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In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand claims that a directive moral education that seeks to persuade children that a particular conception of contractarian morality is justified can be undertaken without falling foul of the requirement not to indoctrinate. In this article, we set out a series of challenges to Hand’s argument. First, we argue that Hand’s focus on ‘reasonable disagreement’ regarding the status of a moral conception is a red-herring. Second, we argue that the endorsement of moral contractarianism and the prohibition on indoctrination pull in different directions: if contractarianism is sound, then teachers or governments should be less worried about indoctrination than Hand suggests. Third, we argue that moral contractarianism is mistaken; teachers should look elsewhere for guidance on the moral norms and principles towards which they should direct their pupils.  相似文献   

当前高职院校的德育工作中存在着重管理轻引导、重说教轻体验、重理论轻实践的问题,受积极心理学内涵及理念的启示,在高职院校中引入积极德育的教育理念有助于培养学生的道德主体意识、提升学生的道德体验认同、增强学生的道德行动意愿,因而对高职院校德育工作的改善有重要意义。  相似文献   

The recent Lifeline programme on moral education developed for adolescents by the Schools Council Moral Education Project can be successfully adapted for use by children with learning difficulties, writes Peter McPhail, director of this project and also of the Health Education Council Project, Cambridge University  相似文献   

对美国道德教育的分析和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国社会对思想道德的教育和引导是非常看重的,方法很多,多管齐下,且颇有成效。为了维持自身的强大和实现其全球化战略,美国政府十分重视美国软实力的提升,重视对意识和道德的间接管理和宏观调控。在美国,无论是学校、家庭、社会还是大众传媒,无论是政党还是宗教团体,无论是家长还是教师,都充分利用一切场合和时机宣传美国的生活方式和价值观念。各级政府、民间机构更是不惜巨资兴建博物馆、纪念馆,资助庆典活动,以熏陶人们的思想感情,增强社会凝聚力。本文从五个方面对美国的道德教育进行了分析和思考。  相似文献   

中国教育史上的“道德教育万能论”可分为三个阶段,即封建儒家的“道德教育万能论”,近代中国的“教育救国论”和建国后的“政治思想教育无限夸大论”。它留给我们现代德育的启示是:既不能过高地期望于德育的作用,也不能无限夸大德育的功能。  相似文献   

德,是思想政治和道德品质的总称。立德树人,就是要培养青少年学生具有思想政治素质和道德品质。落实立德树人根本任务,需要整体构建大中小学德育体系。整体构建学校德育体系的基本框架是以德育目标、德育内容、德育途径、德育方法、德育管理、德育评价等要素系统为纬,以小学德育、中学德育(中职德育)、大学德育(高职德育)等层次系统为经,进行横向贯通,纵向衔接,分层递进,螺旋上升。新时代落实立德树人根本任务,需要重点做好三方面工作:一是构建全程、全面、全员可操作的学校德育体系;二是加强德育实践活动课程建设;三是重视学校文化和中国德育馆建设。  相似文献   

A primary function of schooling is to impart moral discipline, and art education distills this role to its core imperative of mandated pleasure, summarised by Jacques Lacan as the ‘will to enjoy’. This manifests in the insistence that, despite producing similar outcomes, students come to recognise themselves as unique and creative. In the twentieth century, art education in the USA has developed methods for extracting supposedly intimate personal expressions from young people, albeit without demanding the technical versatility, historical knowledge and critical reflection required of mature artists – the exception to this, despite its many flaws, being so‐called Discipline‐Based Art Education, or DBAE. In this article, I begin with reflections on the untapped potential of DBAE to relate to contemporary art practices. My ideas on moral instruction are expanded upon in the second section, when I undertake a ‘backwards’ history of British and American art education, in which the ideal of art class as a site of intrinsic and authentic meaning‐making is challenged by the functional requirements of education. My last section takes up a critique of critical pedagogy, in which I use the example of a project my high school students did about Michael Jackson to challenge ways in which trauma and pleasure are seen by critical pedagogues as features of experience that conflict fatally with the educational ends of individualist autonomy.  相似文献   

当今世界各国的基础教育改革普遍强调道德教育的改革,我国新一轮的基础教育课程改革也不例外.但我国中小学的道德教育仍处于一种尴尬的境地,其中不乏有德育课程的原因。“校本课程开发”是近几年较为流行的一种提法,本文首先对校本课程做了概述,然后论证了进行中小学德育校本课程开发的必要性,并提出了开发德育校本课程的基本过程及几点建议,以期能对当前中小学的德育改革起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

德育方法改革相对滞后和德育工作者长期以固步自封、因循守旧是导致网络冲击校园时中小学德育工作全线溃败的重要原因.网络给德育工作带来巨大挑战的同时,也为学校加强德育工作带来了良好的机遇.德育工作者应该抓住机遇、迎接挑战,让德育工作进网络,并积极构建网络德育平台.  相似文献   

章分析了德育面临的经济全球化,社会主义市场经济,网络技术和信息多元化的新形势,新任务,阐述了德育素质教育中的核心地位及其重要性,提出了相应的德育工作思想和对策。  相似文献   

新中国首部《德育原理》诞生于20世纪80年代,由胡守棻教授主编,是全国同行通力合作的成果,代表改革开放初期我国德育学界的理论水平。如果说它奠定了此后数十年我国德育理论的基本框架,那么,这个理论框架可以追溯到20世纪60年代刘佛年先生主编的《教育学》(讨论稿)中的思想教育论,还可追溯到1957年胡守棻先生基于马卡连柯集体教育思想和新中国学校教育实践构建的道德教育论。可以说,新中国德育理论走过了一条从"道德教育论"到"思想教育论"再到"德育原理"的发展道路。  相似文献   

以澳门《非高等教育制度纲要法》规定的教育总目标为评价标准,通过学校问卷调查、学生评定和课堂观察,本研究发现,澳门中小学品德与公民教育取得了一定成效,并表现出如下的特点:品德教育的成效优于公民教育,又私德教育成效优于公德教育。本文从澳门的历史背景出发,配合有关研究文献,针对上述特点的成因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

It is surprising to see how rarely the ‘laws of reason’ or of scientific practice are examined by professional teachers. Modern education is ‘scientific’ because teachers often accept the cosmology of science as uncritically as once they accepted the cosmology of Popes and Cardinals. For them, science is a neutral structure containing positive knowledge independent of culture, ideology or prejudice. However, according to modern research in the sociology of knowledge and in the sociology, psychology, history and epistemology of science itself, there are no universal ‘standards of rationality’ and there are no value‐free or objective facts’ existing somehow ‘out there’. It is my claim that professional general educators falsely assume otherwise and that this infiltrates papers, aims, syllabuses, etc., in General Studies components of Further Education courses. General education is set within a positivist scientific rationality which determines in a taken‐for‐granted manner not only the aims and objectives of General Studies but also the methods and tools by which these may be tested and judged.  相似文献   

基于学习共同体的大学生德育教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建科 《铜仁学院学报》2009,11(2):12-13,19
德育教育是高校教育的一个重要方面,是提高大学生道德水平的重要渠道,同时也是高校培养合格人才的重要保障,基于学习共同体的大学生德育教育有利于高校德育的建设和发展。  相似文献   

新加坡十分注重道德教育并取得了较好的效果,通过分析新加坡小学《公民与道德教育课程标准》(2007)的主要特点,进一步指出新加坡小学道德教育对推动我国小学道德教育课程改革和发展的积极作用。  相似文献   


In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand defends the importance of teaching children moral standards, even while taking seriously the fact that reasonable people disagree about morality. While I agree there are universal moral values based on the kind of beings humans are, I raise two issues with Hand’s account. The first is an omission that may be compatible with Hand’s theory; the role of virtues. A role for the cultivation of virtues and rational emotions such as compassion is vital in accounting for the emotional aspect of morality. The second issue pertains to Hand’s foundational premise of human beings’ rough equality. Following Martha Nussbaum, I argue that contractarian approaches must be critically evaluated to ensure the social contract properly includes and accounts for the human dignity of those who are typically excluded from the benefits of society. Hand’s justificatory arguments rely upon a contractarian premise, and the contract itself needs scrutiny and adjustment if it is to support a viable theory of moral education.  相似文献   

网络给高校德育工作带来了难得的机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战。在此情况下,必须从以下几个方面做好高校德育工作:改革高校思想政治理论课教学,坚守德育主渠道;建立网上德育阵地,拓展网络领域的新空间;创新德育理念、内容和方法;倡导健康上网,培养诚信品质;加强校园文化建设;建设一支现代化的高校德育师资队伍。  相似文献   

书法教学蕴涵着强大的德育功能。利用书法教学的平台,贯彻教育部《中国普通高等教育德育大纲》精神,和谐自然地渗透德育内容,即加深了对书法教学内容的挖掘,又育德于无形之中,对于树立大学生正确的世界观、人生观,提高他们辨别真、善、美与假、恶、丑的能力,进而提高他们的思想觉悟、政治觉悟和道德水准是大有裨益的,同时也是书法教师"教书育人"义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

大学智育中蕴藏着丰富的德育资源。智育中的德育因为其具有的强牵引性、隐蔽性和客观性,而表现出独特的教育优势。为了充分发挥大学智育的德育功能,要抓好四个环节的建设内容和内外兼修、双管齐下的建设机制。  相似文献   

中国的传统文化强调人自身道德品质的完美、完善。在当今社会,探讨中国传统文化的精华与对大学生德育工作的影响及人格的塑造十分必要。  相似文献   

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