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The effects of teachers’ group incentives on student achievement are examined by reviewing theoretical arguments and empirical studies published between 1990 and 2011. Studies from developing countries reported positive effects of group incentives on student test scores. However, experimental studies from developed countries reported insignificant effects. Some of the evidence appears to show a positive association between small group size of teachers and the effectiveness of group incentives. Still, it is uncertain whether the key to successful group incentives in teaching emanates from the incentive size, teacher group size, teacher intrinsic motivation, or type of incentive (rank type vs. non-rank type). Furthermore, most studies show that individual teacher incentives have positive effects unlike studies on group incentives. However, there is a lack of comparative studies of group incentives and individual incentives. We conclude that current empirical evidence has unclear policy implications and recommend additional experimental research.  相似文献   

双因素理论强调了精神薪酬的激励效果而弱化了物质薪酬的激励作用,但在现代企业管理中,物质薪酬是被普遍强化的激励方式。显然,薪酬管理需要物质薪酬和精神薪酬的相辅相成,在一定程度上,非货币性质的“无薪”的精神薪酬更能满足员工高层次的精神需求,从而对企业产生归属感,激发员工的奉献精神。本文探讨了精神薪酬激励的各种形式以及能取得的效果,提出了在运用精神薪酬激励时需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

Some scholars and policymakers who are concerned about the inequitable distribution of quality teachers suggest offering financial incentives for working in hard-to-staff schools. Previous studies have estimated compensating differentials using hedonic modeling, an approach potentially undermined by district-wide salary schedules and the lack of labor market competitiveness. To address this problem, we build hedonic wage models for both public and private schools using data from the 1999–2000 Schools and Staffing Survey and the 2000 Census. Empirical estimates suggest that both public and private schools compensate teachers for some working conditions, but there also appear to be differences between public and private schools in the magnitude of the compensating differentials, particularly for teaching low-income students.  相似文献   

政府R&D税收激励对企业基础研究的作用还未被证实。基于2009-2016年《中国统计年鉴》和《工业企业科技活动统计年鉴》联合数据筛选出基础研究、R&D税收减免数据,本文运用面板回归方法验证了中国R&D税收激励政策对企业基础研究的激励效应。研究发现,第一,目前中国R&D税收激励政策对企业基础研究存在挤出效应。第二,进一步细分R&D税收优惠政策,结果表明研发加计扣除政策对企业基础研究作用不明显,而高新技术企业15%税率式优惠政策显著挤出了企业基础研究支出;第三,政府R&D税收优惠政策对企业基础研究失灵的原因在于政府"一刀切"的R&D税收减免实施标准,即基础研究和试验发展支出采取统一的减免力度,导致R&D税收激励政策对试验发展支出产生了较高的显著减税效应。该标准会诱导利润最大化的企业开展低质量创新。本文的实证结论揭示了我国R&D税收优惠政策的不足,也从政策视角重新给出了中国企业基础研究投入不足的一个新解释。  相似文献   

Curriculum tracking creates incentives in the years before its start, and we should therefore expect test scores to be higher during those years. I find robust evidence for incentive effects of tracking in the UK based on the UK comprehensive school reform. Results from the Swedish comprehensive school reform are inconclusive. Internationally, I find a large and widening test score gap between early and late tracking countries. Incentive effects of tracking show how early age scores can be endogenous with respect to later-age policies, and add to a growing literature on incentives in education.  相似文献   

This article tries to explain the wage differentials across industries and firms by the human capital theory, the compensating wage differential theory or other reasons and also the empirical evidences.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWehavenoticedthewagedifferentialsacrossindustriesandfirmsintheworld ,andalwaysex plainthisbythehumancapitaltheoryandthecompensatingwagedifferentialsbecauseintheperfectcompetitivelabourmarketwhereworkersacceptjobscanexpecttoreceivecompensat…  相似文献   

This paper summarized findings from an empirical study that evaluated the effectiveness of a technology incentive project, MEET, on facilitating the adoption of a web technology CCC Confer among college instructors. Results show that teachers’ technology adoption can be facilitated by providing certain incentives. A number of strategies were essential to the effectiveness of this incentive project: (1) Involving teachers in the decision-making process to make the technology integration project meaningful to them; (2) Helping teachers to develop a well-designed plan with realistic goals and a feasible implementation outline; (3) Building a collegial community from where teachers can learn from peers, obtain support from their social-networks, and work collaboratively; (4) Leading with strong leadership to ensure high morale, sufficient resources and support that are indispensible to the successful implementation of a technology project; and (5) Proving timely support to help teachers remove roadblocks. Restraining factors included insufficient critical appraisal, the absence of collaborative projects, and few face-to-face meetings. Specific implications for technology integration are discussed.  相似文献   

There is widespread pressure that universities should become more responsive and accountable to multiple demands in their local, national and global contexts. Academics grapple to identify appropriate organisational responses to the pressures of state steering and incentive programmes. The empirical focus of the paper is a survey of academics' community engagement activities, mapping their interaction with external partners at five South African universities. The paper addresses a basic question: Who are the academics that engage, and what are their main academic influences? We argue that engagement is more likely to ‘lure the academic soul’ when it is driven by substantive growth in a disciplinary field and enhances reputations. The analysis seeks to identify how disciplinary, institutional and positional attributes are correlated with engaged activities. ‘Luring the academic soul’ through an understanding of the influences on academics' propensity to engage can facilitate more effectively targeted incentives and policies.  相似文献   

Education policies should support the use of programs and practices with strong evidence of effectiveness. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) contains evidence standards and incentives to use programs that meet them. This provides a great opportunity for evidence to play a stronger role in decisions about education programs and practices. However, for evidence-based reform to prevail, three conditions must exist: many practical programs with solid evidence; trusted and user-friendly reviews of research; and more education policies that provide incentives for use of proven programs. The article discusses recent progress in each of these areas and notes difficulties in each. It makes a case that if these difficulties can be effectively addressed, evidence-based reform may begin to make a meaningful difference in education outcomes at the national level.  相似文献   

The Impact of Lottery Incentives on Student Survey Response Rates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lottery incentives are widely used by institutional researchers despite a lack of research documenting the effectiveness of postpaid incentives in general and lottery incentives in particular. A controlled experiment tested the effects of lottery incentives using a prospective college applicant Web survey, with e-mails sent to more than 9,000 high school students. The impact of the level of lottery incentive on response rates and response bias is discussed.  相似文献   

基于需求端的视角,建立政府与消费者的演化博弈模型并分析演化结果,研究政府与消费者间的装配式建筑激励政策,得出政府加大激励力度有助于提高消费者对装配式建筑的需求的结论并提出激励建议,为装配式建筑的推广提供参考。  相似文献   

营利性民办学校税收优惠待遇的廓清不仅关乎差异化财税扶持政策的落实,还攸关民办学校分类管理的实效。然而,充满歧义的民办教育立法、杂乱无章的税法以及它们在分类优惠上的理念分歧使得营利性民办学校的税收优惠待遇处于悬而未决的状态。衡诸受教育权保障关联性、税种属性以及教育公共服务供需状况等因素对营利性民办学校享受税收优惠待遇的影响,营利性民办学校税收优惠待遇的边界有望廓清。为此,须秉持法际整合的立场,在综合权衡教育公益性与资本逐利性的关系以及融贯税法与教育法的价值理念的基础上,从增强民办教育立法税收优惠条款的指向性、完善税法中涉及学校的优惠条款表达以及部门联合出台营利性民办学校专项税收优惠政策等不同层面破解营利性民办学校税收优惠待遇难题。  相似文献   

Fixing Special Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current system of educating disabled students provides financial incentives to schools to overidentify students as disabled and underserve those that are identified. The incentive to overidentify is caused by providing schools with additional funds as more students are placed in special education categories that are ambiguous to diagnose and require relatively low additional expenditures to address. The incentive to underserve is caused by high information and transaction costs imposed on parents using the legal process to obtain desired services. An efficient alternative to the current system is to offer disabled students vouchers worth the cost of their education in public schools with which they can attend a private school if they wish. This article considers empirical analyses of the relationship between financial incentives and overidentification as well as the potential benefits of vouchers for special education. It concludes that vouchers for special education are a promising idea for improving the quality of education for disabled students while constraining growth in special education enrollments.  相似文献   

科技奖励边际激励效用的影响因素及其优化对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
科技奖励过程中存在边际激励效用递减现象,导致激励效果难以持久,科学家群体的积极性、创新性难以充分调动.奖励层次、奖励方式、奖励环境、奖励过程等因素影响着科技奖励的边际激励效用,只有通过"奖励组合与激励方式的多样化、奖励路径与激励目标的个性化,奖励内容与激励层次的多元化,奖励派生效应与激励措施的合理化"等措施,才能更好地优化科技奖励的边际激励效用,增强奖励的有效性,推动我国科技奖励活动的可持续性发展.  相似文献   

在介绍西方激励理论兴起和演进过程的基础上,从效用的新视角重新审视西方激励理论。西方激励理论对激励对象效用价值研究的长处与对激励对象个体输入的研究不足这两个基本方面。在如何通过满足个体需求来调动个体为实现组织目标而努力工作时,引入了效用价值,使得该理论得到了人们的认可,但是西方激励理论对个体输入研究不足,未考虑个体输入的质量和数量对激励作用的影响。因而其研究仍需拓展和深化。  相似文献   

This study examined whether high performers performed better (a) under individual and group incentive pay than under hourly pay and (b) under individual incentive pay than under group incentive pay. Participants were 11 college students. An ABCDC within‐subject design was used in which A was hourly pay with individual feedback, B was individual incentives with individual feedback, C was individual incentives with individual and group feedback, and D was group incentives with individual and group feedback. Participants performed better under both individual and group incentive pay than under hourly pay (p<.01). They did not significantly decrease performance when switched from individual to group incentives, but increased their performance when switched back to individual incentives (p<.01). Individual incentive pay was rated as the most preferred and most satisfying of the three pay systems, and group incentive pay as the least preferred, least satisfying and most stressful. These data suggest that high performers perform better under individual than group incentive pay after exposure to both and are highly likely to prefer individual incentive pay.  相似文献   

激励是运用各种有效的方法调动员工的积极性和创造性,发挥其潜能,使员工努力去完成组织的任务,实现组织目标的过程。激励机制包含诱导因素集合、行为导向制度、行为幅度制度、行为时空制度和行为规划制度等,根据这一理论,学校人事部门在师资培训中可以运用工作成效激励、校园文化教育的实现激励、目标追求激励、激励的约束机制等激励方法和措施调动教职工的积极性和创造性,保证培训目标的实现。  相似文献   

高职“双师型”教师外在激励机制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职"双师型"教师在很大程度上决定着职业教育的质量,其工作特点是研究外在激励机制的关键.本文从高职"双师型"教师工作特点入手,探讨建构高职"双师型"教师外在激励机制的必要性和方法,提出物质激励因素中强化以业绩为中心的薪酬模式、社会激励因素中强化产权激励、精神激励因素中强化参与激励、环境激励因素中突出文化激励.  相似文献   

西部农村边远地区教师数量不足、流失严重,影响着义务教育均衡发展。本文基于劳动经济学中的补偿性工资差别理论首先探讨了教师个体偏好与行为选择,并在此基础上分析了西部农村教师供求机制及政府激励教师供给的政策选择。然后,依托"西部地区基础教育发展项目"课题调研数据,对补偿性工资理论给出的教师工作条件与收入间的理论关系进行了验证。结果表明,那些在艰苦县学校工作的教师,确实得到了额外的补偿性收入;但在较差办学条件、高生师比等工作条件差学校任教的教师并没有获得经济上的补偿或是获得了更多的培训机会,本文认为这是造成农村偏远地区教师短缺的主要原因。最后,结合理论与实证分析,给出吸引与激励教师在西部农村地区任教的政策建议。  相似文献   

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