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Hu N  Yang J  Qian S  Joo SW  Zheng X 《Biomicrofluidics》2011,5(3):34121-3412112
A microfluidic device integrated with 3D thin film microelectrode arrays wrapped around serpentine-shaped microchannel walls has been designed, fabricated and tested for cell electrofusion. Each microelectrode array has 1015 discrete microelectrodes patterned on each side wall, and the adjacent microelectrodes are separated by coplanar dielectric channel wall. The device was tested to electrofuse K562 cells under a relatively low voltage. Under an AC electric field applied between the pair of the microelectrode arrays, cells are paired at the edge of each discrete microelectrode due to the induced positive dielectrophoresis. Subsequently, electric pulse signals are sequentially applied between the microelectrode arrays to induce electroporation and electrofusion. Compared to the design with thin film microelectrode arrays deposited at the bottom of the side walls, the 3D thin film microelectrode array could induce electroporation and electrofusion under a lower voltage. The staggered electrode arrays on opposing side walls induce inhomogeneous electric field distribution, which could avoid multi-cell fusion. The alignment and pairing efficiencies of K562 cells in this device were 99% and 70.7%, respectively. The electric pulse of low voltage (~9 V) could induce electrofusion of these cells, and the fusion efficiency was about 43.1% of total cells loaded into the device, which is much higher than that of the convectional and most existing microfluidics-based electrofusion devices.  相似文献   

A microfluidic device was successfully fabricated for the rapid serodiagnosis of amebiasis. A micro bead-based immunoassay was fabricated within integrated microfluidic chip to detect the antibody to Entamoeba histolytica in serum samples. In this assay, a recombinant fragment of C terminus of intermediate subunit of galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-inhibitable lectin of Entamoeba histolytica (C-Igl, aa 603-1088) has been utilized instead of the crude antigen. This device was validated with serum samples from patients with amebiasis and showed great sensitivity. The serodiagnosis can be completed within 20 min with 2 μl sample consumption. The device can be applied for the rapid and cheap diagnosis of other infectious disease, especially for the developing countries with very limited medical facilities.Entamoeba histolytica is the causative agent of amebiasis and is globally considered a leading parasitic cause of human mortality.1 It has been estimated that 50 × 106 people develop invasive disease such as amebic dysentery and amebic liver abscess, resulting in 100 000 deaths per annum.2, 3 High sensitive diagnosis method for early stage amebiasis is quite critical to prevent and cure this disease. To date, various serological tests have been used for the immune diagnosis of amebiasis, such as the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).We have recently identified a 150-kDa surface antigen of E. histolytica as an intermediate subunit (Igl) of galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-inhibitable lectin.4, 5 In particular, it has been shown that the C-terminus of Igl (C-Igl, aa 603-1088) was an especially useful antigen for the serodiagnosis of amebiasis. ELISA using C-Igl is more specific than the traditional ELISA using crude antigen.6 However, the ELISA process usually takes several hours, which is still labor-intensive and requires experienced operators to perform. More economic and convenient filed diagnosis methods are still in need, especially for the developing countries with limited medical facilities.Among all the bioanalytical techniques, microfluidics has been attracting more and more attention because of its low reagent/power consumption, the rapid analysis speed as well as easy automation.7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Especially with the development of the fabrication technique, microfluidics chip can include valves, mixers, pumps, heating devices, and even micro sensors, so many traditional bioanalytical methods can be performed in the microfluidics. Qualitative and quantitative immune analysis on the microfluidic chip was successfully proved by plenty of research with improved sensitivity, shorten reaction time, and less sample consumption.8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Moreover, with the intervention of other physical, chemical, biology, and electronic technology, microfluidic technique has been successfully utilized in protein crystallization, protein and gene analysis, cell capture and culturing and analysis as well as in the rapid and quantitative detection of microbes.13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20Herein, we report a new integrated microfluidic device, which is capable of rapid serodiagnosis of amebiasis with little sample consumption. The microfluidic device was fabricated from polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) following standard soft lithography.21, 22 The device was composed of two layers (shown in Figure Figure1)1) including upper fluidic layer (in green and blue) and bottom control layer (in red).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Structure illustration of microfluidic chip.To create the fluidic layer and the control layer, two different molds with different patterns have fabricated by photolithographic processes. The mold to create the fluidic channels was made by positive photoresist (AZ-50 XT), while the control pneumatic mold was made by negative photoresist (SU8 2025). For the chip fabrication, the fluidic layer is made from PDMS (RTV 615 A: B in ratio 5:1), and the pattern was transferred from the respective mold. The control layer is made from PDMS (RTV 615 A:B in ratio 20:1). The two layers were assembled and bonded together accurately, and there is elastic PDMS membrane about 30 μm thick between the fluidic layer channels and control layer.21, 22 The elastic membrane at the intersection can deform to block the fluid inside the fluidic channels, functioning as valves under the pressures introduced though control channels. There are two types of channels in fluidic layer, the rectangular profiled (in green, 200 μm wide, 35 μm thick) channel and round profiled channels (in blue, 200 μm wide, 25 μm center height). Because of the position of the valves on the fluidic channels, two types of valves (Figure (Figure2a)2a) were built, working as a standard valve and a sieve valve. The standard valves (on blue fluidic channels) can totally block the fluid because of the round profile of fluidic channel; the sieve valve can only half close because of the rectangular profile. The sieve valve can be used to trap the microspheres (beads) filled inside the green fluidic channels, while letting the fluid pass through. By this sieve valve, a micro column (in green) is constructed, where the entire ELISA reaction happens. The micrograph of the fabricated micro device is shown in Figure Figure2b.2b. The channels were filled with food dyes in different colors to show the relative positions of the channels. The pressures though different control channels are individually controlled by solenoid valves, connected to a computer through relay board. By programming the status (on/off) of various valves at different time periods, all the microfluidic chip operation can be digitally controlled by the computer in manual, semi-automatic, or automatic manner.Open in a separate windowFigure 2(a) Structure illustration of micro column, standard valve and sieve valve; (b) photograph of the microfluidic chip.To validate this device, 12 patient serum samples were collected. Sera from 9 patients (Nos. 1–9) with an amebic liver abscess or amebic colitis were used as symptomatic cases. The diagnosis of these patients was based on their clinical symptoms, ultrasound examination (liver abscess) and endoscopic or microscopic examination (colitis). We also identified the clinical samples using PCR amplification of rRNA genes.24 As negative control, sera obtained from 3 healthy individuals with no known history of amebiasis were mixed into pool sera. The serum was positive for E. histolytica with a titer of 1:64 (borderline positive), as determined by an indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) test.23, 24 In our previously study, the sensitivity and specificity of the recombinant C-Igl in the ELISA were 97% and 99%.6, 25 In the current study, the serodiagnosis of amebiasis was also examined by ELISA using C-Igl.26 The cut-off for a positive result was defined as an ELISA value > 3 SD above the mean for healthy negative controls27 (shown in Figure Figure3).3). The seropositivity to C-Igl was 100% in patients with amebiasis.Open in a separate windowFigure 3ELISA reactivity of sera from patients against C-Igl. ELISA plate was coated with 100 ng per well of C-Igl. Serum samples from patients and healthy controls were used at 1:400 dilutions. The dashed line indicates the cut-off value. Data are representative of results from three independent experiments.In the diagnosis process with microfluidic chip, the 4 micro immuno-columns filled with C-Igl-coated microspheres were the key components of the device. The C-Igl was prepared in E. coli as inclusion bodies. After expression, the recombinant protein was purified and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The apparent molecular mass was 85 kDa.26The immune-reaction mechanism is illustrated in Figure Figure4.4. The anti-His monocolonal antibody was immobilized onto the microspheres (beads, 9 μm diameter) coated with protein A. The C-Igl was then immobilized onto the beads through the binding between the His tag and C-Igl. For the diagnosis, the microspheres immobilized with C-Igl and blocked by 5% BSA were preloaded into the columns for the rapid analysis of the patient serum samples. Generally, serum samples which were diluted 100 times were first loaded into the reaction column and incubated at room temperature for 5 min. After being washed by PBS buffer, FITC-conjugated goat anti-human polyclonal antibody was added into the column for 4 min incubation. The fluorescence image can be collected by the fluorescence microscope after the micro column was washed with PBS buffer. From loading diluted serum samples into column to collecting fluorescence images, the total time to complete the immunoassay is less than 10 min. The final fluorescence results were analyzed by Image Pro Plus 6.0.Open in a separate windowFigure 4Schematic representation of the ELISA in the chip.Different reaction conditions have been investigated to find the optimized ones. For each patient, 2 μl sample is enough for the analysis. The designed microfluidic chip with 4 micro columns is capable for 4 parallel analyses at the same time. More micro columns can be integrated into the device if more parallel tests are needed.Different incubating time for the diagnosis has also been investigated and no significant difference has been found for various time periods. It is enough to incubate the chip for only 5 min. The total diagnosis time for one sample is less than 10 min. The detection result appeared as the fluorescence intensity of the reaction column. As shown in Figure Figure5,5, the negative sample showed relatively low fluorescence intensity, because little FITC-conjugated goat anti-human polyclonal antibody could attach to the surface of microspheres; on the contrast, the positive sample showed much brighter fluorescence. The fluorescence intensity can be transferred to digital data (Table
SampleAverage scoresStandard deviation
133 790368
223 269271
339 598307
521 222197
638 878290
722 437227
836 295334
941 024396
Open in a separate windowOpen in a separate windowFigure 5ELISA on the chip. The signals were collected by CCD of microscope. A: negative sample; B and C: positive samples.For the heterogeneous immunoreactions, the immobilization of the immune molecules is essential for the reaction efficiency. Herein, we utilized micro columns filled with pre-modified microspheres (beads) instead of the direct surface modification for the ELISA analysis. Compared with the traditional method, diagnosis using the microfluidic device took less than 10 min with only 2 μl sample consumption and little reagent consumption. The high efficiency might be attributed to the high surface modification efficiency by using beads as well as the advantages from microfluidic device itself. The C-Igl modified microspheres can be easily prepared in 1 h and preloaded inside the micro device for convenient application. The device is made from standard soft lithography by PDMS and its throughput can be easily improved by adding more micro columns into the microfluidic device in an economic manner, which is perfect for the onsite rapid and cheap diagnosis of amebiasis. Similar methodologies can be developed for diagnosis of other infectious disease, especially for the developing countries with very limited medical facilities.  相似文献   

Efficient capture of circulating tumor cells with a novel immunocytochemical microfluidic device     
Nora Dickson M  Tsinberg P  Tang Z  Bischoff FZ  Wilson T  Leonard EF 《Biomicrofluidics》2011,5(3):34119-3411915
Ability to perform cytogenetic interrogations on circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from the blood of cancer patients is vital for progressing toward targeted, individualized treatments. CTCs are rare compared to normal (bystander) blood cells, found in ratios as low as 1:109. The most successful isolation techniques have been immunocytochemical technologies that label CTCs for separation based on unique surface antigens that distinguish them from normal bystander cells. The method discussed here utilizes biotin-tagged antibodies that bind selectively to CTCs. The antibodies are introduced into a suspension of blood cells intending that only CTCs will display surface biotin molecules. Next, the cell suspension is passed through a microfluidic channel that contains about 9000 transverse, streptavidin coated posts. A CTC making contact with a post has the opportunity to engage in a biotin-streptavidin reaction that immobilizes the cell. Bystander blood cells remain in suspension and pass through the channel. The goal of the present study is to establish the technical performance of these channels as a function of antigen density and operating conditions, especially flow rate. At 18 μL/min, over 70% of cells are captured at antigen densities greater than 30 000 sites/cell while 50% of cells are captured at antigen densities greater than 10 000. It is found that lower flow rates lead to decreasing cell capture probabilities, indicating that some streamlines develop which are never close enough to a post to allow cell-post contact. Future modeling and streamline studies using computational fluid dynamics software could aid in optimization of channel performance for capture of rare cells.  相似文献   

A modular cell culture device for generating arrays of gradients using stacked microfluidic flows     
Sip CG  Bhattacharjee N  Folch A 《Biomicrofluidics》2011,5(2):22210
Microfluidics has become increasingly important for the study of biochemical cues because it enables exquisite spatiotemporal control of the microenvironment. Well-characterized, stable, and reproducible generation of biochemical gradients is critical for understanding the complex behaviors involved in many biological phenomena. Although many microfluidic devices have been developed which achieve these criteria, the ongoing challenge for these platforms is to provide a suitably benign and physiologically relevant environment for cell culture in a user-friendly format. To achieve this paradigm, microfluidic designs must consider the full scope of cell culture from substrate preparation, cell seeding, and long-term maintenance to properly observe gradient sensing behavior. In addition, designs must address the challenges associated with altered culture conditions and shear forces in flow-based devices. With this consideration, we have designed and characterized a microfluidic device based on the principle of stacked flows to achieve highly stable gradients of diffusible molecules over large areas with extremely low shear forces. The device utilizes a benign vacuum sealing strategy for reversible application to pre-established cell cultures. We apply this device to an existing culture of breast cancer cells to demonstrate the negligible effect of its shear flow on migratory behavior. Lastly, we extend the stacked-flow design to demonstrate its scalable architecture with a prototype device for generating an array of combinatorial gradients.  相似文献   

Handling of artificial membranes using electrowetting-actuated droplets on a microfluidic device combined with integrated pA-measurements     
Martel A  Cross B 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):12813-128137
Artificial membranes, as a controllable environment, are an essential tool to study membrane proteins. Electrophysiology provides information about the ion transport mechanism across a membrane at the single-protein level. Unfortunately, high-throughput studies and screening are not accessible to electrophysiology because it is a set of not automated and technically delicate methods. Therefore, it is necessary to automate and parallelize electrophysiology measurement in artificial membranes. Here, we present a first step toward this goal: the fabrication and characterization of a microfluidic device integrating electrophysiology measurements and the handling of an artificial membrane which includes its formation, its displacement and the separation of its leaflets using electrowetting actuation of sub-μL droplets. To validate this device, we recorded the insertion of a model porin, α-hemolysin.  相似文献   

Planar lens integrated capillary action microfluidic immunoassay device for the optical detection of troponin I     
Mazher-Iqbal Mohammed  Marc P. Y. Desmulliez 《Biomicrofluidics》2013,7(6)
Optical based analysis in microfluidic and lab-on-a-chip systems are currently considered the gold standard methodology for the determination of end point reactions for various chemical and biological reaction processes. Typically, assays are performed using bulky ancillary apparatus such as microscopes and complex optical excitation and detection systems. Such instrumentation negates many of the advantages offered by device miniaturisation, particularly with respect to overall portability. In this article, we present a CO2 laser ablation technique for rapidly prototyping on-chip planar lenses, in conjunction with capillary action based autonomous microfluidics, to create a miniaturised and fully integrated optical biosensing platform. The presented self-aligned on-chip optical components offer an efficient means to direct excitation light within microfluidics and to directly couple light from a LED source. The device has been used in conjunction with a miniaturised and bespoke fluorescence detection platform to create a complete, palm sized system (≈60 × 80 × 60 mm) capable of performing fluoro-immunoassays. The system has been applied to the detection of cardiac Troponin I, one of the gold standard biomarkers for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, achieving a lower detection limit of 0.08 ng/ml, which is at the threshold of clinically applicable concentrations. The portable nature of the complete system and the biomarker detection capabilities demonstrate the potential of the devised instrumentation for use as a medical diagnostics device at the point of care.  相似文献   

Vortex-aided inertial microfluidic device for continuous particle separation with high size-selectivity,efficiency, and purity     
Xiao Wang  Jian Zhou  Ian Papautsky 《Biomicrofluidics》2013,7(4)
In this paper, we report an inertial microfluidic device with simple geometry for continuous extraction of large particles with high size-selectivity (<2 μm), high efficiency (∼90%), and high purity (>90%). The design takes advantage of a high-aspect-ratio microchannel to inertially equilibrate cells and symmetric chambers for microvortex-aided cell extraction. A side outlet in each chamber continuously siphons larger particles, while the smaller particles or cells exit through the main outlet. The design has several advantages, including simple design, small footprint, ease of paralleling and cascading, one-step operation, and continuous separation with ultra-selectivity, high efficiency and purity. The described approach is applied to manipulating cells and particles for ultra-selective separation, quickly and effectively extracting larger sizes from the main flow, with broad applications in cell separations.  相似文献   

An integrated microfluidic system for isolation, counting, and sorting of hematopoietic stem cells     
Huei-Wen Wu  Ruo-Chi Hsu  Chun-Che Lin  Shiaw-Min Hwang    Gwo-Bin Lee 《Biomicrofluidics》2010,4(2)
This study reports an integrated microfluidic system capable of isolation, counting, and sorting of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from cord blood in an automatic format by utilizing a magnetic-bead-based immunoassay. Three functional modules, including cell isolation, cell counting, and cell sorting modules are integrated on a single chip by using microfluidic technology. The cell isolation module is comprised of a four-membrane-type micromixer for binding of target stem cells and magnetic beads, two pneumatic micropumps for sample transport, and an S-shaped channel for isolation of HSCs using a permanent magnet underneath. The counting and sorting of HSCs are performed by utilizing the cell counting and sorting modules. Experimental results show that a separation efficiency as high as 88% for HSCs from cord blood is achieved within 40 min for a sample volume of 100 μl. Therefore, the development of this integrated microfluidic system may be promising for various applications such as stem cell research and cell therapy.  相似文献   

Reconfigurable microfluidics combined with antibody microarrays for enhanced detection of T-cell secreted cytokines     
Arnold Chen  Tam Vu  Gulnaz Stybayeva  Tingrui Pan  Alexander Revzin 《Biomicrofluidics》2013,7(2)
Cytokines are small proteins secreted by leukocytes in blood in response to infections, thus offering valuable diagnostic information. Given that the same cytokines may be produced by different leukocyte subsets in blood, it is beneficial to connect production of cytokines to specific cell types. In this paper, we describe integration of antibody (Ab) microarrays into a microfluidic device to enable enhanced cytokine detection. The Ab arrays contain spots specific to cell-surface antigens as well as anti-cytokine detection spots. Infusion of blood into a microfluidic device results in the capture of specific leukocytes (CD4 T-cells) and is followed by detection of secreted cytokines on the neighboring Ab spots using sandwich immunoassay. The enhancement of cytokine signal comes from leveraging the concept of reconfigurable microfluidics. A three layer polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic device is fabricated so as to contain six microchambers (1 mm × 1 mm × 30 μm) in the ceiling of the device. Once the T-cell capture is complete, the device is reconfigured by withdrawing liquid from the channel, causing the chambers to collapse onto Ab arrays and enclose cell/anti-cytokine spots within a 30 nl volume. In a set of proof-of-concept experiments, we demonstrate that ∼90% pure CD4 T-cells can be captured inside the device and that signals for three important T-cell secreted cytokines, tissue necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-gamma, and interleukin-2, may be enhanced by 2 to 3 folds through the use of reconfigurable microfluidics.  相似文献   

Design and testing of a microfluidic biochip for cytokine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay     
Hongyan He  Yuan Yuan  Weixiong Wang  Nan-Rong Chiou  Arthur J. Epstein    L. James Lee 《Biomicrofluidics》2009,3(2)

Toward a modular,integrated, miniaturized,and portable microfluidic flow control architecture for organs-on-chips applications     
Gürhan zkayar  Joost C. Ltters  Marcel Tichem  Murali K. Ghatkesar 《Biomicrofluidics》2022,16(2)
Microfluidic organs-on-chips (OoCs) technology has emerged as the trend for in vitro functional modeling of organs in recent years. Simplifying the complexities of the human organs under controlled perfusion of required fluids paves the way for accurate prediction of human organ functionalities and their response to interventions like exposure to drugs. However, in the state-of-the-art OoC, the existing methods to control fluids use external bulky peripheral components and systems much larger than the chips used in experiments. A new generation of compact microfluidic flow control systems is needed to overcome this challenge. This study first presents a structured classification of OoC devices according to their types and microfluidic complexities. Next, we suggest three fundamental fluid flow control mechanisms and define component configurations for different levels of OoC complexity for each respective mechanism. Finally, we propose an architecture integrating modular microfluidic flow control components and OoC devices on a single platform. We emphasize the need for miniaturization of flow control components to achieve portability, minimize sample usage, minimize dead volume, improve the flowing time of fluids to the OoC cell chamber, and enable long-duration experiments.  相似文献   

A microfluidic device for uniform-sized cell spheroids formation,culture, harvesting and flow cytometry analysis     
Bishnubrata Patra  Ying-Hua Chen  Chien-Chung Peng  Shiang-Chi Lin  Chau-Hwang Lee  Yi-Chung Tung 《Biomicrofluidics》2013,7(5)
Culture of cells as three-dimensional (3D) aggregates, named spheroids, possesses great potential to improve in vitro cell models for basic biomedical research. However, such cell spheroid models are often complicated, cumbersome, and expensive compared to conventional Petri-dish cell cultures. In this work, we developed a simple microfluidic device for cell spheroid formation, culture, and harvesting. Using this device, cells could form uniformly sized spheroids due to strong cell–cell interactions and the spatial confinement of microfluidic culture chambers. We demonstrated cell spheroid formation and culture in the designed devices using embryonic stem cells, carcinoma cells, and fibroblasts. We further scaled up the device capable of simultaneously forming and culturing 5000 spheroids in a single chip. Finally, we demonstrated harvesting of the cultured spheroids from the device with a simple setup. The harvested spheroids possess great integrity, and the cells can be exploited for further flow cytometry assays due to the ample cell numbers.  相似文献   

Herceptin functionalized microfluidic polydimethylsiloxane devices for the capture of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive circulating breast cancer cells     
Thierry B  Kurkuri M  Shi JY  Lwin LE  Palms D 《Biomicrofluidics》2010,4(3):32205
Building on recent breakthroughs in the field of microfluidic-based capture of rare cancer cells circulating in the blood, the present article reports on the use of Herceptin functionalized PDMS devices designed to efficiently capture from blood cancer cells, overexpressing the tyrosine kinase human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2). The identification of patients overexpressing HER2 is critical as it typically associates with an aggressive disease course in breast cancer and poor prognosis. Importantly, HER2 positive patients have been found to significantly benefit from Herceptin (Trastuzumab), a humanized monoclonal antibody (MAb) against HER2. Disposable PDMS devices prepared using standard soft lithography were functionalized by the plasma polymerization of an epoxy-containing monomer. The epoxy-rich thin film (AGEpp) thus created could be conjugated with Herceptin either directly or through a polyethylene glycol interlayer. The properties and reactivity toward the monoclonal antibody conjugation of these coatings were determined using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; direct conjugation provided a good compromise in reactivity and resistance to biologically nonspecific fouling and was selected. Using the breast cancer cell line SK-BR-3 as a model for cells overexpressing HER2, the immunocapture efficacy of the Herceptin functionalized PDMS was demonstrated in model studies. Validation studies confirmed the ability of the device to efficiently capture (~80% capture yield) HER2 positive cells from full blood.  相似文献   

Fabrication of a gel particle array in a microfluidic device for bioassays of protein and glucose in human urine samples     
Lin L  Gao Z  Wei H  Li H  Wang F  Lin JM 《Biomicrofluidics》2011,5(3):34112-3411210
This paper describes a simple method for fabricating a series of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEG-DA) hydrogel microstructures inside microfluidic channels as probe for proteins and glucose. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this newly developed system, bovine serum albumin (BSA) was chosen as a model protein. PEG microcolumns were used for the parallel detection of multiple components. Using tetrabromophenol blue (TBPB) and the horseradish peroxidase/glucose oxidase reaction system, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and glucose in human urine were detected by color changes. The color changes for BSA within a concentration range of 1-150 μM, and glucose within a range of 50 mM-2 M could be directly distinguished by eyes or precisely identified by optical microscope. To show the practicability of the gel particle array, protein and glucose concentrations of real human urine samples were determined, resulting in a good correlation with hospital analysis. Notably, only a 5 μL sample was needed for a parallel measurement of both analytes. Conveniently, no special readout equipment or power source was required during the diagnosis process, which is promising for an application in rapid point-of-care diagnosis.  相似文献   

Release monitoring of single cells on a microfluidic device coupled with fluorescence microscopy and electrochemistry     
Shi BX  Wang Y  Lam TL  Huang WH  Zhang K  Leung YC  Chan HL 《Biomicrofluidics》2010,4(4):43009
A method for monitoring the biological exocytotic phenomena on a microfluidic system was proposed. A microfluidic device coupled with functionalities of fluorescence imaging and amperometric detection has been developed to enable the real-time monitoring of the exocytotic events. Exocytotic release of single SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells was studied. By staining the cells located on integrated microelectrodes with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde, punctuate fluorescence consistent with localization of neurotransmitters stored in vesicles was obtained. The stimulated exocytotic release was successfully observed at the surface of SH-SY5Y cells without refitting the commercial inverted fluorescence microscope. Spatially and temporally resolved exocytotic events from single cells on a microfluidic device were visualized in real time using fluorescence microscopy and were amperometrically recorded by the electrochemical system simultaneously. This coupled technique is simple and is hoped to provide new insights into the mechanisms responsible for the kinetics of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Low-cost,disposable microfluidics device for blood plasma extraction using continuously alternating paramagnetic and diamagnetic capture modes     
Pilkee Kim  Eng Hui Ong  King Ho Holden Li  Yong-Jin Yoon  Sum Huan Gary Ng  Khuntontong Puttachat 《Biomicrofluidics》2016,10(2)
Blood plasma contains biomarkers and substances that indicate the physiological state of an organism, and it can be used to diagnose various diseases or body condition. To improve the accuracy of diagnostic test, it is required to obtain the high purity of blood plasma. This paper presents a low-cost, disposable microfluidics device for blood plasma extraction using magnetophoretic behaviors of blood cells. This device uses alternating magnetophoretic capture modes to trap and separate paramagnetic and diamagnetic cells away from blood plasma. The device system is composed of two parts, a disposable microfluidics chip and a non-disposable (reusable) magnetic field source. Such modularized device helps the structure of the disposable part dramatically simplified, which is beneficial for low-cost mass production. A series of numerical simulation and parametric study have been performed to describe the mechanism of blood cell separation in the microchannel, and the results are discussed. Furthermore, experimental feasibility test has been carried out in order to demonstrate the blood plasma extraction process of the proposed device. In this experiment, pure blood plasma has been successfully extracted with yield of 21.933% from 75 μl 1:10 dilution of deoxygenated blood.  相似文献   

An integrated microfluidic cell array for apoptosis and proliferation analysis induction of breast cancer cells     
Song H  Chen T  Zhang B  Ma Y  Wang Z 《Biomicrofluidics》2010,4(4):44104
In vitro sensitivity testing of tumor cells could rationalize and improve the choice of chemotherapy and hormone therapy. In this report, a microfluidic device made from poly(dimethylsiloxane) and glass was developed for an assay of drug induced cytotoxicity. We evaluated the apoptotic and proliferation-inhibitory effects of anticancer drugs mitomycin C (MMC) and tamoxifen (TAM) using MCF-7 breast cancer cells. MMC and TAM both induced apoptosis and inhibited proliferation of MCF-7 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. MMC caused the expression of antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 a dose-dependent reduction in MCF-7 cells. The expression of Bcl-2 did not change significantly in MCF-7 cells treated by TAM. The results in the microfluidic device were correlated well with the data obtained from the parallel experiments carried out in the conventional culture plates. The developed microfluidic device could be a potential useful tool for high content screening and high throughput screening research.  相似文献   

Cascaded spiral microfluidic device for deterministic and high purity continuous separation of circulating tumor cells     
Tae Hyun Kim  Hyeun Joong Yoon  Philip Stella  Sunitha Nagrath 《Biomicrofluidics》2014,8(6)
Inertial microfluidics is an emerging class of technologies developed to separate circulating tumor cells (CTCs). However, defining design parameters and flow conditions for optimal operation remains nondeterministic due to incomplete understanding of the mechanics, which has led to challenges in designing efficient systems. Here, we perform a parametric study of the inertial focusing effects observed in low aspect ratio curvilinear microchannels and utilize the results to demonstrate the isolation of CTCs with high purity. First, we systematically vary parameters including the channel height, width, and radius of curvature over a wide range of flow velocities to analyze its effect on size dependent differential focusing and migration behaviors of binary (10 μm and 20 μm) particles. Second, we use these results to identify optimal flow regimes to achieve maximum separation in various channel configurations and establish design guidelines to readily provide information for developing spiral channels tailored to potentially arbitrary flow conditions that yield a desired equilibrium position for optimal size based CTC separation. Finally, we describe a fully integrated, sheath-less cascaded spiral microfluidic device to continuously isolate CTCs. Human breast cancer epithelial cells were successfully extracted from leukocytes, achieving 86.76% recovery, 97.91% depletion rate, and sustaining high viability upon collection to demonstrate the versatility of the device. Importantly, this device was designed without the cumbersome trail-and-error optimization process that has hindered the development of designing such inertial microfluidic systems.  相似文献   

A tapered channel microfluidic device for comprehensive cell adhesion analysis, using measurements of detachment kinetics and shear stress-dependent motion     
Rupprecht P  Golé L  Rieu JP  Vézy C  Ferrigno R  Mertani HC  Rivière C 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):14107-1410712
We have developed a method for studying cellular adhesion by using a custom-designed microfluidic device with parallel non-connected tapered channels. The design enables investigation of cellular responses to a large range of shear stress (ratio of 25) with a single input flow-rate. For each shear stress, a large number of cells are analyzed (500–1500 cells), providing statistically relevant data within a single experiment. Besides adhesion strength measurements, the microsystem presented in this paper enables in-depth analysis of cell detachment kinetics by real-time videomicroscopy. It offers the possibility to analyze adhesion-associated processes, such as migration or cell shape change, within the same experiment. To show the versatility of our device, we examined quantitatively cell adhesion by analyzing kinetics, adhesive strength and migration behaviour or cell shape modifications of the unicellular model cell organism Dictyostelium discoideum at 21 °C and of the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 at 37 °C. For both cell types, we found that the threshold stresses, which are necessary to detach the cells, follow lognormal distributions, and that the detachment process follows first order kinetics. In addition, for particular conditions’ cells are found to exhibit similar adhesion threshold stresses, but very different detachment kinetics, revealing the importance of dynamics analysis to fully describe cell adhesion. With its rapid implementation and potential for parallel sample processing, such microsystem offers a highly controllable platform for exploring cell adhesion characteristics in a large set of environmental conditions and cell types, and could have wide applications across cell biology, tissue engineering, and cell screening.  相似文献   

A low cost design and fabrication method for developing a leak proof paper based microfluidic device with customized test zone     
Ankana Kakoti  Mohd Farhan Siddiqui  Pranab Goswami 《Biomicrofluidics》2015,9(2)
This article describes a fabrication process for the generation of a leak proof paper based microfluidic device and a new design strategy for convenient incorporation of externally prepared test zones. Briefly, a negative photolithographic method was used to prepare the device with a partial photoresist layer on the rear of the device to block the leakage of sample. Microscopy and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy data validated the formation of the photoresist layer. The partial layer of photoresist on the device channel limits sample volume to 7 ± 0.2 μl as compared to devices without the partial photoresist layer which requires a larger sample volume of 10 ± 0.1 μl. The design prototype with a customized external test zone exploits the channel protrusions on the UV exposed photoresist treated paper to bridge the externally applied test zone to the sample and absorbent zones. The partially laminated device with an external test zone has a comparatively low wicking speed of 1.8 ± 0.9 mm/min compared to the completely laminated device with an inbuilt test zone (3.3 ± 1.2 mm/min) which extends the reaction time between the analyte and reagents. The efficacy of the prepared device was studied with colorimetric assays for the non-specific detection of protein by tetrabromophenol blue, acid/base with phenolphthalein indicator, and specific detection of proteins using the HRP-DAB chemistry. The prepared device has the potential for leak proof detection of analyte, requires low sample volume, involves reduced cost of production (∼$0.03, excluding reagent and lamination cost), and enables the integration of customized test zones.  相似文献   

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