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我们总是寻求更多的方法改善设计电路的仿真,用Electronics Workbench Multisim和National Instruments LabVIEW相结合,为设计者提供输入和使用反馈,允许有效的测试和验证电路及仿真.  相似文献   

随着触摸屏手机备受人们的青睐,触摸技术带来的问题也日益凸显。其中,触觉反馈技术成为触摸屏设计的关键技术之一。如何提高触觉反馈技术成为难题。本文从三个方面介绍触觉响应的的设计,为提高触觉反馈设计提供可能。同时也使得音频、视频及触觉一体化,可使用户体验触摸环境的乐趣。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的迅速发展,计算机网络的可靠性问题越来越受到网络设计者、建设者和使用者的普遍关注.计算机网络的可靠性也成为衡量计算机网络综合性能的一项极其关键的技术指标.本文首先阐述了计算机网络可靠性的影响因素,接着提出了提高计算机网络可靠性的优化设计.  相似文献   

本文设计了一种基于MEMS技术的柔性触觉感知阵列。通过将MEMS传感器单元与柔性基板相结合,实现三维曲面上的分布力的测量。该触觉感知阵列适台安装于智能机器人手爪上,为机器人系统高效率地获取物体形状、位置和姿态信息、实现智能操作物体提供了有效的手段。  相似文献   

设计活动是一种符号创造活动。椅子设计者通过造型手段将特定的社会关系“物化”在椅子上。设计者不仅对使用者的坐姿和坐乘感受进行设计,而且也对使用者的行为和社会角色进行定位。  相似文献   

从公园环境与行为研究的必要性,分析了环境心理对人们的行为活动的影响,以对翠湖公园进行的调研分析为例反映了设计应以人为本,并从设计者的反思和对使用者的引导等方面探讨了公园中环境与行为的发展趋势,同时提出了无论是设计者还是使用者,都应维护身边的公共环境,只有自身的心理健康,才能让周边的环境更加生态.  相似文献   

交互智能性教学课件是指适应教师和学生运用的课件,它有别于传统意义上的人工智能课件,代表了计算机辅助教学的一个新方向。其中的交互是指通过使用者操作计算机图形元素以实现特定教学目标的过程,而智能性则是指对使用者的操作过程进行跟踪记录,并且作出相应的反馈及评价的功能。因此,交  相似文献   

本文主要根据心理学的研究成果,探讨VAK教学模式在小学英语教学中的应用。所谓的VAK教学模式主要是指不同感知学习风格,即视觉类型、听觉类型和触觉类型,笔者根据小学英语教学实践从视觉输入、听觉输入、触觉刺激和综合角度四个角度探讨VAK教学模式在小学英语教学中的应用,目的是为小学英语教学提供新建议,提升教学效率,推动教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

刘怡涵 《考试周刊》2012,(59):195-196
自中国步入老龄化社会后,老年家具必定要从家具行业中细分出来,并且市场巨大,但在设计方面,老年使用者有着许多未被满足的需求,而这些需求正是设计者必须关注的重要内容,更是在设计初期就应该了解并放在首要位置加以考虑的重点。可以想象,如果设计者不去满足老年使用者对功能的需求,那么家庭环境设计得再优美,家具造型设计得再时尚美观,生产设施昂贵先进,但是使用者仍然无法满意,使用过程还是会产生不良的体验。也许,设计者们,已经到了需要反思设计,回到设计的根源去了解使用者,理解使用者,踏踏实实地为使用者做设计的时候了。  相似文献   

中文WINDOWS是一个汉化的优秀的窗口操作系统,但其只提供区位码和拼音等输入法,没有提供五笔字型输入法,这对广大的五笔输入法使用者来说,是一明显的不足。虽然中文WINDOWS3.1、3.2等版本都提供了码表转换和输入法设置等功能,使用者可以自己设置输入法,但如果要使用者自己制作五笔字型输入  相似文献   

This study tests the use of computer‐assisted grading rubrics compared to other grading methods with respect to the efficiency and effectiveness of different grading processes for subjective assignments. The test was performed on a large Introduction to Business course. The students in this course were randomly assigned to four treatment groups based on the grading method. Efficiency was measured by the professor's time to grade the assignments; effectiveness was measured by a student satisfaction survey. Results suggest that the computer‐assisted grading rubrics were almost 200% faster than traditional hand grading without rubrics, more than 300% faster than hand grading with rubrics, and nearly 350% faster than typing the feedback into a Learning Content Management System. Results also seemed to indicate that the use of a computer‐assisted grading rubric did not negatively affect student attitudes concerning the helpfulness of their feedback, their satisfaction with the speed with which they received their feedback, or their satisfaction with the method by which they received feedback.  相似文献   

为了实现易通码的计算机练习和输入,运用软件工程学原理、数据库理论,使用VB6.0开发平台,结合Access2003技术设计开发易通打字系统软件,增加了一种打字练习软件,方便了计算机用户。  相似文献   

ABR业务将通过反馈来控制业务流量,从而系统地、动态地给用户分配带宽。为此本文建立了一种具有反馈性质的、能提供ABR业务的TMA网络中业务服务排队G/G/1(R)/S/FAFS模型,并利用概率论方法进行了数学解析。同时进行了计算机模拟。  相似文献   

普通计算机键盘是为双手操作设计的,对于一些特别的使用者,比如只有一只手的操作者来讲使用起来很不方便。本文介绍了Windows在环境下通过键盘重新定义,使操作人可以使用部分按键模拟所有按键,使用者可以自由组合和定义出个性化的计算机操作按键,并实现单手操作。  相似文献   

为解决传统室内家居设计过程中设计者与用户之间缺乏有效沟通方式,用户在设计过程中参与度不高、体验感不强,造成用户对最终的设计效果认可度不高等问题,将虚拟现实技术应用于室内家居设计环节。通过虚拟现实技术提供的沉浸感、交互性和构想性等特征,通过人机交互使用户在逼真的虚拟家居环境中了解室内家居设计风格并进行日常生活体验,在用户与设计者之间提供直观的沟通渠道,为家居设计提供更快捷的反馈。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how users interact and learn during a computer-based simulation given graphical and textual forms of feedback. In two experiments, university students interacted with a simple simulation that modeled the relationship between acceleration and velocity. Subjects interacted with the computer simulation using a discovery-based approach: no formal instruction on the science concepts was presented. Subjects had control over the acceleration of a simple screen object—a ball—in a game-like context. Three simulation conditions were studied, each differing on how feedback of the ball's speed, direction, and position was represented: graphical feedback, textual feedback, and graphical plus textual feedback. Results showed that subjects learned more tacit knowledge when provided with animated graphical feedback than with textual feedback, although gains in explicit understanding of these science principles did not depend on the way the feedback was represented. Patterns of interactivity and frustration are also discussed. Reiber says, “I thank Mack Smith and Faris Spahi for their help with various parts of this research.”  相似文献   

SeeWord is a highly configurable word processing environment, which assists dyslexic users when producing and reading text. The software was developed using a user-centred development cycle where user feedback contributed to each revision. Evaluations showed that users were able to find individualised combinations of settings using the specialised software, which they used in preference to the black-on-white text that is usually displayed on computer monitors. Three separate prototypes of the software were developed and evaluated. The third prototype was used in an experimental study with 6 dyslexic school pupils. The research showed that 5 out of the 6 dyslexic users aged 14–16 years benefited from the use of specialised software when reading text from a computer screen. Participants were able to read standard texts from a screen significantly more accurately with the aid of SeeWord. All participants reported that they felt they could read text from the screen better using the software. The results suggest that a larger scale evaluation of the software would provide valuable information about problems associated with computer use by people with dyslexia. A further study into the visual processes involved in dyslexia would also be of great value.  相似文献   

To know where they are in the environment, humans rely on their senses for information. If the environment is artificially generated then it raises the question as to what information is needed to allow humans to know their location in the environment and have a more tacit feeling of presence within it. This paper looks at the role of Virtual Environments as conceptual learning tools in Science and the notion of "Presence" within these types of environments. Presence in this context is based on the stream of sensory input, organized by our perceiving systems, and out of which emerges our sense of being in and of the world. This feeling is also engendered by our ability to affect the world through touch, gesture, voice etc. These are very private actions and to research this we conducted interviews with competent computer users about their feelings of "presence" when using virtual environments. One of the main findings has been that audio feedback is perceived to be one of the most important features that engender a sense of presence. We have also found that ease of navigation around the environment affects perceptions of presence and this is reflected to some extent with users' personal experience.  相似文献   

This study analyses the discourse among the teacher and the students, members of three (3) small groups, who learn in the environment of a stand-alone computer. Two educational environments are examined: the first one, a “virtual laboratory” (Virtual scale-DELYS) and the second one, a computer modeling environment (ModelsCreator). The ‘Virtual Scale’ environment provides users with curriculum focused feedback and in that sense it can be categorized as directive. The ModelsCreator environment provides users merely with a representation of their own conception of curriculum concepts, so it can be categorized as an open-ended environment. The goal of this research is to exemplify the way the two educational software environments support (a) the development of collective thinking in peer— and teacher-led discussion and (b) students’ autonomy. The software tools of the “Virtual scale” along with the resources provided for the problem solving created an educational framework of hypothesis testing. This framework did not limit the students’ contributions by directing them to give short answers. Moreover, it supported the students’ initiatives by providing tools, representations and procedures that offered educationally meaningful feedback. Based on the above results, we discuss a new educationally important structure of software mediation and describe the way the two software activities resourced collective thinking and students’ initiatives. Finally, for each type of software environment, we propose certain hypotheses for future research regarding the support of collaborative problem solving.  相似文献   

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