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读写素养是儿童认知和学习的基础。数字时代的儿童读写素养面临儿童阅读兴趣不足的挑战。游戏化思维在儿童教学中具有重要影响,能够激发儿童学习动机,增加学习兴趣。为提升儿童数字读写素养,文章提出基于游戏化学习的儿童数字读写素养培养项目设计,开发了游戏化阅读平台--"阅读大挑战",在香港小学生中推广使用,并对使用效果进行了实证分析,讨论该项目中游戏化学习策略与项目运行要素;借此构建基于游戏化学习的儿童数字读写素养培养模式,研究结果可为数字时代下的儿童读写能力培养设计提供启示。  相似文献   


Widespread changes in communication associated with new technologies have led to a growing interest in digital literacy. Although the concept of digital literacy suffers from a lack of agreed definition, this paper suggests that reading and writing with technology remains a key point of concern. The written word, a central feature of evolving patterns of communication, is now used in new ways and often in combination with different media as new devices and physical practices are recruited to the task of meaning making. The influence of different ways of thinking about these new communicative practices has led to the development of the diverse body of research outlined here. Tracing these strands in current research and writing about digital practice is used in order to identify how literacy has both expanded and diversified. Because it is now a significant aspect of full participation in social and cultural life, reading with technology raises important questions for education. This paper suggests that in England policy in this area is poorly articulated and argues that there is a pressing need for more focused classroom research to develop practices that support digital literacy.  相似文献   

张瑶 《铜仁学院学报》2009,11(6):126-128
阅读和写作都是阅读者或写作者利用原有知识建构意义的过程,两者相辅相成,相互促进。读写结合能有效培养学生的反思和鉴赏能力。本文通过介绍美国读写结合方面的一些研究成果及教学实践,强调在读写活动中构建意义的同时注重培养学生的反思能力,以期对我国外语教学界乃至语文教学界存在的一些困惑有所启发。  相似文献   

传统的观点认为,语文能力就是听、说、读、写四种能力.笔者通过多年的教学实际发现,听、说、读、写只是语文能力外在显现的部分,完整的语文能力应该是以思维能力为核心的包括听、说、读、写、思、行、看等七种能力.  相似文献   

Adolescents are more connected to the globalised world than ever before, with an increased prevalence of social media use amongst youth. Young people are composing multimodal creative works, including digital poetry, to share with an online audience, using platforms such as Instagram. Drawing on transliteracies theory, this case study found that three main themes appeared regarding the nature of literacy practices on Instagram. Community and interactivity were important to poets, especially in regard to feedback. The platform and complementary apps, especially those used for photo editing, afforded poets agency and fostered multimodality when composing, thus highlighting the changing nature of digitised writing practices. Value was placed on the mobility and accessibility of Instagram as a mobile app, for composing and consuming digital poetry. Young people may therefore be considered innovators of multimodal writing who employ ever‐evolving technologies to engage in authentic literacy practices in digital spaces. As a result, this study suggests that the implications of Instapoetry on English pedagogy include the increased exposure and relevance of poetry writing and appreciation, a space for student‐centred writing, reading, and analysis of poems, as well as a relevant method of peer review and collaboration.  相似文献   

创造性思维是人类根本的思维形式,教育的职责是要为人类揭示出这种思维形式的本质。英语学习的自身规律要求人们以创新的思路改革英语的课堂教学,高度重视创造性思维能力的开发。要创造一种有利于激发创新精神的自由思考的环境,调动学生的创造积极性;要把创造性思维能力的开发和提高听说读写活动技能结合起来;形式多样的课堂活动是开发创造性思维的有效途径,课堂活动任务化对开发创造性思维具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

大学英语读写一体化不是单向的“以读促写”,也与以往工具式的训练型“读写结合”有所不同。作为一种教学理念,它更强调学生对语言的整体感悟,更强调通过研究性学习培养学生的批判性思维,并扩展其人文素质。通过贯穿始终的学生合作学习活动,阅读一讨论一写作一评议四个环节中的师生互动,以培养思辨能力为目标的深度阅读,高度融合的读写技巧讲练,体验式网络自主学习等教学设计,达到读写水乳交融、相互促进的效果,显示出大学课程的通识教育功能。  相似文献   

近年来,批判性阅读模式倍受关注,它主要强调在阅读过程中,学习者不仅要理解文章内容,分析全文的结构,总结主题思想,更要注重判断、分析和评价作者的观点、论证过程、写作目的和语气,以此来形成自己对某个问题的看法。实验研究结果表明:批判性阅读策略培训可以提高学生应用策略的频率和意识;批判性阅读可以提高学生的阅读能力和议论文的写作能力,显著程度大于常规教学方式;学生对批判性阅读教学的满意度较高。  相似文献   

The study examined how literacy portfolios were used as tools in a college developmental English class in which deaf students assessed their reading comprehension as well as their writing processes and products. The students' reading and writing assignments involved reflective thinking and were grounded in authentic tasks. Immediate feedback was provided. The study was multidimensional, longitudinal, and ongoing. A variety of field research techniques were used to ascertain the uses and influences of portfolios in regard to students' reading, writing, and reflective thinking. The results support the idea that the use of literacy portfolios can positively influence students who are deaf when they assess their reading and writing abilities.  相似文献   

In education, we are concerned with the teaching and learning of subjects, but the word “subject” can refer to the discipline being studied as well as the individual who is studying. In this essay, Teresa Strong‐Wilson explores this “double entendre” (which William Pinar refers to as the “double consciousness”) of curriculum studies through the analogy afforded by German author‐in‐exile W. G. Sebald's working through of difficult subjects by way of semi‐autobiographical writing that takes the form of an “invisible subject”: a preoccupation with an unnamed injustice entangled with his own upbringing. Curriculum theory, as currere, has foregrounded the autobiographical. While the place of autobiography in curriculum studies has often been taken to mean writing (especially of a confessional sort), currere is more an allegorical method of study, of intellectual engagement, of learning through reading and writing, and of teaching so as to open spaces for agency. Strong‐Wilson suggests that Sebald can provide a strong example for us in curriculum studies of how to ethically bring into being an allegorical, autobiographical practice focused on “invisible” subjects of deep concern.  相似文献   

Maureen Walsh 《Literacy》2008,42(2):101-108
Debates continue in public and in educational policy forums about the ‘basics’ of literacy while many have not recognised that these basics may never be the same again. Rapid changes in digital communication provide facilities for reading and writing to be combined with various and often quite complex aspects of music, photography and film. At the same time, educational policy and national testing requirements are still principally focused on the reading and writing of print‐based texts. This paper examines evidence from classroom research to analyse the nature of multimodal literacy, the literacy that is needed in contemporary times for reading, viewing, responding to and producing multimodal and digital texts. Examples of students' engagement in multimodal literacy are presented to demonstrate how classroom literacy practices can incorporate the practices of talking, listening, reading and writing together with processing the modes of written text, image, sound and movement in print and digital texts.  相似文献   

Reading is a multi‐sensory activity, entailing perceptual, cognitive and motor interactions with whatever is being read. With digital technology, reading manifests itself as being extensively multi‐sensory – both in more explicit and more complex ways than ever before. In different ways from traditional reading technologies such as the codex, digital technology illustrates how the act of reading is intimately connected with and intricately dependent on the fact that we are both body and mind – a fact carrying important implications for even such an apparently intellectual activity as reading, whether recreational, educational or occupational. This article addresses some important and hitherto neglected issues concerning digital reading, with special emphasis on the vital role of our bodies, and in particular our fingers and hands, for the immersive fiction reading experience.  相似文献   

Reading and writing are increasingly performed with digital, screen‐based technologies rather than with analogue technologies such as paper and pen(cil). The current digitization is an occasion to “unpack,” theoretically and conceptually, what is entailed in reading and writing as embodied, multisensory processes involving audiovisual and ergonomic interaction with devices having particular affordances. Highlighting the sensorimotor contingencies of substrates and technologies — how movement and object manipulation affect perception, experience, and sensory “feel” — this article presents an embodied approach to reading, writing, and literacy, using three cases of digitization as illustrations of some educational implications: (1) beginning writing by hand or by keyboard; (2) dialogic reading with iPads and print picture books in kindergarten; and (3) deep reading of long, linear texts on paper and on screens.  相似文献   

语言模因论是近几年应用语言学的一个新的研究方向,它提出语言的习得主要来自于模仿,语言模因通过复制和传播丰富了人们的语言和思维,也促进了写作能力的提高。阅读作为模因形成的主要因素在英语写作中意义重大,为了使阅读充分发挥其在写作中的作用,本文探讨了阅读材料的选择以及阅读后的写作训练方案,旨在对大学英语写作教学有所启示。  相似文献   

本文针对作文教学中存在的现实性问题,提出了“构建开放的、活泼的、动态的学生全程自主作文训练体式”、“进行听说读写一体化训练”、“凸出思维训练”、“关注发展等级”、“把评改权还给学生”等解决方案,对提高作文教学效率有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

开展群文阅读,能提升学生的阅读效率,培养学生良好的阅读思维和人文素养。而在群文阅读中融入读写结合的教学模式,能将阅读、写作、思维训练等融合起来,促进学生阅读思维、表达能力、语言构建与运用能力等语文核心素养的全面发展。文章针对初中语文群文阅读教学现状,探究读写结合教学模式在群文阅读中的有效应用。  相似文献   

在语文教学中,写作和阅读两者密不可分,也是教学的重点和难点。语文教师将阅读教学和写作教学有效结合起来,不仅可以增强学生的阅读和理解能力,还可以提高学生的写作水平,培养学生的创新思维,促进学生语文核心素养的提高。文章以语文阅读和写作教学的整合策略为主题进行探讨。  相似文献   

农村初中的作文教学现状不容乐观,主要表现为:学生阅读量小,词汇贫乏,表意晦涩;生活单一,题材缺乏,作文无话可说;作文缺少兴趣,视作文为畏途;基本的方法技巧不足,难以成就佳篇.应对这种现状,我们采取的策略为:处理好阅读与写作的关系,激发学生阅读兴趣,培养阅读习惯,逐步提高学生的阅读能力;要以人为本,尊重学生的劳动,放大成功效应,激发学生的写作兴趣;要注意培养观察思考的习惯,培养学生用心灵去,感受世界,感悟生活的意识与能力;最后还要对学生进行必要的方法技巧训练.  相似文献   

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