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Graduating students of higher institutions in Nigeria usually write and submit theses, as a requirement for the award of diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. This paper examines the importance of students' theses to research, industrial and economic development of the nation and therefore advocates the need to preserve them. It discusses the intricate dimensions of the preservation of theses in academic libraries and notes the urgent need to address the worsening deteriorating state of students' theses in academic libraries in Nigeria. The paper also discusses the current traditional preservation methods practiced among academic libraries and observed that these methods are not adequate. It recommends that academic libraries in Nigeria should digitize theses and adopt the cloud computing preservation model through the operations of institutional repositories. The paper further identified digital divide and poor technological infrastructure, inadequate funding, data security breaches and issues revolving around copyright as challenges of digitization and cloud computing, and made recommendations.  相似文献   

Libraries have experienced a great deal of change in communication networks and information technology. The Iranian academic libraries, like other libraries, attempted to adopt the new information technology. It should be realized that although new information technologies and electronic resources are collected on a large scale by academic libraries they are not always used in the same scale. There are some factors, which affect the rate of adoption of each new technology. Rogers in his theory introduced these factors in five categories as relative advantage, observability, trial- ability, complexity and compatibility. This paper investigates the effects of different features of electronic reference materials on the rate of their adoption. Results show that the most effective factors in adoption of electronic reference materials are the ability of electronic reference materials to facilitate information retrieval, shortening the time of searching and fair cost of resources. In addition, it seems that the most problematic factors, which slow down the adoption of electronic reference materials, stem from unfamiliarity of academic librarians and users with computers and searching of databases.  相似文献   

文章简要回顾计算模式的发展历史后指出,在云计算环境下图书馆集成系统更适合称为图书馆服务平台,部署面向服务架构及基于浏览器的界面是当前新软件开发时首选的关键技术。文章最后预测了图书馆采纳云计算的总体发展过程。  相似文献   

Cloud computing applications have entered the stage of popularization and wide adoption as part of e-Government. Improving the implementation and assimilation of e-Government cloud applications (e-Gov cloud) to create public value has become an important issue. Based on theories of information technology (IT) assimilation, IT value, and organizational ambidexterity, this study develops a model of e-Gov cloud assimilation and explores the individual and joint effects of the depth and breadth dimensions of e-Gov cloud assimilation on public value. The model was tested with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using a survey of local government agencies in China. The empirical results show that the two dimensions of e-Gov cloud assimilation - depth and breadth - have significantly positive effects: (1) directly on operational public value and (2) indirectly on strategic public value through operational public value. Moreover, the complementary fit strategy of the depth and breadth of e-Gov cloud has a significantly positive effect on strategic public value, while the balanced fit strategy has no significant effect. These findings contribute to both academic research and practical implications, advancing our understandings of e-Government cloud assimilation on public value creation.  相似文献   

建构图书馆的“云”时代   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍云计算基本原理和应用实例,论述云计算给图书馆发展提供的机遇,从技术角度设计图书馆云计算应用的模型结构,探讨图书馆云计算的应用方向及云平台的建设,阐述图书馆云计算技术开发方面存在的瓶颈,指出图书馆应该充分利用云计算技术,在现实的基础上架构图书馆资源共享和图书馆大联盟,最终进入图书馆云时代。  相似文献   

Electronic resources are common in academic libraries. Focus is being placed on ways to provide users with easy access and accomplish tasks at the same time. When e-journals first arrived, libraries created workflows that followed the path of a print journal. These workflows were effective for a while, but are now breaking down. Libraries performed review and analysis to discover problems, and created new workflows. They have learned that workflows need to be constantly reviewed, analyzed, and updated to identify inefficiencies and eliminate them. Libraries must be willing to devote time and energy to maintain effective workflows to prepare for the future. A summary will be provided of one library's transition from a print to an electronic environment and the steps taken to maintain effective workflows through the years. The early days of cloud computing are here and libraries are taking first steps into the cloud. Workflows must be evaluated before moving into the cloud. Migration should be carefully structured for the move. Libraries are witnessing the benefits of the cloud environment. This article will discuss the benefits of maintaining effective workflows in the cloud. Readers will learn about a journey into the cloud with Ex Libris' Alma system.  相似文献   

云计算环境下图书馆服务的创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章探讨了图书馆在云计算环境影响下的发展方向,简述了云计算在图书馆的应用情况。指出图书馆应抓住IT行业的这次革命,创新服务,以满足读者的信息需求。探讨性地提出了一些具体的创新服务举措,以适应云环境的发展要求。  相似文献   

云计算在图书馆中的应用探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
云计算是计算机网络发展的一个趋势,它代表了一种新的数据处理方式和未来人们的一种生活方式。云计算以自己独特的优点被各个国际厂商重视,并在各个领域里崭露头角,同样,它也将影响到图书馆。现今,图书馆需要思考的是如何运用云计算来调整服务,以便有效地适应用户与图书馆互动,并解决好云计算运用中所出现的一系列问题。  相似文献   

目前,高职院校图书馆人员编制缺乏一个明确的、统一的标准。现有的政策依据、理论和实践依据在实际工作中缺乏可操作性。以广东省10所高职院校图书馆的实际统计情况为样本值,综合分析比较后得出的各项平均参考值可作为各高职院校图书馆测算人员编制的依据,并且各馆可根据自身情况适当调整。最现实的做法就是督促各省高校图书情报工作委员会的高职高专分会发挥应有的作用,制订相应的编制依据。  相似文献   

基于云计算的图书馆数字资源保障链研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了云计算的特点和服务提供形式,结合图书馆信息资源建设的特点,提出基于云计算构建图书馆数字资源保障链,并前瞻性地进行了保障链模式研究以及优势分析。  相似文献   

在概览文献的基础上,用归纳分析的方法总结发现,2009年图书馆学研究热点主要集中在下述九个方面:基础理论与方法研究、图书馆定位及战略研究、信息资源建设策略、" 云"计算等新技术的应用、图书馆服务质量评价、公共图书馆参与政府信息服务、阅读文化与阅读推广、图书馆危机管理与灾后反思,以及图书馆学情报学教育研究等方面.  相似文献   

作为一个性能优越的计算模式,云计算在互联网时代被广泛应用于各个领域。文章以云计算的概念、服务模式及其优越性作为切入点,探讨云计算在数字图书馆领域的应用,提出引入云计算后需注意的安全问题,期望可以为数字图书馆的构建和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

云计算和云应用已经受到越来越多图书馆用户的关注。但是,在选择云服务提供商的时候,需要考虑什么因素,很少有图书馆认真地思考。在发生很多云服务的事故以后,人们对于云服务事故使业务中断、云数据和系统的安全,以及针对云服务提供商的水平和能力等提出了一系列的问题进行思考。  相似文献   

"Cloud computing" is the name for the recent trend of moving software and computing resources to an online, shared-service model. This article briefly defines cloud computing, discusses different models, explores the advantages and disadvantages, and describes some of the ways cloud computing can be used in libraries. Examples of cloud services are included at the end of the article.  相似文献   

调研近几年国外图书馆自动化系统云计算进程、云存储DuraSpace、云学科服务系统LibGuides、云协作平台Sharepoint、Google Apps以及其他一些免费云服务的应用情况,并结合应用情况和案例分析云计算在图书馆应用中的优势和不足,总结图书馆在选择云计算产品时需要考虑的问题,并对我国图书馆选择应用云计算服务提出一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

“Cloud computing” is the name for the recent trend of moving software and computing resources to an online, shared-service model. This article briefly defines cloud computing, discusses different models, explores the advantages and disadvantages, and describes some of the ways cloud computing can be used in libraries. Examples of cloud services are included at the end of the article.  相似文献   

档案上云既是政务信息系统集约化建设的必然趋势,也是实现档案工作提质增效的战略举措。在探索过程中,档案工作者既满怀期待,又心存顾虑,安全问题已成为制约档案行业采用云计算服务的关键因素。文章聚焦我国政务云环境,遵循风险管理基本流程,首先基于现有学术文献和政策文本,参照风险构成三要素,从风险因素、风险事件和风险损失三个维度探讨政务云环境中的档案安全风险;然后采用面向档案工作者的问卷调查法和面向专家的德尔菲法对风险因素进行排序和分级,评估风险发生的概率和危害的程度,以期为制定档案云安全保障策略提供参考,推动档案事业融入社会信息化和数字政府建设大局。  相似文献   

云计算的快速发展,推动了信息技术服务的发展,云计算中的云服务开创了高校图书馆学科化服务的新局面。大学英语阅读教学数据库集图像、声音、文字、动画和数值于一身,为教师的教学和学生的学习创设形象、生动、有趣的英语阅读学习环境。文章依托云计算的理念提出了英语阅读教学数据库建设的实施策略及其云服务模式;学科馆员依靠"云"深化个性化服务的同时,也应该努力成为"云图书馆员"。  相似文献   

云计算作为一种新兴技术,深刻地影响未来互联网的运作和服务模式。中小型公共图书馆应用云计算可降低图书馆数字化建设中的软硬件成本投入,确保中小型公共图书馆自动化管理系统的可靠运行。在介绍云计算基本含义及其特点的基础上,探讨云计算在中小型公共图书馆的应用。  相似文献   

This study examines the acceptance of cloud computing services in government agencies by focusing on the key characteristics that affect behavioral intent. The study expanded upon the technology acceptance model by incorporating contextual factors such as availability, access, security, and reliability. The research model was empirically verified by investigating the perception of users working in public institutions. Modeling results showed that user intentions and behaviors were largely influenced by the perceived features of cloud services. Also these features were found to be the significant antecedents of cloud computing usefulness and ease of use. The findings should guide governments' promotion of cloud public services to increase user awareness by enhancing usability and appeal and ensuring security.  相似文献   

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