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The rôle of higher education in the process of socio‐economic development is widely recognised, but the particular institutional forms and programmes vary subject to the levels of socio‐economic development, needs and possibilities found in different countries. In this context UNESCO organized a Seminar on the Problems Involved in Setting‐up New Types of Higher Education Institutions and Programmes in Developing Countries and Regions (Paris, 5‐8 October 1976), which was attended by 10 participants from developing countries and observers from several international organizations.

New types of higher education establishment in developing countries were examined, and attention was given to new forms of study programme in existing institutions of higher education (eg. open universities, television universities, workers’ universities, correspondence and sandwich courses, etc.). The main trends and problems were identified and proposals were formulated for further UNESCO activities in this field.

Information on the main issues of the meeting is given below.  相似文献   

作为抗战时期的陪都。抗战改变了重庆的政治地位。也使得重庆的社会结构发生了巨大变化,工人群体逐渐壮大崛起并成为社会的重要阶层。论文通过对抗日战争期间陪都重庆工人工作强度、真实工资以及工人家庭生活消费状况的考察发现。高强度的工作并没有给工人高工资,表面上工人名义工资有所提高,但其真实工资是直线下降的,由于战时通货膨胀以及物价不断上涨等恶性因素的影响。重庆工人工酬的增加远远达不到生活指数上升的程度。论文认为其时重庆的工人工资水平相当的低下、消费水平低下,生活举步维艰。  相似文献   

随着一些国家提出的将部分高等教育成本从政府转移到学生及其父母身上政策的实施 ,学生贷款方案的可适用性成为一个重要的问题。按收入比例还款型学生贷款 ,在理论上是受到人们欢迎的 ,并应用于澳大利亚、新西兰、瑞典、英国和南非的学生贷款实践。然而 ,对发展中国家、对那些正在从国家全面控制的经济“转型”为日益私有化的经济的国家来说 ,按收入比例还款型学生贷款的适用性存在着一些特定的问题。本文详细讨论了这些问题 ,并提出像澳大利亚的“高等教育贡献计划”这样的学生贷款方案的可适用和不可适用的条件  相似文献   

西方先于国内开始了毛泽东邓小平的比较研究。这些研究既比较二人品质和风格上的异同,又比较其领导中国建设的不同思路和作法。国外学者的有些观点我们不能接受,但比较研究所形成的一些认识和方法却值得认真借鉴,如建主科学的比较研究范式,培养学者的批判精神等。  相似文献   

发达国家和发展中国家能够建立区域经济集团。其原因,一是客观方面,在经济发展不平衡规律的作用下,世界经济国际化趋势迅猛发展,使国际经济格局变化,各发展类型国家将被卷入世界性经济分工中,结成一定经济关系;二是主观方面,南北经济具有相互依赖性,发达国家对发尽中国家的依赖同样非常明显,不容忽视。美国、加拿大、墨西哥签署了北美自由贸易协定,组建成包括南北国家参加的北美经济集团。发展中国家墨西哥对北美经济集团以及世界其他地区经济产生重要影响,发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

Higher education has undergone important changes throughout the period of the last decade or more. These changes have significantly altered patterns with respect to student exchanges and studies abroad. Prospects for student exchange in Western Europe are analyzed below in an abridged version of an article written by Dr. Barbara B. Burn, Director of International Programmes at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is also Executive Director of the US President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies.  相似文献   

The origins of the problem addressed by this article go back to the Fourteenth Session of the Standing Conference on University Problems (CC‐PU) of the Council of Europe, meeting in March 1991, during which the delegation of Austria evoked certain difficulties which Austrian and other European university students and graduates were having in obtaining proper recognition for their credentials by higher education institutions in the United States. As the Council of Europe requested the collaboration of UNESCO in dealing with the problem, a Working Group was formed in 1992 to propose solutions. The present article is an abridged version of the draft report of this Working Group which is to be presented at the Seventh Session of the Regional Committee of the Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas, and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to the Europe Region, meeting in Budapest on 18 June 1994. It outlines and explains the differences in role, scope, structure, and philosophy of higher education in the USA and in Europe that have given rise to problems of recognition and equivalence and proposes solutions.


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