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A national sample of educators were surveyed to identity the attitudes, beliefs, school culture, and perceived barriers that would predict whether educators would intervene to stop bias and harassment directed at lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth in schools. The survey questionnaire was organized according to the theory of planned behavior (TpB), a theoretical model linking attitudes to behavior. A sample of 968 teachers, school psychologists, and school counselors participated. Factor analysis indicated that the three TpB components (attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control) accurately predicted behavioral intention to advocate for LGBTQ youth. Path analysis supported the components of TpB in predicting behavioral intention, accounting for 21% of the variance. The path coefficients linking attitudes and subjective norm to behavioral intention were particularly robust and less so for perceived behavioral control. Implications for intervention and training of school personnel to improve advocacy for LGBTQ youth and reduce bias and harassment are discussed.  相似文献   

The need for the incorporation of training in geriatrics and gerontology into basic medical and dental education has recently been recognized. Studies that have attempted to measure the attitudes of medical and dental students toward the aged have been extremely limited. The present study, part of a larger study of attitudes and knowledge among 700 health workers, examines the attitudes and knowledge of over 283 dental and medical students at different stages in their professional education, using Rosencranz and McNevin's Aging Semantic Differential and Palmore's Short Quiz on Facts on Aging. No significant deterioration or improvement in attitudes toward the aged was found in the course of medical and dental education. Correlational analysis revealed a complex relationship between knowledge and attitude scores.  相似文献   

Widespread adoption of Response to Intervention (RtI) requires large numbers of educators to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the model with fidelity. This study examined relationships between large‐scale professional development on RtI and educators’ perceived skills. Elementary educators (n = 4,283) from 34 pilot and 27 comparison schools in a southeastern state participated. Leadership teams composed of subsets of educators from pilot schools who were responsible for leading RtI implementation participated in 13 days of training across a 3‐year period. Additionally, job‐embedded coaching was provided to pilot school instructional educators. Results from multilevel models indicated that leadership team membership related to increases in educators’ perceptions of RtI skills applied to academics (π = .05; SE = .02; t[6,726] = 2.60; p < .05) and of data display skills (π = .07; SE = .03; t[6,678] = 2.45, p < .05). Educator participation at pilot schools that received job‐embedded coaching related to increases in perceptions of RtI skills applied to academics (β = .07; SE = .02; t[6,726] = 2.77, p < .05). Implications for future research on RtI implementation and the practice of providing large‐scale professional development focused on RtI are discussed.  相似文献   

Promoting self‐determination has been suggested as a means for students with disabilities to access the general curriculum. We surveyed 407 elementary educators to examine a) the effects of classroom setting and teaching self‐regulation strategies on the perceived importance and frequency of teaching self‐determination; and b) the severity level of student disability, teacher primary assignment, teaching experience, and classroom and school setting on self‐regulation instruction. Teaching experience and classroom setting predicted the use of self‐regulation strategies, but primary assignment, school setting, and student disability did not. Self‐regulation instruction predicted the frequency of teaching self‐determination, but neither it nor classroom setting predicted the perceived importance of teaching self‐determination. Limitations and implications of this study are discussed, and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

The present study aims at examining variables (at individual and class level) that influence the accuracy of teacher judgments of second and third graders’ reading abilities (decoding and reading comprehension). Data of 1,468 students and 86 teachers were collected. Due to the nested structure of the data, multilevel regression analyses were applied. Results revealed about 5% of the variance in judgment accuracy at class level. Generally, teachers judged reading comprehension abilities more accurately than decoding abilities. Low‐achieving students’ abilities, though, were judged less accurately. Accuracy in judging decoding was higher in small classes and in students with special educational needs. Accuracy in judging reading comprehension grew along the years (higher in Grade 3 and at the end of the academic year). Additionally, teachers judged second language learners' reading comprehension less accurately. The results are discussed in the light of implications for teacher training.  相似文献   

Research suggests beliefs about the stability of ability can be dichotomized into two mindsets: fixed and growth (Dweck, 1999 ). Teachers’ (n = 238) beliefs regarding the stability of ability (mindset) and the stability of ability for 4 hypothetical students scenarios (mindset for scenarios) were measured. Mindset scores were related to mindset for scenario scores. Moreover teachers demonstrated increased neutral mindset scores and decreased fixed mindset scores for hypothetical student scenarios with no discernible differences for student gender or disability status.  相似文献   

Peer harassment is a major social problem affecting children and adolescents internationally. Much research has focused on student‐to‐student harassment from either an individual or a multilevel perspective. There is a paucity of multilevel research on students’ relationships with the classroom teacher. The purpose of this study was to use a socioecological perspective to examine the relationships between individual student‐level characteristics, problematic teacher–student relationships, and student‐reported peer harassment. A total of 1,864 children (50.7% female) aged 8 to 13 years (M = 9.82, SD = 1.24), nested in 27 schools (58.2% public) in Spain, participated in the study. Ninety‐four homeroom teachers reported on teacher–student relationships, and students completed self‐report measures related to peer harassment and teacher–student relationships. Multilevel models showed that relationships between students and teachers exerted a varying degree of influence on classroom levels of peer harassment. Specifically, student‐reported teacher support was associated with diminished student‐reported peer victimization, whereas direct and indirect student‐reported teacher‐to‐student aggression was associated with increased peer victimization. Additionally, student‐reported student‐to‐teacher aggression and teacher‐to‐student aggression were associated with increased student‐reported peer aggression. Teacher‐reported variables at the classroom level, however, contributed little to student‐reported outcomes. Results are discussed in the context of future research on relationships between teachers and students.  相似文献   

From its inception as a disability category in the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, serving students under the special education category Emotional Disturbance (ED) has been a challenging task for school psychologists. In particular, the vague and ambiguous federal definition has created an environment in which inconsistent assessment practices and decision making are almost inevitable. In this study, we examined school psychologists’ (N = 214) assessment practices when determining initial eligibility for ED, as well as their perceptions regarding the language contained within the federal ED definition. Findings indicated that although school psychologists recognize the need for a multimethod, multisource assessment model when ED is a classification consideration, in many instances, their actual assessments are missing commonly recommended sources of data for making eligibility decisions, including classroom observations; parent, teacher, and student interviews; and behavior rating scales. The results from the study provide a useful overview of school psychologists’ assessment practices and are couched within the questions and confusion that have surrounded the federal ED definition since its codification into law.  相似文献   

This study sought to assess current and future school psychologists’ attitudes toward and preparedness to address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students in schools. Two‐hundred seventy‐nine school psychologists (n = 162, 58%) and school psychology graduate students (n = 117, 42%) were included in the study. Participants completed measures of attitudes toward LGBT students, preparedness to address the needs of LGBT youth, and social desirability. For both school psychologists and graduate students, increased education was associated with improved attitudes and increased preparedness to treat LGBT youth. For school psychologists, presence of a gay‐straight alliance was associated with increased knowledge about LGBT youth, as well as higher ratings of preparedness to treat LGBT youth; the same associations did not hold true for the graduate students. These findings have implications for the training and practice of school psychologists in addressing the needs of LGBT youth in schools.  相似文献   

当代大学生的人生价值现出现了一些不良倾向。高校思想政治工作者应客观分析相关原因,加强引导,帮助大学生重新建立起科学的人生价值现体系。  相似文献   

为了解系统的体育锻炼对大学生身体成分的影响,采用文献资料法,实验法和统计法对体育专业和非体育专业大学生身体成分进行了分析和研究。结果表明:非体育专业大学生的体脂偏高.体重及去脂体重偏低,身体成分不合理,营养失调严重,男生营养缺乏的情况较多.女生营养过剩导致肥胖的问题非常突出;体育专业大学生的身体成分相对合理,但女生肥胖比例亦不容忽视。说明系统的体育锻炼对于控制适宜的身体成分,减少营养缺乏及肥胖的发生率.促进身体健康具有有益影响。提出加强身体成分与健康的宣传教育,在合理营养的前提下.进行科学的体育锻炼是增强体质,增进健康的的最佳途径。  相似文献   

在学习《中国近代史纲要》的过程中,文、理科学生存在的问题既有共性的一面,也有个性的一面,这就需要教师认清专业差异,选择不同的教学方法和理念,因材施教,同时做到课堂教学与课外活动相结合,充分发挥学生的主动性,并尝试必要的教学改革,才能收到良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

本文通过对我院463名男女大学生体质的调查、分析和比较,剖析了目前在校大学生体质诸方面存在的问题,并围绕着如何增强学生体质这一问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

当代女大学生在面对社会时,具有自身的优、劣势。优势表现在语言能力、思维能力、交往能力、管理能力、忍耐力方面。弱势表现在缺乏开拓性、进取性和风险意识、参与意识,惧怕心理、设障心理、自我意识心理较强等方面。女大学生应强化优势,克服弱势,从以下几方面完善自我:珍惜新时期为女性提供的大好机遇,充分认识提高自身素质的重大意义;转变观念,克服世俗偏见;克服不足,加强修养,培养优良品格;加强锻炼,提高体能素质。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Andrew Stables and Stephen Gough explore some of the implications for educational policy and practice of a view of living (and, therefore, of learning) as semiotic engagement. Such a view, Stables and Gough argue, has the potential to displace or circumvent essentially Cartesian models currently dominant within learning theory (cognitivism and responses to it) and within neoclassical economics (rational choice and responses to it). It thus enables synergies between theories of learning and of economic behavior, allowing for greater consistency in thinking about (but not necessarily prescribing for) both educational policy and provision, on the one hand, and curriculum and pedagogy, on the other. In addition, the authors claim that giving semiotics a foundational role in educational thinking provides a basis for the broader development of liberal political thought within a postmodern cultural context.  相似文献   

A critical debate within the field of school psychology has centered on the relationship between bullying and cyberbullying in terms of prevalence, overlap, and impact. The current study sought to address the following questions: (1) Does cyberbullying create new victims or merely a new means of victimization? (2) Does cyberbullying uniquely contribute to negative outcomes above and beyond those of traditional bullying? Utilizing an anonymous survey to examine students’ experiences with cyberbullying, traditional bullying, and negative psychological symptoms, it was found that the vast majority of students who were bullied online were also victims of in‐person bullying. Both forms of victimization were independently associated with negative outcomes. However, when controlling for traditional bullying, cyberbullying did not remain a predictor of negative mental health outcomes. In contrast, when controlling for cyberbullying, traditional bullying remained a significant predictor of negative mental health outcomes. These results suggest that although traditional and cyber forms of bullying tend to target the same victims, traditional bullying is more uniquely associated with negative psychological outcomes.  相似文献   

Stereotypes about aging and the old, both negative and positive, have significant influence upon older people themselves. Often unknowingly, older people incorporate these stereotypes into their own thinking and self-perceptions. A literature search revealed four primary hypotheses about the manner in which these self-stereotypes impact older people: stereotype threat, comparison, externalization, and internalization. Anecdotal examples of the four hypotheses are drawn from an unrelated research study that the authors are currently undertaking. Among these hypotheses, four basic characteristics of self-stereotypes are identified: (a) stereotypes can be negative or positive; (b) stereotypes have significant power, particularly if they are self-relevant; (c) stereotypes can be operative without awareness and influence physical and cognitive outcomes; and (d) negative stereotypes can be countered by positive priming. Due to their ability to significantly influence the cognitive and functional well-being of older people, further research is essential to better understand how these self-stereotypes function.  相似文献   

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