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研究采用自编的《关于学前教育专业教师专业化发展情况调查问卷》对柳州师专学前教育专业20名专、兼职教师专业化现状进行调查,结果发现,教师专业化发展存在师资结构不合理、教师专业发展目标定位不明确、科研意识薄弱、学校为教师专业发展提供的保障机制不完善等问题,针对存在问题提出促进教师专业化发展的建议。  相似文献   


In 1992, I conducted a study in two schools, the Scarsdale High Alternative School (SAS) in New York, a Kohlbergian Just Community Program for 16 years, headed by Tony Arenella; and Public School No. 825, a kindergarten to senior high school on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia, an experimental school in Developmental Education following the ideas of Lev Vygotsky, headed by Vladimir Karakovsky. This article presents a narrative comparison of the philosophies and practices of the secondary teachers in each school. The teachers’ philosophies seemed to be like Janus, facing in two directions‐‐outward toward the school culture, reflecting each school's shared norms and values, and inward, expressing each person's own values and ways of thinking. It was the influence of each school's culture that created the most striking philosophical differences. Teachers from Russia and the US held only one value in common: community. Other particular norms and values differed almost completely and seem to reflect the larger cultures of the US and Russia: affection and harmony rooted in love of Motherland for the Russians, and for the Americans, a sense of self and responsibility expressing the value of individualism. The paper first focuses on how teachers in each school conceived of the morality of teaching and of the moral authority of teachers. The focus then moves to a discussion of both the common and unique norms and values the teachers desired to transmit to their students, the practices they use and the moral conflicts they face. The article concludes with remarks about what we can learn from these schools for moral education.  相似文献   

创建苏霍姆林斯基实验学校的目的是培养和谐发展的学生,造就和谐发展的教师,建设和谐发展的学校;途径是确立先进的办学理念,创造适合学生成长和发展的教育,培养苏霍姆林斯基式的教师队伍,打造高品味的学校文化,构建开放和谐的大教育。  相似文献   

Figuring “Success” in a Bilingual High School   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the concept of figured worlds, this article demonstrates how the faculty, staff, and students of Gregorio Luperón High School in New York City figured “success” by prioritizing the students’ linguistic and cultural resources. “Success” was constructed specifically through granting Spanish high status, developing positive teacher–student relationships, and relying upon the cultural artifact of the opportunity narrative. This qualitative ethnographic study focuses on the school-related social interactions that took place among students, teachers and staff, to explore the socially and locally constructed model of success within this bilingual high school for newly arrived, Spanish-speaking immigrant youth. Ali Michael is a PhD candidate in Teaching Learning, Curriculum and Society at the University of Pennsylvania. Her academic and research interests include whiteness studies, multicultural education and anthropology of education. Norma Andrade is the Language and Latin American Coordinator and Advocate for a non-profit organization, Refugee Women’s Alliance, located in Seattle, Washington. She advocates for the immigrant and refugee communities in Washington State. Lesley Bartlett is an assistant professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research and teaching interests include anthropology of education, comparative and international education, sociocultural studies of literacies, transnationalism, and schooling across the Americas.  相似文献   

This article reflects a faculty member's perspective of how Trinity University and Hawthome Elementary School planned and worked together to evolve into a successful partnership. Trinity's teacher education reform agenda focused on two goals: preparing future teachers for a full academic year in the real world of the elementary school and pursuing a teacher-selected school reform project. Both the Hawthorne culture and the inner-city professor's role as a teacher changed when we organized a shared vision and shared responsibility for teacher preparation and school reform.  相似文献   

自清季赵尔丰经营川边、设立关外学务局开始,川边康区的边疆民族师范教育机构,如关学师范的先导“四川藏文学堂”、关学师资的临时养成机关“关学师范传习所”、关学师资的长期养成机关“藏语专侈学堂”等相继开办起来,对川边康区教育与社会进步发挥了明显的先导与推动作用。清季川边教育与民族师范之所以得到推广与发展,主要得益于官吏提倡推动、政府拨款经营以及给予办学人员、学堂教师及关外师范生精神和物质优待等因素.其中宽裕的经费支持是聂重要的原因。  相似文献   

针对实地调查和实证研究显现的中小学教师阅读平面化、狭窄化、功利化"三化"现象,青岛市实施了持续5年、以科研课题拉动、全市城乡10万中小学教师广泛参与的"十一五"人文科学经典阅读工程。5年来,青岛市中小学教师"十一五阅读工程"实现了理论产出与实践运行同步并进,走出了一条"读书—成长"为特征的教师职后教育之路,所提出的"教师文化知识"丰富了教师知识体系,对中小学教师的专业发展起到了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Teacher education programs around the globe are undergoing consolidation as the result of extensive, critical reviews. The concepts of faculty associates, school associates, module structure, research agenda and long practica, which were incorporated initially within the Professional Development Program (PDP) at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) over 25 years ago, are offered as viable ways of addressing concerns, for greater school/university collaboration and more meaningful practica. Evidence is provided from a recent external review (British Columbia College of Teachers, 1991) regarding the impact of these program attributes on the PDP student teachers, as well as on the faculty members and faculty associates working with them.  相似文献   

Pluralism is an ambiguous term with a multiplicity of meanings. In recent decades there has been a proliferation of a newer category of Jewish Day Schools, the Jewish Community School. Jewish Community Schools distinguish themselves by positioning pluralism as a foundational concept of their school's ethos. Very little is known about how individuals within these schools understand the notion of pluralism. This case study uses in-depth interviews, documentary research, and school observations to determine how policymakers in one such Community School think about pluralism in general, and how this understanding influences their vision for the school's Jewish Education.  相似文献   

Recent national reports stress the importance of inservice education in helping schools face a period of great change. This small study examines the relationship between inservice education and educational change in a large and successful comprehensive secondary school

Teachers outlined their involvement in inservice education and other professional activities and assessed the usefulness of each in the maintenance and development of the school's curriculum and pastoral care.

They rated inservice education courses less useful than other professional contacts and sources of information

School‐focused policies must provide facilities which give direct support to schools facing educational change in a form teachers recognize as relevant, taking account of these other professional activities.  相似文献   

2 1世纪呼唤高素质的创新人才 ,为了深入了解目前城乡初中语文教师的素质现状 ,把握素质教育对初中语文教师的要求 ,我们在新乡师专毕业生所服务的范围内展开了广泛的调研活动 ,获取了丰富的信息 ,通过分析研究 ,提出了针对性的教改措施。  相似文献   

院系作为高校最活跃的基层组织形态,其治理水平和办学质量直接影响高校各项核心功能的实现。随着高校管理重心下移,加强院系自我约束成为推进高校治理体系和治理能力现代化、进一步扩大院系自主权的现实需要。然而在实践中,院系自我约束存在着战略目标模糊、基础制度缺失、权责配置失衡、主体意识弱化等现实问题。为此,要将目标约束、制度约束、权责约束、程序约束作为突破点,加强院系自我约束, 着力构建权责利相统一、资源配置合理、机制运行畅通、民主监督有力的院系治理体制。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of teachers’ unions in the education politics in Greece. The Federation of Secondary School Teachers (OLME) is the prominent group in this aspect of research. The professional and educational background of secondary school teachers, the selection and appointment process, their status and the conditions of their work, as well as their political activities in education, is studied. A reference is also made to the Primary Teachers’ Union (DOE), in an attempt to point out its likely influence in education in comparison with OLME. The conclusion is that, despite OLME's educational propositions and inspite of DOE's continuous attempts at the upgrading of their status, teachers still lacking a serious professional status are not able to challenge the centralisation of educational control.  相似文献   

教育科研是对教育规律的探索和把握,它对于指导和推动教育实践、促进教师持续有效的专业发展、提高教育质量起着不可替代的重要作用。教师是教学活动和教学改革的主导因素,唯有具备较高文化素养和专业素质的教师才能培养出高质量的人才。教师的发展又可以促进学校的可持续发展。苏州新区实验小学20年的发展证明,大力务实教育科研基础,纵深研究教育科研课题,有效推广教育科研成果,是依托教育科研助推学校发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

教师专业化发展的最佳方式是校本培训。校本培训要从学校实际和教师个人实际出发,要从教师学科专业发展和教育专业发展两个方面的实际情况出发,创造性地开展工作,不断积累经验,使校本培训稳步发展。校本培训既要重结果,但更要重过程。文章探讨了上海小学以校本培训促进“三新”教师发展、推进“二期课改”的实践经验。  相似文献   

The Australian Science and Mathematics School (ASMS) is a purpose-built innovative senior secondary school situated on the grounds of Flinders University, South Australia. The school was established to address declining enrollments in senior secondary mathematics and science, students' negative attitudes, a shortage of qualified science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers, and a curriculum that lacked relevance to contemporary life. Such research evidence called for transformation in STEM education and acknowledged that teachers' professional learning was central to achieving transformation. A key professional learning strategy employed by the school to transform STEM education was the engagement of teachers and academics as professional partners in developing interdisciplinary curriculum. The value and challenges of the professional partnership are explored in this article, noting the importance of valuing rather than dismissing dissonance between the groups.  相似文献   

The Kauffman School is a public charter school serving students from low-income neighborhoods in Kansas City, Missouri. This paper used a matched comparison group design to estimate the impacts of the Kauffman School on student achievement, attendance, and suspensions. We found that the Kauffman School had large positive impacts on student achievement in mathematics, reading, and science. This paper also used qualitative data to explore possible mechanisms for the school's effects. We found evidence that the Kauffman School's hallmarks are being implemented faithfully, and that stakeholders believe the school's methods are having a positive influence on students' attitudes and performance  相似文献   

In 2005 the Dutch Minister of Education proposed making it compulsory for all schools in The Netherlands to stimulate active citizenship and social integration. Teachers must give these educational goals a tangible form in their practice. What are the teachers' views on citizenship education? Concepts of citizenship education and the teacher's role in it may differ widely, and very different perspectives on values and value development are possible. This article addresses how teachers view citizenship education. We present the results of a survey conducted among a representative sample of Dutch secondary schools. The results show that teachers make clear choices in the importance they attach to certain values. Teachers want students to acquire skills to analyse, communicate and reflect on values, and they want to stimulate the development of certain values. The chosen values relate to different types of citizenship. School level, school subject and the age of the teachers make a difference to the importance teachers attach to different values.  相似文献   


At the end of a decade of enhanced marketisation in schools, this article considers the subjective meanings attached to educational marketing by school teachers and the ways they construct and interpret teachers' 'idealised' and 'actual' involvement and contribution to school marketing. Through semi-structured interviews with 12 secondary school teachers from the south of England, the study revealed teachers' perceptions of and attitudes towards competition, marketing and education, their awareness of the marketing activities of their schools, the teachers' role in marketing the school and the perceived impact of the market upon teachers' well being. The results show that there is no coherent, organised view of education marketing among teachers in the study but rather that there are a number of inchoate voices amongst teachers concerning their role in school marketing. Broadly, two voices are revealed that reflect a cognitive dissonance which may exist among school teachers in the era of marketisation. This dissonance may stem from teachers' ideology-based difficulty in perceiving marketing as part of school life, while at the same time, they are aware of its importance to the school's success.  相似文献   

"以师生发展为本,为学生人生奠基"就是"提高教师的生命质量,提高学生的在校生活质量,创造最适合人发展的学校教育生活"。"以师生发展为本"是学校办学的基础。其核心是建设最适合教师与学生发展的文化,具体体现在尊重教师与学生在学校的主体地位,充分发挥他们的主体作用。最有效的教育,是能够融入学生血脉、内化为学生品格和习惯的教育,是能够影响学生一生的教育。"为学生人生奠基"是学校办学的最高境界。学校教育不仅要为学生的现在负责,更要为学生的将来负责。  相似文献   

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