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This qualitative study focuses on capturing students' understanding two visualizations often utilized by learning analytics-based educational technologies: bar graphs, and line graphs. It is framed by Achievement Goal Theory—a prominent theory of students' academic motivation—and utilizes interviews (n = 60) to investigate how students at risk of college failure interpret visualizations of their potential academic achievement. Findings suggest that visualizations only containing information about students themselves (i.e., self-focused affordances) evoked statements centered on mastering material. Visualizations containing information about students and a class average (i.e., comparative information), on the other hand, evoked responses that disheartened students and/or made them feel accountable to do better. Findings from this study suggest the following guidelines for designing visualizations for learning analytics-based educational technologies: (1) Never assume that more information is better; (2) anticipate and mitigate against potential misinterpretations—or harmful alternative interpretations—of visualizations; and (3) always suggest a way for students to improve. These guidelines help mitigate against potential unintended consequences to motivation introduced by visualizations used in learning analytics-based educational technologies. (Keywords: motivation, visualizations, learning analytics, Achievement Goal Theory, college students, educational technologies)  相似文献   

为探讨医药大学生学习动机和学业成绩的相关性,使用学习动机量表,对河北医科大学的140名学生进行了问卷调查,并以专业课考试成绩为研究内容,数据结果在SAS(V8)分析统计系统进行典型相关分析。结果显示,持有工具性动机的大学生的成绩最高(M=15.3500);高动机的学生比低动机的学生获得的学业成绩更高。由此得出结论:医药大学生学习动机和学科成绩之间存在显著相关,应对学生的学习动机加以引导。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate predictive relationships among student characteristics that influence motivation for learning and achievement. A non-Western sample was chosen to test the generalisability of findings outside the Western cultural and social models. The participants were 6,539 students from 14 public high schools distributed across the western half of Taiwan. They were from three grade levels, and were balanced in gender. Correlations, analysis of variance, and multiple regression analyses were conducted. Individual differences predicted classroom perceptions, and perceptions predicted motivation, as did goal structures and group differences. Findings can inform educational policy, as well as teacher professional development and practice.  相似文献   

大学生学习动力不足是高校普遍存在的一个现象。文章系统阐述了激发大学生学习动机的四个连贯的策略。了解与使用这些策略有利于教师创造一个适应大学生心理需要的学习环境,激发学生成为自己的老师与培养独立学习的能力,进而产生令人满意的学习效果。  相似文献   

学生体育锻炼意识养成的途径众多,学校教育是主要途径之一,它不仅能为学生终身体育打牢基础,更重要的是能使学生养成良好的体育锻炼意识。良好的体育意识应该有适宜的体育知识、技术能力和锻炼习惯做支撑。从学生的体育锻炼意识现状入手,剖析养成过程中学校、社会、家庭和学生自身等途径对体育锻炼意识养成的作用和价值,指出中小学生以教育、润育、约束、督导等为主,自觉自为为辅;大学生以自觉自愿为主,约束督导为辅。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study employed a time lag design to assess temporal relationships between motivation, academic achievement, and cognitive development. Eighty-one children from 2 preschool programs were measured twice, with an 11-week time lag, on 2 measures of motivation (marble drop task, bean bag toss task), 2 measures of cognitive development (seriation task, oddity principle task), and 2 measures of academic achievement from the Woodcock–Johnson III (Letter–Word Identification Scale, Applied Problems Scale). There were significant correlations between all of these variables. One clear-cut temporal relationship was found: Prior motivation predicted later academic achievement, but not vice versa. There was also some evidence of temporal relations between motivation and cognitive development, and between cognitive development and academic achievement, but the evidence for these relations was not as conclusive. Practice or Policy: It appears that at the preschool level, maintaining children's motivation is paramount. Curricula should be shaped with that primary goal as a high priority, as it appears that it will be followed by academic progress.  相似文献   

我国民警每年的人数因多种主客观原因不断递减,这一现象从一个侧面暴露出民警在体能训练上存在的问题.民警体能训练是提高民警综合素质和实战能力的重要途径和手段,必须从动机理论出发,激发民警体能训练的自觉性和主动性,全面培养民警自我训练能力.  相似文献   

为考察高中生学习效能感在班级环境与学习动机间的中介效应,采用学习动机、学 习效能感和班级环境问卷调查403名高中生.结果表明:(1)女生威信动机高于男生;男生 学习效能感高于女生;师生关系一年级好于二年级,女生好于男生;(2)学习动机与师生关 系、竞争、基本能力感和控制感正相关;基本能力感与秩序纪律负相关,与同学关系和控制 感正相关;控制感除学习压力外,与班级环境其他维度正相关.(3)基本能力感在秩序纪律 和学习动机间具有中介作用,控制感在竞争和学习动机间具有中介效应.高中生学习动机 的激发与维持的关键是提高学生的学习效能感,适当的竞争环境与相对民主、自由的班级 氛围有利于学生学习效能感的提高.  相似文献   

体育以应用性为基本特征,与实践紧密结合,是教育体系的重要组成部分。但目前体育教学与其本质相背离,并没有实现其预设目标。这其中,体育课程如何设计,直接关系到学生学习动机的大小,从而最终影响体育教学质量。因此,为了实现培养体育专业人才需要,构建特色课程,提高学生的学习动机,就成为必然。  相似文献   

对于大学生而言,体育锻炼是大学生活中必不可少的一部分,而克服心理障碍并养成持续性锻炼的习惯是重中之重。我们小组调查发现,心理效应对于大学生体育锻炼起着十分关键的作用。不同的心理因子对于大学生的体育锻产生不同的效果,且不同年级不同性别的同学由于心理状况不同,其对于自身体育锻炼状况以及体育认可程度也不同。  相似文献   

A strong desire for achievement may be seen asan important component of student motivation to completecollege. This study examined the structuralrelationships among four constructs: (1) motivational factors, (2) student background factors, (3)academic performance, and (4) persistence. Motivationand background factors were examined to determine theirdirect and indirect effects on academic performance and persistence for minorities andnonminorities. The study supported utilization offactors external to the students' college experienceidentified in the retention literature based on Bean's(1980) Student Attrition Model. While it was found thatmotivation failed to impact academic performance foreither racial subgroup, a significant motivationaleffect on persistence was found for minorities but notfor nonminorities in this study. Minority studentswith high levels of motivation tended to persist totheir second year. Policy implications arediscussed.  相似文献   

大学生学业自我发展的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生的学业自我发展有显著性特点,调查发现,我国大学生的学业自我发展处于中等稍偏上水平,在学业自我总分上存在显著的性别差异、年级差异、专业类型差异、学校类型差异以及城乡差异,具体表现为:男大学生得分显著高于女大学生,大一和大三学生的得分显著高于大二的学生;艺术类大学生的得分显著高于文理类的学生;新建本科院校大学生的得分均显著高于高职院校和省重点院校的学生,同时高职院校大学生的得分又显著高于省重点院校的学生。  相似文献   

大学生学业成就的高低与意志品质有重要关系。通过对大学生意志品质与其学业成就的相关分析发现:意志品质与学业成就存在极显著正相关;意志品质的坚韧性、自制力与学习的主动性计划性、学习态度、学习努力程度各维度之间均存在显著相关;女生的学业成就、学习态度显著好于男生。  相似文献   

为了研究大学生锻炼行为与健康生活方式的关系,并探讨体育价值观在两者间所起的作用.采用人口统计学自编问卷、体育锻炼等级量表、大学生健康生活方式评价量表和大学生体育价值观问卷对250名本科学生进行问卷调查.结果表明:不同性别、年级、家庭背景、专业的大学生健康生活方式、体育价值观、体育锻炼行为差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);健康生活方式、体育价值观、体育锻炼行为之间均呈正相关(P<0.01);大学生健康生活方式能一定程度上预测体育锻炼行为,体育价值观在其中起中介作用,通径系数达到0.72.  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生体质测试动机的表现及类型,构建了大学生体质测试动机模型并完成了量表编制.根据自我决定论对动机的定义及分类确定大学生体质测试动机量表的预设模型,采用德尔菲法编制初始量表;然后对分层随机抽样的1 300名大学生进行初始量表测查,通过内容效度指数(CVI)、题总相关系数(CITC)、临界比值(CR)等参数筛检预测条目确定正式量表;最后通过探索性因素分析进行因子提取和条目归类命名,利用相关分析及验证性因素分析对预设模型进行结构验证.结果表明:量表11个条目的 CVI≥0.8,CITC≥0.5,CR(27%)的鉴别性较好;探索性因素分析提取内部动机(4个条目)、外部动机(4个条目)和无动机(3个条目)3个因子,累积方差贡献率为66.27%;3个分量表与总量表存在中高度相关(P<0.001),验证性因素分析表明量表预设模型结构合理(χ2/df=2.301,近似均方根误差为0.062,拟合优度指数为0.928);总量表的克隆巴赫α系数为0.811,3个分量表的克隆巴赫α系数约为0.8,量表重测信度为0.912;不同性别、年级、专业大学生体质测试动机得分差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).初步编制的大学生体质测试动机量表的信度、效度等评价指标基本符合心理测量要求,可用于大学生体质测试动机的测量和干预研究.  相似文献   

采用青少年时间管理倾向量表(ATMD)和中国大学生压力量表对295名大学生进行问卷调查.结果表明:①大学生在时间效能感量表存在显著性别差异,在时间监控观量表存在显著的文理学科差异,在时间监控观量表、时间效能感量表存在显著年级差异;②大学生压力不存在性别差异,大学生在压力总分和个人烦忧量表上存在显著的文理学科差异.③大学生时间监控观、时间效能感与压力存在显著的负相关.时间价值感与学习烦忧存在显著的负相关,时间监控观以及时间效能感与压力各个分量表均存在显著的负相关.④大学生时间效能感对压力有显著的预测作用,时间价值感与时间监控观可以通过时间效能感来影响大学生的压力水平.结论:时间管理倾向是影响大学生压力的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

在师生共同参与下编排了大课间体育活动内容,通过大课间体育活动的开展,不仅对良好的校风、学风的树立有促进作用,而且为师生间的沟通搭建了平台,同时有利于学生的身心发展。  相似文献   

采用自编体育锻炼评价量表研究工具对中南区高等农业院校在校大学生参与课余体育锻炼现状进行研究分析,确定了影响中南区高等农业院校大学生参与课余体育锻炼的影响因素。以此掌握第一手资料可以改进大学的体育教学,培养大学生终身体育意识、能力和习惯,为推动全民健身计划顺利实施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

With the ongoing Bologna Process in mind, the author analyzes the effects of globalization on the academic world. In so doing, he traces the origins of globalization, arguing that it is not as new a phenomenon as one might think. He then analyzes the interactions of academic work and globalization and of academic values and globalization. Focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, the author proposes that the negative effects of the communist period on higher education in the region have stimulated a greater awareness of the fragility of traditional academic values than may be the case elsewhere, and a heightened desire to protect them. At the same time, the experience of communism (and now of transition) seems to have imparted great flexibility and pragmatism to higher education in the region as it responds to the challenges of globalization. Still, globalization is highly challenging to European higher education, East and West.  相似文献   

为贯彻落实"国家学生体质健康标准"和"全国亿万学生阳光体育运动"精神,高校开展了各式各样的课余体育锻炼活动。运用三种不同的训练方法来检测大学生在耐力素质训练中的身体机能变化,为开展科学、系统的课余锻炼,进而促进大学生耐力素质提供行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

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