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孙庆仁 《中国科技信息》2006,(4):199-199,201
当前,由于高校“扩招”的规模膨胀性跨越式的发展,高校管理者的注意力主要关注干教育资源紧张问题,而对校办产业的管理和开发问题,缺乏深入研究,理论界也少有从宏观上对高校校办产业的管理新思路进行深入研究。笔者试从后勤社会化和引入现代企业制度等角度切入,对高校校办产业今后的加快发展进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

高校校办产业发展对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从高校校办产业的实际出发,提出了进一步发展和规范校办产业的几种对策,旨在推动高校办产业快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

高校校办产业管理体制改革探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王玉 《内江科技》2007,28(1):6-6,38
本文探讨了当前了高校校办产业管理体制中存在的问题,分析了进行高校校办产业管理体制改革的监要性,提出了建立新型的校办产业管理体制、对现有全资和集体企业进行全面的改制、积极介入资本市场、加速成果转化等建议。  相似文献   

随着高等教育管理体制改革的不断深入,高等教育经费的采源在国家主渠道投入的同时,日益多元化。其中高校内部产、学、研联合结出的硕果——蓬勃发展的校办产业,已成为高校教育经费稳定的来源之一。校办产业在分流人员、促进科技成果的转化以及它在补充学校办学经费严重不足中所起的作用已毋容置疑。本文通过对某高校产生状况的分析进行探讨。  相似文献   

高校校办产业财务管理的性质 产业性质 高校属于事业性单位,财务实行“预算型”管理,一般称为事业化管理。而校办产业则属于生产经营单位,财务上实行“成本核算”管理,一般称为企业化管理。这是校办产业财务管理区别于高校财务管理的基本属性。 全民所有制性质 校办产业的全民属性是由其产权属性确定的。形式上看,校办工厂是由学校投资兴建的。实际上,校办产业资产是国家历年来对教育投入的一部分,校办产业的资产为国家所有,学校为唯一合法代理人。这一点与社会企业不同,社会企业在进行股份制改造后,国有资产的管理属于国有资产管理局,而高校校办产业的资产管理由校资产管理部门管理,资产经营由产业部门经营,产权归属明确。 价值管理性与效益性 社会主义市场经济要求按照价值规律办事,所谓价值性是指遵循价值规律的财务管理,力求做到降低成本,节约资金,增加盈利。所谓效益性,即提高经济效益是发展校办产业的根本途径。我们倡导效益型模式,坚持速度和效益的统一,坚持掌握市场运行规律,  相似文献   

随着高等教育管理体制改革的不断深入,高等教育经费的来源在国家主渠道投入的同时,日益多元化。其中高校内部产、学、研联合结出的硕果——蓬勃发展的校办产业,已成为高校教育经费稳定的来源之一。校办产业在分流人员、促进科技成果的转化以及它在补充学校办学经费严重不足中所起的作用已毋容置疑。本文通过对某高校产生状况的分析进行探讨。 某校大规模兴办产业始于1992年。除原有的两家工厂外,陆续兴办了多家公司,但规模普遍  相似文献   

中医药高校校办产业通过知识管理创新中医药学术思想和实践经验的传承方法,保持知识管理目标、校办产业发展目标、高校办学目标的统一性。将先进的知识管理理论与实践应用于高校校办产业管理,构建标准的、灵活的知识结构,强化学校的核心竞争力,提升中医药教学与科研领域的知识共享与创新能力,使得中医药高校知识融入社会、走向市场,促促进知识的产业化,推进中医药事业的发展。  相似文献   

针对我国高校校办产业的现状,分析了我国高校校办产业目前的五种发展模式及各自的利弊。  相似文献   

校办产业会计不能合法、真实、准确、完整地提供会计信息,究其原因主客观因素都有,分析研究校办企业会计存在的问题,对制定切实可行的措施办法、对搞活校办产业经济,更好地发挥校办产业的经济效益和社会效益有着重要的意义。1 目前校办产业财务管理的主要问题归纳为以下几方面1.1 财务人员素质参差不齐,致使财务核算管理不规范,帐目设置不全,科目使用不准确,会计核算不完整,成本费用开支随意性大。1.2 利用高校有形的或无形的资产进行经营,造成产权不清,管理不善,特别是在非经营资产和经营性资产的权属方面比较混乱。…  相似文献   

针对我国高校校办产业的现状,分析了我国高校校办产业目前的五种发展模式及各自的利弊.  相似文献   

The Internet is unlike anything else in the history of technology. It is neither a tool nor a machine, but a network. As such, it is a new type of technical system. It resembles the telephone system in some respects, but it also has similarities to broadcast networks that distribute entertainment, shopping malls that distribute goods, and transportation systems insofar as it opens new “worlds” to its users. What is more, the users of the Internet take on new capacities and identities through their participation in the network, most obviously the unprecedented absorption in mediated social relations exemplified by Facebook. This Perspective article will attempt to put some order in the understanding of the Internet in terms of three theoretical approaches, loosely interpreted to suit this new object. These approaches are actor network theory, the phenomenological concept of world, and Simondon’s concepts of individuation and concretization.  相似文献   

The most remarkable aspect of Einstein's 1946 address at Lincoln University is that it has vanished from Einstein's recorded history. Its disappearance into a historical black hole symbolizes what seems to happen in the creation of a cultural icon. It is but one of many political statements by Einstein to have met such a fate, though his civil rights activism is most glaringly missing. One explanation for this historical amnesia is that those who shape our official memories felt that Einstein's "controversial" friends like Paul Robeson and activities like co-chairing the anti-lynching crusade might tarnish Einstein as an icon. That icon, sanctified by Time magazine when it dubbed Einstein "Person of the Century" at the end of 1999, is a myth, albeit a marvelous one. Yet it is not so much the motive for the omission but the consequence of it that should concern us. Americans and the millions of Einstein fans around the world are left unaware that he was an outspoken, passionate, committed antiracist.  相似文献   

Taking Operation Payback and the broader context provided by The Pirate Bay as a point of reference, I consider the role of network-based initiatives in shaping the digital rights movement. I argue that Operation Payback is a significant milestone in copyright controversies because it exposed formal and informal, legal and extralegal strategies that have crystallized into an intricate business model around intellectual property. The most consequential outcome of this operation was that it created a focus on privacy violations that occurred at the behest of copyright, and thus revealed the tensions between intellectual property and privacy. In so doing, it brought privacy concerns front and center, galvanizing unprecedented support for the digital rights movement.  相似文献   

构件 构件库 构件化开发方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了关于构件的一些基本概念,提出了一种新的构件分类,在这种新的构件分类下给出了基于构件的开发方法和过程  相似文献   

专利战略变化:内涵、时空范围与类型化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今信息技术的飞速发展,缩短了技术生命周期,也造就了专利技术发展的动态性与突变性.因而,适时对原有的专利战略进行调整以适应环境变化的要求,将是企业必然选择的战略管理活动.专利战略变化是专利战略和战略变化两个交叉领域的新兴课题,在借鉴后两者现有理论成果的基础上,对专利战略变化的内涵、作用的时空范围及呈现的类型进行了初步的探索,以期建立对专利战略变化进行研究的基本框架.  相似文献   

One of the reasons the proponents of expanded universal service have not made much headway is that they have not been able to provide a coherent justification for the major resource and policy commitments it requires. The lack of consensus on the very meaning of the term "universal service" has added to the confusion. This article argues that it is critically important to articulate a clear justification for universal service before we discuss what it should include and how it should be funded, the two main preoccupations of the current debate. It answers the "why" question by drawing on the literature on consumption norms and citizenship rights and thereby provides a cogent justification for universal service. A clear articulation of the rationale for universal service should reduce some of the confusion in the current debate and bring greater clarity to the ongoing debate on this important public policy issue.  相似文献   

One interesting problem arising from Kling and Iacono's pioneering work on computerization movements (CMs) is the question of empirically determining a movement's success or failure. This article questions the question and argues that it is based on two assumptions that upon closer examination seem problematic. The first is that Kling and Iaconco's concept of a CM is sufficient to cover the range of CMs. Their approach to CMs is explicated, pointing out three ways in which it is limited, concluding that it should be reconceptualized. The second is that CMs are similar enough so that a single set of criteria is sufficient to judge the success or failure of any given CM. Using a heuristic analysis to examine a set of 41 CMs, a typology is introduced demonstrating that there are important differences among CMs. The article concludes that since a single set of criteria is no longer appropriate, different sets of criteria are needed to evaluate the success or failure of different types of CMs.  相似文献   

谭小碧  聂勇 《科教文汇》2012,(12):167-168
本文从APD的临床诊断标准、病因、矫治方法等三方面对APD研究做了简要归纳和总结,并指出已有研究的不足和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

Can we build ‘moral robots’? If morality depends on emotions, the answer seems negative. Current robots do not meet standard necessary conditions for having emotions: they lack consciousness, mental states, and feelings. Moreover, it is not even clear how we might ever establish whether robots satisfy these conditions. Thus, at most, robots could be programmed to follow rules, but it would seem that such ‘psychopathic’ robots would be dangerous since they would lack full moral agency. However, I will argue that in the future we might nevertheless be able to build quasi-moral robots that can learn to create the appearance of emotions and the appearance of being fully moral. I will also argue that this way of drawing robots into our social-moral world is less problematic than it might first seem, since human morality also relies on such appearances.  相似文献   

介绍了企业专利钓饵战略的内涵,并从时间纬度出发将其分为专利获取、专利诉讼和专利赔偿三大战略。分析了企业专利钓饵战略的三大发展趋势,探讨其在企业战略层面和专利制度层面的双重影响。对企业专利战略的管理意义进行了初步探计。  相似文献   

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