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为《史记》博大精深的内涵和司马迁高尚的人格所激励,近三十年来肖振宇教授在《史记》研究中默默耕耘.其研究主要着眼文学本体视角,内容涉及《史记》叙事策略、写作艺术、民俗文学研究、人物评判,以及司马迁的思想和人格,《史记》对后世文学的影响等诸多方面.  相似文献   

司马迁故乡的渭南师范学院,多年来尤其是2011年以来高度重视司马迁与《史记》研究,抓好"一栏"(《渭南师范学院学报》教育部高校哲学社会科学学报名栏"司马迁与《史记》研究")、"一院"(中国司马迁与史记研究院)、"一鉴"(编撰出版《司马迁与〈史记〉研究年鉴》)、"一馆"(中国司马迁与史记研究展览馆)等"四个一工程",建设司马迁与《史记》研究重地,有力促进了教学、科研和学科建设工作,并在司马迁与《史记》研究界乃至社会科学界产生了良好的学术影响。  相似文献   

该文通过分析指出,《史记》援引《周易》条例有三种方式:一为《史记》中关于占筮的记录;二为直接引用与化用《周易》经传原文;三为著述易事阐发易理。从而揭示出司马迁对《周易》的熟练运用,这对于全面把握《史记》创作思想与《周易》精深哲理之间的关系具有一定价值。  相似文献   

三十多年来,陕西学界致力于立体式打造司马迁与《史记》研究基地,在专著、论文和大型集体攻关项目方面取得了令人瞩目的成绩,这充分证明了“把陕西建成司马迁研究基地”建议的正确性。在文化兴国、文化强国战略背景下,陕西学界应从以下三方面加强司马迁与《史记》研究基地建设:一是培养后续人才,引进学科带头人;二是坚持普及与提高相结合,继续建立完善“《史记》学”;三是充分调动政府、高校、民间各方力量,形成一批高质量的创新成果。  相似文献   

易学是司马迁史学的哲学基础,是《史记》思想的核心。清人最早注意到《史记》与《周易》的关系。近代学者刘师培是这一研究问题的发端者。20世纪80年代以来,《史记》与《周易》的关系问题开始引起学术界的关注并出现了一些论文,论文从易学的角度,对司马迁的历史观、世界观、哲学思想等方面进行了探讨。主要涉及司马迁通《周易》、《史记》论《周易》和《周易》对《史记》的影响三个方面。  相似文献   

隐喻是《史记》叙述的基本样式及其修辞品格.它呈现为泛隐喻和隐喻修辞两个基本类型,前者是司马迁的历史阐释策略,后者是《史记》文本构成的语言行为.司马迁在《史记》叙述中将泛隐喻和隐喻修辞融为一体,建立了司马迁及其《史记》的独特地位,即对文学和史学边界的突破,从而构成我们面对司马迁及其《史记》所能体味的现代意义.  相似文献   

《左传》以它特有的艺术风格和高超的写作技巧,对后世史传学的发展,产生了巨大影响。司马迁在写作《史记》时,多方面借鉴了《左传》的艺术成就,从叙事学角度看,《左传》对《史记》的影响主要有三方面:叙事主体意识、叙事时间和叙事视角。  相似文献   

学者多言《史记》中的人民性思想是司马迁主观思想的体现,这与事实不符。《史记》中的人民性思想,主要源出于三个因素:一是司马迁从维护刘家统治的立场出发,总结陈胜吴广起义的教训,要统治者切莫苛暴,以免造成官逼民反失天下的教训;二是司马迁自身的经历使其思想上产生强烈的反暴政精神;三是司马迁为使《史记》“成一家之言”,由是以不与圣人同是非的标准来总结历史经验。正是这些因素使《史记》在客观上有了人民性思想的特征。  相似文献   

司马迁《史记》的实录和求真精神决定了他在文化丰碑《论语》面前显示了极度的虚心与虔诚。所以,《史记》中不时引用《论语》,体现出《论语》的深远影响。其引用情况,在《论语》的接受史上留下了重要的一笔,也为《史记》的解读提示了一种视角。  相似文献   

韩兆琦教授这样评价:“《史记》是一座大山,永远耸立在中国与世界的文化之林;《史记》是一曲悲歌,永远回响在中国与世界的历史长河上。”执教以来,对于《史记》的阅读教学,经验是很少的。在指导学生学习了《(史记〉选读》后,感觉首先要有整体认识:了解司马迁;了解《史记》既是史学巨著,又是文学巨著,它体现了司马迁的价值观、生死观(“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛,用之所趋异也”)和进步的历史观,带有其鲜明的感情色彩。对待不同人物,他的感情是不一样的。可以借助《报任安书》一文来了解司马迁“隐忍苟活”,以生践志,从创作《史记》中找到自己的尊严和生命价值,从自比古圣先贤中获得安慰与自我肯定的心路历程。同时在阅读教学中,注意抓住表现情感的语言来分析司马迁的情感倾向。当然,在对人物形象的分析中,也不可偏重一家之言,可以站在历史与现实的角度,以时代的视角解读历史,观照现实。  相似文献   

论民族教育研究方法的人类学视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人类学方法介入教育研究的背景分析着手,分析了人类学中的实地考察、跨文化比较研究方法的特点和民族教育研究借鉴上述方法的必要性,揭示了人类学方法对民族教育研究的几点启示,以期引发对我国民族教育及其研究方法的借鉴性思考。  相似文献   

This paper interprets Wilhelm von Humboldt??s travelogue of his voyage to the Basque country (??Die Vasken??) as an empirical study on human development (??Bildung??) that applies an ethnographic research approach. Against the background of Humboldt??s comparative anthropological considerations the paper focuses on the underlying theory and methodology as well as on the results in Humboldt??s study of the Basques. It will be shown that in ??Die Vasken?? Humboldt directs his attention at anthropological questions on character building (??Charakterbildung??) through applying his anthropological method which combines empirical research with philosophical speculation. The analysis of the results of Humboldt??s study of the Basques demonstrates that Humboldt succeeds in developing his anthropological theory of ??Bildung?? in such a way that he can apply his new insights later in practice in the reform of the Prussian educational system. Finally, a critical reflection about the results of ??Die Vasken?? points out a central methodological and at the same time educational problem in ethnographic research on ??Bildung??. With this interpretation of Humboldt??s study of the Basques the paper provides a historical reflection about theory and methodology in educational anthropology that offers still important insights for actual ethnographic research in the field of education.  相似文献   

本文以笔者连续从事野外地质教学20年的具体实践为基础,从实习准备工作的重要性及方法、野外师资队伍素质的提高、团队负责人的带头作用及意义、和谐野外教学团队建设,以及实习纪律和规章制度的制订及科学剖析等,介绍了做好野外地质教学科学管理和团队建设的几点经验。  相似文献   

司马相如的故里究竟是在成都,还是在今四川蓬安?自古至今,异说纷呈。这一争辩,实则关乎相如生平及其作品的考定。因此,试图借助史志考察司马相如一生中在巴蜀的行踪。然后。就明、清学者以及今贤所论,辨正“长卿桑梓”之所在;考察其先世由来、家道兴衰;认定其《梓桐山赋》等作品,进而考察西汉体物小赋与秦、汉杂赋,与宋玉等人赋作以及大赋兴起的历史联系。  相似文献   

Increasingly, instructional pedagogies in learning contexts from classrooms to boardrooms are couched within experiential learning paradigms. The field trip is a teaching pedagogy that draws on experiential learning. The author aims to demonstrate how a field trip to Sea Islands, South Carolina, presents an opportunity for undergraduate anthropology students to experience a learning continuum from course readings and films to a firsthand experience. The effectiveness of the field trip as an instructional pedagogy is assessed. Best practices for incorporating field trips into instruction are presented.  相似文献   

Field trips are ideal for increasing students’ experience and perceptions of various organisms and their relationship between the original habitat. However, in general field trips are greatly neglected by teachers and their short-term effects are thought to be questionable. Therefore, we conducted a one-day field trip for both improving students’ knowledge in ecology and for examining short-term effects. Based on the results of the research conducted 3 days after the trip, we found a significant and positive increase in students’ attitudes toward biology, natural environment outside and future career in biology. Moreover, students displayed a better understanding of ecology concepts like ecosystems and food webs. However, no similar pattern was observed for the control group experienced only traditional biology settings. Thus, this study is unique showing significant short-term effects of a field trip on students’ attitude and knowledge toward biology.  相似文献   

Although zoos envision themselves as environmental education institutions and governmental policies require that students become environmentally responsible citizens, it is surprising, that little research is done with regard to school field trips to the zoo. Many students are not aware that their everyday life affects marine environments that may enhance through spatially disconnection from marine ecosystems. A zoo field trip may overcome this disconnection. Considering knowledge as prerequisite for environmental attitudes and behavior, our study focused on cognitive learning of high school students at an instructional zoo field trip about marine ecology and conservation, by applying two cooperative learning settings. The study followed a quasi-experimental design, applying multiple-choice pre-post-retention tests. The results show satisfying short- and long-term knowledge achievement. Our cooperative learning settings seems to be a suitable approach for zoo field trips to facilitate a satisfying cognitive outcome concerning marine ecology and conservational issues.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the classification and regression trees (CART) method to draw relationships between student self-reported learning outcomes in 26 field trips to natural environments and various characteristics of the field trip that include variables associated with preparation and pedagogy. We wished to examine the extent to which the preparation for the field trip, its connection to the school curriculum, and the pedagogies used, affect students’ self-reported outcomes in three domains: cognitive, affective, and behavioral; and the extent the students' socioeconomic group and the guide's affiliation affect students' reported learning outcomes. Given that most of the field trips were guide-centered, the most important variable that affected the three domains of outcomes was the guide's storytelling. Other variables that showed relationships with self-reported outcomes were physical activity and making connections to everyday life—all of which we defined as pedagogical variables. We found no significant differences in student self-reported outcomes with respect to their socioeconomic group and the guide's organizational affiliation.  相似文献   

英布是一位武将,其人其事,司马迁《史记·黥布列传》、班固《汉书·韩彭英卢吴传》均有记载与评述。元代尚仲贤依据《史记》、《汉书》的史料,艺术地加工创作了《汉高皇濯足气英布》杂剧一本四折。英布是与韩信、彭越一样被刘邦集团残杀的功臣武将,但韩信、彭越受到司马迁及后人的极大同情,而英布却少有人提及。尚仲贤创作《汉高皇濯足气英布》杂剧,对英布大力称赏,实属难能可贵。  相似文献   

《史记》为中华民族述史写心。此文就司马迁对人口自我意识所达到的高度;《史记》写人特别关注人物的“为人”,重视写出人性的人;司马迁身历生死炼狱般的生命体验,对人生、人性获得超常的认知和体悟;《史记》写人所具有的社会身份、社会角色和人的品德节操、人的性格个性两个普遍性;司马迁对人性以及民族劣根性的探究五个方面,进一步阐述和论证“《史记》:一部中华民族心灵史”这一命题。  相似文献   

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