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感知是认识的开端、一切知识的直接来源。感知论不仅对哲学认识论的研究有重要的理论价值,而且对心理学的研究也有重要的意义。中世纪阿拉伯感知论心理学思想比较丰富,如提出知觉的三个特征,剖析五种感觉,解析双眼视觉、色混合和对比等视觉心理学现象,发现视网膜等均有一定的学术价值。中世纪的光学决定论与古代前机械决定论相比也是一个进步。神经细胞的发现为科学解释视觉的形成提供某些根据,为机械决定论的产生准备了基础。但光学决定论还不可能成为解释一切心理现象的科学方法论。  相似文献   

现象学一诠释学的心理学是作为一种可行的心理学研究途径而存在的,它为心理学家研究人的现象提供了一种有价值的实践手段。它有着高度发展的哲学基础,它使用合理的方法来分析经验、行为、文本材料以及其他描述性资料。而且,它还有一段相对久远的研究历史,对心理学研究形成了一系列有价值的洞见。它的目标是为我们对人的存在、我们自身以及他人提供“深层而充分的理解”。  相似文献   

哲学的语言转向给心理学研究带来了深刻影响,"语言"也成为心理学一个新的研究维度。由此,传统心理学"语言缺失"问题的解决获得了新的契机。心理学的语言转向有深刻的理论背景和哲学溯源,在此基础上,当前的话语心理学及心理学语言形态等问题成为心理学语言转向的集中体现。心理学的语言转向的意义在于心理学研究中思维方式的变革,"语言问题"也将成为心理学研究自身的一个发展方向。  相似文献   

Mario Bunge was born in Argentina in 1919 and is now in his mid-90s. He studied atomic physics and quantum mechanics with Guido Beck (1903?C1988), an Austrian refugee and student of Heisenberg. Additionally he studied modern philosophy in an environment that was a philosophical backwater becoming the first South American philosopher of science to be trained in science. His publications in physics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and the foundations of biology, are staggering in number, and include a massive 8-volume Treatise on Philosophy. The unifying thread of his scholarship is the constant and vigorous advancement of the Enlightenment Project, and criticism of cultural and academic movements that deny or devalue the core planks of the project: namely its naturalism, the search for truth, the universality of science, the value of rationality, and respect for individuals. At a time when specialisation is widely decried, and its deleterious effects on science, philosophy of science, educational research and science teaching are recognised, and at a time when ??grand narratives?? are thought both undesirable and impossible??it is salutary to appraise the fruits of one person??s pursuit of the ??Big?? scientific and philosophical picture or grand narrative. In doing so this special issue brings together philosophers, physicists, biologists, sociologists, logicians, cognitive scientists, economists and mathematicians to examine facets of Mario Bunge??s systematic philosophy and to appraise its contribution to important issues in current philosophy and, by implication, education.  相似文献   

"经验"是西方哲学史上的一个非常重要的概念。杜威对历史上的哲学流派如何使用经验概念进行了反思,并批判性地分析了古希腊哲学"经验即艺术"的观念、近代认识论哲学中唯理论派和传统经验论派的感觉经验观。他在黑格尔生长性的整体观基础上,汲取进化论、物理学和心理学等方面的新成就,赋予"经验"以一种全新的哲学内涵,从而改造了"经验"概念,超越了传统哲学的二元分离,进而为"知-行"结合、关注日常的生活经验和科学实验的经验方法铺平了道路。  相似文献   

布伦塔诺主张哲学应该像自然科学一样具有“严格性”和“精确性”。他以经验主义的方法论立场提出了一种关于先天善的客观主义价值论。他对后世价值理论的一个重要影响在于探究价值现象的独特理论径路,即以心理学为基石铺垫通往价值本质的路径,将价值的界定建立在心理现象及其内在意向性和自明性的基础上。当然,布伦塔诺的描述心理学与后世心理主义价值理论所依据的各种现代心理学理论有重大的区别。布伦塔诺对于作为活动的心理现象的强调,对内知觉与内观察的区分以及心理现象只能由内知觉把握的观点,都使他的描述心理学与以冯特为代表的实验心理学划清了界限。他的描述心理学是对“心灵”整体的、能动的、内在的本性的一种重新主张。  相似文献   

哲学的解释学转向给心理学研究带来了深刻影响,"理解"与"解释"也成为心理学研究的重要维度。心理学的解释学转向既有深刻的理论背景和哲学溯源,又具备现实的科学基础。在解释学转向下,心理学研究出现了三个转变,即从本质论到建构论的转变,从方法中心到问题中心的转变,从价值无涉到价值关涉的转变。解释学转向引起了心理学的方法论变革,对于克服主流心理学面临的困境具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

心理学以决定论为自己的哲学前提之一,但在坚持怎样的决定论的问题上各个学派表现出很大差异,这就形成了心理学哲学基础混乱的局面。造成这一局面的主要原因有心理自身的复杂性和多面性、心理学科本身的发展规律、心理学家的成就动机等。  相似文献   

由于人格研究的元研究是哲学人性现的探讨,故而笔者从人性观角度来反省人格研究,探索人格心理研究的广阔视野。首先阐述了哲学心理学中人性观的基本命题:身心关系、天性与教养、自由意志与决定论和知识来源问题;其次讨论了人格心理学中关于人性的基本假设:自由意志对决定论,理性对非理性(意识与无意识),整体论对元素论,素质论对环境论。可知性对不可知性;最后集中探讨了哲学心理学与人格心理学中人性观的拟合问题。  相似文献   

The Bungian philosophical system, with its constant focus on the demarcation between concepts and coherent material systems, is particularly helpful for introducing scientists and students to the ontology of biological systems. We illustrate this with the case of the debate about species as individuals, largely a concern for philosophers of biology rather than biologists themselves, but potentially confusing for the latter when engaging in philosophical reflection about their conceptions and practice. Bunge attains his goal of writing efficiently for readers outside the philosophical academic microcosm, and the Bungian system is worth more promotion for a large audience, particularly for introducing notions of modern systemist emergentist philosophy in biological scientific training.  相似文献   

西方心理学流派之争归根结蒂是哲学流派之争,心理学整合的困境同样是极端化哲学流派会通的困境。中国意象认识论有机生成的整体化思想,在后现代的语境中凸显其强大的生命力。以此为基础,对心理学的现状、对立及整合问题进行审视,不难发现对立的实质和整合的出路。通过对国内有关意象、表象方面心理学综合研究的考察,可以预见以意象认识论为哲学基础,构建中国化意象心理学,也许是心理学整合的未来希望。  相似文献   

哲学的心理学是心理学最古老的历史形态之一。在科学心理学诞生之前,心理学就寄生在哲学之中,是哲学的一个探索领域。哲学的心理学的最重要的研究方式是思辨和猜测。正是通过思辨和猜测。哲学的心理学探索了人类心理行为几乎所有重要的方面。当心理学成为科学门类之后,哲学的心理学在哲学研究中成为心灵哲学的研究。但是,心理学哲学的研究则仍然在考察心理学研究中关于对象、方法和技术的理论前提或前提假设。  相似文献   

客家是汉民族的一个支系,客家民系具有强烈的认同心理,而客家人的这种认同主要表现为文化认同,文化认同是客家人认同的心理归属与精神纽带,对文化的认同是海内外客家人追求的根本。客家是一个文化群体,文化是客家民系之根。所谓的血缘认同只能是对某一宗族和亲缘关系的认同,并非对整个客家民系的认同,因此客家民系认同的心理基础与本质是文化而非血缘。  相似文献   

Analytical sociology, an intellectual project that has garnered considerable attention across a variety of disciplines in recent years, aims to explain complex social processes by dissecting them, accentuating their most important constituent parts, and constructing appropriate models to understand the emergence of what is observed. To achieve this goal, analytical sociologists demonstrate an unequivocal focus on the mechanism-based explanation grounded in action theory. In this article I attempt a critical appreciation of analytical sociology from the perspective of Mario Bunge??s philosophical system, which I characterize as emergentist systemism. I submit that while the principles of analytical sociology and those of Bunge??s approach share a lot in common, the latter brings to the fore the ontological status and explanatory importance of supra-individual actors (as concrete systems endowed with emergent causal powers) and macro-social mechanisms (as processes unfolding in and among social systems), and therefore it does not stipulate that every causal explanation of social facts has to include explicit references to individual-level actors and mechanisms. In this sense, Bunge??s approach provides a reasonable middle course between the Scylla of sociological reification and the Charybdis of ontological individualism, and thus serves as an antidote to the untenable ??strong program of microfoundations?? to which some analytical sociologists are committed.  相似文献   

参与式心理素质教育是为了克服当前心理素质教育的消极倾向和狭隘性的弊端所提出的有效的整体教育方略。吸收哲学中的活动观、心理学中的心理活动论、教育学中主体教育和参与教育等有关思想,论述了参与式心理素质教育的理论基础。从主体、个性、自由、民主和发展等方面探索了参与式心理素质教育的基本理念,并提出了具体实施策略。  相似文献   

社会认知神经科学是社会心理学与认知神经科学相结合的跨学科研究领域,旨在对社会心理现象在神经、认知和社会三个水平实现整合性研究。当前的研究主要集中于刻板印象、态度与态度改变、他人知觉、自我认知以及情绪与认知交互作用等传统社会心理学的范畴上面,主要范式是应用认知神经科学的方法来验证社会心理学在这些范畴上的各种不同理论观点,并在某些方面取得了突破性进展,但仍存在着广泛的发展空间。未来的研究应采用整合性研究与分离性研究相结合、自下而上与自上而下相结合的研究思路,这有助于建立心理学统一的研究范式。  相似文献   

道德判断与道德行为之间的关系问题经历了哲学假设、经典心理学实验研究和当代心理学的深入研究。道德判断与道德行为关系研究的新进展体现在莱斯特的确定问题测验、林德的道德行为和道德发展的双面理论、布莱希的道德自我认同模式、沃克的道德人格等研究当中,这些研究克服了在道德判断过程中仅仅关注道德推理重要性的缺陷。  相似文献   

This article explores the philosophical underpinnings and implications of the idea of the public in the US state processes of knowledge production and control. In it we take up questions of public and counterpublic political philosophical knowledge production and mediation in relation to an expanding state. Specifically, we examine the political philosophies of racialized counterpublics since the 1960s, considering the particular knowledge production genre of the political prison letter. We suggest that the philosophical principles of the dominant public in the US have a proclivity to merge with state mechanisms of domination and to thwart counterpublics and their modes of political knowledge production.  相似文献   

道德认同作为当今重要的社会心理现象已普遍引起多学科的关注。文章认为当代道德认同存在自我认同与社会认同的危机。自我认同危机主要表现在自我深层的危机,是主我对客我的危机;社会认同危机主要表现为道德失范的危机,是主我对他者的危机。文章对当代青少年道德认同的双重危机扭转作了思考,旨在为当前的思想教育工作提供理论上的指导。  相似文献   

In Vygotsky's theory, the differentiation between genetic psychology and psychology of education has no sense. This thesis is proven by the exposition of some basic psychological principles governing Vygotsky's approach to psychology. Mediation of the psychological processes is the central fact of Vygotsky's conception; socially elaborated systems of signs are the means of mediation; these allow a control of the processes of behavior. Internalization and sociogenesis, which derive directly from this conception, are two inseparable aspects of the same process of construction of the different psychological capacities; on a certain level of development, they lead to a quasi-social behavior of the subjet towards himself. The differenciation of functions is the main form of construction of new capacities: the analyses of the development of language is a good illustration of this principle. Through the analysis of Vygotsky's theory one can discover some important guide lines for research in psychology.  相似文献   

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