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徐季旻  季钢 《实验室研究与探索》2006,25(10):1227-1228,1232
在自动输送线系统中,运用了VC实现计算机和三菱PLC之间的通讯。结合自动输送线的控制要求,详细阐述了运用PC和PLC通讯实现复杂的控制和管理的方法。  相似文献   

介绍HP54504A数字化示波器的基本功能及其通过IEEE-488卡与计算机的通讯接口,详细介绍通过编制软件直接由计算机键盘控制示波器的方法。  相似文献   

针对变频器在CAN总线网络的应用,设计变频器通讯控制卡,完成其软件设计,实现变频器基于CAN总线的通讯控制.  相似文献   

介绍一种通过Visual Basic编程实现PC机与单片机的串行通讯,利用2051单片机控制计算机的机房管理系统。主要实现对机房内计算机的开关机控制、计算机工作状态检测以及计费管理等功能。  相似文献   

设计利用VB提供的MSComm通讯控件完成PC机与单片机的串行通讯,由单片机控制液晶显示模块,实现通过计算机输入字符直接显示在液晶显示屏的控制系统。  相似文献   

32位视窗系统串行通讯的串口设置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论在Borland C Builder4环境中如何对串行接口正确的设置设备控制块以及通讯时限对串口通讯的影响,着重介绍了同步通讯方式,并给出了串行接口设备控制块的成员描述表。  相似文献   

浅论控制论对教学过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维纳出版的著作《控制论或关于在动物和机器中控制和通讯的科学》,该书的出版标志着控制论的诞生。控制论是研究各类系统的调节和控制规律的科学,主要应用领域从最初的自动控制、通讯技术、计算机科学、数理逻辑、神经生理学等发展到科学研究的各个领域。它是自动控制、通讯技术、计算机科学、数理逻辑、神经生理学、统计力学、行为科学等多种科学技术相互渗透形成的一门综合性学科。控制论研究生物体和机器以及各种不同系统的通讯和控制的过程,  相似文献   

针对变频器在CAN总线的应用需要,设计一种变频器远程控制卡,实现变频器基于CAN总线的通讯控制.  相似文献   

针对计算机与智能仪表间的通讯进行研究,讨论基于VB6.0的串行通讯控件与RS232/485的通讯技术,开发计算机与智能仪表之间的程序,实现计算机与智能仪表的远程通讯,可以较好的实现现场数据的采集与监控.  相似文献   

应用互连技术连接两台计算机,不仅可以实现双机通讯,而且可以实现近程计算机之间系统资源的共享.本着降低设计成本,缩短设计周期,便捷实用的原则,介绍了Windows 98本身所具有的进行双机通讯的3种方法.  相似文献   

楼宇控制系统是智能化大楼的三个自动化系统(即通信自动化系统CA、办公自动化系统OA、楼宇自动化系统BA)中最为复杂的一个系统。它是利用集成的方法,将计算机技术、控制技术、通信技术、信息技术与建筑技术有机结合,通过采用先进的控制装置,对楼宇内机电设备进行自动监视和控制,以达到确保设备运行安全可靠、便于管理、节约能源、节约人工,从而提高经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

为解决住宅区内私人专用停车位被占用问题,结合RFID对车位锁系统进行自动智能控制,采用TRF7960射频芯片和ID卡交互射频信号并进行解码,识别车辆身份,对合法车辆能够做到车来自动开锁。测试结果表明,该系统实时性高,结构简单,反应灵敏,具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

介绍了智能小区配电管理系统的硬件组成及基于ARM嵌入式系统的软件实现,包括系统任务的划分、GUI设计、负荷控制以及通讯系统的详细介绍,为其他基于嵌入式芯片的智能化监控系统提供了高性价比、图形化的高效开发模式。  相似文献   

This study investigated differences between residential and non-residential fathers on topics discussed during father–child sex communication and factors associated with child sexual socialisation. Young people (N = 159, 53% female) provided self-reports using computer surveys on the role of their fathers on father–child sex communication, general communication, parental monitoring, father social support and topics discussed during father–child sex communication. The analysis revealed differences in topics discussed between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers. Independent group t-tests revealed significant differences between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers on social support and parental monitoring for sons and parental monitoring for daughters. Sons and daughters with residential fathers had higher scores on these variables. Discriminant function analyses, chi-square tests and hierarchical linear regression analyses were carried out to determine whether there were meaningful distinctions between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers. The analysis revealed social support and parental monitoring provided the most meaningful distinction between young people with residential vs. non-residential fathers. These results highlight the importance of non-residential fathers in the sexual socialisation of their young people through parent–child sex communication. Discussion focuses on the need for development of interventions to promote the inclusion of non-residential fathers in the sexual socialisation of African American youth.  相似文献   

While most literature about security has focused on the role of surveillance and social control in maintaining order in society and in institutions such as schools, this article examines security in relation to consumerism. The article points out that security is big business—not so much a mechanism of social control, but rather an allure made up of enticement and the gratification that comes with consumer activities. Alhough based on research on corporate school security, the article is theoretical. It draws from studies in education, geography, and communication to demonstrate how security has developed into a consumer activity involving suburbanization, technology, self-segregation, and the partitioning of neighborhoods and schools in homogeneous and often-private microsocieties. Adding to studies of schooling that have examined discipline, school structure, the curriculum, and pedagogy in terms of social control, the article examines schooling in relation to the uses of security that lead not so much to surveillance and other controlling mechanisms, but to a freeing of wills and choices that lead to residential isolation and school segregation.  相似文献   

每项技术都不是孤立存在的,其形成、发展与应用离不开特定的技术生态,信息技术尤为如此。运用人工智能、5G通信、区块链等新一代信息技术促进教育变革已成为全球共识,而技术间加速融合、协同创新所形成的智能技术生态是驱动未来教育发展的关键。智能技术生态以教育信息的全面感知为基础,以大数据和人工智能为动力,通过跨时空、跨模态、跨组织的教育教学要素重组以及各教育主体间可信、智能的合作,推动未来教育创新与变革。智能技术生态可为跨时空的教育资源配置、多主体的教育协同治理、社会化的教育服务供给以及智能化的教育管理和评价提供支撑,从教育环境、教育资源、教学活动、教育组织和教育管理等多个方面系统性、结构化地重塑未来教育样态。在此过程中,需通过技术间的赋能解决单一技术瓶颈问题,并通过优化教育治理体系规避科技伦理风险,有序推进智能技术生态的演进与未来教育发展。  相似文献   

This study examines the perceptions and performance of vocational teachers exposed to a residential or non-residential tertiary learning situation. The perceptions of both groups of teachers, relevant to the outcomes of the learning situation or attendance mode to which they had been exposed, were obtained by questionnaire. Lecturers who had experience of both learning situations were also surveyed on similar issues. Information was sought primarily about attitudes to social, communication and learning outcomes relevant to the mode of attendance undertaken. In addition, final academic results concerning a major project for both residential and non-residential teachers were compared. Both groups of respondents perceived some major differences in outcome for teachers exposed to a particular learning situation. The residential mode was generally seen to be most effective by teachers and lecturers in terms of the perceived greater opportunities it gave for the development of peer group and lecturer communication and support with effects on learning and improved choices of academic success. There was, however, in terms of final academic success measured, no significance between group differences. Overall it was found that a residential program may significantly improve group cohesion and communication compared to a similar nonresidential program but that those outcomes may not necessarily lead to improved learning performance.  相似文献   

设计一种电子公交站牌系统,并给出了系统的软/硬件设计方案,该系统以LPC2103为控制核心,通过无线收发芯片CC1020对车载终端发送过来的车辆状态信息进行处理与转发,实现同一站牌不同路数公交车站点的动态显示和语音报站功能;利用CC1020无线通信模块组成一个智能监控网络实现实时监控与管理.测试结果表明,该公交电子站牌功耗低,可靠性较高,数据利用UHF专用通信网传输,数据传输成本为0.  相似文献   

以人工智能与模式识别为核心的虚拟助理是当前备受各领域关注的智能化应用技术,在远程教育个性化支持服务领域存在巨大的应用潜力,其技术发展和市场需求集中体现在资源推送、教学互动、情绪调节和生活辅助四个方面。已有研究显示,虚拟助理可以智能化地判断和理解学习者的需求,改善远程学习系统中资源与知识单向传输和缺乏互动的情况,适时引导学习者进行学习并解答疑难问题;还可以监测学习者远程学习过程中的情绪变化,缓解由于时空分离而造成的负面情绪,为远程学习者提供更自然和人性化的交互方式与学习支持,以及更多的生活便利。随着虚拟现实、人工智能、传感器和模式识别技术的发展,人们已经越来越多地看到了它在适应学习者需求和喜好、提供个性化学习支持服务方面的优势,但是其进一步发展还需攻克资源推送算法、人机互动模式、情绪状态识别等技术难点。  相似文献   

在传统的依靠地缘关系而产生的现实社区建构与邻里互动模式正遭遇冲击的现代社会,互联网的广泛使用为城市社区文化建设提供了新的平台。以便民利民服务为宗旨的“网上小区”的创建与运行在建立新型邻里关系的基础上,扩大社区居民的人际交往与信息沟通,提升社区居民的生活质量,满足居民自我完善的高层次心理需求。“网上小区”在发挥多种功能的同时还存在着普及度相对较低、信息沟通不及时、虚假信息传播以及因缺乏背景性而造成信息误读等现实问题。  相似文献   

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