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To understand and design student loan systems, realistic earnings and/or income projections for current and future graduates are crucial. In this paper, Current Population Survey (CPS) data from the US is used to demonstrate empirical approaches that can be exploited to simulate lifetime income and earnings profiles for graduates which are needed to understand and design effective and sustainable student loan systems. The crucial element in getting this analysis correct is having reliable simulations of the whole distribution of future graduate earnings and income. Typically, in this literature, the repayment burdens (RBs) of student loans are calculated at different quantiles of the graduate income or earnings distribution. Often, unconditional quantile regression (UQR) is used to calculate age–earnings profiles for different quantiles of the income or earnings distribution. The paper shows that this approach has limitations when evaluating student loans and that simple raw quantile estimation by age with some age smoothing is preferable. This approach can also be used when income is censored and recorded in income bands as occurs with relevant data in some countries. The paper shows a simple way of incorporating dynamics utilizing these age–earnings profiles by quantile even when only very short panel data is available. This involves using copula functions. Having reliable dynamic estimates turns out to be important in assessing not only the taxpayer costs of designing an income-contingent loan (ICL) but also for correctly assessing the extent of loan repayment hardship for individuals.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Data miningis currently receiving much research at-tention. Real-life data are frequently i mperfect : Erro-neous ,incomplete , uncertain and vague .In this pa-per , we investigate data incompleteness ,i.e., miss-ing of attribute values .Fo…  相似文献   

国有企业并购的拍卖机制及其控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
拍卖是国有企业并购过程中市场定价的有效方式 ,它能促使目标企业的资源得到有效配置 ,减少寻租行为和国有资产的流失。就国有中小型目标企业的拍卖而言 ,第二价格密封拍卖是一种较好的方式 ,而在运用英式拍卖这一方式时则应当谨慎。为了确保目标企业的拍卖达到预期目的 ,应该设立参与竞标企业的严格的准入条件 ,对拍卖过程中的委托代理问题和竞标人之间的合谋问题进行及时必要的预防和控制  相似文献   

基于1980 ~2011年的统计资料,运用分位数回归方法,研究了福建省金融发展和经济增长之间的关系.与经典的条件均值回归相比,条件分位数回归方法在计量分析中挖掘出的数据信息更加丰富,为分析探索区域金融发展与经济增长的关系提供有力的支撑.  相似文献   

有关管理会计对象的争论由来已久,因为它直接影响着管理会计基础概念框架的建立。财务会计采用了会计要素的概念,使会计对象具有可操作性。借鉴财务会计基本概念框架形成的思路,从概念的形成角度,分析和探讨管理会计的对象,对建立管理会计基本概念框架是十分有意义的。  相似文献   

教育是一种社会现象,人是教育的对象。人的发展则反作用于社会与教育,最终必将起到推动社会与人的和谐一致。而人的全面自由发展也体现着教育的主导作用与受教育者的主动性与创造性。因此,使受教育者充分自由发展是现代教育者的不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   

随着大数据的发展和物流科技信息化进程的加快,企业供应链数据呈爆炸式增长,且种类繁多、关系网络复杂,而传统CPRF技术中的预测模型已经不能适应供应链大数据需求预测,更不能依据需求预测进行有效的库存管理,经典的周期库存盘点策略也不能很好地适应非正态分布的需求数据,如何对供应链大数据进行准确预测并补货已成为供应链研究的热点。依据大数据的分位数回归预测技术,利用历史数据信息进行准确预测,并将分位数回归预测与补货模型合理有效连接,通过真实数据仿真分析,表明在98%的服务水平下,平均库存得到了降低。  相似文献   

Linear regression analysis is one of the most common techniques applied in developmental research, but only allows for an estimate of the average relations between the predictor(s) and the outcome. This study describes quantile regression, which provides estimates of the relations between the predictor(s) and outcome, but across multiple points of the outcome's distribution. Using data from the High School and Beyond and U.S. Sustained Effects Study databases, quantile regression is demonstrated and contrasted with linear regression when considering models with: (a) one continuous predictor, (b) one dichotomous predictor, (c) a continuous and a dichotomous predictor, and (d) a longitudinal application. Results from each example exhibited the differential inferences which may be drawn using linear or quantile regression.  相似文献   

基于2008-2017年全国31个省、自治区和直辖市的面板数据,研究聚集经济、固定资产投资和人力资本水平对经济增长的影响,考虑到聚集经济的内生性问题,用滞后期的城市人口密度作为聚集经济的工具变量,运用面板数据工具变量分位数回归估计方法分析各变量对经济增长的影响。分析结果表明,三个变量都促进经济增长,在不同分位点上,聚集经济和人力资本水平对经济增长的促进作用随分位点的增加而减小,固定资产投资对经济增长的促进作用随分位点的增加缓慢增加。  相似文献   

会计电算化的应用使会计人员摆脱了繁重的手工劳动,提高了工作效率,但同时也给内部控制带来了新的问题和要求.控制方式和对象的改变,加大了控制舞弊、犯罪的难度.因此,一整套电算化模式下的科学的内部控制制度必须建立起来以保证会计资料真实而完整.  相似文献   

研究一套基于Rm物联网及锁控技术的配网设备训检管理系统.用RFID身份识别的智能化工业锁具替代现有民用锁具,建立一套信息化设备训检管理系统.智能化锁具可赋予设定退检范围和对象属性,实现锁拉平台与设备训检管理系统有机融合.实现业务的信息化管理以及减少重复投入.  相似文献   

Windows 应用程序中通常要用到时间控制的功能,VB中定时器Timer控件不能进行长定时,最大间隔时间是1分多钟,如需要长时间计时,该控件就无法完成.利用计数器和创建超长时间计时器对象能较好地解决长定时问题.  相似文献   

The debate on academic achievement is a heated issue that involves all the higher education contexts. This paper attempts to provide an indicator that can make the measurement of university student performance easier and that can be easily applied to different systems, making comparisons more fair. The Italian University System is used as a starting point to make several considerations on the current measures and to build up a new performance indicator. Then, a generalization for other marking systems is shown and finally a quantile regression is performed to investigate some determinants of the new performance indicator, also with respect to the current one.  相似文献   

在GIS应用中,涉及到大量的数据处理模型应用,这些模型包括了利用GIS进行空间信息处理的大部分阶段中所用到的模型。模型处理以及分析结果往往是进行下一步应用的基础,因此模型处理结果的误差和不确定性制约了实际的GIS应用。空间分析是其分析、模拟、预测和调控过程的基础理论和技术,传统空间数据处理中将现实世界当作确定的对象来处理,几乎不能处理模糊现象,从而限制GIS等空间数据处理技术的进一步发展,通常,用模糊集理论来解决数据的模糊性问题。阐述模糊集的概念及基本原理和模糊地理对象及模糊拓扑关系的研究进展,提出模糊集理论在空间数据处理应用中的进展。  相似文献   

教育价值是教育活动主体与客体相互作用过程中,主体根据自身的需要与客体的情况而主动创造的。教育活动主体的主体性培养是教育价值创造的根本途径。教育活动中,创造主体之间、主客体之间相互作用的和谐环境,以利于主体意识的成长和主体性成长的内在激励机制的形成,引导科学的教育价值观的形成和积极的教育价值取向,以规范教育价值主体的主体性成长的方向等是教育价值创造的具体方法。  相似文献   

一个基于主手的力觉再现和反馈的机器人仿真系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基于5自由度力觉再现装置的虚拟力觉仿真系统的实现方法.此系统中,操作通过主手控制虚拟环境中的从手与虚拟物体相作用,虚拟环境中的接触情况如碰撞响应、形变在图形界面仿真,虚拟力通过主手装置表达.该研究有利于提高遥操作机器人的性能和增强操作的沉浸感.  相似文献   

Gopnik A  Sobel DM 《Child development》2000,71(5):1205-1222
Three studies explored whether and when children could categorize objects on the basis of a novel underlying causal power. To test this we constructed a "blicket detector," a machine that lit up and played music when certain objects were placed on it. First, 2-, 3- and 4-year-old children saw that an object labeled as a "blicket" would set off the machine. In a categorization task, other objects were demonstrated on the machine. Some set it off and some did not. Children were asked to say which objects were "blickets." In an induction task, other objects were or were not labeled as "blickets." Children had to predict which objects would have the causal power to set off the machine. The causal power could conflict with perceptual properties of the object, such as color and shape. In an association task the object was associated with the machine's lighting up but did not cause it to light up. Even the youngest children sometimes used the causal power to determine the object's name rather than using its perceptual properties and sometimes used the object's name rather than its perceptual properties to predict the object's causal powers. Children rarely categorized the object on the basis of the associated event. Young children also sometimes made interesting memory errors-they incorrectly reported that objects with the same perceptual features had had the same causal power. These studies demonstrate that even very young children will easily and swiftly learn about a new causal power of an object and spontaneously use that information in classifying and naming the object.  相似文献   

三角定位法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三角定位法是一种绘画起稿方法,其基本原理是:要画准对象首先要找出对象的“极端点”,一个三角形可以确定三个“极端点”,由于三角形是最简单且最易被人掌握的平面几何形,因此我们可以利用三角形确定对象所有的“极端点”,以达到快捷有效地抓形和校形的目的。  相似文献   

Direct observation of behaviors is a data collection method customarily used in clinical and educational settings. Repeated measures and small samples are inherent characteristics of observational studies that pose challenges to the numerical estimation of reliability for observational data. In this article, we review some debates about the use of Generalizability Theory in estimating reliability of single‐subject observational data. We propose that it could be used but under a clearly stated set of conditions. The conceptualization of facets and object of measurement for a common design of observational research is elucidated under a different light. We provide two numerical examples to illustrate the ideas. Limitations of using Generalizability Theory to estimate reliability of observational data are discussed. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 433–439, 2007.  相似文献   

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