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从知识社会对图书馆学专业人才的新定位出发,对比中国图书馆学教育及人才的现状.介绍了中国医学信息学本科生培养模式以及美国、日本图书情报学硕士培养模式的优越性,进而提出中国图书馆学教育模式的新思考:一是参考中国医学信息学本科生培养的成功模式,转变中国现行的图书馆学本科教育模式;二是参考美国、日本等国图书情报学硕士的培养模式,开展图书馆学硕士层次教育.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查、文献资料、专家咨询和毕业生访谈相结合的研究方法对中南大学医学信息学毕业生进行调查研究,探讨其在就业过程中遇到的问题。从医学信息学专业定位、培养模式改革、完善课程体系、增加实习机会等方面提出提高医学信息学毕业生就业质量的对策,为提高医学信息学毕业生就业质量提供了数据基础,为进一步完善医学信息学课程体系和改革培养模式提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

英国医学信息学教育现状概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:全面了解英国医学信息学教育现状,提出我国医学信息学教育的发展建议.方法:访问英国高校医学信息学专业相关网站,调查其教学目的、学位授予、课程设置、就业情况等情况.结果:英国医学信息学教育以研究生教育为主,对入学研究生的本科成绩、学科背景等均有较高要求.教学目的明确,教学模式为全日制研究型硕士和非全日制硕士两种教育方式并存,学生可以灵活选择.课程设置模块化,采用核心模块加选修模块的课程体系.就业形势较好,毕业生在以信息学为主导的卫生服务中扮演重要角色.结论:我国医学信息学教育应注重学生实践能力培养和师资力量培养,全力打造复合、高端的医学信息学专业人才.  相似文献   

目的:梳理美国生物医学信息学教育博、硕士培养的学科体系、课程设置、培养方案和培养方向的变化,为我国医学信息学教育提供参考.方法:通过网络调查,纵向比较斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学的课程体系设置,同时与华盛顿大学、新泽西医科和牙科大学的培养方案进行横向比较.结果:4所高校的培养目标基本一致,培养层次以硕士研究生、博士研究生为主.本科阶段的学习使学生具有较全面的医学专业知识因而了解医学领域信息需求.课程设置方面信息学与医学结合非常紧密.结论:我国应重新设计医学信息专业基础医学课程,使学生能够深入理解医学领域的本质和特点及其信息需求,从而找到信息与医学的结合点.  相似文献   

健康服务体系发展需要健康信息的支持,而健康信息人才是当前我国健康服务发展的短板。图书情报学应顺应国家战略发展需要、社会需求、学科交叉融合发展需求以及信息环境的变化,培养社会需要的健康信息人才。本文采用网络调研和内容分析方法,对北美12所LIS学院的健康信息学的教育模式、师资背景、课程设置、学生就业等数据进行深入分析,发现北美LIS学院健康信息学教育比较受关注,一些院校已基本形成较为完善的教育体系。针对我国健康信息学/医学信息学教育现状和健康信息人才需求发展的宏观环境,从设立健康信息学专业或培养方向、有机整合多学科和机构资源、明确人才培养目标和倡导课程体系标准化、充分发挥图书馆学情报学优势等方面入手,提出我国综合性高校LIS学院开展健康信息学人才培养及教育改革的路径。表9。参考文献41。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对比分析中美高校医学信息学本科、硕士教育概况,为我国未来医学信息学教育提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]以院校开设时间、院校层次为筛选标准,从中美开展医学信息学教育的高校中各选取10所代表性高校为研究对象,通过网络调研,从基本要求、课程设置、师资力量、教育教学方式、就业前景等方面对中美医学信息学本科、硕士教育概况进行综合分析。[结果/结论]我国医学信息学本硕教育虽经历几十年的探索和实践并取得一定成就,但与美国相比,我国还存在一些不足,如在入学基本要求方面,注重本科教育,高层次人才培养体系不完善;在课程设置方面,课程内容设置单调,非医学基础课程占比过高,学科交叉融合不明显;在师资力量方面,教师学科背景单一,职称结构分布不平衡;在教育教学方式方面,教师教学方式简单,学生实践机会较少;在就业前景方面,学生知识体系不系统,就业前景局限。未来我国应顺应大数据科学研究范式发展要求,加快培养高层次医学信息学人才;改善课程体系和内容设置,拓宽学科知识体系;优化师资力量配置,吸引多学科背景人才;丰富培养方式,注重理论与实践相结合。  相似文献   

本文就医学院校开设以医院信息化内容为主的医学信息学选修课的目的、授课内容和授课模式等问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

对刊登医学信息学内容较多的4种期刊2001—2008年的24个项目的95条数据进行综合评价分析,客观地评价了医学信息学期刊的质量,根据医学信息学的发展,《中图法》已将医学信息学归入医学大类,建议该类期刊也归入医学类期刊进行评价。  相似文献   

由中华医学会、中华医学会医学信息学分会主办,重庆市卫生信息中心协办的中华医学会第二十次全国医学信息学术会议,将于2014年5月下旬在重庆市召开。本次会议是中华医学会一类学术年会,会议主题为:“大数据:医学信息学研究与实践”。会议将在医学信息学的理论与实践与医药卫生体制改革、医疗卫生信息化、医学信息资源建设与服务、医学信息学教育与人才培养等领域进行学术研讨与交流。欢迎全国从事本领域的科技工作者踊跃投稿和参会。现将会议征文内容及征文注意事项通知如下:  相似文献   

介绍了通识教育及其国内发展现状,分析了医学信息学纳入医学院校通识教育体系的必要性,提出了医学信息学课程教学改革的对策.  相似文献   

Objectives:Access to high-quality information improves the quality of patient care, but lack of time and sufficient skills in information seeking can prevent access to information by clinicians. To solve this problem, clinical informationists can provide high-quality, filtered information for clinical team members. This study identified the core competencies that clinical informationists need to effectively fulfill their roles on clinical teams.Methods:Participants were selected purposefully from clinicians and medical librarians. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Results:The authors identified six competencies—communication, research, education and training, domain knowledge, information services, and technology—which together were used to develop a “CREDIT” model of core competencies for clinical informationists.Conclusions:The CREDIT model can be used as criteria for evaluating the performance of clinical informationists as well as for developing and assessing clinical informationist educational programs and curriculums.  相似文献   


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funds biomedical research and conducts its own research. One way the NIH Library supports this work is by providing librarians with biomedical training and encouraging them to become embedded with researchers and administrators. Some of these “informationists” have degrees in scientific or health fields, and all engage in ongoing training, mostly through coursework at local institutions and at NIH itself. This article elaborates on the training of NIH informationists. Past research has indicated that patrons welcome librarians with biomedical training, which may in turn lead to greater communication between librarians and researchers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The informationist programme at the Library of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD, USA has grown to 14 informationists working with 40 clinical and basic science research teams. PURPOSE: This case report, intended to contribute to the literature on informationist programmes, describes the NIH informationist programme, including implementation experiences, the informationists' training programme, their job responsibilities and programme outcomes. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The NIH informationist programme was designed to enhance the library's service capacity. Over time, the steps for introducing the service to new groups were formalized to ensure support by leadership, the team being served and the library. Job responsibilities also evolved from traditional library roles to a wide range of knowledge management activities. The commitment by the informationist, the team and the library to continuous learning is critical to the programme's success. RESULTS / OUTCOMES: NIH scientists reported that informationists saved them time and contributed to teamwork with expert searching and point-of-need instruction. Process evaluation helped refine the programme. EVALUATION METHOD: High-level, preliminary outcomes were identified from a survey of scientists receiving informationist services, along with key informant interviews. Process evaluation examined service implementation, informationists' training and service components. Anecdotal evidence has also indicated a favourable response to the programme.  相似文献   

Objective:The researchers used the flipped classroom model to develop and conduct a systematic review course for librarians.Setting:The research took place at an academic health sciences library.Method:A team of informationists developed and conducted a pilot course. Assessment informed changes to both course components; a second course addressed gaps in the pilot.Conclusion:The flipped classroom model can be successful in developing and implementing a course that is well rated by students.  相似文献   



To encourage evidence-based practice, an Annals of Internal Medicine editorial called for a new professional on clinical teams: an informationist trained in science or medicine as well as information science.


The study explored the effects of informationists on information behaviors of clinical research teams, specifically, frequency of seeking information for clinical or research decisions, range of resources consulted, perceptions about access to information, confidence in adequacy of literature searches, and effects on decision making and practice. It also explored perceptions about training and experience needed for successful informationists.


Exploratory focus groups and key interviews were followed by baseline and follow-up surveys conducted with researchers and clinicians receiving the service. Survey data were analyzed with Pearson''s chi-square or Fisher''s exact test.


Comparing 2006 to 2004 survey responses, the researchers found that study participants reported: seeking answers to questions more frequently, spending more time seeking or using information, believing time was less of an obstacle to finding or using information, using more information resources, and feeling greater satisfaction with their ability to find answers. Participants'' opinions on informationists'' qualifications evolved to include both subject knowledge and information searching expertise.


Over time, clinical research teams with informationists demonstrated changes in their information behaviors, and they valued an informationist''s subject matter expertise more.


  • Informationist involvement in traditional team activities—going on rounds and searching and critically evaluating the literature—increased over time.
  • As the relationship between a clinical team and informationist developed, activities expanded to include projects such as development of wikis, databases, and websites.
  • Clinical teams came to view subject knowledge as key to an informationist''s preparation; however, their expertise as information scientists was valued most highly.
  • “Initiative,” approaching research staff in their workplace, was the one personal trait focus group participants agreed on as most desirable for an informationist.
  • When first introduced to the concept, researchers cited customization of services to team needs as a major benefit.


  • To assure a successful informationist program, libraries must be prepared to commit time and money.
  • Whether informationists or not, librarians should be prepared to support users'' increased need for genetics and molecular biology information.

The concept of clinical informationists is not new, but has recently been gaining more widespread acceptance across the United States. This article describes the lessons and challenges learned from starting a new clinical informationist service targeted to internal medicine residents in a large academic medical center. Lessons included the need for becoming immersed in evidence-based practice fundamentals; becoming comfortable with the pace, realities, and topics encountered during clinical rounds; and needing organizational commitment to both the evidence-based practice paradigm and clinical informationist role. Challenges included adapting to organizational culture, resident burnout, and perceptions of information overload.  相似文献   

How do clinical questions emerge and move toward resolution in the intensive care setting over the course of 24 hours? In a 20-bed surgical intensive care unit in a large, tertiary-care teaching hospital, informationists shadowed clinicians for 2 48-hour periods to record questions, noting when they were asked and whether they were answered. Thirty-eight percent of 112 recorded questions remained unanswered. Some unanswered questions persisted across shifts, and clinicians'' information-seeking behaviors changed over time. Clinical information services can be improved and integrated more fully into clinical workflows based on a fuller understanding of the life cycle of clinical inquiry.  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aims of the study were to examine whether and how librarians with a generalist background can transfer to roles demanding more expert knowledge in the health sector. The objectives were (i) to compare the education and training needs of health librarians with science degrees with the education and training needs of health librarians with arts and humanities degrees; (ii) to compare the education and training needs of librarians working in the National Health Service (NHS) sector with the education and training needs of librarians working for the health sector but within higher education. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews with 16 librarians, a convenience sample of librarians working in the Thames Valley NHS region. RESULTS: The main findings confirmed that structured continuing professional development (CPD) is required to meet the rapidly changing needs in the health sector. The emphasis ought to be on teaching skills, outreach work, marketing and promotion, research skills and methods, subject knowledge and terminology, and management skills. Library school curricula do not appear to meet the demands of medical library posts. A first degree in scientific subjects is advantageous in the early stages of a career but diminishes with continuing training and experience. There is no evidence of a significant difference in training needs and provision between the librarians in NHS posts as opposed to those in higher education (HE) posts. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions suggest that library schools need to update their programmes to include teaching skills, advanced search skills, project management skills, research methods, with more practical exercises. Particular attention should be given to librarians with a first degree in non-scientific subjects in terms of time allocated for CPD, quality of training and access to reliable mentorship.  相似文献   

As technology rapidly changes, libraries remain go-to points for education and technology skill development. In academic health sciences libraries, trends suggest librarians provide more training on technology topics than ever before. While education and training have always been roles for librarians, providing technology training on new mobile devices and emerging systems requires class creation and training capabilities that are new to many librarians. To appeal to their users, many health sciences librarians are interested in developing technology-based classes. This column explores the question: what skills are necessary for developing and teaching technology in an academic health sciences library setting?  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Doctors need information skills to deliver health care in the 21st century. There is concern that those who trained before the 'information age' will be inadequately equipped for their work. OBJECTIVES: To assess doctors' use of computers for clinical tasks, and their knowledge and skills in health information management and technology. DESIGN: Questionnaire survey. SETTING: An acute NHS trust in the UK. PARTICIPANTS: 96 (83%) of all doctors in the trust responded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of respondents reporting the following: use of computer-based systems for clinical tasks, knowledge in eight health informatics topics, skills in using specific hardware and software applications. Also comparison of reported skills between senior and junior staff; proportion of doctors identifying specific training needs. RESULTS: All but one (1%) of the responding doctors used a computer regularly. Over three quarters of respondents reported they were semi-skilled or fully skilled in basic office applications, though the juniors scored significantly more highly than the seniors for some applications. However, 44% of doctors reported no skills in database software, identifying this as a training need. Around half of the doctors were unaware of health informatics topics, including electronic patient records, the Caldicott report and data protection law. In each case the senior doctors were significantly more aware than the juniors of the topic in question. CONCLUSION: Both junior and senior doctors have basic computer literacy, but nearly half of this population identify the use of database software as a training need. In addition, there are several health informatics topics of which a large proportion of doctors, particularly the juniors, have little knowledge, but which have not been identified as training needs. Some recommendations are made for provision of in-house health informatics education for doctors.  相似文献   

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