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The paper examines the influences on, and consequences of, low achievement defined as scores within the lowest achievement quartile. Low achievement is moderately associated with socioeconomic background and Indigenous status and the relationships with gender, ethnicity, region, family type, state and region differ for reading and mathematics. Low achievement substantially reduces the chances of school completion and university entrance. It has much less impact on other forms of post-secondary education and training. There are stronger differences in labour market outcomes between low and higher achievers for young women than for young men. This study suggests the policies promoting the securing of full-time work soon after completing full-time education should reduce the detrimental effects of low achievement on labour market outcomes.  相似文献   

深化产教融合企业调查问卷结果显示:企业需要政府设立专门职能机构统筹推进产教融合发展,希望职业学校不断强化学生技术技能与企业相应岗位的契合度,亟需社会组织发挥好第三方桥梁纽带作用。为此,政府部门应进一步强化在深化产教融合领域的职能作用,制定并有效落实相关企业补贴、税收减免、用地、融资等优惠政策,加快推进职业学校股份制、混合所有制改革,指导行业协会提供毕业生就业质量评价和人才市场需求预测等服务。  相似文献   

近代科学的成功深刻地影响了哲学的存在形态,哲学思维方式也打上了科学的印记.自由这一哲学问题随之被以科学的思维方式进行思考,"自由是对必然的认识"正是其主要表现之一.有关自由的这一命题,尽管具有一定的合理性和价值,但却长期被人们视为圭臬,往往忽视了它实际存在的悖论其一,如果认识了规律并运用自如就是自由,掌握了作恶规律而成功逃避惩罚也将进入神圣的自由之列;其二,人们对规律的认识愈自由实则愈依赖各种精巧的物质系统.  相似文献   

齐己为晚唐著名诗僧,其诗清润平淡。齐己集中有不少论诗诗,是我们了解他诗学观点的依据,齐己诗学思想内容可以总结为两大方面:其一是从儒学诗教观点出发,主张诗学白居易,崇尚风雅,关乎民生;其二是从"诗"、"禅"互济观点出发,认为"诗"、"禅"相通,二者表现为"悟入"与"吟出"的过程关系,二者都须通过"扣寂"、"凿空"等手法才能达到"极趣"之目的。  相似文献   

樊流梧同志的<高等职业技术教育理论与实践>一书,集中反映了他的办学思想和实践探索,在高职教育规律的选择与理论建构、教育实践中的探索及其理论升华、对高职教育理论发展的贡献等方面表现出较高的学术造诣及其对教育实践的重要指导意义.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):295-308
Performance on the reading comprehension (RC) tasks of the Scholastic Assessment Test-I (SAT-I or the "new" SAT), the Enhanced American College Testing Assessment (ACT), and the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) when passages were missing was examined. For the SAT-I and ACT, scores were well above chance and correlated substantially with verbal score on the earlier version of the SAT, indicating that examinees perform similarly with or without passages. Comparable but weaker results were found for the GRE. The findings raise doubts about the construct validity of the RC task. We argue that performance is influenced by the plausibility of item choices with or without the passages and that this, in turn, is the result of the construction of test items with little knowledge of the underlying reading process.  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue on Genes, Environment, and Reading presents an overview of the background for behavior- and molecular-genetic research on dyslexia and individual differences across the normal range. The general methods, questions addressed, and selected results are summarized for each of the papers in the order of their presentation in the special issue. Concluding comments reflect on the influence of environmental range on estimates of genetic and environmental influences, and the future of behavior- and molecular-genetic research on reading.  相似文献   

Combining the excitement from the maker movement and the novel creation of deployable makerspaces, we review the development of the Mobile Atelier for Kinaesthetic Education (MAKE) 3D. MAKE 3D is a mobile makerspace platform that can be deployed anywhere there is electricity to create a curricular spectacle of digital fabrication in particular additive manufacturing or what is more commonly referred to as 3D printing. Our project combines this notion of curricular spectacle and a mobile makerspace platform, to develop strategies in how to meet the novice user almost anywhere and to entice them into a series of hands‐on activities that would give them a range of knowledge and aptitude for additive techniques in digital fabrication. We review the component parts of our Material to Form curriculum and explore thematic connections between the maker movement and art education including STEAM and interdisciplinarity; design thinking and kinaesthetic learning; and place‐based education and the mobile platform. Informal practices in art education and the mobile makerspace advances forms of place and kinaesthetic learning. Similar curricular setups are therefore encouraged to reinforce and expand prior knowledge, broaden participation and provide an adaptable learning space for STEAM initiatives.  相似文献   

重视师生之间的交流与对话,强化教师、学生、作者之间的动态耦合,才能从根本上消解教师的话语霸权,真正体现学生主体地位,使学生自主学习能力的培育和开发落到实处。  相似文献   

公正与公平、平等、正义之间既有某种相似性,又存在着不同。公正与公平的差别表现在:公正是一个具有正价值取向的概念,是人们对社会政策或制度设计的理想追求,其应然性强,而公平则突出衡量标准的一视同仁,具有很强的工具性;公正与平等的差别体现在:公正涉及的范围比较广泛且具有积极意义,而平等则更关注权利、地位、义务的等同,不适当地运用平等原则往往带来负面效应;公正与正义的差别在于:正义侧重于道德性的内涵,而公正则侧重于政治和社会层面的意义,正义与公正是一种属种关系,公正是正义的特殊表现形式,是社会普遍认同的正义。  相似文献   

The terms metacognition, self-regulation, and self-regulated learning appear frequently in the educational literature and are sometimes used interchangeably. In order to explore the theoretical and empirical boundaries between these three constructs and the perceptions or misperceptions that their broad and often unqualified application may engender, an analysis of their use within contemporary research was undertaken. A PsychInfo database search was conducted and 255 studies were identified for a comprehensive data table. Analysis of these data revealed trends that suggest nesting of the constructs in definition and keyword explication. However, important differences emerged in the measures of these three constructs and in environmental factors such as prompting. Implications for future research are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In 1970, Joseph Schwab published the first of four papers that argued for a turn to the idea of the Practical in curriculum research and practice. In this paper, I revisit Schwab’s original paper and explore the extent to which his case for the Practical is still relevant today. I first look at the past of the deliberative tradition in which Schwab’s argument is located. I argue that a more precise engagement with the work of Aristotle – particularly the distinction between making/production and doing, and between knowledge of the eternal and of the variable – can strengthen Schwab’s case and allow for a better understanding of the kind of knowledge and judgement needed in education. In relation to the present, I highlight three ways in which the current context has changed from when Schwab published his paper. These concern the strongly diminished space for teachers’ professional judgement; the rise of a call for evidence-based education; and the shift in curriculum studies away from practical questions. To (re)connect the field of curriculum studies and research with questions about the ‘doing’ of curriculum is, in my view, where a deliberative approach such as the one articulated by Schwab remains highly relevant.  相似文献   

深化认识坚持标准与时俱进认真整改   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为保证试点工作取得预期成果,发挥电大在实施现代远程教育工程、建设学习型社会中的重要作用,必须充分认识试点中期评估整改工作的重要性、艰巨性和紧迫性,确保整改工作重中之重的地位,坚持标准,与时俱进,深入整改,实现社会效益明显、研究成果创新、电大事业发展的最终目标.  相似文献   

浅析homograph,homonym,homophone的应用及产生的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在英语学习过程中,对同形异义词、同音同形异义词、同音异形异义词的运用很容易造成混淆。正确掌握它们之间的区别,能起到良好的修辞效果,达到预期目的,从而激发英语学习对英语学习的极大兴趣。  相似文献   

在建国早期 ,古罗马人的衣食住行比较简单 ,随着罗马对外大征服 ,特别是在公元前 2世纪征服富庶的希腊和东方诸王国后 ,他们的衣着日益华丽 ,中国丝绸在罗马大受欢迎 ;他们餐桌上的菜越来越多 ,饮宴很讲究排场 ;他们的住宅愈来愈考究 ,富人们大肆兴建豪华舒适的别墅 ;他们的出行变得十分方便 ,形成了“条条道路通罗马”的壮景  相似文献   

宋金元哲理诗探论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
哲理诗是一种具有双重品格的诗,是哲理与诗性的完美结合。宋金元三个时期共408年的哲理诗,在当时诗人们的努力下,使之历史地成为了可与传统的怀古诗、送别诗等媲美的一种诗歌品类。北宋的哲理诗,主要表现出了三大特征,即揭示自然规律,反映人生哲理,表现佛禅义理。南宋是一个理趣诗与理学诗盛行的时代,前者以杨万里的诗最具代表性,后者成就卓著者则首推朱熹。朱熹的理学诗主要分为三类,即"阐说义理类"、"融合渗透类"、"亦情亦景类",各具特点。而借助形象以进行理性思考,并从中揭示出某种社会或人生方面的哲理,用以加强作品内容的深刻性,则是金代哲理诗表现在艺术上的一个重要特征。元代是一个新儒学高度发达的国度,其定理学为官学的举措,不仅为哲理诗的创作带来了新的气象,而且使理学家的"学者之诗"一变而为"诗人之诗"。这种变化,是理学诗在元代进步的标志。  相似文献   

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