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组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪的主要客体是残疾人、儿童的人身权利,次要客体是社会管理秩序。“足以抑制反抗”是本罪暴力、胁迫需要达到的标准。被组织者的人数达到3人以上的,方可成立本罪。残疾人、儿童的监护人可以成为本罪的主体,但对此应结合具体问题进行具体分析。本罪的主观方面包括直接故意和间接故意。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(4):162-168
Increased participation and success in education for disabled people will improve their social inclusion and benefit society in general. In this article Louca‐Mai Wilson discusses Disability Rights Commission research on education and its implications for policy and practice. Research findings are considered in relation to the need for the voices of young disabled people to be heard in research, policy and planning. A key finding was that young disabled people want to be regarded and treated as equal to their peers, with the same rights of access and educational opportunity. But schools and educational establishments vary in their willingness and capacity to address and remove existing access barriers. Inclusion is a key issue for many young disabled people; many feel isolated at school and college and often have lower expectations about their future than their non‐disabled peers. Inclusive practice and participation are key to ensuring that disability equality in education is achieved.  相似文献   

残疾人社会环境的调查研究——以河北省某市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以河北省某市中青年残疾人为调查样本,从社会学的角度,对残疾人的社会环境进行调查。结果显示:57.6%的残疾人没有参加医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险中的任何一种社会保险,有一些残疾人甚至根本不知道什么是社会保险;被调查者表示,进行医疗康复所遇到的主要困难依次为:费用过高、康复机构少、疗效差、交通不便;1/3的残疾人对自己目前的生活状况能够保持乐观的心态,但半数以上的残疾人情绪低落;只有8.5%的残疾人认为周边环境的无障碍建设较好;1/5左右的残疾人表示了解政府相关的法律和优惠政策。  相似文献   

McIntyre  Alice 《The Urban Review》2000,32(2):123-154
In this paper, I describe how a group of young adolescents negotiate their daily lives within the seeming permanence of a toxic environment, limited social services, poverty, crime, drugs, and inadequate educational resources. The world that the young people described in this paper inhabit is a world of despair and hope, chaos and silence, violence and peace, struggle and possibility—a world in which they spend a good deal of time surviving violence while negotiating the psychosocial, economic, raced, gendered, classed, and sociocultural borders that inform and influence their lives.Through the use of participatory action research and community photography, we are problematizing those borders and creating spaces for young urban youth to engage in processes that position them as agents of inquiry and as experts about their own lives. As the data reveal, by listening to young people's stories, by giving them the opportunity to speak about their lives, and by collaborating with them in designing plans of action to address their concerns, we can more effectively frame research questions and teaching pedagogies around their understandings of violence and urban life. As important, by examining their lives via participatory action research, young people are provided with opportunities to take deliberate action to enhance community well-being.  相似文献   

张爱玲《传奇》世界里的男女生活在上海、香港这两个畸形"洋场"社会中,他们中有的人虽然走出了封建旧家庭,显得"洋气"十足,但心灵反映却仍是旧式的,于是在生活情调、婚姻关系上充满着矛盾和失调;有的人却仍然生活在专制暴戾的旧家庭中,他们人性扭曲,时常感到空虚、悲凉、无所适从。正是这样一群人,演出了一个个光怪陆离的"传奇"故事。  相似文献   

体育锻炼,不仅使残疾人身体得到一定程度的康复,还能够使残疾人意志品质得到培养,获得身心的和谐发展,从而使人得到全面发展,实现人生梦想,成就人生价值,为社会文明发展做出贡献。探讨残疾人体育在现代社会中的功能和作用,对于推动残疾人融入社会,进而促进其全面发展有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

近现代西方残疾人社会福利保障的价值理念及实践启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
残疾人的社会福利保障建设是一个国家整个社会保障制度中的重要组成部分,也是残疾人得到社会关怀、实现社会发展的重要制度安排。近现代西方国家在推进残疾人的社会福利保障中,不仅以社会公平、公民权利、社会模式的残疾观等进步的价值理念替代了传统的慈善与供养思想,还在实践中不断加以调整和完善,特别是美国、英国和日本三国,在残疾人的医疗康复、劳动就业、特殊教育以及配套措施等方面不断探索,建立了较为完备的残疾人社会福利体系,其经验对我国残疾人社会福利保障事业的发展也会带来一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

残疾人就业问题是社会全面进步的重要标志之一,也是以人为本发展的体现,解决好残疾人就业的问题是解决残疾人所有问题的根本。针对目前残疾人普遍受教育水平低、就业质量差的现状,高等教育应该拓宽教育覆盖范围,实现教育公平性,通过以就业为导向的残疾人高等教育改革,树立残疾人自信心,提升残疾人形象,使残疾人通过就业的方式回归社会,分享社会发展的成果,最终促进社会和谐和幸福中国的建设。  相似文献   

本文针对现阶段中国家庭暴力问题,结合个案,从历史的、社会的角度和人格心理的、妇女自身的因素进行分析,查找家庭暴力问题的成因,并希望能引起社会各界对此问题的重视,使更多的人来关注家庭暴力问题,关注在家庭暴力事件中的受害者。  相似文献   

当前我国的大部分残疾人生活在农村,农村残疾人是社会弱势群体中的绝对弱势群体,他们面临着许多依靠自身无法解决的问题,因此迫切需要政府及整个社会的救助。发展非政府组织参与农村残疾人社会救助,把非政府组织的救助作为政府救助的重要补充,可以提高农村残疾人的救助效率。结合2006年第二次全国残疾人调查和近年残联对残疾人事业发展的相关统计数据,在实际调研的基础上,客观分析当前我国非政府组织参与农村残疾人救助的实际状况,并对如何提高非政府组织参与农村残疾人救助提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

网瘾问题已成为当今中国一个严重的社会问题。网瘾导致青少年学业荒废、人格扭曲、行为失范、道德与法律意识弱化,最终走上犯罪的道路,给社会、家庭及网瘾少年自身带来了深重的灾难。网瘾已成为青少年犯罪的主要诱因,防范网瘾少年犯罪,关键在于预防青少年陷入网瘾。  相似文献   

以社会模式的残疾观推进智障人士的社会融合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
残疾观正在发生从医疗模式向社会模式的转变。社会模式的残疾观强调残疾问题是人权问题,也是社会和发展问题,主张以权利和支持作为处理残疾问题的方法。这一模式对智力障碍的认识更加客观,对智障人士的态度更为积极,关注权利、接纳、潜能和融合,可以作为智障人士社会融合的理论选择。智障人士社会融合的推进策略包括以宣传与沟通消除不健康的社会态度,以权利为本作为立法依据,以社会支持增强智障人士融入社会的能力等。  相似文献   

刑满释放人员一直是我国社会需要:关注的群体,因为这些人员长时间脱离社会而无法跟上社会发展的脚步,并由此导致了一些人走上重新犯罪的道路。社区矫正作为一种监外刑罚执行方法可以避免犯罪人员与社会的脱节,不无遗憾的是社区矫正的实施存在许多不足,我们旨在以对社区矫正试点的实施情况为立足点,提出完善社区矫正制度的方向,同时通过对青年再犯罪特点的分析,提出降低青年再犯罪率的措施。  相似文献   

抢劫罪是一种常见多发且性质十分严重的刑事犯罪。长期以来,由于抢劫罪发案率高,抢劫行为的表现方式纷繁复杂,且法条的简明性要求致使法律难以对抢劫犯罪中的各种问题做出详细的描述,产生了许多理论和实践上的疑难问题,尤其是关于抢劫罪行为方法方面的问题,争议颇多。这些问题极大地影响了抢劫罪的正确定性。通过对《刑法》抢劫条文的解读,来对抢劫罪的行为方法进行分析探讨,能够更为准确地界定抢劫罪。  相似文献   

网络社会治理问题包括网络社会的基本属性、网络社会治理与保障公民权利的关系、网络暴力与犯罪行为的界定等。根据当前国内外的情况和相关的网络社会治理经验,未来开展网络社会治理时应该从引导、协商、立法和自治这四个方面入手,构建起四位一体的治理体系,这样才能起到明显的成效。  相似文献   

组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪是《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(六)》第17条新增的一项侵犯公民人身权利的犯罪,在罪名、犯罪主体与犯罪对象、客观方面及罪数形态、罪的界限及与《治安管理处罚法》的衔接方面不仅在理论上存在争议,而且在司法层面上也未能澄清一些疑惑,对这些问题进行理论上的探讨,无疑对于打击利用他人进行乞讨等犯罪行为具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses findings from an Economic and Social Research Council-funded study exploring non-disabled children’s ideas about disability. This represents the first in-depth sociological investigation of children’s ideas about disabled people as members of wider society. Data are presented from focus group discussions with children aged 6–7 and 10–11. The article draws upon William H. Sewell Jr’s theorizing of structure and agency and, in particular, employs his concept of ‘cultural schemas’. The article explores non-disabled children’s enactment of various cultural schemas relating to disability and argues that although they are capable of questioning, even transforming, schemas, they are primarily engaged in enacting a series of ‘hegemonic’ schemas that maintain their privileged position as non-disabled people. The article concludes by urging schools and educationalists to do more to encourage non-disabled children to think differently and positively about disabled people.  相似文献   

The social model of disability states that many persons have many impairments, but that it is only by the ableist society in which they live that they are disabled. In considering just how inclusive Higher Education is for said persons, this short paper proposes a long‐overdue modernization of the ableist way in which undergraduates are taught. As a traditional gold standard university subject, direct reference is made to the study of English, but the conclusion will be pertinent to other disciplines. Similarly, though the paper cites the case of persons with impaired vision, the findings will be relevant to deaf people and to persons who are disabled in general.  相似文献   

This paper examines media discourses in France and in Britain relating to young people, violence and disaffection in schools, setting these within the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which emphasises young people’s participation rights. It analyses policy initiatives developed since 1997 in each country to address concerns about young people, disaffection and violence, examining these in the light of research evidence. It considers how public policies are variously shaped by research findings and by media representations. In France, attempts to reduce violence in schools have been accompanied by recognition that schools structurally produce disaffection and violence. In England there has been a shift in policy discourses. In 1997 the primary emphasis was social inclusion, but greater weight has since been given to the need to combat crime. (Male) youth disaffection is linked to crime. Policies addressing standards and achievement have been prioritised over policies to combat social exclusion. In both countries researchers and the media give particular attention to urban communities where minority ethnic communities live. Individual schools are labelled as failing and large numbers of young people are excluded or marginalised. In both countries minority ethnic students are over‐represented among those formally excluded from mainstream education and in the least popular, most stigmatised, schools and classes. Violence and disadvantage are effectively institutionalised. Discourses in each country are racialised and disaffection is associated with minorities. Yet both countries offer universalist rather than targeted policy responses. Opportunities for student participation in school decision‐making are limited.  相似文献   

论我国残疾人无障碍权益保障法律制度的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会与残疾人事业的发展,《残疾人保障法》的修改已提上议事日程。《残疾人保障法》的修改涉及诸多方面。其中,我国无障碍权益保障法律制度存在着明显的缺陷:对无障碍概念的界定过于狭窄,致使残疾人的权益保护不周。同时,我国的无障碍设施建设工作也存在诸多问题。因此,在修改《残疾人保障法》时,将“无障碍权益”单独设立一章加以规定,并增加相应的内容。同时应继续切实加强当前的无障碍设施建设和管理工作。  相似文献   

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