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One of the main aims of the Education agenda in the last decade has been to develop critical thinking (C. T.) in children, in order to educate them to be active, involved citizens in democratic society. Different Media Literacy (M.L.) studies explore C.T. towards media texts by cultivating the pupils’ ability to respond critically to both surface and underlying media messages. This paper discusses partial results of a research study designed to examine the support provided by an M.L. program in the development of C.T. of pupils aged 10‐12 years in northern Israel. The resulting data demonstrate that M.L. programmatic intervention and its long‐term cumulative effect were two important factors underlying the significant differences found among the test groups. An interesting variable was also found which explained the superior results of the low achievements pupils (as evaluated by their teachers) compared with the less pronounced gains found among the high achievement pupils. Finally the paper asks theoretical questions about the extent to which a young critical thinker is capable of skeptical reflection towards media texts.  相似文献   

媒体认知力是近年学界讨论的热门话题。在正确揭示该概念内涵的基础上,将其置于马克思主义视域内审视,从发生学角度理清该概念的支援背景。当前西方媒体理论的实质乃是一种基于文化救赎论的民主激进主义,其困境在于从强调媒体认知力走向知识分子救赎论和乌托邦式的媒体教育学。  相似文献   

Media messages are increasingly packaged in ways that blur distinctions between genres. The U.S. Army National Guard's recent campaign incorporating rock stars and popular music to appeal to potential recruits exemplifies this trend, as commercials and music videos become one and the same. Given this increasing trend, critical media literacy education is imperative. This article posits that by introducing the meta-language for discussing media and providing a protocol for exploring the mode, audience, purpose, and situation of media messages, teachers are preparing students to autonomously read media through a critical lens.  相似文献   

从批判教育学看媒介素养教育目标及其实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述批判教育学的基本理念和回顾媒介素养教育的发展历史基础上,提出从批判教育学和媒介素养教育的共同点入手来培养当代学生批判性和主体性思维的重要性,借用批判教育学中的对话式教学方法,彻底转变师生在教育中的角色,以实现媒介素养的教育目标。  相似文献   

Teaching is a stressful profession. The causes are many but solutions are available to help the teacher cope. The author offers thirteen practical suggestions to manage stress.  相似文献   

The "information era" has brought up new literacies, although most of them are still not part of the K–12 curriculum or the teacher education curriculum. One of these new literacies is critical media literacy. The purpose of this article is to document the urgency for including this new literacy in school and teacher education curricula given the crucial role of media as they touch every issue impacting human life in society. Critical media literacy as understood here includes three dimensions: (1) develop a critical understanding of how corporate for-profit media work, driven by their political and economic vested interests; (2) search for and support alternative, nonprofit media; and (3) characterize the role of teachers in helping students and their parents to become media-literate users and supporters of alternative media. Critical media literacy is founded on the legitimate role of media to serve the public's right to be truly informed, and thereby serve democracy. However, currently we are witnessing an unprecedented concentration of for-profit media into conglomerates, in alliance with the government and especially with the federal regulating agency—Federal Communications Commission—and other powerful institutions and corporations. Starting with this big picture, we examine and document specific cases that illustrate how these conglomerates and their allies work to keep and to expand their power, by means of filtering information, manufacturing consent, and controlling what the public watch, listen to, read, think, believe, taste, dress, look like, speak, and how they perceive themselves. The propaganda behind the banning of bilingual education in California is a clear example in the educational arena of the role of media in helping powerful people to manufacture voters' consent through fabricated stories, misleading ballot question, biased polls, etc. The second dimension of critical media literacy refers to the active involvement of every person, including school children, to support and advocate for alternative, nonprofit, public service-driven media. Given the reasons and the evidence presented, the authors consider that there is an urgency for including critical media literacy in the K–12 school curricula, and therefore in the teacher education core curriculum.  相似文献   

迈向批判性媒介素养:核心理念、争鸣、组织与政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国媒介素养教育并不发达,尤其是批判性媒介素养教育。批判性媒介素养有五个核心概念:非透明性原则、编码与规约、受众解码、内容与讯息、动机。目前,美国已有部分州在其教育标准中列入了媒介素养教育,教师培训却未能跟上,在媒介文化无处不在的情况下,美国需要实现批判性媒介素养的培养,以让学生认识媒介、利用媒介并超越媒介,使个体在社会中更好地发展。  相似文献   

电子计算机的投入使用和互联网的出现使信息的生产、传播、接收和处理超过了人们的实际需求和能力,即产生了信息泛滥。信息泛滥带来了极大的负面影响,它给受众带来了"信息饥渴症"、"信息疲劳症"、心理焦虑和生理疾病以及引发诸多社会问题。面对信息泛滥,以往人们更多的是从技术或法规方面进行考虑,但技术或法规的管理总是有限的,如果受众具备一定的媒介素养则能够更好地应对信息泛滥。  相似文献   

随着自媒体时代的到来,信息传播已经到了即时化的程度.自媒体成为青年学生思想表达和参与社会公共建设的重要途径,培养良好的媒介素养尤其重要.青年学生要厘清对媒介素养的认识:媒介素养的本质是科学理性精神,媒介素养体现的是公民意识,在自媒体时代保持理性,做合格公民.  相似文献   

Globally, many people spend most of their time interacting with the products of engineering design as they wear clothes, drink clean water, use transportation systems, and more. Given the omnipresence of engineering design, whose material results are felt daily in people’s lives, it seems especially important that students learn to recognize and question how certain designs promote the welfare and interests of some while remaining inaccessible to others. In this article, we outline a vision for critical literacy instruction in engineering that simultaneously incorporates and challenges professional standards. We—an associate professor of literacy, an engineer, and a teacher at an engineering-focused high school—illustrate how critical literacy instruction might be enacted in the context of engineering design instruction in high schools. We describe how critical literacy can complement disciplinary literacy instruction in engineering as students use critically-focused, disciplinary lenses to move toward social justice.  相似文献   

本研究是质性分析和量化数据相结合,结果显示家庭媒介素养整体发展现状处于中等偏下水平,发展现状令人担忧。家长的媒介素养能力明显跟不上社会发展的脚步。家长在媒介管理、媒介获取与媒介应用三方面都显著偏弱。家长的受教育水平与其媒介素养显著正相关,社会对家庭媒介素养能力的整体培养没有给予足够的重视。营建良好家庭媒介氛围,鼓励提高家长自身媒介素养,通过亲子共识、共视、共享媒介,培养家庭成员具有健康的媒介批判能力,使其能够充分利用媒介资源自我完善,参与社会共同发展。  相似文献   

随着大众传媒进入人们的生活,对青少年的影响愈发明显,也极易产生一些不良的影响,因此,对青少年开展大众传媒素养教育愈发显得迫切,但是,面对大众传媒不良信息的挑战,我国传媒素养教育存在着不足,针对这个问题,提出学校开展青少年传媒素养教育的策略,建立以学校教育为主的传媒教育实施途径和以社会组织为背景的传媒教育平台,并加强青少年的教育引导,加强我国大众传媒素养教育。  相似文献   

电视在反映世界同时也在建构世界,是一个录制工具,也是一个制造现实的工具.面对电视的冲击,单纯地防御电视的负面作用并不能解决问题,如何让儿童积极主动地使用电视以满足自己的需要,成为更加具有批判精神的电视观众才是解决问题的关键所在.通过电视素养教育,让儿童具备一定的获取、判断、分析和使用媒介信息的能力,做个有责任心又有批判能力的公民.  相似文献   

目前,大众传媒是我国大学生获取信息的主要途径,如何正确而有效地理解媒体和使用屏幕媒介是当代大学生媒介素养教育的重要课题。文章运用历史分析方法对屏幕媒介为什么成为一个教育问题进行了简要的探讨,并在此基础上分析了我国当代大学生媒介素养教育的现实语境及其存在的问题,进而从媒介素养教育理论和实践两方面提出了有针对性的建议,以更好地提升当代大学生的媒介素养。  相似文献   

媒介素养是现代信息社会对人的素质提出的新要求,对大学生的媒介素养教育能够提升大学文化的品位、丰富大学文化的内涵、拓展大学文化的功能。把媒介素养教育纳入大学文化建设体系是应对媒体全球化趋势给大学文化建设带来的新挑战的创新之举,也是大学文化建设不断发展的重要生长点。  相似文献   

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