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Positive approaches to learning are considered essential for young children’s school readiness and early school success. Researchers have reported that positive learning approaches, such as attentiveness and goal orientation, are associated with higher levels of early school achievement in math and reading. The present study extends this research by examining children’s learning approaches in the context of classroom activities from a range of curricular areas. Ninety-two children from pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classrooms took part in the study. Four approaches to learning were rated during children’s participation in seven classroom learning activities. Results showed that positive learning approaches were a significant contributor to children’s performance, but they were not equally effective in all activities. The effectiveness of a learning approach depends, in part, on the characteristics of the activity in which the child is engaged. We discuss the implications of these results for understanding the study of learning approaches, and for classroom practices designed to promote their development.  相似文献   

Research Findings: As policymakers expand access to preschool, the sociodemographic composition of preschool classrooms will become increasingly important. These efforts may create programs that increase the concentration of children from low-income families or, alternatively, foster the creation of socioeconomically diverse preschool classrooms. What effect the creation of such contexts would have on very young children remains unclear. Using multilevel methods and data on 2,966 children in 704 prekindergarten classrooms, this study explores the relationship between socioeconomic classroom composition and children's social and cognitive development. The results indicate positive associations between the mean socioeconomic status (SES) of the class and children's receptive language, expressive language, and mathematics learning, regardless of children's own sociodemographic backgrounds and the characteristics of their classrooms. However, the analyses indicate no association between the development of social competence and class mean SES. Practice or Policy: The links between classroom SES and language and mathematics development were comparable in size to those associated with instructional quality and even children's own SES. Neither structural nor instructional characteristics of prekindergarten classrooms explained these relationships, suggesting the possibility of direct peer effects. The findings indicate that the composition of children's classrooms should be considered an important aspect of preschool quality.  相似文献   

This study used an observational measure to examine how individual children's engagement with teachers, peers, and tasks was associated with gains in self-regulation. A sample of 341 preschoolers was observed, and direct assessments and teacher reports of self-regulation were obtained in the fall and spring of the preschool year. Research Findings: Children's positive engagement with teachers was related to gains in compliance/executive function, and children's active engagement with tasks was associated with gains in emotion regulation across the year. Engaging positively with teachers or peers was especially supportive of children's gains in task orientation and reductions in dysregulation. Practice or Policy: Results are discussed in relation to Vygotsky's developmental theory, emphasizing that psychological processes are developed in the context of socially embedded interactions. Systematically observing how a child interacts with peers, teachers, and learning tasks in the preschool classroom has the potential to inform the creation of professional development aimed at supporting teachers in fostering individual children's development within the early education environment.  相似文献   

"Alpha Go"在人机围棋对决中战胜了人类,掀开了人工智能时代的新篇章。在人工智能时代下,新技术的革新带给人们无尽的想象,而学前教育作为教育领域中的一种,渴望运用新手段、新技术来创新学科领域的发展。本文在人工智能时代背景下,通过人工智能对学前儿童学习产生的影响,发现人工智能在幼儿学习中存在的问题,进一步提出相应的指导建议,使幼儿在新技能时代的环境中得到适应与发展。  相似文献   

我国著名儿童教育家陈鹤琴先生提倡让孩子剪纸,他认为:"小孩子应有剪纸的机会。一是可以养成独自消遣的好习惯,二是可以练习手筋。"剪纸是一项动手性很强的美术活动;在剪纸的美术活动过程中既可以锻炼儿童的手部肌肉的灵活性,又可以帮助锻炼儿童手眼的协调性,从而更好地促进大脑开发,还可以培养儿童的细心、耐心的品质;剪纸美术教育活动过程中要求养成良好的整理整洁干净环境的习惯;剪纸美术活动工具简单方便、材料成本低廉,一把剪刀、一张纸,就能产生千变万化,在剪纸的活动过程中促进儿童发挥丰富想象力、绘制喜欢的图样,激发儿童的创造能力。因此,开展剪纸美术教育活动,对儿童来说非常有意义。再者,剪纸是我国传统民间艺术之一,多以剪、刻的手法,以镂空的方式,给人视觉上的通透层次之感。剪纸具有风格淳朴化、手法简洁化、造型意象化、色彩明快化、构图装饰化等特点。  相似文献   

在"互联网+教育"生态发展的背景下,各界对互联网学习如何影响学前儿童发展存在争议,但家长的态度始终是学前儿童开展互联网学习的主要干预因素。文章结合5位"80后"、"90后"家长的访谈和已有技术接受/技术抵制模型的影响因素建立研究假设,收集了来自新疆、浙江两地幼儿园295位家长的问卷,探寻家长对学前儿童互联网学习的态度及影响因素。结果显示,尽管大多数家长对儿童互联网学习持积极态度,但对其负面影响的担忧会变成家长为儿童选择互联网学习的抵制因素;尽管初次使用的原因各不相同,但"绩效期望"是最重要的影响因素;针对调查结果呈现的现实问题,文章分析原因并提出了建议。  相似文献   


A project to infuse technology into elementary school and university classrooms was implemented in two Professional Development Schools (PDS). The ultimate goal of Project PICT (Pre-service Infusion of Computer Technology) was to impact the learning and achievement of elementary students by equipping pre-service teachers with the necessary skills to fully utilize modern technology in their future classrooms. As such, teams of elementary and pre-service teachers, teacher educators, and university faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences received technology training and planned for infusion during the initial phase of the project. After four months of training, teams implemented infusion plans in their classrooms and produced artifacts which can be seen at the project's Web site: http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/edhd/LPS/EDFI/PICT. The article discusses the project and its effects on one PDS. It describes specific activities implemented and initial impacts upon elementary and university classrooms. It also addresses strengths and drawbacks of technology infusion through this model.  相似文献   

在幼儿体育活动中渗透情感教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在体育活动中培养幼儿坚强、勇敢、不怕困难的意志品质和主动乐观合作的态度,就是强调在体育活动中注重培养幼儿的积极性情感。我们在实践中以情感教学理论为基础,倡导快乐运动的理念,培育幼儿积极健康的情感,增强幼儿的惜物感、合群感、信赖感、求知感、美感和自信心,促进了幼儿健全人格的形成。  相似文献   

This paper was presented as the Ruth Wong Memorial Lecture at the National University of Singapore on 5th March 1991.  相似文献   

采用自编的《亲职者胜任力评定问卷》对北京市1024名幼儿家长进行亲职者胜任力调查,采用《3~6岁儿童学习品质观察评价量表》对上述家庭中512名幼儿进行幼儿学习品质调查,以考察亲职者胜任力水平与特征,探讨其对幼儿学习品质的影响作用。结果发现:(1)亲职者胜任力处于中等水平,其中"养育安全""教养资源"维度得分最高,"心理成熟"得分最低;(2)亲职者胜任力对幼儿学习品质呈显著正向预测作用。为提高亲职者胜任力以有效培养幼儿学习品质,应整合多元途径,开展未来亲职者职前教育;依托学前教育机构,开展亲职者职后教育;实施园本培训、专题培训,提升教师亲职教育实施能力;搭建家长互助群体,推进亲职者教养能力共同发展。  相似文献   

在学前儿童科学教育中结合丰富多彩的物理现象,选择适合学前儿童进行的实验方法,在良好的物理实验环境中、在教师的引导下,教给学前儿童实验的方法原则,逐步提高幼儿的科学观察力和实验能力,并运用这些方法学习力、热、光、电、磁等物理知识.  相似文献   

在学前儿童科学教育中结合丰富多彩的物理现象,选择适合学前儿童进行的实验方法,在良好的物理实验环境中、在教师的引导下,教给学前儿童实验的方法原则,逐步提高幼儿的科学观察力和实验能力,并运用这些方法学习力、热、光、电、磁等物理知识.  相似文献   

唐美玲 《培训与研究》2007,24(5):99-101
师生的语言学习观念存在分歧。以课堂活动为切入点,对60位大学英语老师和120位大学一年级的学生进行问卷调查发现:在所列课堂活动中,师生对绝大多数的课堂活动观念基本一致;师生间的观念分歧主要表现在纠错、课文解释、词汇学习、传授人生道理和听磁带录音等活动上。  相似文献   

随着人们认识世界逐步深入,确定性哲学观受到挑战,模糊性认识论日益受到青睐,并影响到管理活动的变革。模糊管理以人的全面发展为出发点和归宿点,模糊管理遵循人发展的规律,尊重人的主体地位,以包容性和权变性为特征。促进幼儿的全面发展,需要幼儿遵循幼儿发展规律,而模糊管理正切合这一需要。在课堂管理中实施模糊管理,教师需要相信并尊重幼儿主体地位,支持幼儿自由游戏,以平等中首席角色与幼儿对话与沟通,建立民主平等的师生关系。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,泛在学习迅速得到发展,并对传统教学产生一系列的影响。如何将泛在学习很好地整合到传统课堂中,提高学习、教学效果,成为现今的一大难题。首先阐述泛在学习的历史发展和现状分析,然后进一步分析泛在学习的定义及其特征,最后在前者的理论基础上,尝试设计一个将泛在学习融入传统课堂中的学习模式。  相似文献   

关于学前儿童戏剧教育活动的定义有很多种,其中不乏许多误解,例如,把学前儿童戏剧教育活动片面地理解为角色扮演、表演游戏等。研究者通过实际观察,发现教师在学前儿童戏剧教育活动中扮演"无微不至"的导演、"不懂孩子"的编剧、"颠三倒四"的演员等这样一些错位角色,根据这些错位角色分析总结出在学前儿童戏剧教育活动中教师应该扮演掌控全局的"导演"、接地气的"编剧"、多角色的"演员"这些角色。为了使这些错位表现减少、应然表现增多,研究者总结出在学前儿童戏剧教育活动中教师应做一位明智的引导者、勇敢的探险者、谦虚的学习者,不断完善自己,明确自己的角色定位,尊重儿童的主体地位,让幼儿在学前教育戏剧教育活动中真正做到率真天性的解放、心灵智慧的启迪,真正体会到自由和快乐。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between classroom seating arrangements and the question-asking of fourth-graders. Data were collected during 53 lessons spread over 8 weeks. Children were assigned to sit in a semicircle and then in a row-and-column seating arrangement for 2 weeks each. This rotation was repeated. Both children's questions and the teacher's verbal reactions were recorded using an observational system based on Kearsley's question taxonomy. The results showed that children asked more questions in the semicircle than in the row-and-column arrangement, and that the pattern of question characteristics was stable over time. The findings also revealed that, within the row-and-column arrangement, there was an action-zone in which children asked more questions per lesson. The results are interpreted in terms of Steinzor's postulation that social interaction is encouraged when individuals are able to establish face-to-face contact. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

作为学前儿童学习品质的核心要素和重要组成部分,主动学习对个体的终身学习与发展具有重要奠基作用。为了帮助幼儿园教师观察、识别和支架学前儿童主动学习品质的发展,研究通过理论研究和实证研究的并置和比对建构了学前儿童主动学习的关键发展指标体系,包含5个基本维度,11个关键发展指标和33个针对关键发展指标的发展阶段描述。其中5个基本维度分别是:主动参与、主动发现、主动探索、主动交往和主动合作;11个关键发展指标是:适应融入、计划选择、善于观察、喜欢提问、敢于尝试、问题解决、目标坚持、乐于接触、互动表达、冲突解决和分工协作。  相似文献   

本研究以社会互动学习理论为依据,对幼儿园英语活动中教师的语言使用对幼儿学习的影响作了初步分析。本研究采用现场录像的方法收集幼儿园英语活动中的师幼交往片段,并以其中的32个师幼交往片段为样本,分析了教师的语言使用对幼儿的平均话轮长度、平均语言复杂程度、参与交往的平均认知水平和交往策略使用的影响。研究结果显示:教师用英语提出的真实性问题能有效促进幼儿在英语活动中的学习,教师的部分非提问语言也能有效促进幼儿的学习,而教师使用的测试性问题则对幼儿的学习产生消极影响。在有利于幼儿学习的教师语言行为中,提问行为比非提问行为对幼儿学习过程的影响更大,后续行为比诱发行为对幼儿学习的影响更大。  相似文献   

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