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This series of articles explores the history of Jewish Education magazine, later known as the Journal of Jewish Education, with a particular emphasis on its intersection with the history of American Jewish education and, more generally, American Jewish life. Major themes and issues that preoccupied the magazine's editors and writers are isolated and analyzed as to how their discourse sheds light on their individual aims, values, and philosophical outlooks, as well their collective efforts at educational reform. Particular attention is paid to how Benderly's disciples sought to reinterpret their mentor's vision in a changing American Jewish environment and why this vision was, at best, only partially realized.  相似文献   

实施素质教育的关键是创新教育,创新教育势在必行。实现创新教育,应大力倡导创新教育的理念,强化创新教育的意识,在教育内容、教学方法、教学手段、教师知识、教学环境等方面实现更新或创新。  相似文献   

The author, the Vice‐Chancellor and President of Central Queensland University in Australia, argues that globalization and the new information technologies permit a deconstruction of the functions of the vertically integrated typical university. Thus, some of these functions, particularly the offering of instructional services, the evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills, and the credentialling of graduates can be accomplished separately, often electronically, at locations distant from the main campus, and at a lower cost to the learner than attendance at a typical and traditional university. The author describes the operation of four for‐profit branch “outlets” of his university, a public institution, in partnership with Campus Management Services, a private for‐profit business. He considers that such for‐profit operations are the wave of the future and that if traditional typical universities survive it will only be as the result of their socialization and character‐building functions.  相似文献   

Counsellors, in a variety of settings, use counselling tools to assist clients in the conceptualization of issues and in developing coping and problem solving strategies. Counsellors are limited only by their creative abilities in selecting and developing tools and methods that will effect client change. This article explores the use of metaphor as a versatile and viable tool to facilitate client growth and transformation. After a brief review of definitions and historical perspectives, this paper outlines skills and considerations for using, creating, and delivering effective metaphors within a variety of theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

In this article we draw upon case studies of interdistrict integration programs in Omaha, Nebraska, and the Tinsley program in the region south of San Francisco to examine how race and space intersect to influence implementation of these programs. We discuss the origins of these programs, the challenges in implementing them, and the ongoing political tensions that have surrounded them. Our case studies of the two metro areas involved interviews with stakeholders, as well as document and secondary data analysis, and geospatial mapping. Based on our analyses, we conclude that civic capacity must be mobilized so that broad, regional, cross-sector policies can be adopted in the pursuit of educational equity.  相似文献   

The present authors wrote a paper on cognitive neuroscience (i.e., Byrnes and Fox, 1998) that spawned a number of commentaries. In the present paper, they respond to these commentaries. Using a theme-based approach, they reveal an emerging consensus regarding the educational relevance of neuroscientific research.  相似文献   

情性之教之所以会与身体教育扯上关系,核心即在中国传统之学对身心关系的深入理解。任何身体的展现,都不只是生理的意义。传统中国的身体论关联着心性论,二者是一体的两面,没有无心性之身体,也没有无身体之心性,身体体现了心性,心性形著了身体,因此,中国传统的"身体教育",同时就是"情性教育",同时就能完成"情性教育"。这是一体呵成的身心,而非二元对立的身心。不仅现实的心性需要改善、可以改善;现实的身体同样需要改善、可以改善。传统中国所期待的完整教育,是培养一种内外交融、身心交融、心气交融的有机体性人格。  相似文献   

The call for reforms in science education has been ongoing for a century, with new movements and approaches continuously reshaping the identity and values of the discipline. The HPS movement has an equally long history and taken part in the debates defining its purpose and revising curriculum. Its limited success, however, is due not only to competition with alternative visions and paradigms (e.g. STS, multi-culturalism, constructivism, traditionalism) which deadlock implementation, and which have led to conflicting meanings of scientific literacy, but the inability to rise above the debate. At issue is a fundamental problem plaguing science education at the school level, one it shares with education in general. It is my contention that it requires a guiding “metatheory” of education that can appropriately distance itself from the dual dependencies of metatheories in psychology and the demands of socialization—especially as articulated in most common conceptions of scientific literacy tied to citizenship. I offer as a suggestion Egan’s cultural-linguistic theory as a metatheory to help resolve the impasse. I hope to make reformers familiar with his important ideas in general and more specifically, to show how they can complement HPS rationales and reinforce the work of those researchers who have emphasized the value of narrative in learning science. This will be elaborated in Part II of a supplemental paper to the present one. As a prerequisite to presenting Egan’s metatheory I first raise the issue of the need for a conceptual shift back to philosophy of education within the discipline, and thereto, on developing and demarcating true educational theories (essentially neglected since Hirst). In the same vein it is suggested a new research field should be opened with the express purpose of developing a discipline-specific “philosophy of science education” (largely neglected since Dewey) which could in addition serve to reinforce science education’s growing sense of academic autonomy and independence from socio-economic demands.  相似文献   

本文根据美国《教育周刊》教育研究中心最近发表的一项教育政策影响因素专家调查报告,简要介绍了近十年来对美国教育政策制定产生了重大影响的研究项目、机构、个人和信息源,并提出四点分析。  相似文献   

近期,笔者对西欧八国,主要是德国和法国的职业教育进行了考察学习.西欧发达国家完善的职业教育为本国经济建设发挥了巨大作用,使我深有感触.我国尤其是我们地方性职业技术学院很有必要借鉴西欧职业教育的有益经验,有目的地探索职业教育规律,办出各自的特色.现结合我院情况浅谈管见.  相似文献   

西方的教育市场化对我国高等职业教育改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等职业教育在取得巨大进步的同时,也存在诸多矛盾和困难.其主要原因在于高等职业教育的管理体制不适应高层经济和高等职业教育发展的需求.西方国家教育市场化改革方式,不断渗入高等职业教育各个环节的层面,在推进我国高等职业教育继续深化改革中有指导与借签意义.  相似文献   

<正>"Ode to the West Wind" written by Percy Bysshe Shelley is an excellent romantic poem in the 19th century and the best lyric of the poet. In the poem Shelley expresses his great love for nature, praises the West Wind for its spirit of destroying old things and being pregnant with new things. By evoking the great force of the West Wind, he expresses his determination to fight against dying things and disseminate new ideas with his Poetry. This point is well shown, especially in the first and the last two stanzas.  相似文献   

加快西部职业技术教育的发展,必须依托区域产业体系的开发和调整,在各级政府的支持下,狠抓专业特色建设,走培训、研究、生产一体化多样性开放式办学的道路,这是全面落实科学发展观,实现社会公正,推动西部大开发的客观要求。  相似文献   

灌输式教育曾经是西方教育中最有影响的教育方式之一.20世纪以来,西方教育的最大变化就是对灌输式教育的彻底否定.这一过程极大地促进了现代西方教育观念的转变,推动了西方教育进入新的发展阶段.目前,中国教育仍然可以看到灌输式教育的影响.中国教育改革应当从西方教育家否定灌输式教育的历史过程中进行反思,实现真正的转变.  相似文献   

现代教育必须以严肃的态度来面对现代性中科学与哲学的纠缠与确立其自身的合理性.已经放逐了形而上学智慧的近现代教育由于完全依附于科学而引领科学精神在教育领域泛滥,教育过程对受教育者来说成为一个加工和塑造的线性过程.教育的形上智慧恰恰在于认识到受教育者自身发展的节奏,受教育者并不是教育简单的加工对象,而是"馈赠".教育的本体性在于因其四重整体性的拢集而具有的高贵性.  相似文献   

西夏法律思想定型化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《天盛律令》是现存最为完备的一部西夏法典。它形成于仁宗天盛年间,作为西夏时期法律制度发展的顶峰或集大成者,标志着西夏法规体系、法律价值体系、法律制度体系、法律形成风格等基本定型。在此背景下,西夏的法律思想也趋于成熟并巩固下来。律令所反映出来的法制观、价值观及伦理观与儒家的法律思想基本吻合。在法理、立法、执法、法律监督方面都反映出儒家法律思想的特点.构成了西夏时期法律思想的主流。  相似文献   

从体育课的组织教学、教材内容和教师的主导作用三个方面讨论体育教学如何培养学生良好的品质。  相似文献   

A broadly conceived attempt is initiated here to extend hermeneutic philosophy to the understanding of natural science, with a special interest in the significance of this for education. After a brief discussion of several current problems to be addressed, a general outline is given of the evolution of hermeneutics in comparison with the evolution of the philosophy of science. The main thrust of this paper, however, is to show how the ontological version of hermeneutics, developed in various ways by H.G. Gadamer and others, describes rather closely features of scientific activity neglected by most philosophies of science and of education. To this end, the paper focuses especially on the biologist Barbara McClintock.  相似文献   

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