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高职高专院校办学定位刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,在我国教育改革中担负着重要角色.然而,随着近年来高职教育的快速发展,出现了高职院校盲目攀高、求大求全的倾向,背离了高职教育的根本任务,导致办学定位出现误区.  相似文献   

“要实现教育新的突破,教育融资的新突破是关键。”为突破教育经费不足的“瓶颈”,宁乡县于今年2月出台了改革办学体制的思路,即:在幼儿教育和职业教育两大块实施“公办示范、民办为主”的办学模式;初中、高中实施“公办为主,民办为辅”的办学体制。在这一整体思想指导下,打破了政府包揽办学格局,初步实现了办学体制和教育融资的新突破:一是实现了办学主体多元化。我县在公办学校稳步发展的同时,民办教育出现了多种办学形式,有国有民办形式的,有股份制办学、有个人独资办学、有公私合作办学、有民办企业集团办学。目前,我县有…  相似文献   

石家庄职业技术学院以“融于社会、服务社会”的办学理念,向社会“借资”、“借场”、“借才”,形成了与区域经济紧密结合、互动互联的专业群和专业特色,并按社会需求,构建了由“宽”入口、“严”核心、“细”出口三个环节组成的满斗型培养体系,形成了自己鲜明的办学特色。  相似文献   

高等职业教育快速发展中的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业教育的快速发展,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但用办人民满意的教育来审视高等职业教育,用科学发展观来衡量高等职业教育,还有诸多矛盾和问题亟待解决。依据教育部的有关文件精神,提出了高等职业教育进一步改革发展的对策和方向。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的改革与发展主要面临三大方面的问题,即定位问题、特色问题、质量问题.本文就探讨了这三方面的问题.  相似文献   

作为高等教育快速发展的衍生物,高校异地办学经历了探索、发展、停滞、反弹等阶段,与地方政府合作办学具有创生型、原生型、衍生型三种异地办学路径,办学历程中出现了办学区域集中、办学特色不鲜明、办学点空间距离较远、跨区域治理难以突破等问题。教育主管部门要建章立制规范异地办学,高校要优化路径就地就近办学,地方政府要提质增效协同办学,三方协商合作促进异地办学健康发展。  相似文献   

转型时期大学办学行为的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在相同的社会环境中 ,大学的发展主要取决于大学自身。大学办学自主权的增加 ,既为大学快速发展提供了契机 ,也可能为大学发展设下误区。当前我国大学存在三个办学行为误区 ,转型期内重点理工大学要防止这些误区 ,需处理好学校近期发展和长远发展之间的两个关系  相似文献   

丛杰 《中国培训》1999,(12):16-17
一、烟台市社会力量办学的基本情况1997年《社会力量办学条例》的颁布实施,把社会力量办学纳入了法制轨道,为发展社会力量办学事业提供了重要的法律保障,有力地推动了这一事业的蓬勃发展。从烟台市的情况看,作为首批沿海开放城市,随着城市综合实力和人民生活水平的提高,社会力量办学发展迅速,显现出旺盛的发展势头。全市由劳动和社会保障部门审批设立的从事职业技能培训的社会力量办学机构已达104家,其中属企事业单位办学的有62家,个体或民办机构办学的达42家,各类社会力量办学机构拥有教职员工约700人,资产达10…  相似文献   

湖南娄底近代产生了一批较有影响力的名校,如陶龛学校、春元中学、上梅中学、青峰农校等,这些学校办学历史悠久,影响深远。这些历史名校以独特的办学目标影响社会,以一流的办学条件和优美的办学环境吸引社会的眼球,以优良的教学质量备受社会关注。  相似文献   

近几年来,我校在围绕农字、立足农字办学的基础上,不断创新办学模式,坚持学历教育与培训并举,长期与短期共存,注重实施多元化办学,使办学形式、办学层次更加灵活多样,办活了农业职业教育,推动了学校的发展。  相似文献   

Arab universities and European and American universities share a long history of mutual co-operation. The teaching staffs in Arab universities have been predominantly trained in Europe and America. Given the exigencies of globalization, co-operation in higher education between the Arab World and Europe and America must be pushed even further in the following main directions: (i) efforts to stem and reverse the brain drain; (ii) the development of non-conventional forms of higher education; (iii) the development of research programmes and infrastructure; and (iv) the promotion and the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in higher education.  相似文献   

根据对亚太国家和地区的调查数据 ,评价了一些已被广泛认可的假设 ,同时也论述了高等教育与社会发展的关系。认为亚太地区发展中国家的高等教育应有相应的优先发展权。文章还对亚太地区高等教育的发展水平和公共政策 (其中也包括关于高等教育和私立高等教育的筹资政策 )作了评价 ,强调必须增加对高等教育的公共投资 ,反对过分依赖成本回收措施和私立高等教育。  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加速,海外办学成为德国高等教育国际化的重要内容,而处在经济社会转型期的阿拉伯国家对高等教育有着迫切的需求,这为双方的教育合作打下了基础,阿拉伯国家因此成为德国海外办学的重点区域。德国大学在该地区设立海外分校、开设联合专业、联合开办大学,其中联合开办大学是德国在该地区海外办学最重要的形式。德国在阿拉伯地区的海外办学有着不同于其他国家的特色,体现出强烈的政治化倾向、分布在经济欠发达国家及新兴市场、带有发展援助性质、专业以工科自然科学为主、并提供海外交流机会。  相似文献   

Arab countries have undertaken various measures to develop special education programmes and services over the last three decades; nevertheless, major challenges remain regarding the expansion of these programmes and services and improving their quality. This article provides an update on disability and special education in Arab countries. Reflections on the historical development of special education in Arab societies are briefly presented. Major challenges currently faced by Arab countries in the field of special education are described, and some recommendations for action are offered.  相似文献   

唐春生 《高教论坛》2009,(11):52-54,71
在加快高等教育规模发展的同时,必须把高等教育工作重点放在提高质量上.本文着重介绍近几年来广西提高高等教育质量的实践探索.并提出今后进一步提高教育质量的对策思考.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey of 459 Jewish and Arab students at two public colleges in Israel in 2005. The study aimed at gaining understanding of Arab students' access to higher education in comparison to access of Jewish students by the objective obstacles to such access as reflected in the admission profiles and socio‐economic background of Jewish and Arab students at two public colleges. Analyses indicated that these academic campuses constitute a site of encounter for two very different population groups, a fact that has significant implications for access and admission policies, and student aid programs. The findings of this study are the first step in further consideration of issues relating to equal opportunities and access to higher education for Arab students, and shed light on potential means for reducing the gaps between Arab students and their Jewish counterparts.  相似文献   


This paper deals with the provision of educational services and access to higher education of the Negev Bedouin Arabs in Israel, in the context of the social change this community is undergoing. The Negev Bedouin have been transformed from semi‐nomads and agriculturists to urban town dwellers. Education in general, and higher education in particular, are crucial to their adjustment and development. As members of the Arab minority in Israel, they face a number of inequities in the provision of educational services, access to higher education and access to job opportunities. The Negev Bedouin schools face additional problems related to the lack of qualified teachers and proper facilities. These schools have the highest drop‐out rates and the poorest success rates on the matriculation exams in the country. As of the 1993‐94 academic year, there were only 135 Bedouin Arab university graduates and 163 university students. Their higher education ratio is 2 per 1000, which is far below the Israeli national average of 80 per 1000. Recommendations are offered for improving the access of Negev Bedouin Arabs to higher education and their subsequent absorption into the Israeli labour market.  相似文献   

在当前京津冀协同发展的环境下,特别是国家推行的雄安新区建设,对京津冀地区经济造成重大正面影响,与此同时,高等职业教育也面临新的挑战与机遇。基于京津冀协同发展下对天津高职院校经济类专业影响的分析与研究,文章提出新时期促进高职院校经济类专业深度发展的措施,最终让经济类专业在提升教学水平的同时,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,提升院校经济类专业学生的综合竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the spread of English as a medium of higher education in the Arab world, addressing questions about the relationship between higher education, language shift and cultural (re)production through such post‐colonial educational bilingualism. Drawing on exploratory ethnographic research, it documents how both Arabic and English have been implicated in the re‐configuring of collective identities through mass higher education in one Arab Gulf country against a context of rapid modernisation with a regional undercurrent of recurrent pan‐Arab and Islamist‐tinged nationalism. It examines how far the resulting linguistic‐cultural dualism amounts to a loss of linguistic–cultural diversity, and how far there is a linguistically‐framed discourse of resistance to such a process. Theoretically, the paper engages with discourses relating to socio‐cultural reproduction, collective identity, educational standardisation, change and cultural chauvinism, and markets. It offers insights into the potential for both language and higher education to act as tools or fields for cultural transformation and for resistance identity construction.  相似文献   

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