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爱尔兰高等教育遵循欧洲大学自治的传统,其大学的自治程度较高。爱尔兰高等教育质量保证分为两个体系:大学对自身质量的内部评估和爱尔兰大学质量委员会(IUQB)对大学进行的外部质量评估。爱尔兰高等教育经费主要来自财政拨款,不收学费,整个第三级教育机构82.6%的经费来自于财政。  相似文献   

一、香港高等院校经费的来源香港高等院校可自由运用的收入,有两个主要部分:一个并非来自学生,通常称为补助金;另一则来自学生,通常称为学费。就私立院校而言,补助金一般只占小部分,学费才是主要收入来源;政府资助院校的则刚好相反。除了补助金和学费这两项可供自由运用  相似文献   

一、拨款机构及其职能在英格兰,大学和学院是独立的实体,可以自由地从各种渠道筹集资金。但对于很多的大学和学院来说,HEFCE(英格兰高等教育拨款委员会)的拨款是他们主要的资金来源,尽  相似文献   

美国高等教育拨款模式的启示   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
夏建刚 《江苏高教》2002,(4):108-111
美国高等教育的拨款模式多种多样,但主要有增量拨款、公式拨款、合同拨款和绩效拨款等四种。中种拨款模式利弊不一。在我国致力于高水平大学建设过程中,可以充分借鉴美国高等教育拨款模式的成功经验。  相似文献   

我国高等教育绩效拨款的局限与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,我国的高等教育绩效拨款改革广泛采取了竞争性经费和绩效专项经费这两种方式.这两种方式作为我国传统的投入因素拨款方式的补充,在应对国家财政难以独立支撑迅速增长的高等教育规模和成本方面发挥了重要作用.它们具有鲜明的特色、发展特征和实施成效,但需要进一步改进和完善.它们在我国普通高等教育系统推动并形成了集中有限财政资源,重点扶持基础较好、实力较强的项目、学科和高校.择优资助绩效突出的个人,提高拨款的效率和效益,推动办学和科研水平迅速发展的良好局面;另一方面,绩效拨款通过鼓励高校自筹经费与企业合作投资,大大调动了社会资金投资科研和高等教育事业的积极性,宏观引导成就显著.但我国的绩效专项经费按绩效分配的机制尚不完善,需要合理协调以避免重复建设,明确绩效内涵、标准及实施程序,强化绩效考评的程序及结论公示,增加专项经费的开放性.  相似文献   

本文全面剖析了英国高等教育拨款委员会(HEFCE)的拨款方法,包括拨款周期、拨款结构、拨款模型、拨款协议和数据监控五个方面内容。指出HEFCE的拨款包括教学拨款、科研拨款和其他相关拨款三大部分。其中教学拨款包括主流拨款、扩大参与度拨款、定向拨款和其他周期性的教学拨款。科研拨款包括科研质量拨款和科研能力拨款。其他相关拨款包括缓冲调节拨款、高成本学科和薄弱学科的额外补偿及专项拨款。并着重对教学拨款中采用的主流拨款模型、定向拨款方法,以及科研质量拨款模型进行了详细解读。在此基础上对HEFCE拨款方法的特征进行总结,对未来HEFCE拨款的发展趋势进行分析。  相似文献   

一、目前印度高等教育财政体制的主要特点印度实行比较集中的财政体制,中央败政的集中度较高。印度每年中央财政毛收入占全部财政收入的比重高达65%左右,地方财政入不敷出,缺口大,只得求助于中央。中央以财政返还的方式向地方转移支付,其转移支付额占中央财政收入的70%左右。中央财政净收入占  相似文献   

建立产出型高等教育拨款机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目前世界上各种高等教育拨款机制都不能使高等教育实现社会贡献最大化。本文提出建立真正意义上的产出型拨款机制的思路 ,并对这种机制进行初步设计。真正意义的产出型拨款机制以高等院校的教育数量、教育质量和办学效益的综合指标为拨款依据 ,以此引导高等院校对社会做出最大的贡献。  相似文献   

赵凌 《高教探索》2012,(1):41-45
与传统的“投入导向拨款制”不同,绩效拨款制依托于责任制、评价机制和经费划拨机制三者的联动和耦合.德国高等教育绩效拨款始于20世纪90年代,所属各州在推行绩效拨款制上可谓不遗余力,特色纷呈,从而对该国高等教育经费使用效益的最大化,乃至整个高等教育发展的优质化产生了巨大的推动作用,这值得我们思考与借鉴.  相似文献   

国外高等教育绩效拨款述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界范围内高等教育蓬勃发展与政府财政支付能力有限之间的矛盾日益突出,以及政府问责制的兴起,使得各国将绩效的概念引入高等教育领域。研究国外高等教育绩效拨款的实施情况,借鉴他们的成功经验,吸取失败的教训,不仅能够丰富公共财政管理理论,更重要的是对我国的高等教育绩效拨款改革实践有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高等教育财政   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在所有OECD国家以及很多其他国家所出现的高等教育扩张,既是必要的、有益的,同时也是昂贵的,它需要与其他公共服务竞争政府的财政支出.高等教育财政的重要性不言而喻,但并不是所有国家都充分地认认到了这一点,同时这也是政治上很敏感的一个话题.本文先从经济理论以及一些国家的实际经验两个方面分析高等教育财政,继而从这两个角度审视了英国2004年公布的高等教育财政改革方案,最后在总结中指出了那些尚未完成的工作.  相似文献   

The use of appropriate indicators of public and private expenditures, from which statistically significant differences in funding policies can be identified, constitutes a solid foundation in which the assessment of the role of governments in promoting higher education can be grounded. Based on a carefully selected set of Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development indicators, this paper explores the effects of education funding policies, along with research and development expenditures and tax levels, on the entry rate to higher education. The results from the statistical analysis of the data confirm the existence of two distinct approaches to higher education funding, the Scandinavian approach and Anglo–American approach, and help to define their characteristics.  相似文献   

从高等教育基金委员会看英国高校治理模式的创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代,英国高等教育的治理模式发生了变革,1919年建立起的大学拨款委员会模式已经终结,取而代之的是新的基金委员会模式。基金委员会模式体现了英国高等教育治理的新思路,以英格兰地区的高等教育基金委员会最有代表性。该地区的高等教育基金委员会不但要求大学在财政方面积极承担绩效责任,而且在科研以及教学方面也对大学施加外在影响。基金委员会主要通过财政备忘录对大学进行财政风险评估。作为政府的代理机构,基金委员会有鲜明的商业特征,主要通过一系列审查和绩效问责措施促进高校治理变革。然而,基金委员会自身存在一些不足,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

关于加强高校科研经费管理和监督工作的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校科研经费监管工作水平如何,直接关系到高校科研经费的使用效益、关系到高校的科研水平。本文立足于高校科研经费监管工作的实际情况,结合已有相关理论研究,从科学定位、现状评估和工作着力点三个方面深入分析,对加强高校科研经费监管工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In the structures of European society, the institutions of education, state, industry and others have always been quite autonomous and largely separate from each other. This contrasts with the USA and Japan, where the linkages between the university and industry sectors have always been very strong and cooperation between the two has been long established. This paper addresses itself to the situation in Ireland and reviews the many institutional structures for university industry cooperation. The specific developments in University College Dublin are described and the benefits which such cooperation bring to both the university and industrial sectors are summarised.  相似文献   

Higher education participation in Northern Ireland is higher than England and Wales and second only to Scotland. This paper charts the progress of participation and examines its social characteristics. Uniquely within the UK, approximately one-third of Northern Ireland entrants come from working class backgrounds. Catholic and female participation has also increased significantly but the participation of mature entrants is lower than in the rest of the UK. High participation levels have been achieved, however, by large numbers of entrants leaving to study in Scotland and England. There is a significant undersupply of higher education places in Northern Ireland when compared with either Scotland or Wales. With the costs of higher education being increasingly borne by individual students and their families there is already evidence that more students would prefer to remain in Northern Ireland to study. Increasing pressure on places is driving up A-level entry requirements and many students are forced to leave Northern Ireland to study or not to study in higher education. These developments threaten the advances made by particular social groups. Lifting the MASN cap in Northern Ireland is a significant policy objective.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the provision of higher education courses in the further education sector in Northern Ireland. It charts the evolution of policy through the 1990s by examining major policy documents. It notes the chronic absence of reliable statistical and research evidence during this period. The available statistical evidence is reviewed. Key themes are identified including: localism, ‘non‐evidence based policy making’, higher education versus the demand for skills and community relations and equality. The innovative concept, now it would appear doomed, of the Springvale campus for west Belfast is examined. Finally, the paper notes that there is an urgent need to provide strategic direction to the further education sector as a whole.  相似文献   

The higher education sector in Northern Ireland has been fully involved in the public policies designed to enhance equality. Starting with measures designed to secure greater employment between Catholics and Protestants, known as fair employment, the policies are now designed to promote equality of opportunity across nine designated groups together with the promotion of ‘good relations’ on the grounds of religion and race. The paper examines the implementation of this new policy framework in the universities and suggests that progress to date has been fairly limited.  相似文献   

Higher Education and Fair Employment in Northern Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As equal opportunities are assuming greater significance in higher education this paper examines the issue of fair employment in the two universities in Northern Ireland. The development of higher education and the evolution of fair employment policy which seeks to promote greater equality of opportunity in employment between Protestants and Catholics, are outlined. The employment practices and profiles of Northern Ireland's two universities are considered. Under the 1989 Fair Employment Act employment monitoring is a legal requirement for the two universities. The paper concludes by noting that other UK higher education institutions should undertake monitoring as a means of implementing equal opportunities policy.  相似文献   

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