verifiability, professional advice, usefulness and non-commercialization. Writing clarity was assessed through rhetorical structure analysis. Results showed that 46% of answers were of poor quality. Furthermore, many Q&A site users were unable to distinguish adequately between high- and low-quality answers. Only 60% of their selected best-answers corresponded to those of the health professionals. These results indicate that the reliability of health information on Q&A sites is questionable. This unreliability may partially be due to the fact that Q&A site answers contain both medical information and social support. Although both are important, they are not always compatible. It may even be dangerous to mistakenly present social support as objective medical information. This research suggests that medical advice and social support should be separated. This has a further advantage in that medical advice could be subjected to stringent, necessary quality assurance measures, without interfering with social support.  相似文献   

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