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在浙江省宁波市,一座两层藏书楼在此历经了452年的风雨.它与意大利马拉特斯塔图书馆和美国弟奇·洛伦佐图书馆并称为世界上历史最悠久的三大家族图书馆,同时它也是亚洲现存最早的私家藏书楼. 它,便是天一阁. 余秋雨曾在《风雨天一阁》里写道:"它只是一个藏书楼,但它实际上已成为一种极端艰难又极端悲怆的文化奇迹."  相似文献   

宁波的旅游资源丰富,有7000年文明史的河姆渡文化遗址,中国现存的最古老的藏书楼天一阁,北宋木结构建筑保国寺,唐代水利工程它山堰和上林越窑遗址;有被日本佛教“曹洞宗”尊为祖庭的天童寺,藏有佛国珍宝“释迦牟尼真身舍利”的阿育王寺等;还有东钱湖、蒋氏(蒋介石)故里溪口以及皇城沙滩、天童寺森林公园、四明山南溪温泉等旅游观光、度假休闲胜地。宁波是日本游客青睐的地方。古代,宁波是与日本海上交往的主要口岸,许多日本遣唐使、留学僧都是在宁波登陆来到中国的,所以宁波许多名胜古迹都与日  相似文献   

陆士虎 《文化交流》2010,(12):33-37
我踏着平坦的石板路,沿着清清的鹧鸪溪走去,便到了地处浙江南浔的著名的嘉业堂藏书楼。我要采访的主人公名叫郑兴宝,任浙江省图书馆嘉业堂藏书楼管理部主任20多个春秋。近年来,我曾多次陪同央视等记者拍摄过嘉业堂。今年9月,央视《国宝档案》栏目推出了嘉业堂藏书楼的两部专题片,郑兴宝与我还一起出过镜呢。  相似文献   

宁波天一阁的档案室里,至今珍藏着一本《来自中东欧的问候》. 2018年9月,25位中东欧作家受邀赴天一阁参加文学交流活动,在临别留言中,塞尔维亚作家沃基斯拉 · 夫卡哈诺维奇这样写道:"书本可以穿越时空,让我们的灵魂与先贤们相连.书藏古今的天一阁就是这样一个'时空隧道'.这次与宁波的邂逅也将深深刻进我的灵魂." 在这一...  相似文献   

艾珺 《文化学刊》2012,(5):184-186
看到这个题目,似乎会让人一下子就联想到相声"关公战秦琼"———如俗语所谓"八竿子打不着"也。是的,韩昌黎,生于唐代宗三年(768),比天一阁楼主范钦(1505~1585)出世要早730多年,天一阁更是始建于明嘉靖四十年(1561),范钦致仕后回到宁波的次年56岁之  相似文献   

正总有人迎难而上,持之以恒,"择一事,终一生"。在宁波的天一阁就有这样一群修书人,在日复一日中默默坚守,让古老的技艺得以传承和发扬,演绎着令人赞叹的工匠精神。宁波长春路两侧的老樟树,常年苍翠欲滴,沿着这条路可以走到天一阁。400多年前的明朝中期,兵部右侍郎范钦退隐在此,营造了一个文化奇迹——汇天下书于一阁,历经4个多世纪而不散。  相似文献   

文澜阁《四库全书》,珍藏着浙江历史文化的“命脉”。它的命运就像文澜阁的名字那样,飘浮在难以预料的波澜中,经历着惊涛骇浪。它所经历的坎坷岁月,真实地反映了中华民族的一段“文化沧桑史”。 藏书家的奉献 乾隆皇帝统治后期(1772-1799年)修成的《四库全书》,分别庋藏于7座藏书楼中,这7座藏书楼是文渊  相似文献   

正武学篇正因为与宁波万氏一门的渊源,黄宗羲才会在白云庄内成立证人书院,收徒授学,历时达8年之久。白云庄的学子们因此成为"浙东学派"的主力,其流风也从这里至于全国,其学脉则传于嘉乾至清末。如果说天一阁是宁波书藏古今的标志,那么,位于宁波城西管江岸的白云庄便是"浙东学派"的圣地。中国17世纪最伟大的思想家黄宗羲曾讲学于此。所以,宁波老话有云:"城内天一阁,城外白云庄。"春日,我走进白云庄。如今,它早已不是城外的偏僻之  相似文献   

2010年1月5日,文化部公布了12家国家级古籍修复中心名单,浙江图书馆和宁波市天一阁博物馆名列其中,数量位居全国前列。国家级古籍修复中心将承担古籍破损情况定级、审定修复技术方案、破损古籍的修复和修复人才培训等,在古籍保护工作中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

北溟 《文化交流》2004,(3):40-41
毗邻喧嚣的上海徐家汇商业圈,矗立着一座历经沧桑的上海图书馆徐家汇藏书楼,这座藏书楼历经岁月洗礼,犹如一位带着几许神秘色彩的遗世佳人.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of different payment schemes for public library borrowings in Germany. The number of borrowings is directly related to the holdings and the financial means of a library. Per medium fees lower the number of borrowings. However, a fixed fee just reduces the number of users. As this is counterbalanced by an increase in borrowings per user, the net effect on total borrowings is zero or even positive. Offering an alternative to a yearly fee for those who borrow only few media does not change results. From that, we conclude that a fee mainly eliminates nominal users and increases the library's effort. JEL-Classification: H 40, H 52, L 32, Z11  相似文献   

Economic science generally takes as its model system the results of uncoerced market transactions, and the application of economic rationality to the state is often understood as an effort to make public institutions behave more like private firms. This requires the explicit formulation of calculations that entrepreneurs are presumed to make implicitly. Yet a formal system of calculation can never be the same as a set of unarticulated practices, and economic projects such as cost-benefit analysis led quickly to the measurement of objects undreamed of by the private economy. Also, the relentless advance of economic quantification has created systems of oversight and regulation that tend to centralize rather than diffuse power. Historically, the methods of economic calculation did not follow from a quantified theory of individual market behavior, but, quite the contrary, were articulated as instruments of economic management and then applied back to individuals. As economics worked out a theory of market behavior, it simultaneously gave new meaning to the very idea of economic rationality.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon the history of the funeral market over two centuries to examine three major devices which have played a central role in the funeral economy, both in terms of defining the nature of the ‘goods’ and their attendant value but also in regulating the relations between the Pompes Funèbres and the other institutional actors involved. It highlights the ways in which these devices provide a ‘politics of value’ performing the articulation between the formatting of economic value and the pursuit of political concerns. First, observing the constitutional phase of the private industry, it examines the ‘system of the classes’ as a central device of managing dissonance between conflicting interests. Then, a historical jump leads us to half way through the twentieth century to the market infrastructure formed by the management of ‘care for the deceased’. As a third point, the exponential development of death insurance in recent years appears as an expression of rationalization of funeral arrangement. The analysis of the market devices will highlight an essential property, that is, the incorporation of a ‘calculation formula’ which set up both the profit sharing and the handling of moral and political issues.  相似文献   

Drawing on the existing research on the socio-economic impact of cultural heritage on local and regional development, the author's aim is to further the scientific discourse in two ways. Firstly, she focuses on the economic and social significance of private investors as important actors implementing heritage restoration projects. Although these initiatives are often primarily commercial in character, they may nonetheless exert a strong, broadly positive influence on local and regional development processes, especially if a cluster of such projects develops within a relatively small area richly endowed with a specific type of heritage. Secondly, she provides empirical evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, a region little explored to date by studies of this type. Accordingly, the article examines the specific context of post-1989 private heritage-oriented investments in historic palace and garden residences in the region of Lower Silesia in Poland, a heritage previously unwanted, ethnically and ideologically dissonant, but nowadays being rediscovered to an increasing extent.  相似文献   

Human oöcytes (eggs) have proved quite resistant to the gift system that regulates much tissue donation in the developed nations. With a few exceptions, they move from donor to recipient through incentive systems, including high rates of compensation and frank payment. Recently, women have turned in small but growing numbers to private oöcyte banking as a way to preserve and defer their fertility. This paper draws on interviews with both clinicians and clients to consider the ways that women use private banking to manage fertility. It argues that the move from purchasing third-party fertility to private banking is a move from a scarcity economy, where lack is resolved in exchange (Simmel), to an economy of singularities (Karpik) where the autologous genetic signature of the materiel renders it non-commensurable. Hence, its value can only be realised through preservation and private retention.  相似文献   

Environmental policy increasingly resorts to market-based instruments in order to meet sustainability objectives. The ‘carbon market’ instituted by the European Emissions Trading directive from 2003 is a canonical example, which has been described, and critiqued, as a delegation of policy objectives to market exchanges. In this paper, we examine the complex ways in which the operationalization of policy objectives and the organization of markets are intertwined, focusing on two other examples of European environmental regulation. The first one is the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control directive from 1996, which defined the ‘best available techniques’ to curb emissions in air, water and soil. The second one is the Renewable Energy Directive from 2009, which introduced criteria for the definition of the sustainability of biofuels. Through the analysis of the design and implementation of these two directives, we identify a central concern for the coexistence of various objects, and various initiatives undertaken by European institutions, member states and private actors. We use the notion of coexistence to describe a European political and economic ordering that is inherently hybrid, and cannot be reduced to a mere delegation of policy objectives to the market, or a legal constraint imposed on all European actors. It grounds its political legitimacy and economic rationality on the distribution of roles and responsibilities across public and private actors, and on the ability to ‘keep things different’ according to local variabilities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the National Endowment for the Arts on private donations to the arts. The aim of the analysis is to assess whether public funding generates a crowding effect on private giving. We distinguish between institutional and sectoral crowding phenomena and discuss their possible implications.We used both a qualitative approach and an econometric model to estimate the effect of NEA introduction and appropriations on donations. Our results suggest that at the institutional level NEA grants do not generally induce donations to recipients while at the sectoral level appropriations and private giving are independent. The introduction of the agency appears to have caused a decrease in donations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the double public good model as a representation of the simultaneous externalities that complicate decision making in the cultural heritage sphere. Social welfare is modeled as depending on both public and private benefits of households' production of individual heritage experience, which in turn depends on the stock of historic assets (a public good) and access effort (a private good). The public benefit of private experience arises from ``shared experience' that fosters cultural identity and social understandings. The model generates marginal efficiency conditions for the amount of physical preservation, amount of access, and intensity of access. The model highlights the need for dual-level policy making in order to avoid unbalanced heritage preservation efforts that have been of some concern in the literature.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to balance two major conceptual tendencies in science policy studies, continuity and discontinuity theory. While the latter argue for fundamental and distinct changes in science policy in the late 20th century, continuity theorists show how changes do occur but not as abrupt and fundamental as discontinuity theorists suggests. As a point of departure, we will elaborate a typology of scientific governance developed by Hagendijk and Irwin (2006) and apply it to new empirical material. This makes possible a contextualization of the governance of science related to the codification of the “third assignment” of the Swedish higher education law of 1977. The law defined the relation between university science and Swedish citizens as a dissemination project, and did so despite that several earlier initiatives actually went well beyond such a narrow conceptualisation. Our material reveals continuous interactive and rival arrangements linking the state, public authorities, the universities and private industrial enterprises. We show how different but coexisting modes of governance of science existed in Sweden during the 20th century, in clear contrast with the picture promoted by discontinuity theorists. A close study of the historical development suggests that there were several periods of layered governance when interactions and dynamics associated with continuity as well as discontinuity theories were prevalent. In addition, we conclude that the typology of governance applied in the present paper is fruitful for carrying out historical analyses of the kind embarked upon in spite of certain methodological shortcomings.  相似文献   

Private or Public?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper concerns the consequences of subsidizing art production. Once a government offers grants and subsidies, artists can decide between public and private funding. A joint model of this choice-situation and the related earnings is derived. The model is tested for the case of visual artists in the Netherlands. The analyses show that subsidizing artists enhances a winner-takes-all tendency for the market at large. Financial success on both the private and the public market appears to be not particularly related to human capital, but to personal characteristics, government recognition and (unobserved) talents.  相似文献   

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