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奥尔森的集体行动理论以理性人假设为其逻辑出发点,区别于经济人假设.理性人假设以严格的工具理性计算行为成本-收益,抛弃了经济人假设中的行为动机与道德价值考量.但是奥尔森在集体行动理论中过多强调经济组织与集团成员个体的自利动机而造成理性人与经济人的混淆,由此导致学界认为奥尔森集体行动理论解释力薄弱,不能解释经验生活中慈善与宗教组织等大型集团的运行.研究发现,澄清奥尔森理论中的自利与理性、选择性激励和道德性激励的关系,可知利己与利他、选择性激励与道德性激励在集体行动理论中的统一,这极大丰富了奥尔森集团理论的解释力.  相似文献   

为促进英语专业师范生教师角色认知与专业成长,采用专业成长档案这一工具,依据教师角色理论进行质性分析和量化研究.结果显示,专业成长档案各部分之间相互支撑佐证,形成有机整体,与教师角色理论相吻合;社会对教师的期望与个体所做的努力之间存在显著的正相关,个体所做的努力与个体的行为模式之间也存在显著的正相关;个体所做的努力为个体的行为模式的主要贡献因子;学生年级在各维度上不存在显著性差异.说明专业成长档案与英语专业师范生的教师角色认知关系密切,并且专业成长档案对英语师范生教师角色认知的影响是稳定的,这成为英语专业师范生教师角色认知的新路径.  相似文献   

角色原理与学生干部培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
角色是指个体在特定的社会关系中的身份以及由此而规定的行为规范和行为模式的总和:个体扮演社会角色的过程,其实也是学习和训练相应的行为方式的过程.学生干部是班级里的特殊个体,他们生活在错综复杂的社会关系中,在学校生活的不同层次和不同侧面扮演着不同的社会角色.  相似文献   

个体理性走向集体行动理性即金融主体由诉求个体利益最大化向普惠人民、紧密联系实体经济转变,金融主体的治理结构、服务理念、服务政策与措施必须转向。本文基于新时代中国金融体系的行动特征,对金融主体走向集体行动理性的路径选择进行分析。  相似文献   

角色,是个体在特定的社会关系中的身份以及由此而规定的行为规范和行为模式的总和。个体在特定的社会关系中的身份反映了个体在社会关系中所处的地位,它是个体的社会职能、权利和义务的集合体。每种社会身份都伴随有特定的行为规范和行为模式,当个体产生为自己的社会身份所规定的行为模式时,便充当了角色。所以,角色既是社会期望与个村角色扮演的统一,又是客观与主观的统一。这便是角色的本质特征。在教育这个系统工程中,教师是重要而特殊的角色。教师是人类社会文化科学发展中承前启后的中介和纽带,担负着社会生产力和文明成果传递…  相似文献   

对教师角色的新解读   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
周青山 《教育探索》2003,(6):104-104
一角色一词源于戏剧中演员扮演的剧中人物,由C.C.容格首先将其引入心理学。现代心理学一般把角色定义为“个体在特定的社会关系中处于一定位置时所执行的职能”。于光远在《关于教育科学体系问题》中将角色定义为“个人占有特别地位所表现出来的行为模式”。目前,对角色较普遍的定义是:任何一种社会地位或身份的人,都有一整套由其身份所规定的行为方式,当个体在执行与其社会地位、身份相适应的社会职能时,其心理与行为必然要符合相应的心理规范与行为方式,即扮演相应的角色。后来,角色概念引入教育领域,用来分析教师行为。教育社会学家比德…  相似文献   

针对农村土地流转统计分析无法体现土地流转中社会关系的复杂性和个体行为的随机性,提出了建立人工社会模型研究农村土地流转变化趋势.该模型结合制度分析、发展框架(IAD)与基于制度分析的主体模型系统(MAIA),形式化与土地流转有关的主要社会制度与规则,将土地流转主体(Agent)划分为农民主体与农户主体,并抽象出农户主体属性与行为,农民主体在不同角色下的属性与行为以及在角色之间的转换规则.通过模型计算可以得到土地流转、土地利用情况,不同年度农村人口结构、劳动力流动变化结果.结果分析表明,该模型能较好地反映个体行为与社会关系对农村土地流转的影响,可为研究土地流转政策提供合理的依据.  相似文献   

哈定(G.Hardinn)提出的公共地悲剧反映的是每个人从自己的理性出发而造成的集体行动的悲剧,它说明了个体理性与集体理性间的冲突。就社会总体而言,人类社会一直存在着集体行动悲剧的威胁。社会的进化就表现在经由"公共产品"与"道德",对集体行动悲剧的克服上。这就是社会进化的或文明的逻辑。  相似文献   

在网络行为情境下,个体内在监督和调节能力减弱、道德情感体验趋于弱化、对网络道德规则和规范产生的敬畏感降低、个体内在道德建构自觉性下降、传统主流价值观的影响力面临挑战等因素,都影响着青少年网络道德行为的践行.要增强青少年对网络世界的现实性认识,提高青少年网络角色与现实角色的认同统一性;完善网络社会规则,增强青少年对网络社会规则的认同与内化,提升个体内在道德建构效能;加强网络道德失范行为的监督与执法,增强网络法律与道德的权威性,提升个体网络道德敬畏感;加强青少年网络道德情感培育,提升青少年网络道德自律水平,有效促进青少年网络道德心理的形成与发展,不断提升青少年网络道德素养.  相似文献   

教师文化既是教师观念和行为的一种反映,也是决定教师观念和行为的重要力量。当前教师专业发展所倡导的合作文化与个人主义的教师文化在“专业为本”与“以人为本”、集体行动和个体专业自主、团体利益与个体利益、教学的“公开”性与“隐密”性之间存在某种程度的冲突,这种冲突既可能成为教师专业发展的动力,也可能成为教师专业发展的阻力。正确理解两者关系,在两种文化之间保持一种合理的张力是建构真正的合作文化,促进教师专业发展的关键。  相似文献   

Purpose: Large-scale collective action is necessary when managing agricultural natural resources such as biodiversity and water quality. This paper determines the key factors to the success of such action. Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper analyses four large-scale collective actions used to manage agri-environmental resources in Canada and New Zealand. These case studies were selected based on an analytical framework that identifies the main types of collective actions. They were analysed after an extensive literature review, interviews with group participants, and the preparation and discussion of the background reports of each case.Findings: Three categories of factors are identified based on the stages of developing a large-scale collective action. The first stage identifies issues. This paper finds that the key actors (farmers and concerned others) within the relevant geographical and ecological boundaries must discuss and share information about resource issues in order to come to a common understanding. In the second stage, leadership and support from both governments and non-governmental groups are important to undertake large-scale collective action. The third stage manages collective action. Here, rules need to be adjusted to the local resource conditions and institutions.Practical Implications: This paper shows how these key factors could be incorporated into agri-environmental policies.Originality/Value: Previous studies of agri-environmental resource management have focused on individual actions by farmers, with little discussion on the importance of collective action. In particular, there has been little research on large-scale collective action in developed countries.  相似文献   

在我国城镇化进程中,人口大范围流动给农民权利的实现带来时空障碍,农民集体治理结构的缺失增加了农民权利实现的难度,公权力的过度扩张限制了农民权利的行使.农民的自益权与农民在农民集体中的个人利益密切相关,主要表现为土地承包权、宅基地使用权.共益权与农民在农民集体中的共同利益密切相关,主要表现为围绕农民集体民主管理和集体收益分配展开的权利.为保障农民的自益权和共益权,赋予农民直接诉权和派生诉权就成为完善社会主义市场经济的现实要求.  相似文献   

According to bystander theory, factors such as the community environment, collective efficacy, and history of adverse childhood experiences could be related to likelihood of reporting or intervening against maltreatment. An online survey was conducted with 946 general population Californians obtained through mixed-mode random probability and quota-based recruitment methods. Using an experimental vignette design, participants were randomly assigned to two scenarios: a) potential child abuse occurring in their neighborhood; b) potential child abuse in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Weighted multivariate logistic regression models assessed relationships between the vignette condition, collective efficacy, appraisal of the behavior, and likelihood of reporting or intervening. The results suggested that perceiving the vignette as occurring in your own neighborhood was associated with lower odds of viewing the behavior as appropriate and considering it abusive. Higher collective efficacy scores were associated with lower odds of viewing the incident as inappropriate but higher odds of personally intervening. Adverse childhood experiences were positively related to reporting the incident to child protective services and intervening. Bystanders may be more likely to give parents in their own neighborhood "the benefit of the doubt" by viewing their abusive behaviors as less severe, potentially leading to underreporting. Neighborhood collective efficacy might increase willingness to personally intervene, but not contact systems such as child protective services or police, suggesting that enhanced trust in communities does not extend to these institutions. Our findings have implications for neighborhood and education interventions to enhance understanding of and willingness to intervene on behalf of children.  相似文献   

本研究以269位大学生为被试,采用学校餐厅食品价格提高的实验情景对参与群体性事件的心理机制进行了探讨.研究发现,群体性事件源于不公正,不公正不仅可以直接引发群体性事件,还通过集体效能(认知路径)和愤怒情绪(情绪路径)对群体性事件产生间接影响.群体认同将认知因素和情绪因素进行整合,不公正还可以通过群体认同分别作用于集体效能和愤怒情绪,对群体性事件产生影响.群体性事件的认知与情绪的整合模型得到数据支持,对群体性事件有较好的解释力.  相似文献   

地方政府是在制度规则下,基于自身本质进行行为选择的个体行为者。对地方政府行为取向起决定作用的是他的“本性”和规范它的制度规则。要改变地方政府非理性行为取向,必须通过科学发展观的制度化,即把科学发展观转化为科学的政府绩效评估制度,正确引导激励地方政府,使地方政府的自身利益、地方领导的个体利益与地方的科学发展统一起来,使之在尊重个体理性的基础上达到集体理性。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature has begun to explore the individual identities, motivations, and school choices of middle-class, typically white, parents who choose to reside in socioeconomically and racially mixed central city neighborhoods. Drawing on qualitative research in three US cities, we argue that a focus on middle-class parents’ collective engagement in schooling is particularly important in under-resourced urban contexts. In these environments, we show, middle-class parents’ use of social networks often extends beyond basic information-sharing about school quality to encompass a range of activities undertaken with other families ‘like them’ who have also chosen to enroll their children in an urban public school. We find that, in some instances, middle-class parents’ collective actions can benefit an entire class or school. Yet in other instances, their activation of social capital can contribute to processes of social reproduction in urban schooling by excluding or marginalizing low-income students and their families.  相似文献   

As an unintended consequence of the Civil Rights Movement and the integrationist vocabulary that it engendered, otherwise progressive thinkers have been unable to describe the adverse impact of actions, attitudes and policies that are not necessarily intended as racist, but function that way nonetheless. Because racism has come to be popularly understood as the product of individual irrationality—aberrant behavior that society abhors—supposedly race neutral actions, attitudes and policies that systematically and predictably benefit whites and adversely impact people of color escape effective critique. This has created a problem on college campuses, where many black students continue to feel alienated and mistreated because of their race. This article argues that issues of race and racism remain important considerations in the lives of black students on predominantly white campuses.  相似文献   

师德既影响教师素质的发展,也影响学生的学习和发展。而师德的形成受到主客观两大因素的影响,在主客观因素的互动中师德得以形成与发展,但客观因素通过主观因素发挥其作用。其中,客观因素既包括社会期望、职业声望、现实地位等宏观因素,也包括学校管理体制、人际关系、群体观念、集体目标等微观因素。而主观因素主要包括职业社会知觉、职业角色意识与个人特质三个方面,其中,角色意识对师德的发展起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated the survival and coping strategies employed by 17 faculty of color teaching in counseling programs across the United States. Results indicated that for participants, the meaning of survival extends beyond the ability to meet expectations for tenure and promotion and achieve professional longevity. Survival entails engaging in a variety of actions that allow them to withstand and rise above the damaging effects of microaggressions. Framed as conscious strategies, individual actions become collective acts of resistance against racism and other forms of discrimination. Implications for multicultural faculty development are discussed.  相似文献   

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