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袁媛 《凯里学院学报》2013,31(1):147-150
应用写作能力是社会实际工作的基本技能之一,当前高校对应用写作教学非常重视。然而,基于有效教学理论,当前高校应用写作中存在着某些低效教学行为,其实质就是对学生的一般发展的认识不够全面。对此,高校应用写作教师需认真审视,积极探讨有效教学,在教学理论构想中突出知识传授与能力培养、技能训练与思维训练、写作能力与综合职业能力的有效结合;在实施策略上,以有效为准绳目标的课前备课行为、以有效为目的的课堂教学行为、以专业化为追求目标的教学研究。  相似文献   

浅谈科技论文结构式摘要的写作与翻译   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结构式摘要的写作与翻译应根据其结构、特点、内容及格式,英语表达习惯,科技英语的特点及科技期刊对论文摘要的要求来完成。结构式摘要的使用有利于文献工作的整理,科技期刊摘要的编排规范化,并将会被多的科技期刊采用。  相似文献   

《庄子》的艺术美:一是想象奇幻,最富于浪漫主义色彩;二是章法瑰奇,结构多变,行千姿百态,机趣横生;三是语言纵横跌宕,舒卷着如,散句与韵语各擅胜场,使论辩具有巨大的逻辑力量。  相似文献   

《应用写作》课程教学应着力提高学生的应用写作水平,增强教学的有效性。总结教学实践经验,在课程教学的不同阶段,可采用不同的办法。这些办法可以概括为八个方面:明确定位法,启发反思法,目标管理法,自主学习法,案例教学法,情景模拟法,实践体验法,综合评价法。  相似文献   

White Water Writers is an intervention that offers school pupils the opportunity to collaboratively write a novel in a week. The current study uses thematic analysis to interpret the voices of young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities through the characters and relationships created in this fictional writing. The main themes derived from the data were: heroism and villainy, associated with characteristics such as responsibility and control; fictional powers, linking to personal agency; social relations, including positive relationships with peers and authority figures; and anthropomorphism, for exploring new emotions and interactions between humans and animals. This suggests that creative writing may be a useful lens through which to explore young people's views of their lived experiences.  相似文献   

This study, based in a small rural school, explores the opportunities provided by collaborative learning with a mixed aged class of 7–11 year olds (Year 3–Year 6). This paper specifically focuses on those children aged 7–8 years (Year 3) and how they worked on improving the quality of their writing through optional and directed collaborative group work. Data were collected predominantly through a series of observations and interviews. The findings suggest that optional collaboration does not always lead to shared ideas or improvements in the quality of writing. However, directed collaboration and structured conferencing can enable powerful learning to take place within a group context. The study concludes that with skilled adult support children are not only ‘learners’ but can also become ‘peer teachers’ within a supportive context.  相似文献   

Writing is a kind of creative thinking activities. The teaching of Three-paragraph Argumentative Writings,which is a weak part for English majors in TEM-4 as well as in TEM-8,is crucial in college English instruction. This paper reviews the application of Scaffolding Theory in writings,and proposes a series of training strategies of blank-filling writing,guided writing,controlled writing,and planning before writing. Through these series of training,students can reach the goal of a higher level of free writi...  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):50-54

Inviting students to take an active role in planning writing assignments and developing grading criteria opens the lines of communication between instructors and students, leading to a nurturing collaborative learning environment. This article explores the stages of the writing assignment and offers suggestions for making each step purposeful and successful. Student feedback allows instructors to improve the course and instructor guidance allows students to improve their coursework. Although it does take time and effort, a collaborative atmosphere provides support to both groups so that common goals can be met.  相似文献   

Will Doult 《Education 3-13》2013,41(6):601-620
Wikis (websites that can be edited quickly by multiple authors) were used with upper-primary school children to write group reports on a science topic. Two teachers observed the children working, and their observations were used alongside the texts from the wikis and group interviews with children to explore the question of whether using wikis would lead to a change in writing practices and attitudes. This study found that although children often felt proprietorial about their texts, there was some evidence of negotiation and of joint content building. There was also evidence of peer-supported learning of information and communications technology (ICT) skills. Furthermore, the quality and quantity of writing were greater when using wikis than in conventional writing contexts, and the groups which engaged in more discussion produced more text.  相似文献   

Administrative writing is a crucial skill needed for the counseling center professional to be able to transmit knowledge and values for the rest of the campus community. This article highlights both conceptual and technical aspects of effective writing.  相似文献   

本文分析了英语专业学生写作中存在的问题,从四个方面阐述了提高非英语专业学生英语写作水平的具体措施。  相似文献   

杨明 《教育科学》2007,23(3):21-24
课堂中学生自由支配时间的缺失,严重影响学生的生动活泼地主动地学习。增加学生的自由支配时间是实施有效教学,促进学生的个性全面发展的必然要求。教师有必要确保在教学的最后环节从制度上给学生自由支配时间。教师也要在课堂教学各个环节中科学合理地分配和使用时间,让学生真正拥有足够的自由支配时间。  相似文献   

在输出假设和社会文化理论的基础上,实验要求受试者在每个星期至少进行两次自由写作练习,每次写完之后要数一下写出的单词数目,敦促学生提高写作速度。实验时间为四个星期。实验结果证实了输出假设以及社会文化理论的“思维语言化”促进思维发展的假说。数据表明,学生对这种训练方式认同程度很高,通过自由写作训练,学生增强了写作兴趣、写作的速度意识,有助于其提高写作流利性,并进而提高写作能力。  相似文献   

长期以来,高校师生花费大量时间提高英语写作,但成效不明显,与教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》有一定差距。国内外专家、学者针对提高英语写作从不同的角度进行了探索。其中,重视写作反馈的论题特别具有实际意义。英语写作反馈是写作教学的重要环节。科学分析,正确解决教师写作反馈时存在的问题,确立科学有效的反馈方法,是增强学生写作兴趣,提高写作水平的关键。  相似文献   

在考证大学诞生历史的基础上,通过对春秋战国时期混乱社会秩序中的有序教育解读,可以更深入地理解春秋战国时期教育中内蕴的大学精神,尤其是当时的自由著述、自由讲学、自由辩论和自由流动共同构成了大学精神的精髓与衍生点,也是学术繁荣的根本保障与不竭动力。从而演绎出文化繁荣诱因与大学精神属于本质暗合的共生相互依存关系,证实和平时期同样可以通过赋予大学为首的学术组织更大的学术自由和治理自由,释放大学人的创新潜力,促进文化繁荣的重现。  相似文献   

本文认为,"红崖天书"是产生于新石器时代,比殷代甲古文更原始的图画会意文字,或称古图形文字,它应该是一则古时的"公告"。  相似文献   

在20世纪风云变纪的历史进程中“启蒙”与“救亡”是学发展的主流,萧红以其个性主义的创作和自由写作的姿态,以个人熟稔的社会生活为创作蓝木,表现出对孤、寒、病、苦人生的深切关注和执叙写,反映出萧红创作温厚、宽广的人伦关怀的审美价值取向。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that including writing activities in the learning process positively impacts student achievement and leads to greater depth of student understanding. This writing is often missing in the math classroom though, when the focus is misplaced on rote procedures. In these classrooms students learn mathematical processes but have little depth of understanding into the mathematical foundations, nor have an ability to clearly express their mathematical reasoning. This article promotes the use of Internet-based chat, forums, and blogs as the environment in which necessary mathematical writing can occur. Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde provide a best practice framework through which the benefits of chat, forum, and blog writing are obvious. Student engagement with material increases in a cooperative environment, where a real audience and purpose for writing is clear, and student ownership in personal learning grows. In addition, students mature in traditional reading and writing literacy and further develop critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

作文教学不应束缚学生手脚,而应从激发学生写作兴趣出发,让学生想写什么就写什么,想怎么写就怎么写,想写什么体裁就写什么体裁,想写多少字就写多少字。学生的主体作用在作文教学中应得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

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