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Pigeons obtained food by pecking at an unmarked target location on a video screen equipped with a touch-sensitive frame. The target area was located near the top edge of the screen in Experiment 1 and near the left edge of the screen in Experiment 2. On baseline trials, a graphic landmark was located below and left of the target (Experiment 1) or below and right of the target (Experiment 2). In both experiments, baseline search distributions showed a single peak and were roughly symmetrical about the target area in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. On occasional test trials, the landmark was shifted horizontally, vertically, or diagonally by 1.5 cm or 3 cm. In both experiments, landmark shifts in the dimension parallel to the nearest edge produced systematic shifts in the peak place of search. Landmark shifts in the dimension perpendicular to the nearest edge produced inconsistent (Experiment 1) or relatively small (Experiment 2) shifts in peak place. The magnitude of the behavioral shift was always less than the magnitude of the landmark shift and was not consistently greater when the landmark was shifted by 3 cm than when it was shifted by 1.5 cm. These results demonstrated that pigeons can accurately locate an unmarked target area in a two-dimensional vertical arena and that their use of landmarks for spatial localization is similar in several respects to that found in open-field spatial search tasks.  相似文献   

In three between-groups blocking experiments with rats, two concurrent and one forward, several common control procedures were employed: Reinforced trials with the putative blocking stimulus were either omitted entirely (Kamin control), replaced by unsignaled reinforcements (Wagner control), or replaced by reinforced trials with a different stimulus (C1 control). In each experiment, parallel treatments with the target stimulus absent during training served to examine the possibility that differential responding in tests with the target stimulus might be traced solely to differential exposure to the nontarget stimuli. In Experiment 1, responding by a concurrent blocking group during the test was no different than responding by a Kamin control group, and responding by a Wagner control group was greater than that of either of the other groups—a pattern of results, mirrored in the performance of the target-absent groups, that could be attributed to the elevation of contextual excitation by unsignaled reinforcement. In Experiment 2, responding in the test by a concurrent blocking group was no different than that by a C1 control group. In Experiment 3, a finding of less responding by a forward blocking group than by a C1 control group when the target stimulus was present during training, but not when it was absent, provided plausible evidence of blocking.  相似文献   

Niranjan Kambi  Neeraj Jain 《Resonance》2012,17(11):1054-1064
The study of the basis of mental phenomena or the mind has always intrigued humans. Our current understanding of the functioning of the brain is the result of insightful research by many scientists, which has led to a detailed knowledge of brain structure and how this structure makes it possible for the mind to emerge from it.  相似文献   

普通中学男女生立体几何学习差异的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以荷兰学者VanHiele关于几何学习必须经过三个阶段的理论为基础,调查了普通中学男女生学习立体几何的情况.结果表明:在VanHiele理论的第一阶段,男女生之间不存在明显的差异,但在第二、第三阶段则存在较为明显的差异.并对产生差异的原因进行了分析.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, hamsters started from their permanent home at the periphery of a circular arena and headed to a food source at the center. They then returned, fully laden with food, along a direct path to their home. On control trials, in which no manipulation takes place, visual cues outside the arena and dead reckoning (i.e., updated internal references generated during the outward journey to the food source) controlled the return journey. On experimental trials, the arena, with the hamster in its nest, was rotated by 90°, putting dead reckoning at variance with the distal visual environment. The animals were rewarded for going with dead reckoning. At first, they favored the distal cues, but later most of the subjects switched to using dead reckoning. Thus, hamsters are flexible enough to recalibrate the relative weight that they normally attribute to different sets of spatial cues. In Experiment 2, the reliance on dead-reckoning was greatly enhanced when a cue card at the nest entrance was rotated along with the arena, pitting one proximal cue plus dead reckoning against distal cues. Hence, dead reckoning and external cues seem to reinforce each other through their mutual correlation.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined whether overshadowing of geometric cues by a discrete landmark (beacon) is due to the relative saliences of the cues. Using a virtual water maze task, human participants were required to locate a platform marked by a beacon in a distinctively shaped pool. In Experiment 1, the beacon overshadowed geometric cues in a trapezium, but not in an isosceles triangle. The longer escape latencies during acquisition in the trapezium control group with no beacon suggest that the geometric cues in the trapezium were less salient than those in the triangle. In Experiment 2, we evaluated whether generalization decrement, caused by the removal of the beacon at test, could account for overshadowing. An additional beacon was placed in an alternative corner. For the control groups, the beacons were identical; for the overshadow groups, they were visually unique. Overshadowing was again found in the trapezium. In Experiment 3, we tested whether the absence of overshadowing in the triangle was due to the geometric cues being more salient than the beacon. Following training, the beacon was relocated to a different corner. Participants approached the beacon rather than the trained platform corner, suggesting that the beacon was more salient. These results suggest that associative processes do not fully explain cue competition in the spatial domain.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the structure of 3D geometry thinking by identifying different types of reasoning and to examine their relation with spatial ability. To achieve this goal, two tests were administered to students in grades 5 to 9. The results of the study showed that 3D geometry thinking could be described by four distinct types of reasoning which refer to the representation of 3D objects, spatial structuring, conceptualisation of mathematical properties and measurement. The analysis of the study also showed that 3D geometry types of reasoning and spatial abilities should be modelled as different constructs. Finally, it was concluded that students’ spatial abilities, which consist of spatial visualisation, spatial orientation and spatial relations factors, are a strong predictive factor of the four types of reasoning in 3D geometry thinking.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to develop a hands-on spatial geometry learning system to facilitate the learning of geometry. The development of this system was based on Duval's four critical elements of geometric learning: perceptual apprehension, sequential apprehension, operative apprehension, and discursive apprehension. The system offers support to high school students in the process of spatial geometry problem-solving. It provides a hands-on approach for manipulating spatial figures, thereby developing the students' visualization skills and ability to conceptualize images. The experiment comprised a total of 58 participants from different classes with the experimental group using the proposed learning system, whereas the control group using the traditional pencil-and-paper approach. The study investigated the effects of the hands-on system on the perceptual, sequential, and operative apprehension, and on overall spatial geometry scores and learning attitude. The results indicated improvements on effective learning and a higher level of sequential, operative apprehension, and overall spatial geometry scores from the experimental group.  相似文献   

The degree of spatial and temporal contiguity between contact with a prod and shock was varied in three experiments to see how these factors contribute to defensive burying. In Experiment 1, rats shocked once through a grid floor while touching a prod buried the prod just as much as did rats shocked through the prod. Experiment 2 showed that rats either shocked through the floor more than 1 min after touching the prod or shocked in the absence of a prod did not bury the prod. Thus, close temporal contiguity between grid shock and prod contact appears necessary for burying. Nevertheless, grid-shocked rats do learn something different from prod-shocked rats, since they bury the prod less and the walls more than do prod-shocked rats when the position of the prod is changed in the test chamber (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

Economic and technological processes of globalization and the increasing migrations of people in the world undermine dominant national identities. One of the main characteristics of our time is the instability of identities and the continuous invention of new/old identities. Traditions and ethnic identities are deconstructed and reconstructed. Immigrants, first, second and also third generation, participate in the dynamic of identity production. It is as part of this global process of identity production that recently founded multicultural schools in Israel have to be understood. The Kedma, Shevach/Mofet and Bialik multicultural schools provide alternative identities to the prevailing national identity: an emancipatory identity to Mizrahi (Oriental) children, a mixed identity to children of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and a transnational identity to the children of migrant workers. Rather than facilitating integration into the discriminatory hegemonic national identity, these alternative identities provide new empowering options for young immigrants within Israeli society.  相似文献   

When we tend to analyze the living conditions of teachers, system arrangement and identity identification can be considered a significant method for analysis. In reality, there appears a phenomenon of overlapping identification in the identity identification of teachers in China, which leads to plural selections in the identification manners of teachers’ identity. To some extent, it also makes the realistic living conditions of teachers in Chinese prominent. To be specific, teachers realize their social responsibilities in the interest-selecting process.  相似文献   

红安老君眉茶是产自湖北黄冈的优质绿茶,因其香高味醇,品质优异而受到广大消费者喜爱。但随着茶产业的迅速发展和同质化产品的竞争,近年来红安老君眉茶叶的生产遇到瓶颈,茶园管理投入不足,产品单一,研发能力有待提高,未能发挥茶叶品牌效应,从而延缓了产业的发展。本文通过查阅历史资料及对当地企业的调研分析,从加大科技支撑,优化市场定位,打造特色品牌等方面提出发展对策,助力国家地理标志产品老君眉茶的产业化发展。  相似文献   

This research investigated whether schools characterized by high school students as being rich in identity promoting features contribute to student identity development. A theoretical model posited that student perceptions of teachers as caring role models and their school as cultivating the whole student will foster student exploration and confidence about future identity development. Hypothesized mediators of these effects were student perceptions of a positive social climate, of experiencing meaningful studies and of affirmation of their agency and exploration. Participants were 2787 male and female students from the Jewish public-religious sector in Israel in 152 classes of 25 high schools. Results indicated that (a) schools with identity promoting features contribute to student identity development, (b) teachers as role models is a more potent variable than teacher caring in predicting student identity development and (c) experiencing meaningful studies is an especially important contributor to student exploration and identity confidence.  相似文献   

高等几何是数学学科中的一门基础课程,其中有现代数学的思想和学习方法,它是初等几何的拓展,拓展了初等几何的解题方式,使初等几何的方法更加丰富,加深了初等几何的研究内容,延伸了初等几何的学习范围。高等几何有助于培养学生的几何基础,提高学生解决几何问题的能力,因此,学生应该加大对高等几何的重视程度,并认真研究高等几何在初等几何应用中的指导作用。文章主要是探讨高等几何和初等几何的关系。  相似文献   

In research oriented universities, research and teaching are often viewed as separate. Aydeniz and Hodge present one professor’s struggles to synthesize an identity from three different spaces, each with competing values and core beliefs. As Mr. G’s story unfolds, and he reflects upon his negotiation between teaching and research responsibilities, we seek to expand the discussion by presenting a caution to identity researchers. The caution pertains to construction of understanding on how identities are created, and the role that individual stories take in how identities are created and enacted. In this forum contribution, we present several questions in the hopes of furthering the discussion on identity research, and our understanding of the conceptualization of institutional boundaries and objectivity, as well as questions on participant involvement in the process of research.  相似文献   

In this article we compute volume and surface area of the torus, volume of a slice of a 3-ball. Besides this we discuss some interesting facts like ‘derivative of the area of a circle with respect to its radius is its perimeter, derivative of the volume of the sphere with respect to its radius is its surface area and derivative of the volume of the torus with respect to the radius of its meridian circle is its surface area’.  相似文献   

《苏菲的选择》是一部贯穿着人性的挣扎与勇气的杰作,处于身份的失落感中的主人公始终置身于对身份的追寻过程中。身份主题让作者将小说联系成了一个有机的艺术整体,从而解答了一直处于争论中心的小说的结构问题。  相似文献   

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