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澳大利亚"职前教师教育课程国家认证系统"由认证目标、师范毕业生标准和课程标准及基本的认证程序组成,强调国家系统的建立、系统各部分的整合、伙伴关系的形成、课程的全纳及创新。这是澳大利亚从国家层面保障职前教师教育课程质量的首次尝试,是澳大利亚教师教育标准化的新发展。  相似文献   

澳大利亚自20世纪90年代开始对教师教育课程标准进行持续的改革,从最初的入职教师能力框架到首次建立全国教师专业标准框架,再到大体形成全国教师教育认证制度,并经过多次修订于2010年颁发了完整的全国教师专业标准,从而最终形成比较完善的教师教育认证机制和教师教育课程体系。最新的全国教师专业标准以其更加明确具体的标准结构和内容、充分体现教师专业发展阶段性和持续性的评价方式、从以过程为导向转为以结果为导向的认证要求,体现了澳大利亚教师教育课程标准更加开放灵活的发展理念,反映出国际教师教育改革的共同趋势和澳大利亚教师教育改革的鲜明特色。  相似文献   

教育部出台的师范专业认证实施办法引起高校的普遍关注,然而师范专业认证在具体实施方法、标准、程序中还存在许多问题。我国工程教育专业认证经过数十年发展,已形成具有中国特色专业认证体系,实现专业人才培养质量的国际实质等效性。文章通过比较分析师范专业与工程教育专业在认证主体、政策、程序、指标与标准方面的异同点,结合师范专业认证的不足,从认证主体机构性质、三级认证体系完善、认证工作基础强化、认证标准多方覆盖等方面,为我国师范专业认证体系发展完善提出建议。  相似文献   

葡萄牙中小学教师供应经历了从满足数量到提高质量的转变,教师教育机构培养计划一直缺乏统一评价标准的状况也伴随着1998年全国性的教师教育认证机构INAFOP的成立而宣告终止。如今,申请参加INAFOP的认证是教师教育机构开展教师教育的必要条件,只有通过了认证才能获得实施教师教育的法律地位。葡萄牙INAFOP的认证程序及认证标准对我国教师教育水平评估有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

教师资格认定标准问题关系着教师资格证书认定制度的规范程度。我国的教师资格认定标准相对一些发达国家来讲,还很不完善。运用国际比较的方法,对比教师资格制度比较完善的国家,探讨我国的教师资格认定标准存在的一些问题。通过逐渐提高学历标准,细化教师资格分类,重视教育教学能力的考核,加强教师教育课程改革和严把证书质量关等途径,不断完善我国的教师资格证书制度,促进我国的教师教育发展。  相似文献   


The background to the 'standards movement' in education in the United States is explained. It is argued that it has had a negative impact on teacher education and teacher education accreditation. An illustrative example is provided from a recent accreditation review of the application of an overly narrow understanding of standards and of legitimate evidence, and a possible alternative and more responsive and responsible view of assessment is suggested. The value of standards as guidelines for improving practice in teacher education is not questioned. Rather we aim to cast light upon what we see as their troubling reduction to templates under the often unrecognized influence of market assumptions about teaching and learning.  相似文献   

澳大利亚全国职前教师教育鉴定制度述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴定制度是教师教育质量保证和提高的有效机制.为了进一步提升教师教育的质量,建立教师队伍高标准资格框架,奠定教师持续性专业发展的坚实基础,前不久,澳大利亚教学与领导协会建立了一套全新的由毕业生标准和培养标准为基础的职前教师教育鉴定制度,以保证教师教育机构培养出合格胜任的新教师.文本勾勒了澳大利亚全国鉴定制度主要背景,对其基本框架和鉴定标准作了简要说明,并就该鉴定制度作了简要的分析.  相似文献   

美国教师教育认证标准的发展历程及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以美国全国教师教育认证委员会(NCATE)为案例,在目标本位、课程本位、知识基础本位和绩效本位的概念框架下,对NCATE不同历史时期的认证标准的特征进行研究,将其理论基础分别归纳为目标评价理论、CIPP评价理论、效用评价理论和绩效评价理论,将NCATE不同历史时期所持有的教师教育观分别综合为技术理性主义的、科学主义的、专业化的、以及多元化的.最后讨论其对我国教师教育改革的启示和意义.  相似文献   

苏格兰的职前教师教育课程鉴定与评估制度健全、成效显著,是一个成功的范例。其实施机构———普通教学专业委员会是一个具有很强自主性和权威性的专业性组织,在鉴定、评估和促进职前教师教育课程建设方面发挥了关键性的作用;其标准具有较强的发展性和可操作性;实施过程安排细致,重点突出,具有很高的工作效率;职前教师教育课程的鉴定与评估作用突出,效果显著,有效地保证了职前教师教育课程的质量,维护了教学的专业标准、促进了教师教育机构与中小学之间的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

Since the mid-eighties, national organizations have been working together in an effort to reform schools and, more specifically, to reform teaching. Paralleling the movement toward developing curriculum standards for students, professional standards for teachers have also been developed for the purpose of teacher education program accreditation. The objective of this national coalition is to strengthen the teaching profession and raise its standards—eventually enhancing the quality of student learning—by redesigning teacher licensing and accountability requirements for teacher education programs, and engaging teachers in on-going professional development. In this study we address three specific questions: (1) what representations of teaching and teachers are portrayed in the professional teaching standards, their related policies and assessment? (2) how are standards-based reform policies affecting teacher education programs? (3) what representations or conceptions of teaching and teachers are currently reflected in teacher education programs in the context of this reform? To address these questions two states were selected as test cases. Reform documents, policies and practices, as well as interviews with key participants in the reform (e.g., teacher educators, state-level administrators) are described and analyzed, and constitute the evidential basis for this study. The patterns emerging from the data indicate that teacher educators’ degrees of resistance or cooperation with externally imposed frameworks is influenced by their conception of teaching, education and its purpose. Further, as teacher educators uncritically participate in the standards-based movement it becomes impossible for them to entertain alternative perspectives on teaching and education outside of the framework provided to them by the standards.  相似文献   


This article describes the reflective process used by a group of early childhood faculty members to study national standards in order to improve their teacher education program. The standards studied included those from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC/ECE). The reflective process and study resulted in changes in field experiences, course requirements and activities and assisted in state and national accreditation.  相似文献   

质量认证框架下的美国教师教育质量保证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪成文 《比较教育研究》2004,25(10):21-26,43
开放性、多样性是其美国教师教育的两大特点.在体现开放性的同时,美国已经形成了一套相互协调、有机配合的质量保证体系,其中教师教育质量认证发挥了极其重要的作用.本文以全美教育学院质量认证理事会的认证框架为线索,探讨了美国教育学院质量认证目的、认证标准框架、认证程序及其与教师教育政策决策部门、教育学院(系)和教育研究及学科专业委员会之间的关系,从而在此基础上提出我国教师教育所存在的问题.这些问题及进一步的思考将为我国教师教育转型以及建立开放式、高质量的教师教育模式提供良好的决策参考.  相似文献   

美国教师教育改革新趋势对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国奥巴马政府执政以来,增加联邦教育经费,招募教师和吸引人才,进一步提高学生学业标准并奖励优秀教师,出台了一系列对美国的教师教育发展产生深刻影响的教育革新计划。美国大学在通识教育、培养模式、教学实习、教师资格等方面的改革举措有:在教师教育课程方面,更加注重多学科知识基础;在培养模式上更加多元化;延长教育实习期,完善实习专业标准;严格教师资格认定标准,建立考试体系。美国教师教育改革的经验和创新措施,对我国的启示主要有以下四点:建立和完善国家教师教育课程标准,强化教师综合素质提升;完善教育实习顶层制度设计,建立国家级教师教育实习基地;健全和完善国家评定标准,把好教师准入关;完善多层级的专业发展模式,建立教师资格证书进阶制。  相似文献   

State departments of education can play an important role in preparing teachers for effectively teaching diverse learners in our schools through state policies and standards on teacher certification and teacher education program accreditation. We conducted a content analysis of state standards on teacher certification and program accreditation in the 50 states and the District of Columbia to understand the type and characteristics of diversity-related requirements. We found that while all states addressed diversity in their standards, the type and characteristics of requirements varied across the states. The diversity requirements are ambiguous in most states, and only a small number of states utilize a “social reconstructionist” approach that focuses on preparing teachers to identify social inequality and take an active role to achieve educational and social equity.  相似文献   


The authors describe a major program reform study of an early childhood teacher education program in a large, urban, state university in the United States. Over a 4-year period, our team of early childhood faculty undertook an intentional and reflective program reform study to better advocate for quality early childhood educational philosophy and practice, while ensuring our program aligned with the newer national accreditation policy and state teacher certification standards. In this article, we identify three core problems we encountered, articulate how we approached each of them based on our philosophical framework, and discuss further considerations of each.  相似文献   

张倩 《教师教育研究》2012,(3):85-91,62
"构建以教师教育标准体系为核心的教师教育质量保障制度"已成为当前我国教师教育改革的核心关注,然而目前我国教师教育评估的理论建构与实务经验都明显不足,难以为政策的制定及执行提供科学参考。有鉴于此,本文聚焦于日本教师教育认证制度,对其产生背景、政策法规、认证框架、权责机构、实施程序等进行系统的分析和归纳,并在此基础上进一步针对我国教师教育评估的现实问题,以日本的经验为参照,分析当前我国教师教育评估制度建构的主要任务和挑战,从而为建构适应中国国情的教师教育评估体系和质量保障制度提供参考。  相似文献   

《面向教师的美国国家教育技术标准》的革新与发展反映了当前美国教师教育技术标准的新要求、新发展以及教师教育的新动向,在解读其发展内涵的基础上,对我国在信息化背景下的教师教育和教师教育技术能力标准的贯彻落实进行了探讨。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以后,问责制逐步在美国的教师教育中开展起来,这为教师培养的质量提供了保障。到目前为止,美国教师教育问责制先后经历了三种表现形态:基于审核或认证标准的教师教育、未来教师在教师执照考试中的表现、未来教师对儿童学术成就的影响。从这三种形态中可以清晰地看出其两次转型:从输入到输出、从教师到儿童。  相似文献   

Validity and reliability are a major focus in teacher education accreditation by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). CAEP requires the use of “accepted research standards,” but many faculty and administrators are unsure how to meet this requirement. The Standards of Educational and Psychological Testing abbreviated Joint Standards, are the implied accepted research standards. The purpose of this study was to test empirically the extent to which the Joint Standards could serve this purpose. The primary outcome of this study is a pragmatic set of implementation strategies organized into assessment specifications connecting CAEP requirements to the Joint Standards. An example set of assessment specifications is provided. Use of this process can improve assessments in any academic discipline for any accreditation agency, become a faculty professional development tool, raise assessment literacy, and potentially impact instruction of future educators.  相似文献   

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