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The degree of spatial and temporal contiguity between contact with a prod and shock was varied in three experiments to see how these factors contribute to defensive burying. In Experiment 1, rats shocked once through a grid floor while touching a prod buried the prod just as much as did rats shocked through the prod. Experiment 2 showed that rats either shocked through the floor more than 1 min after touching the prod or shocked in the absence of a prod did not bury the prod. Thus, close temporal contiguity between grid shock and prod contact appears necessary for burying. Nevertheless, grid-shocked rats do learn something different from prod-shocked rats, since they bury the prod less and the walls more than do prod-shocked rats when the position of the prod is changed in the test chamber (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - We investigated whether the temporal contiguity effect, which holds that information sources, such as visual information and narration need to be...  相似文献   

The study addresses the role of developmental differences in the use of behavioral information that is acquired at different points in time in the person perception/attribution process. The topic of temporal separations was considered to be potentially important because of the possibility that age differences in information use might at least partially explain developmental differences in children's conceptualizations of personality traits and abilities and more generally, because integration over time is an aspect of naturalistic perception processes that has not been widely studied from a developmental perspective. The result of the study supported the general hypothesis that younger and older children respond differently to temporally distributed patterns of behavior. Specifically, it was found that younger children use behavioral information that was observed in the past primarily when an actor's immediate behavior conflicts with stereotypical expectations for behavior. When there is no conflict, younger children seem to use only an actor's current, immediate behavior when forming an impression. The implications of this finding for the maintenance of the stereotypical beliefs and expectations regarding persons are discussed along with the implications for children's understanding of psychological dispositions.  相似文献   

Rats searched for food that was contingent on time and place in an open field. One location was active at a time, the active location moved in a clockwise direction after each reward, and each location was repeated several times on each daily session. When a location was active, the first response after a fixed interval produced food. The intervals associated with each of the four locations were consistently 60, 30, 30, and 60 sec. For independent groups, inspecting an inactive location had no consequence (n = 7) or reduced the amount of food delivered at the active location (n = 6). The rates of inspecting active and inactive locations increased before the associated intervals elapsed, with preferential responding at the active locations. Rates of anticipation at active locations failed to superimpose when plotted as a function of proportional time. Simultaneous temporal and spatial processing contributed to the failure of proportional timing.  相似文献   

Given the importance of learner–interlocutor interactions, social robots have received considerable attention in the field of language learning, as this technology can physically accompany learners, is equipped with common social behaviors, and can effectively communicate with learners for language acquisition. In line with the continuous efforts to examine the effects of using social robots in language learning, this study is a meta-analysis aiming to integrate the findings of previous experimental studies on robot-assisted language learning (RALL), focusing on language learning achievement. To this end, we selected 12 independent samples (N = 522) from the initial pool of 16 empirical studies—including 23 independent samples (N = 1147)—and computed effect sizes along with their standard errors. The results indicated that RALL had a medium-sized average effect (d = 0.59, SE = 0.09, 95% CI: 0.41–0.76) compared to non-RALL conditions, such as traditional learning conditions without technology (e.g., teacher-only) or other technology-mediated conditions (e.g., virtual agents and tablet PCs). We further identified several moderator variables (i.e., age group, target language, language domain, robots’ role, interaction type, type of non-RALL condition), and provided an in-depth discussion on how these variables were related to the effectiveness of using robots for language learning.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis focused on the effects of computer-supported word reading interventions (foundational reading instruction, supplementary alphabetics, reading fluency, remedial reading) on reading related outcome measures (letter knowledge, phonological awareness, word and pseudoword reading, sentence and text reading, and spelling, as well as transfer to reading comprehension) across different languages in primary school children starting from 1995. We identified 67 studies with a total number of 10734 children throughout the primary grades from which 694 effect sizes were derived. Following a multilevel approach, the average effect size across interventions and outcome measures was 0.36 with 95% CI (0.28, 0.43). There was also evidence of transfer to reading comprehension, 69 effect sizes with an average of 0.21 (95% CI 0.13–0.29). Large variation in effect sizes was observed between studies and especially between comparisons within studies. The effect sizes were moderated by treatment length, subword level as criterion variable and speeded tests. The effect sizes were dependent on the control group condition in that the effect sizes were higher in the case of a control condition with education as usual and lower in cases of a reading treatment control condition. It is concluded that technology enhanced word reading interventions on average yield moderate positive effects on both accuracy and speed of word learning across program types and across languages.  相似文献   

In the present experiment the animation of the operating mechanism of a pendulum clock was used in order to compare the effects of spatial cueing with those of temporal scaling on the comprehension of the animation. The presentation speed of the clock mechanism (normal vs. fast) and signalling cues to three different parts of the mechanism (weight, pendulum, and an irrelevant gear as blinking elements) were used in a 2 × 3 between subjects design with 144 participants. It was found that compared to normal speed condition, understanding was improved in the fast speed condition, but was unaffected by any of the cueing conditions. The results indicate that, although guidance of attention to relevant parts of an animation is often seen as a key to effective instructional design, the way temporal manipulations affect understanding is independent from local attention guiding.  相似文献   

Sex differences in spatial ability are widely acknowledged, yet considerable dispute surrounds the magnitude, nature, and age of first occurrence of these differences. This article focuses on 3 questions about sex differences in spatial ability: What is the magnitude of sex differences in spatial ability? On which aspects of spatial ability are sex differences found? and When, in the life span, are sex differences in spatial ability first detected? Implications for clarifying the linkage between sex differences in spatial ability and other differences between males and females are discussed. We use meta-analysis, a method for synthesizing empirical studies, to investigate these questions. Results of the meta-analysis suggest that sex differences arise on some types of spatial ability but not others, that large sex differences are found only on measures of mental rotation, that smaller sex differences are found on measures of spatial perception, and that, when sex differences are found, they can be detected across the life span.  相似文献   

The purposes of this review were to determine: (1) if different writing activities were more effective than others in improving students’ reading comprehension, and (2) if obtained differences among writing activities was related to how reading comprehension was measured? Meta-analysis was used to examine these questions across studies involving students in grades 1–12. Nineteen studies were located that met inclusion criteria, resulting in 4 writing activities comparisons with 4 or more studies per comparison: summary writing versus answering questions (k = 5), summary writing versus note taking (k = 7), answering questions versus note taking (k = 4), and answering questions versus extended writing activities (k = 6). Effect sizes calculated for each writing activities comparison indicated there were no statistically significant differences for any of these comparisons when effects were averaged over all reading comprehension measures, excluding treatment-inherent measures. However, statistically significant differences were found for two of the comparisons on specific measures. Extended writing enhanced reading comprehension better than question answering on measures where comprehension was assessed via an extended writing activity, whereas summary writing enhanced reading comprehension better than question answering on a free recall measure. The results provide limited support for the theoretical viewpoint that writing activities are differentially effective in improving reading comprehension based on how closely the writing activities are aligned with a particular measure.  相似文献   

深入研究了一种融合Web服务、网格和对等计算技术,提出了基于管理域划分的空间信息资源管理系统模型,讨论了空间信息资源的部署与发现和空间信息资源的静态调度和动态调度,通过资源级调度和用户级调度二级调度,支持资源提供者和使用者双方协商服务级协定的实现,详细介绍了异构环境中任务迁移的动态关键路径的静态调度算法.在空间信息资源管理模型的基础上,讨论了单一入口点、单点控制、全局用户管理、全局资源管理和全局任务管理构件的相关实现技术.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested human participants on a two-dimensional, computer, landmark-based search task to assess the integration of independently acquired spatial and temporal relationships. Experiment 1 showed that A-B spatial training followed by B-outcome spatial training resulted in spatial integration in such a way that A was effectively associated with the outcome. Experiment 2 showed that A-B spatial and temporal training followed by B-outcome spatial and temporal training resulted in integration that created both spatial and temporal relationships between A and the outcome. Experiment 3 refuted an alternative explanation, one that is based on decision-making speed, to the temporal-integration strategy that was suggested by Experiment 2. These results replicate in humans the observations regarding spatial integration made by Sawa, Leising, and Blaisdell (2005) using a spatial-search task with pigeons, and they extend those observations to temporal integration.  相似文献   

The ability of pigeons to use event durations as remember (R) and forget (F) cues for temporal samples was examined. Pigeons were required to indicate whether a houselight sample stimulus was short (2 sec) or long (6 sec) by pecking a red or a green comparison stimulus. After training with a constant 10-sec delay interval, temporal cues (illumination of the center key) were presented 2 sec after the offset of the temporal samples. For one group, a short (2-sec) temporal cue served as the R cue and a long (6-3ec) temporal cue served as the F cue. This was reversed for a second group of birds. During training, comparison stimuli were always presented following the temporal R cue, but never following the temporal F cue. Tests for the effectiveness of the temporal R and F cues showed that F cues were equally effective in reducing matching accuracy in both groups of birds. It was concluded that pigeons used the duration of the cue to determine whether or not to rehearse the memory code for the temporal sample.  相似文献   

Affective pedagogical agent (PA) is an image of a character embedded in multimedia lessons with the ability to influence learners' affective experiences and learning performance. Prior studies on the effects of affective PA have shown inconsistent findings. In this study, we conducted four separate meta-analyses to address whether adding an affective PA to multimedia lessons can increase learners' retention performance, transfer performance, positive emotions, and intrinsic motivation, and to explore several moderators that may have contributed to the inconsistencies of previous studies. The research framework mainly includes introducing the concept of affective PA, reviewing research on the impact of affective PA on learning performance, emotions, and motivation, analyzing the moderators that may affect the effects of affective PA, performing a meta-analysis, and discussing the results based on the findings of the meta-analysis. We found 36 articles met the inclusion criteria. The results of the meta-analysis indicated that affective PA could increase learners’ positive emotions (k = 25, g = 0.26), improve intrinsic motivation (k = 26, g = 0.26), and facilitate learning performance (retention: k = 35, g = 0.26; transfer: k = 45, g = 0.34). Furthermore, moderator analysis found that affective PA characteristics (i.e., appearance, the number of emotional cues, and body movement) and learning materials characteristics (i.e., subject domain, pacing of presentation) moderated the effects of affective PA. We discussed these findings from different theoretical perspectives. In general, affective PA could help students be happier and more motivated to learn in multimedia learning environments.  相似文献   

This study is a meta-analysis of the question “What are the effects on achievement of different teaching techniques?” Twelve categories of teaching techniques were specified. Among these are questioning, wait-time, testing, focusing, manipulative, presentation approach, inquiry or discovery, audio-visual, and teacher direction. A coding form was then developed to allow for the uniform examination and recording of 76 variables from each study. One or more effect sizes were calculated and coded for each study. Over 300 microfilmed dissertations covering the past 30 years were examined. Some 2000 ERIC science abstracts were reviewed and suitable studies obtained. Finally, journal articles were reviewed. A total of 400 effect sizes representing 160 studies were produced. The main effect size overall was 0.34. Thus, for all samples considered the experimental science teaching techniques on the average resulted in one-third of a standard deviation improvement over traditional techniques. Mean effect sizes also were calculated for each technique. More than 20 other variables such as class size, community type, and science subject area were cross-tabulated with effect size.  相似文献   


Few studies have examined the student learning effects of integrating science with mathematics and technology. We compared a school that integrated mathematics, science and technology in grade 9 to a school in the same district that taught the three courses separately. The distinguishing feature of the integrating school was the reorganization of instruction in the three subjects to prepare students for seven group projects (involving a total of 25 h) that required the application of knowledge and skill that were shared by the three subjects, as well as learning outcomes that were unique to each. The study detected benefits for students in the integrated setting in terms of their ability to apply shared learning outcomes, student motivation, ability to work together and attitudes to appraisal of group work. Female students in the integrated school had a better understanding of selected science learning outcomes. Attitudes toward mid‐term exams were higher in the control school.


Human subjects, sitting at the center of a circle of eight lights, were tested on analogues of radial-maze item-recognition (Roberts & Smythe, 1979) and order-recognition (Kesner & Novak, 1982) tasks. Subjects in the item-recognition condition saw a list of seven lights, and then the nonlist (eighth) light was tested against the first, fourth, or seventh light from the list. The subjects were required to point toward the nonlist light. Subjects in the order-recognition condition saw a series of eight lights, followed by a test of the first and second, fourth and fifth, or seventh and eighth serial positions. They were asked to point toward the light with the earlier serial position. Subjects’ item-recognition serial-position curves exhibited a recency effect with a 0-sec retention interval (Experiments 1 and 2), and were U-shaped (Experiment 1) or flat (Experiment 2) with a 30-sec retention interval. Subjects’ order-recognition serial-position curves were U-shaped at both retention intervals. Subjects’ reported mnemonics were, generally, unrelated to their choice accuracy. The results suggest analogous memory processes in animals and humans.  相似文献   

An understanding of kinematics is predicated upon the ability to understand preliminary notions of movement and speed. This study investigated the order of acquisition of intuitive notions of qualitative speed. The results indicated that an array of prerequisite, equivalent, and independent relationships existed among the tasks administered. The levels of difficulty implied within the hierarchy formed confirmed the evolution of reasoning for notions of qualitative speed found by Piaget. The findings also indicated that the concepts investigated were interrelated and separable into distinct categories based upon spatial and temporal aspects of the motion. The alignment or nonalignment of objects, either spatially or temporally, provide an indication of the difficulty of the task presented and explain the order of acquisition of notions of qualitative speed.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment has well-documented long-term, adverse effects on mental health, but it is not clear whether there are gender differences in these effects. We conducted a systematic review to investigate whether there are gender differences in the effects of maltreatment on adult depression and anxiety. Medline, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Lilacs were searched for relevant studies published up to May 2016. Eligible studies included population-based studies (with a cohort, case-control or cross-sectional design) which assessed maltreatment during childhood or adolescence (≤18 years) and its association with major depression or generalized anxiety disorder (DSM/ICD diagnostic criteria) in adulthood (>18 years) separately for females and males. Meta-analysis was performed to estimate the association between each exposure and outcome using fixed and random effects models. Pooled odds ratios (OR) were estimated separately for women and men and compared. Five studies of physical and sexual abuse were included in the meta-analyses. These provided twenty-two effects sizes estimates (11 for men, 11 for women) for associations between physical/sexual abuse and depression/anxiety. Exposure to each kind of abuse increased the odds of depression/anxiety. Associations were larger for women than for men, however, these gender differences were not statistically significant. Physical and sexual abuse in childhood/adolescence are risk factors for depression/anxiety in adulthood and the effect could be larger for women; however, currently there is insufficient evidence to definitively identify gender differences in the effects of maltreatment.  相似文献   

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