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Outcomes in the inter- and intra-personal realms are central to the goals of Jewish education, yet educators often struggle to address them in a meaningful way. In this article, we describe what we learned from facilitating an online community of practice for congregational school leaders and day school educators seeking to enhance their work in promoting social, emotional, and spiritual growth. First, we provide a rationale for the importance of outcomes in these arenas. Then, we describe the intervention, which included webinars, mentoring, and an action-research component for participants. Finally, we share what we learned about (a) participants’ conceptualizations of socio-affective elements in the Jewish educational context and (b) the supports and challenges encountered by participants in enhancing the socio-affective dimension of their work.  相似文献   


This article describes the collective efforts educators and multiple community partners are taking to transform one alternative urban high school into a full-service community school. The article presents preliminary findings on the opportunities for bridging social capital that the full-service initiative has created and the impacts such opportunities have for students in urban alternative settings with multiple risk factors stacked against them.  相似文献   

构建"学习共同体"促进学习者自主学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析现代远程教育中的教育者和学习者的现有特点的基础上,对作为"以学习者为中心"的新型教学模式的基础理论--现代建构主义教学理论进行了积极思考.认为:在建构教学模式时,确立学习者主体地位是前提,学习者能否主动学习是其学习成功的关键,"学习共同体"的互动是启动和维持学习者积极性的重要手段,教师在实施新型教学模式教学活动中具有重要作用.最后提出了在实施新型教学模式中应注重处理好的几个问题.  相似文献   

Students in “community” (nondenominational) Jewish high schools represent a diversity of denominational affiliations, including those who affiliate with more than one denomination and those that affiliate with none. These schools strive to create communities in which students with varying Jewish beliefs and practices are, at the very least, respected and comfortable. At the same time, schools work to avoid internal Jewish communal fragmentation. In this article, the approach to diversity in three such high schools is compared. Each school, in addition to presenting an approach distinct from the others, has created opportunities for communal Jewish engagement through the enactment of practices that are rooted in Judaism and in the ethos of the school, and allow individualization within universal participation. Further, the range of approaches to Jewish diversity exhibited raises questions about pluralism as it relates to the Jewish educational goals of these schools.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to build an implementation process model for social–emotional interventions. Case studies were conducted at five primary schools in England nominated as ‘lead practise’ by their local authorities. Data collection comprised interviews with school staff, children and parents, observations of intervention sessions and other settings, and document analysis. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. In brief, the process model of Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning small group work indicates that successful implementation is dependent upon a range of factors, ranging from the skills and experience of the group facilitator to the availability of an appropriate physical space to conduct the sessions. Key aspects of the delivery of small group interventions included setting achievable targets for children, providing constant reinforcement of desirable behaviour, and providing opportunities for pupils to verbalise their emotional experiences. We discuss the implications of the model and make recommendations for future development in this area.  相似文献   

研究采用问卷调查及访谈的方法,对甘肃泾川县"新农村学习型学校社区"建设项目的实施情况进行调查研究。结果表明:项目实施引发了教师课堂教学的改革,促进了校长管理风格的改变,促进了学生发展及校本课程开发等。存在的问题主要是:学校与学校、学校与社区的交流尚不充分,项目培训内容、培训方式与教学实际相脱离,建立"学习型学校"的项目目标尚未达成等。  相似文献   

社区学院是构建学习型社会和终身教育体系的重要载体。它是根据社区内的企事业、机关单位,居民需求融学历教育和培训教育为一体的社区教育基地。  相似文献   

社区是社会构成的基本单位,也是实践终身教育,终身学习的切入点和最好中介,作为未来社区教育的基本形态,学习化社区的构建显得尤为必要,具体对策是:(一)观念层面:更新思想,形成终身学习理念;(二)制度层面:依法治教,提供相关制度保障;(三)实践层面,立足现实,构建终身学习化社区。  相似文献   

利用虚拟学习社区对远程学习者进行情感支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对远程学习者进行持续性关注和情感支持,可以有效地维持学习者孤独学习环境下的学习兴趣,使其更有信心克服困难,顺利完成学业。在分析了成人远程学习者的学习情感现状之后,提出了虚拟学习社区中进行情感支持的具体策略及建议。  相似文献   

笔者结合赴日留学的考察,对日本“学社融合”的特点、实施意义和基本要求等问题进行了探讨。文章认为“学社融合”是学校和社区所结成的新教育系统,“学社融合”中学校教育和社会教育的目标同步实现,“学社融合”期待第三方组织在活动中起主导作用。指出,日本“学社融合”促进了学校和社区的双向互动机制的建立,提高了终身学习的可操作性,促进了终身学习体系的建立。为了实现“学社融合”,学校教育及社会教育之间需要实现公有性及协作性,并且在学校教育和社会教育间建立弹性的运作机制。  相似文献   

终身学习是21世纪的生存概念,倡导终身学习与终身教育是科技发展和全球化知识经济社会变化的必然要求,其目标是实现教育的终身化。社区教育是以社区全体成员为对象的一种区域性的、有组织的教育活动,是实现终身教育的重要途径和有效载体,大力发展社区教育,构建具有我国社区教育特色的合理模式,可以促进终身教育目标的实现。  相似文献   

构建社区学习共同体是提高社区群众文化素质、贯彻终身教育理念的创新途径,生态观赋予社区学习共同体新的内涵与特征,有利于揭示其内部知识创生、信息流动的生态学机制。政府有关部门应遵循联系、动态、共生的理念,通过社区教育环境的改善孕育学习共同体生成环境,助推其自我完善并不断提升共同体学习成效,在策略实施中须遵循以下原则:坚持自下而上,重视培育扶持,鼓励灵活创新,包容异质多元,重引导轻干预。  相似文献   

This is a study of schools as professional learning communities, defined by nine characteristics and their relationship with the schools' level of effectiveness. The study was conducted within three schools in Iceland. It was designed as a mixed methods study, conducted in two phases: a correlational study of survey data on schools as professional learning communities and an experimental study, where effort was made to improve the level of the professional learning community and evaluate its effects on pupils' outcomes. In both phases relatively strong evidence was obtained on the relationship between a school's level of effectiveness and its level as a professional learning community. In the experimental school, interventions resulted in higher scores on national tests, especially in mathematics.  相似文献   

学习共同体作为社区教育的创新载体,通过交互性学习活动强化居民学习者身份认同并提升社区整体文化水平,生态视野下的社区学习共同体具有整体性、循环性、协同性等特点。在生态理念的指引之下,社区教育管理者可通过营造自由环境、促进良性互动、补充丰富养分等举措实现社区学习共同体的催生、运行和优化。在策略实施过程中应遵循以下原则:鼓励多元创新、注入人文关怀、重视和谐共生。  相似文献   

教育资源分布不均衡、资源供给与民众需求不匹配阻碍学习化社区的建立。因此,必须对社区内教育资源效能进行评估;对不同区域主导功能进行评估,判断民众整体需要。使教育资源供给与民众教育需求相匹配;充分开发网络资源。与地域资源形成互补。  相似文献   

认真策划、实施和推进农民工培训很现实、很紧迫,提升数量越来越多的农民工素质刻不容缓!只有提高农民工素质,才能提高工业生产水平,才能提升城市功能和社会质量,并能提升农民工的生活水平。农民工培训是增强经济动力与活力,促进社会和谐进步的要径;提高农民工素质是上海发展的基础与标志,社区学校理应提高、扩展对农民工培训现实性、重要性的认识,并主动、积极地介入、开展农民工培训,学校要将农民工培训纳入年度计划和工作要点。  相似文献   

随着教师专业化发展和不断提高教育质量的迫切要求,当代西方专业学习共同体理论也应运而生。在历经了共同体理论、学习型组织理论、学习共同体理论之后,教师专业学习共同体理论也逐渐完善,并在促进教师专业发展的实践中产生了非常积极的作用。成功的专业学习共同体不仅具有共享和支持性的领导、共同的价值观和愿景、共同学习和应用、共享的个人实践、支持性条件等五个特征,而且还具有专注于学习、合作的文化、聚焦于成果等基本理念。  相似文献   

构建“学习共同体”的学校改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
佐藤学  田辉副 《中国德育》2007,2(1):8-12,15
日本学校改革的目标是创建“学习共同体”,“学习共同体”的建立,不仅使其可成为孩子们学习和成长的天地,也是教师共同学习成长的地方,并且还可以作为家长、市民支持和参加学校改革、共同学习成长的重要场所。改革的理论基础主要是杜威的公共哲学。推进作为“学习共同体”的学校建设,需要遵循少则多、简则优、小则精的原则。这种改革并没有特定的形态、特定的运动以及特定的处方,是任何一所学校的任何人都可以参与挑战的“活动体系”。  相似文献   

远程教育中学习共同体的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程学习的特殊性使得学习共同体在远程教育中具有重要的地位和价值,要想建构一个有效的学习共同体必须有充分的前期准备,各个步骤都要进行精心设计。然而设计完善的学习共同体,并不一定能达到理想的效果,因为远程教育这个特殊的领域,使学习共同体的建构面临很多问题。  相似文献   


This case study is an investigation of the teaching and learning of a teacher in the congregational school of which the author was the director, whose classroom practice was strongly reflective of relational learning theory. It explores the pathways through which this teacher was in turn supported in learning and teaching by relationships with peers, supervisors, and teen madrichim in the Relational Learning Community in which the faculty participated. Most significantly, this study examines how such support provided a source of resilience during a period of intense stress and disconnect, and explores the wider implications for teacher growth and retention.  相似文献   

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