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The intention of this article is to present the way in which a proposal was put forward for a national basic curriculum for the lower level of secondary education in Guatemala, within a general curricular reform of the education system. In this process, the International Bureau of Education and UNESCO’s national office in the country provided technical advice. The article examines the socio-cultural and educational context, some conceptual foundations for the curricular reform, the construction of the curriculum for lower secondary education, some features of the proposed curriculum and the outlook for the future. The process of curriculum construction included a diagnosis, drawing up a strategy for reforming the first cycle of secondary education and preparation of the proposed curriculum. Likewise, the authors present the steps that must be taken in order for the national basic curriculum to be adopted, subject, amongst other factors, to the availability of funding. Original language: Spanish Linda Asturias de Barrios (Guatemala) Doctorate in Anthropology from the University at Albany, State University of New York. Postgraduate studies in Public Policies and Intercultural Affairs at the Universidad del Valle, Guatemala. She has taught at secondary school and university level. As a researcher, she has published books and articles on ethnology, development and education in Guatemala and Central America. At the Ministry of Education she has worked as Co-ordinator of the National and International Co-operation Unit (1997–1999), Co-ordinator of the Reform of Secondary Education (2004–2006) and Co-ordinator of the Reform of Lower Secondary Education (2007). E-mail: lindaasturias@yahoo.com Verónica Mérida Arellano (Guatemala) Teacher of secondary school language and literature and graduate in Literature and Philosophy at Rafael Landívar University. She completed a master’s degree in education and curriculum at the University del Valle, Guatemala. She has been a university lecturer. She has published books and articles on the teaching of Maya as a mother tongue and Spanish as a second language. She has worked as curriculum specialist at the Ministry of Education (1985–1991) and as Co-ordinator of Teacher-Training Programmes at Rafael Landívar University. From 2005 to 2007 she acted as Curriculum Consultant for Lower Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education. E-mail: vmeridaguate@yahoo.com.mx  相似文献   

Few studies deal with teachers’ receptivity in the initiation stage of educational change, especially in a non-western cultural context like Mainland China. This study aims at investigating teachers’ receptivity to the system-wide curriculum reform of the senior secondary education in the initiation stage and understanding the factors influencing teachers’ receptivity in Mainland China. Questionnaire survey with open-ended question (n = 763) is employed to explore teachers’ receptivity in four selected experimental provinces, i.e., the first group of provinces which are selected by Ministry of Education to implement the curriculum reform. Results indicate teachers have positive attitudes and behavioral intentions toward promoting the curriculum reform of senior secondary education, and they consider the reform is valuable but difficult to carry out. The existing theoretical model can explain teachers’ behavioral intentions quite well, but its predicting ability to teachers’ general attitudes is limited, which indicates some new variables that need to be considered, too. Implications of this study and suggestions for future research are also discussed in the article.  相似文献   

2001年教育部颁布并试行的《基础教育课程改革纲要》和2004年教育部拟定的草稿《全日制聋校义务教育语文课程标准》这两个聋校语文的指导文件里面郑重提出了自主、探究与合作的崭新学习方式.聋校的语文课程改革是我国基础教育课程改革的一部分,其成败关系着整个新课改的成败.文章试图结合聋校语文教学的实际情况,论述当前聋校语文教学中存在的问题;自主、合作和探究学习实践中需要注意的几个问题;新课改教学示范案例与点评以及转变学习方式的重要性.  相似文献   

2001年,泰国教育部颁布了新的《全国教育纲要》和《第八个全国教育发展规划》,由此启动了泰国新一轮的基础教育课程改革,重新确定了国家的基础教育方针政策与目标,规定了不同学段的教学计划、课程内容和管理体制等问题。  相似文献   

为了积极推动、配合我国新一轮基础教育课程改革,加强全国课程专业委员会的学术研讨与交流,中国教育学会教育学分会课程专业委员会特主办第四次全国课程学术研讨会。会议的主题是:“基础教育课程改革的反思和评价”。与会代表主要研讨五项议题:新基础教育课程改革的理论创新和反思;新课程的实施与评价;地方课程、校本课程、综合实践活动课程的开发与反思;新课程与教师专业发展;基础教育课程改革的政策分析与课程管理的反思。会议取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

教师教育课程设置与实施研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据师专院校的培养目标,师专院校应努力适应基础教育课程改革和教师专业成长的需要,正确处理好通识教育课程、专业基础课程、学科专业课程、教育专业课程、教育实践课程之间的相互关系,科学构建教师教育课程体系,创造性地进行课程实施,培养有师魂、有底蕴、有特长、能创新的基础教育新师资。  相似文献   

以全面实施素质教育为核心、构建新的基础教育课程体系为目标,新中国成立后的第八次基础教育课程改革走过了十年历程。站在新的历史起点上,我国的基础教育改革更加注重以人为本、提高质量、均衡发展、促进公平。回顾并追问十年基础教育课程改革的内在动力、取得的经验和存在的问题,对于推动我国基础教育新的科学发展,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

小学教育专业特色主要由师范性、定向性、实践性、多科性等要素构成,“四性”耦合和交融,才能凸显专业的独特优势和其核心竞争力。构建专业特色,应数措并施,形成合力:适应小学教育需要,改进学科基础课程教学;与小学课改联动,改革教育类专业课程教学;加强监管和评价,提高教学技能和实践能力培养的实效性;团委、学生会、社团量身开展针对性的活动,营造教师教育独特的校园文化。  相似文献   

我国本科层次教师教育课程设置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用内容分析法,通过方便抽样选取30所院校的本科层次的教师教育专业人才培养方案共192份,通过分析培养方案中的课程设置,了解我国教师教育课程设置的现状以及存在的问题。本文提出以下改进建议:适当减少学科专业课程,增加教育研究方法类课程,增加与基础教育和教学实践直接相关的课程,增加"自然科学"、"人文社会科学"选修公共课程,适当延长实习时间,将课程学习与实习交织起来,尝试将实习与毕业设计整合在一起,关注课程之间的整合性与关联性,确定培养教师的教学方法,课程设置中要体现出积极的教学观、学习观和教师观。  相似文献   

2009年7月6-18日,由教育部和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办,华东师范大学承办的2009全国研究生暑期学校(教育学)在华东师范大学举办.受邀专家们主要围绕教学与学习的创新、基础教育改革与实践、高等教育理论与实践研究、职业教育的发展、教师发展、教育与文化、学术自由与学术知识来源等七个主题进行了深入报告.因此,笔者在此分别从研究内容、研究视角与方法和总体评价三个维度,针对每个主题的学术报告进行综述,希望能为广大读者提供教育学之下二级学科碰撞下的火花,即从教育领域,乃至其他领域的不同视角来审视教育学的发展,从而推动我国整个教育事业的不断向前发展.  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的颁布,明确了未来一个时期我国基础教育改革发展的方向,改革的深化期待着基础教育课程改革取得新突破,这就亟需勇于打破僵局、冲破瓶颈的课程改革英雄们,开创课程改革新天地,以引领课程改革未来前进的方向。以往的实践证明,典型引路是基础教育课程改革必须的路径依赖,也是基础教育课程改革的重要抓手。当下,各级政府、学校、高校及科研院所都应高度重视,挖掘、扶持、培植课程改革的先进典型和榜样,尤其是政府要发挥行政主导作用,让典型引路作为基础教育课程改革的重要推力,促进课程改革向纵深发展。  相似文献   

崔军 《电大教学》2013,(4):100-105
高等工程教育课程改革是提高工程师教育质量的重要保障。本研究运用案例研究法,以课程改革愿景与目标、课程开发与结构设计、学习方式与学习评价为分析框架,对奥尔堡大学课程改革中基于问题的学习模式进行了深入剖析。研究归纳了PBL模式的特点、价值取向及改革经验,揭示了工程教育课程回归到工程实践的改革理念。根据研究结果,我国正在实施的"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的课程改革可以从欧洲国家的有益经验中获得借鉴。  相似文献   

在进一步深化我国课程改革的大背景下,全国课程专业委员会于2008年10月召开第六次全国课程学术研讨会暨中国教育学会教育学分会课程专业委员会第三届第一次年会。研讨会的主题是"课程理论与实践创新";研讨专题主要有四项:"课程研究与文化""课程改革与反思""教师与校本""教学与评价"。与会代表的发言和建树,将对我国课程改革的深化产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

“课程思政”建设与实施,是新时代高校贯彻落实习近平总书记教育思想的生动实践。它缘起于2016年12月在北京召开的全国高校思想政治工作会议,衍生于上海大学为代表的高校课程思政试点改革探索,推广于教育部的“课程思政”建设的专项方案,深化于持续不断的学习和践行习近平总书记关于教育的论述中,已形成不少专业课探索性成果。尽快破解占高职院校总课时近三分之一的公共基础课,“课程思政”建设难题,是补齐当下高职院校“课程思政”建设短板,助推大思政协同教育的质量和高职院校双高建设的关键所在。  相似文献   

The article analyzes curriculum processes and products pertaining to the overall reconstruction of Afghanistan’s education system after 2002. With the support of several international agencies, including UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education (IBE), as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Afghanistan’s Ministry of Education succeeded in making important progress with regard to quality education, curriculum planning and design. Based on a careful analysis of needs, new curriculum frameworks for primary and secondary education were developed over the period 2002–2006, and syllabuses and textbooks for primary and secondary education will be developed and disseminated in schools across the country. However, many challenges remain to be tackled, especially with regard to the dissemination of a new curriculum culture and the writing, printing and distribution of quality syllabuses and textbooks at all education levels. The article highlights both the achievements and the obstacles standing in the way of comprehensive curriculum reforms taking place in the difficult context of reconstructing a cohesive societal infrastructure in a country, such as Afghanistan, that is affected by conflict.
Dakmara GeorgescuEmail:

Dakmara Georgescu (Romania)   is co-ordinator of the IBE’s Technical Assistance Programme (Curriculum Development). Graduated in 1982 from the University of Bucharest (Philosophy and History School). She worked as a teacher, researcher and co-ordinator of the Social Studies Committee of the Romanian National Curriculum Council (1995–1997). From 1997 to 2000 she was advisor to the Minister of Education co-ordinating the primary and secondary curriculum and textbook reform. Since 2000, she has been the IBE’s co-ordinator and resource person in Kosovo, the Gulf countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan, the Caucasus Region, Mauritius, Sub-Saharan Africa and Iraq. She has published widely on the philosophy of teaching, curriculum reforms, citizenship and human rights education.  相似文献   

In 1983, Mozambique started reviewing the education system that it had inherited from the Portuguese colonial administration. One of the innovations introduced into basic education is the time allocated to the local curriculum (LC) within the national curriculum (NC). The LC enables the communities, including the poorest and those furthest removed from the school environment, to identify themselves with the importance of schooling and allow children to find meaning in what they learn with respect to their life in their community. The good practice described below has been introduced in a community school, where it has successfully brought together the LC and NC to become an individual and collective asset for the community in which it has been implemented. It is a successful example worth studying in detail.
Albertina Moreno ChachuaioEmail:

Adelaide Dhorsan (Mozambique)   is a holder of a postgraduate diploma (DEA) in languages and general linguistics from the University Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, France, she is a pedagogical officer in the Department of Curriculum Planning and Development, Section of Bilingual Education, at the National Institute for Education Development (INDE). Previously, she was a lecturer in the Department of French at the University of Education, Maputo, and Head of the Department of Languages in Upper Secondary Education. Her research focuses on socio-linguistics and didactics, in particular, teaching methods for bilingual education (Portuguese and Mozambican languages). She coordinated the design of the project for curriculum reform and planning for general secondary education and is the author of numerous teaching manuals for basic education in Mozambique. Albertina Moreno Chachuaio (Mozambique)   is a holder of a master’s degree in linguistics from the University Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, she is Head of the Department for Curriculum Planning and Development at the National Institute for Education Development, Ministry of Education and Culture of Mozambique. Previously she was a teacher of Portuguese in Upper Secondary Education and a research assistant in linguistics for the computerization of linguistic data at the University Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique. Her work and research interests focus on monitoring the curriculum for basic and secondary education and the assessment of teaching materials. She is the author of numerous teaching materials for basic education.  相似文献   

This case study attempts to examine basic education expansion and curriculum reform policies in Indonesia during the last decade. The study focuses on the context of educational reform to understand its rationale as well as the content and process of the reform policies, and the main barriers to effective reform implementation. The study is based on a review of policy documents and interviews with key participants in the decision-making and monitoring process. The reforms in the 1990s were concerned with providing quality-basic-education opportunities through basic education expansion and decentralizing the administrative structure of curriculum development. The expansion of basic education has been very successful. However there were a number of problems associated with the decentralization of the curriculum and it ’s implementation: the implementation gap between the province and district level, the lack of appropriate teacher training, the teachers ’ passive attitudes toward the policy, and the scarcity of resources and funding. This paper is part of the Secondary Education Reform Case Studies Project directed by professor Clementina Acedo at the Institute for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, sponsored by USAID. We would like to thank Professor Mark B. Ginsburg (University of Pittsburgh), Professor Emeritus Don Adams (University of Pittsburgh) and John Hatch (USAID), who gave us meaningful comments helpful in finalizing this paper.  相似文献   

小学数学教学论是高等师范院校小学教育专业的一门专业基础课.随着社会发展以及教师教育开放性的需要,高师“小数教”课程改革势在必行,这是适应基础教育课程改革、培养新型小学数学教师的需要.就“小数教”课程如何确定更加科学合理的课程体系与教学内容进行论述,通过构建课程体系、优化教学内容,加强教学实践,提高从教能力,进一步突出”小数教”课程的教学实效.  相似文献   

课程教学改革是中职教育改革的关键任务,职业教育课程与教学的复杂性与多样性决定了中职课程教学改革难度大、任务重。宁波市鄞州职业教育中心学校针对学校存在公共基础课与专业课程脱节现象,提出了构建“中职数学+专业”的课程整合和教学改革模式,通过建立课程组、研发新教材、优化教学模式、搭建资源库等措施,进而提升学生学习信心和教师专业素养,为后续公共基础课与专业课的有效融合奠定扎实基础。  相似文献   

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