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本课题是对小学美术课堂教学中生成式方法的探索。通过具体的课例阐述观察比较法、故错悬念法和尝试发现法等三项教学法在课堂教学中的形成与实施,成效明显,充分地体现了教学的开放性和自主性。三项教学法各有特色,侧重点也不尽相同,发挥着不同的教学作用。  相似文献   

课堂常规的建立有利于提高课堂教学效率。目前由于美术课的学科特性、课改环境、学校硬件以及师资配备等原因,导致小学美术课堂纪律混乱成为较为普遍的现象。要建立有效的美术课堂教学常规,着重从时间、材料、作业、氛围、规则等方面进行课堂调控,并注重第一节课、教师形象的细节,切实把握持久执行的方法,以保证教学活动顺利进行。  相似文献   

This article focuses on ways of building preservice primary teachers' confidence in teaching art with artworks and, in particular, on how to develop their pedagogical content knowing. It is suggested that through opportunities offered for engaging in observational and reflective practices with artworks an initial groundwork is set that can challenge pre‐service teachers' preconceptions about art and promote an aesthetic form of inquiry. A qualitative approach was followed which included in‐depth interviews with twenty pre‐service teachers regarding their attitudes and knowledge towards artworks. The findings indicate that enhancing teachers' abilities to practice factual inquiries and then move on to interpretive inquiries of artworks can help them learn how to learn about artworks and how to organise meaningful art viewing activities with children. Issues relating to the participants' level of aesthetic understanding are also discussed as participants were asked to engage with artworks and their aesthetic encounters were documented.  相似文献   

美术教育在农村小学全科型教师培养中具有独特的作用.在美术教育中应构筑多元化开放式的人才培养途径,培养一代既能教美术,又能教其他学科的农村小学全科型教师.  相似文献   

孙丹 《天津教育》2021,(2):24-25
美术教学中渗透德育需要充分挖掘教学内容,利用不同形式,把握不同时机进行德育实践,通过合作、评价、示范等方式引导学生,才能将德育渗透到教学的全过程,提高德育实效。  相似文献   

When A Genomic Portrait – Sir John Sulston by Mark Quinn appeared in the London National Portrait Gallery's exhibition in 2001/2, the ensuing public controversy over its portrayal raised a number of questions about the representation of a publicly known figure. Because the portrait was the Gallery's first contemporary commission using specialised, scientific procedures in its creation, a number of issues arose surrounding its authenticity. How questions of authenticity are answered depends upon how the viewer reads aspects of scientific coding as it functions within the artistic domain. This is a form of visual literacy that depends on the viewer's ability to lift the veil that operates between coding systems and the context of their use. Literacy in this case is built upon the relationship between visual interpretation and ascribed systems of meaning within the context of their recontextualisations. By playing with the intersections between artistic and scientific discourses, the authors investigate how the representation of identity functions as a polysemy across different semiotic domains. Using visual semiotics to examine the intersections between sign systems across these domains, some of the communication aspects of how new modes of art function in present‐day communities are provoked. By illustrating the complexity of this process as a part of transforming expert knowing into pedagogical practice, support is given for improving teacher education in the arts and cultural domain.  相似文献   

This article analyses the problem of reception and interpretation of contemporary art exhibition in the context of Besucherschule (Visitors’ School) invented by Bazon Brock: German philosopher, art historian and a follower of Theodor Adorno. He implemented this practice for the first time on documenta 4 in Kassel (1968) and organised such schools of reception until documenta 9 (1992). The aim of the Visitors’ School was to explain works of contemporary art on display to the public. Brock understood this process as ‘mediation’ in aesthetic education, arguing that dependence on theory was no less problematic for contemporary art perception than the lack of traditional art form. The main symbolic task of art – ‘claim for reality’, was demonstrated by Brock in two ideas: ‘new image‐war’ and ‘speaking image’.  相似文献   

原色教育是尊重儿童天性的教育,是给儿童最基础的教育,是引导儿童创造的教育,以原色教育为核心的幼儿教育实践与研究,对于构建学校文化系统,引领教师专业成长,促进幼儿个性发展,推进课程变革有着重要意义。本文从当代幼儿原色教育实践研究的目标、价值、内容、过程等方面进行论述,以期获取关于原色教育的理论智慧与实践策略。  相似文献   

师资培养是艺术教育课程改革亟待解决的关键。小学艺术教育师资培养应紧扣《艺术课程标准》的课程理念,定位于一专多能型的培养目标,着眼于专业与教育能力兼备的培养规格,课程结构上力求基础全面、专业凸显。福建儿童发展职业学院"2·2·1"的艺术课程方案通过5年的实施,已取得了较好的成效。  相似文献   

网络课程是一种不同于传统的课堂教学课程或电视教学课程的新兴课程 ,因此 ,不断探索网络课程的制作规律 ,使之与学科教学相结合 ,一直是我们研究的方向。《小学美术教学》网络课程的研究和制作 ,在网络课程的设计思路、网络课程制作的程序、以及网络课程制作的技术界面方面较好的体现了内容与技术的完美统一。  相似文献   

原色教育是尊重儿童天性的教育,是给儿童最基础的教育,是引导儿童创造的教育,以原色教育为核心的幼儿教育实践与研究,对于构建学校文化系统,引领教师专业成长,促进幼儿个性发展,推进课程变革有着重要意义。本文从当代幼儿原色教育实践研究的目标、价值、内容、过程等方面进行论述,以期获取关于原色教育的理论智慧与实践策略。  相似文献   

本文通过对湖南一师美术教育专业往届毕业生中的小学美术教师的教学现状调查,发现高师美术教学论的教学存在许多亟待解决的问题,由此提出构建高师美术教学论与教育实习多元化开放式教育模式等美术教学论的教学改革策略。  相似文献   

小学数学课堂学习活动的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小学数学课堂中学生学习活动可以从学生的学习兴趣、学习方法、能力结构三个方面进行优化培养,从而唤起他们的创新意识,使学生的学习活动达到学习兴趣提高、求知欲望和能力增强的良好循环。  相似文献   

经过三十多年的发展,法国在国民教育部和国家电影中心的主导规划下,建立起从幼儿园到高中,从课堂到课外的电影教育体制。法国中小学电影教育的主要特点是课程体系整体统一、循序渐进,关注特殊青少年群体,国家和地方协作管理,多部门、多行业广泛参与;但该体制也存在中央与地方沟通不畅,资源配置和地区发展不平衡、专业人员缺少培训等问题。近年来,我国大力推进中小学美育工作,普及中小学影视教育,可以从教育理念、课程设置和实践推广等方面参考借鉴法国经验。我国中小学电影教育的发展需要开阔的视野、完善的体制和丰富的资源,以培养青少年的文化基础,提升其核心素养。  相似文献   

The present article discusses the possibilities of interdisciplinary integration for teaching art to primary‐school students in after‐school activities. Integrated teaching, as one of the ways for putting into practice the socioconstructivist approach to learning and the theory of the guided construction of knowledge, is used as a basis for conceiving and implementing the two projects described in the empirical part of the article. The research questions, addressed here, aim at finding out how a project‐based approach and the knowledge gained in school and through the students’ individual experiences can be applied pedagogically in after‐school art activities. To achieve the aims of the study a two‐cycle action research was conducted where the integrated teaching was viewed as a developmental spiral, in which the insights, experiences and results gained from the first project fed into the planning and realisation of the second one. The outcomes of the two projects suggest that the integrated presentation of teaching material enhances the students’ learning abilities to make associative connections between the different subjects, to transfer their skills from one project into another, and to apply their knowledge from one subject area to another by processing various sources of visual or verbal information in their creation of artworks. The two projects have proven empirically the validity and educational relevance of the integrated approach to teaching art, and the usefulness of the ideas in the New Finnish Core Curriculum for the holistic development of the child in the complexity of today's world.  相似文献   

视觉文化的到来不仅改变了人们的存在状态,也使艺术形态和审美文化发生了根本的变化,这对人的精神影响是喜是忧?见仁见智莫衷一是。毫无疑问,视觉文化的到来已对美术及其教育的发展提出了挑战,而正视视觉文化与艺术的关系,研究当代美术形态与教育发展趋势是一个必须重视的课题。  相似文献   

德育是教人学会做人的活动,德育课堂渗透做人教育,做人教育服务于学生的终身发展。小学德育课堂应该从认识自我、建立自信开始,以学讲礼仪、规范言行为内容,以知我中华、爱我中华为信念,以乐于探究、善于合作、崇尚科学为要求,让学生学会做人。  相似文献   

在全球化资讯快速发展和相互连接的当下,当代艺术正在以前所未有的生命力勃兴。随着众多数字、传媒、电讯、网络等各种媒体技术的发展,新媒体艺术应运而生,除了打破了传统艺术创作对单一媒介的依赖性,也带来当代艺术媒介运用的转型。借助于媒体技术,新媒体艺术可以将现实与虚拟合二为一,开拓了未来对新媒体产品开发和应用的前景。这是新时期下传统审美与媒体技术相互补充的结果,也是对整个人文世界中正在发生的存在方式转向的隐喻。  相似文献   

本通过介绍美国《艺术教育国家标准》的由来,阐释了当代美国艺术教育改革的基本理念,具体分析了美国艺术教育改革的若干个特点,提出我国的音乐基础教育工作必须树立新的教育理念。  相似文献   

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