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二战后,美国联邦政府的国际学生教育政策在美国例外论、多元文化主义和实用主义价值观影响下,呈现出注重文化输出与国防安全、倡导技术移民、坚持国家利益至上的价值取向。后“9·11”时代,美国又确立了将国际学生教育作为保护国家安全和知识产权的重要屏障、吸纳海外科技创新人才的主要手段和提高经济效益的关键途径的政策理念。美国经验表明,国际学生教育政策可以与国家安全、经济贸易、文化外交、全球竞争力等多方面利益相融合,有效支撑国家发展战略。在全球学生流动受阻与大国博弈的背景下,美国的国际学生教育政策也暴露出深受外部环境牵制、吸引高科技人才政策缺乏稳定性、难以抵御高等教育财政风险的弊端。  相似文献   

本文在联合国教科文组织、经合组织和美国国际教育协会2018年发布的全球学生流动数据基础上,结合相关文献,探究了全球学生流动的特点、影响因素与趋势。研究发现:全球学生流动呈现出流入流出区域较为集中、硕博层次流动比例高、STEM领域流动性强等特点;全球学生流动受到政策、经济和教育等方面因素的影响;其趋势表现为美英两国的国际学生增速放缓,加澳两国有望成为接收国际学生的新增长极,东亚和东非的学生流动性将有所提高。建议评估影响国际学生选择的可能因素,加快和扩大教育对外开放,建设留学教育强国。  相似文献   

“学生支持服务”项目是一项美国于20世纪60年代设立的联邦教育项目,旨在通过对第一代大学生等处境不利的学生提供支持服务,有效提高其高等教育成就。在设置理念与性质方面,该项目重视高等教育中的文化因素,采用非经济化的项目准入标准和服务内容,强调形成支持性的文化氛围,以促进处境不利学生的学业成就。在具体设置和运营方面,该项目在国家层面以法律保障项目的地位来运营,由教育部分配项目基金,而具体运作由高校开展,便于为学生提供有针对性的支持服务,三者结合构建了健全的支持体系。“学生支持服务”项目促进了美国高等教育的公平发展与质量提升,其实施经验对于完善我国普及化时代的高等教育学生支持体系有一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Learning disabilities (LD) has been recognized as a category of special education in Taiwanese law since 1984, and policies ensure educational services for children and youth who have LD. The official definition and identification criteria established in Taiwan's laws closely correspond with those of the United States, but practice differs, largely influenced by the people's cultural and linguistic background. I discuss these legal and cultural features as well as other matters (e.g., growth and change in professional literature on LD). Compared to economically developed countries such as the United States, the educators in Taiwan implement identification procedures, placement, and services at a lower cost. Contents of implementation are introduced in detail. The prevalence rate of LD has been very low (<1 percent). I examine culture‐ and/or society‐specific reasons for low prevalence, such as Chinese orthography, regular teachers' compliance with referral procedures, the education‐first belief of parents, and problems with identification procedures.  相似文献   

Chinese students are the largest international student cohort in the higher education institutions of English‐speaking developed countries. The paper explores strategies to enhance the Chinese students' learning efficacy in overseas institutions. This research differs from other research focusing on international students already in English‐speaking institutions; it explores the readiness of potential Chinese international students before departure from China, their anticipated challenges for study abroad and expected support from host institutions and staff. Besides the insights of anticipated challenges and expected support, the key findings include: the majority of the sample students are financially ready for overseas study, however they are not fully ready on English language; students from the public institute in the study have a higher level of readiness for subject knowledge than their private institute's peers. The findings offer a guide, to both the English‐speaking institutions and their Chinese partners, on facilitating, teaching and preparing the Chinese students for a fruitful learning experience abroad and enhanced academic performance.  相似文献   

为了提高基础教育质量和国际竞争力,为学生上大学和工作做好充分准备,美国研制了首部各州统一的数学课程标准,即《共同核心数学课程标准》,规定了美国K—12年级学生需要掌握的数学知识与技能。该标准目标明确、重点突出、系统性强、内容简洁,对我国基础教育数学课程改革有启发意义。  相似文献   

抗日战争后期,美国政府基于军事上的需要和试图解决国共两党的分歧,美国开始关注中国共产党。1944年。美国政府提出派遣观察团访问延安,而一向对中共采取敌视态度的蒋介石极力阻挠美军观察团去延安,经过关国与蒋介石的多次磋商,蒋介石最终勉强同意此事。  相似文献   

大学生自主创业探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国大学生创业历史较短,缺乏完善的体系、科学的机制和良好的社会氛围,与西方发达国家特别是美国相比仍有很大的差距。借鉴国外大学生创业的经验,结合我国当前的大学生创业现状,从政府、高校、社会等方面提出了相关的完善路径:建立快速推动创业工作的管理机制;加强大学生创业意识、创业知识、创业心理品质等教育;多渠道扩充风险投资基金等。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代初,美国成为影响中国大学发展的主要国家,而郭秉文作为留美学生,在导入美国大学模式的过程中,发挥了积极有益的作用。以郭秉文及其东南大学改革为个案,分析美国大学模式在近代中国的导入与影响,对我国现代高等教育的发展有积极的作用。  相似文献   

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) examination system has grown exponentially in the United States from 268 schools involved in 1999 to 1,090 schools in 2009. The fact that 49,100 students of a total of 87,800 students in 122 countries were from U.S. schools in 2009 has posed problems in strategic planning, assessment and training, the ability of the program to remain politically neutral, and the ability of the program to remain international and not take on an American persona.  相似文献   

后"9·11"时代,美国积极发展新形式教育外交,以软实力理论为理论基础,强调将教育作为软实力的资源生产者和重要平台,发挥美国文化、政治价值观念和外交政策在全球的吸引力、感召力和同化力。美国既注重培养美国公民的全球素养,又注重塑造他国精英的美国精神,在双重维度下构筑并实施教育外交政策体系。借鉴美国的教育外交战略,中国需将教育外交纳入中国特色大国外交体系,从教育自觉走向教育自信,发挥在全球教育治理中的重要作用,注重培养中国国民的全球素养,并塑造外国精英的中国精神。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of teacher misbehaviors and credibility with student resistance in U.S. and Chinese college classrooms. Findings indicate that Chinese college students report a higher level of resistance than U.S. college students. Teacher misbehaviors and credibility have differing associations with student resistance in the U.S. and Chinese college classrooms. Specifically among the 3 dimensions of teacher misbehaviors, in the United States, teacher indolence and incompetence contribute the most to student resistance, explaining 27% of the variance in student resistance; but in China, teacher offensiveness is the only source of student resistance, accounting for 10% of the variance in student resistance. Among the 3 dimensions of teacher credibility, in the United States, teacher trustworthiness and competence are the effective predictors of student resistance, explaining 19% of the variance in student resistance; whereas in China, teacher trustworthiness is the only predictor of student resistance, accounting for 6% of the variance in student resistance.  相似文献   

若干留学大国的留学生辅助项目研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章介绍了美国、加拿大和澳大利亚等留学大国的留学生辅助项目。研究表明,留学生辅助项目的确能够帮助留学生缩短文化适应期,减弱甚至克服文化冲击带来的各种不适。目前中国大学中,留学生学习和生活方面的辅助项目要么没有,要么非常肤浅,不能满足留学生的现实需要。随着来华留学生人数越来越多,留学生辅助指导工作也越来越重要。比较和借鉴接收留学生的大国比较成熟和系统的留学生辅助指导措施,对我们大力发展留学生教育有着重要的现实作用。  相似文献   


Feedback from educators in England, Scotland, and the Republic of Ireland was obtained regarding the performance of U.S. student teachers in the schools of these nations. Reported in this paper are the educators' observations and beliefs pertaining to topics such as the professional and cultural/social strengths of U.S. student teachers; major cultural/social ‘mistakes’ often made by U.S. student teachers; ways in which they could better prepare for classroom teaching assignments in overseas schools; goals motivating them to seek placements in overseas schools; and ways in which the foreign pupils benefitted from the U.S. student teachers. Based on the feedback, recommendations are offered to student participants and university/college faculty for the improvement of teaching experiences in overseas nations. In addition, the need for internationalizing teacher education programs in the United States is recognized.  相似文献   

烹饪留学生教育是中国高等教育国际交流合作的一个重要组成部分。目前高等烹饪留学生教育领域还存在着一些问题,解决这些问题及进一步推动烹饪留学生教育事业,能扩大来华高等烹饪专业留学生规模,并向全世界推广传播中国饮食文化,提升中国文化"软实力"。  相似文献   

To date, scholarship on international students has generally focused on flows from non‐western economies to the main English‐speaking destination countries (such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia). In contrast, we draw on a qualitative study of 85 UK students who have either completed or are considering undertaking a degree programme overseas. We found that, in opposition to a common image of ‘international students’, UK students are not overtly motivated by ‘strategic’ concerns. Instead, they are seeking ‘excitement’ and ‘adventure’ from overseas study and often use the opportunity to delay the onset of a career and prolong a relatively carefree student lifestyle. Despite these ostensibly ‘disinterested’ objectives, however, UK students remain a highly privileged group and their experiences serve only to facilitate the reproduction of their privilege. The paper calls for a more critical analysis of the spatially uneven and socially exclusive nature of international higher education.  相似文献   

This study identified dietetic students' knowledge of aging, attitudes, and intentions to provide services to the elderly and compared the cross-cultural differences between the United States and South Korea. The results show that knowledge about aging and the elderly, coursework experiences, and internship experiences are much greater among American college students than among Korean college students. Stepwise regression results found positive attitudes toward working for the elderly, as well as internship experiences, influenced behavioral intentions among both Korean and U.S. students. Effective education programs should integrate sufficient knowledge, positively reflect student attitudes toward aging populations, and control the quality of contact with the elderly.  相似文献   

Comparable Chinese and American databases were identified in this study through a review of existing international projects in the United States and China. The Chinese data were collected from a random sample of more than 12,000 ninth-grade students in the SISS Extended Study, a key project supported by the China State Commission of Education in the late 1980s. The U.S. data were collected at the same grade level using the same international instrument. The achievement comparison revealed a small difference between Chinese and American average scores. Variability of the score distribution was larger in the United States than in China. These findings were triangulated with other comparative research results to shed light on the condition of Chinese and American science education. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 329–336, 1998.  相似文献   

Admissions personnel in the United States may question the necessity of American participation in the joint Council of Europe/UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region. With a long history of international exchanges and given the decentralized system of education of the United States, it can be argued that there is no need for or practicality to U.S. participation. However, participation is viewed as an important agenda for the United States, presenting an opportunity for the sharing of information about American education, for the promotion of an international standard for the recognition of academic credentials, for building global relationships, and for strengthening democratization.  相似文献   

对于“蒲安臣条约”的评价,历来众说纷纭。本试图从华侨史的角度来审视其对清代侨务政策、华工入美、近代留学生及美国“排华”等重大事件的客观影响,重构其在这一视野下的“历史形象”。  相似文献   

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