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在高等师范教育中,培养学生的信息素养,使学生具备获取、理解、处理、创造、发布信息的活用能力,创建学习化环境,建构以学生为中心的学习理论,促进教师角色转变。适应信息时代对教师的新要求,高师院校要尽快培养出大批既具有信息素养,又能理解和适应网络文化,参与网络文化创造的优秀教师队伍。  相似文献   

21世纪是创造的世纪。需要的是聪明、富有创造能力的人。邓小平同志提出的“教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”即要求教育要与社会经济接轨,要参与国际教育交流与竞争,参与开发人的创造力的竞争。这种充满机遇与挑战的形势,使学校必须为未来培养出一批有创造精神和创新意识的、敢于在国际市场拼搏取胜的人才,而只有创造型的教师,才能培养出有创造力的学生。创造力是智力的高度显露,是教师在丰富知识信息基础上进行创造性实践时的高层次能力。创造性较强的教师对教育任务过程总是保持着高度敏感。经常发现和提出具有现实意义的新…  相似文献   

21世纪已经是信息的时代,信息化是当今世界发展的潮流,是社会发展的趋势。教育信息化是信息时代的要求.要实现教育信息化:首先要实现教师自身角色的转换。其次教师信息素养的培养也非常重要,要培养出合格的信息化人才,教师就需要有更高层次的教育教学的能力.应该掌握信息化技术.注重信息素养的培养。建设一支优良、精干、高技、适应信息时代教育要求的教师队伍,是推进教育技术现代化和信息化的根本保证。  相似文献   

新课改中明确提出要培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力,阅读能力是获取搜集和处理信息能力的基础,数学阅读能力的培养有利于其他诸多数学方面能力的培养,因此培养数学阅读能力是实现数学教育目标的重要保证,作为师范生的准教师要认清自己阅读能力,加强这方面的培养,这将有利于指导中小学生,是现代数学教育不容忽视的课题。  相似文献   

新实行的高中“课程标准”要求教师具有良好的教育认知水平。能面对现实并积极地去适应环境与教育工作要求。教师要具有敏锐的观察力及客观了解学生的能力:具有获取信息、适宜地传递信息和有效运用信息的能力:具有创造性地进行教育教学活动的能力。教师要完成自己的教学任务,必须时时刻刻学习丰富自己的业务,不断加强自己对各方面知识的学习。  相似文献   

不少学校都存在这个问题:如何培养教师,尤其是青年教师和新调入教师。这是一个不可回避的事实,要让青年教师迅速成长,适应现代化的教育教学,成为具有深厚文化底蕴和学术研究能力的教学能手和教育专家,就要在师德风范、理论造诣、文化功底、教学水平、科研能力等方面着力培养,不断发展和完善。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲中小学教师信息素养的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在知识经济时代,信息素养是科学素养的重要基础。培养学生的信息素养,培养学生获取、加工、处理信息的能力以及创造新信息的能力是最根本的。而普及和发展现代教育技术培养学生的信息素养的关键是要有一支具备现代教育技术能力的教师队伍,教师对现代教育技术的认识与态度、教师运用现代教育技术的能力都直接影响着学校现代教育技术的开展,影响着学生信息素养的培养和提高。真实了解教师在使中小学生获得信息基础知识和基本技能的同时,如何在中小学教学中将信息技术与其它学科进行整合,如何把信息技术教育融合到其它学科的学习中,如何在信息教育中对学生进行人文、伦理、道德和法制教育等方面具体的实施情况,对进一步培养和提高学生的信息素养有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

教师信息化教育能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育信息化发展,培养学习的信息意识和信息能力已成为当前教育改革的必然趋势。但是我国目前大多数教师信息化教育能力还处于较低水平,本从以下三个方面论述了教师信息化教育能力的培养问题:一是树立适应教育信息化发展的新观点;二是掌握以“学”为中心的教学设计原理;三是进行信息化教育能力的训练。  相似文献   

在新的教育理念冲击教师思想的今天。作为一名语文教师.要培养学生,不仅要有聪明的头脑,扎实的专业知识.还要具有能言普辩的嘴巴。面对今天各行各业的激烈竞争。具有很好的口才,善辩的能力。就能适应新课改,走进新课程。我们小学语文教师。在重视培养学生“说”的能力的同时,更重视培养其“辩”的能力,使他们个个具有一张快嘴,好嘴。现介绍以下几种做法。  相似文献   

在计算机教学中培养学生创新能力的几点体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、培养学生创新能力,教师必须跟上知识更新步伐从一定意义上说教师的素质会在很大程度上影响学生能力的发展。很难想象,一个故步自封、能力低下的教师能够培养出具有创新能力的学生。要培养出有创新能力的学生,不仅要求教师有崇高的品格、卓越的才识、过人的心智、广博的学问、娴熟的教学手段、扎实的基本功,而且必须不断摄取外界的新信息,并判断其价值,迅速将有用的信息内化为自身的知识能力体系的一部分,并恰当地运用到教育教学中。我们很多教师,在上大学的时候,Windows95都没出版,更不用说那些基于Windows上…  相似文献   

The author presents a concept of the didactics of history, geography, and civics that seeks to link, through a single dynamic, the civic, political, and social goals of school knowledge with everyday classroom practice and pupils' learning. Two concepts occupy the heart of this construction: those of school disciplines and social representations. The concept of school disciplines addresses the fact that school knowledge is a creation of the school, designed to enable it to achieve the social goals it is assigned. A school discipline is thus a particular combination of goals, content (in the form of shared knowledge), methods, and practices. The concept of social representations is a tool serving to analyze knowledge as theories of the natural and social world, its production, and its reception by the different actors involved.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the use of litigation as a strategic tool of resistance for thwarting school desegregation. Utilizing Cowan v. Bolivar County Board of Education as a case study, I argue that, despite losing the constitutional right to racially segregate public schools according to an explicit white supremacist doctrine, whites in Bolivar County, Mississippi, were successful in stemming the impending tide of social change associated with school desegregation through litigation. Litigious resistance not only provided southern whites with a racially moderate epistemology for undermining school desegregation regionally, but their legal challenges to school desegregation also laid the groundwork for non-southern white animus toward all federal education policies that promoted racial inclusion.  相似文献   

This paper is a critical evaluation of what is believed by the author to be Kierkegaard's subjective, ambivalent, and arbitrary stereotyping of women. In particular, the paper examines the Kierkegaardian notion of equality, essential feminine characteristics, and finitude. The result is an attempt to apply Kierkegaard's ideas to those issues pertaining to inequality in musical performance; as well, a plea is made for the demystification of the notion of woman as whore or Madonna.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT An examination of contemporary publications in the philosophy of education reveals that the authority of the teacher is being eroded. As teachers derive their authority from the democratic state and its compulsory education laws, the undermining of their authority indicates the undermining of the authority of the democratic state and its laws. A comparison between Plato and Dewey from this point of view reveals that this state of affairs is the upshot of the collision between the principle of authority and the principle of liberty, and that this collision constitutes the basic problem of democracy as well as of education for democracy. The challenge to contemporary education is consequently that of exploring ways leading to the rehabilitation of the authority of the teacher.  相似文献   

Hyper-femininity and the construction of the ‘girly girl’ label have been documented widely, but there has been less attention to their content (or any distinctions between these constructs). Indeed, it can be argued that the content of femininity remains a controversial and somewhat under-researched topic in feminist scholarship. This is also the case in relation to science, which has been widely characterised as a masculine terrain, but there has been less attention to why femininity is excluded from/by science. This article attempts to unpick some of these issues, with a particular focus on the construct of the ‘girly girl’, in relation to access to science. Drawing on qualitative data from the Economic and Social Research Council-funded ASPIRES 2 project, we analyse the discourses used by young people and parents in discussion of ‘girly girls’ and physics. We show the misogynist and excluding discourses projected onto the ‘girly girl’, and indeed that are used to interpolate femininity more broadly. We found that in discussions of science and (hyper-)femininity, even potentially positive feminine attributes were denigrated. Hyper-femininity was produced as ‘more than lack’: vacuous, but also a risible presence. In reflecting on our findings we consider whether femininity may be more derided in some discursive contexts (e.g. science discourse) than others, and whether femininity can or should be conceived as more than lack.  相似文献   

Community college practitioners frequently bemoan negative or stereotypical representations of community college students and community college life in general in the popular media. Saturday Night Live skits and satirical news reports in The Onion enjoy poking fun at community colleges, while mainstream news outlets often fail to challenge stereotypes of community colleges as lacking academic rigor. Those frustrated by these portrayals should know that the press overwhelmingly lauded 2 year colleges during the early decades of the “junior college” movement. Such reporting celebrated the new institutions' missions, and praised their speedy growth as components of public education. In fact, the press often implied that these new campuses reflected an inevitable step in the evolution of American higher education. This paper analyzes media reports about public 2 year colleges (at the time called junior colleges) published during the 1920s and 1930s. The term junior college is used in this historical review since the term was common during the era in question.  相似文献   

借助功能语言学主位和主位推进模式有关理论来分析语篇的衔接、信息分布、连贯、语篇发展以及译者如何利用这些分析结果充分解读翻译源文,在以语篇为翻译单位时,采取何种相应的翻译对策,生成在功能和效果上与之相当的目的语语篇。  相似文献   

In view of the complex problems of this age, the question of the socio-ethical dimension of science acquires particular importance. We approach this matter from a philosophical and sociological standpoint, looking at such focal concerns as the motivation, purposes and methods of scientific activity, the ambivalence of scientific research and the concomitant risks, and the conflict between research freedom and external socio-political intervention. We then point out the impediments to the effectiveness of cross-disciplinary or broader meetings for addressing these complex problems and managing the associated risks, given the difficulty in communication between experts in different fields and non-experts, difficulties that education is challenged to help resolve. We find that the social necessity of informed decision-making on the basis of cross-disciplinary collaboration is reflected in the newer curricula, such as that of Greece, in aims like the acquisition of cross-subject knowledge and skills, and the ability to make decisions on controversial issues involving value conflicts. The interest and the reflections of the science education community in these matters increase its—traditionally limited—contribution to the theoretical debate on education and, by extension, the value of science education in the education system.  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝隋唐时期民族史观的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏晋南北朝隋唐时期是中国历史上民族史观发生突出变化的历史阶段。这种变化从它的历史形式来说,体现在民族观与民族政策等方面;从史学形式来说,则在史家的主体认识、史书的编撰思想中得到了更为具体、深入的体现;在民族理论问题上,正反两方面的理论总结,成为历史形式与史学形式相结合的产物,并勾勒出这一时期民族史观演进的大致轨迹。  相似文献   

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