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为了让青少年速滑运动员赛前训练更具系统性和科学性,并通过赛前训练打好青少年速滑运动员竞技能力基础,使之有效地转化为比赛成绩,采用文献资料调研并结合青少年速滑运动员训练、比赛实际的方法,认为青少年速滑运动员的赛前训练应主要围绕力量训练、技战术训练和心理训练3个方面进行:针对青少年速滑运动员力量的特点,提出绝对力量素质、速度力量素质和力量耐力素质的赛前训练方法;在技战术训练中应追求最佳的整体技术训练效果,以及运用匀速滑跑和加大最后冲刺距离的战术与合理分配速度的战术;分析了青少年速滑运动员赛前心理障碍产生的原因,提出采用主动放松法和环境放松法等方法克服青少年速滑运动员心理障碍。  相似文献   

游泳运动员赛前心理训练现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马建宁  曹春平 《游泳》2002,(1):11-13
运动竞赛成绩的优劣 ,不仅取决于临场技、战术的发挥水平 ,而且取决于赛前心理准备的程度。本文由赛前心理准备的意义、心理紧张的含义及产生的因素、赛前运动员容易发生的几种状况、如何进行心理准备克服赛前紧张状态、临赛前心理紧张的自我调节等方面进行了论述 ,为教练员赛前对运动员的心理指导提供帮助。游泳运动员在比赛中充分发挥技术水平 ,并取得好成绩 ,是优良的技术、素质、战术及心理稳定性综合作用的结果。随着现代游泳竞技水平的日益提高 ,尤其是在高水平运动员之间身体技能和技术水平差距越来越小 ,而且真正影响比赛成绩的因素…  相似文献   

译者前言 独联体选手鲁德科夫斯卡娅以1:08.00的成绩,夺得1992年巴塞罗那奥运会女子100米蛙泳比赛的金牌。2006年1月,鲁德科夫斯卡娅的教练克拉西科夫在俄罗斯游泳协会网站发表了“游泳运动员赛前山地训练”[编者按]  相似文献   

青少年拳击运动员赛前训练对比赛质量有直接影响,科学有序的赛前训练不仅可以调节青少年运动员的心理状态,还可以让运动员快速进入比赛状态,有效防止出现伤病问题。本文从青少年拳击比赛赛前训练的实际需要出发,运用系统化的方法安排青少年运动员的赛前训练,保证运动员赛前训练的合理性、科学性和过程性,从而提高赛前训练质量。  相似文献   

本文根据自己多年来的训练实践经验,从跳高运动员赛前心理、专项能力、体能三个方面,分析运动员赛前训练安排应注意的问题,并指出运动员赛前训练中常出现的错误,以便对跳高运动员赛前训练安排更科学、合理。  相似文献   

陈桦  王珂 《游泳》2013,(4):56-59
”立体化训练控制”是指从训练系统的纵向和横向两个方面,对训练系统所进行的全面、综合和系统的训练调控。因而立体化训练控制主要包括两个方面,一个是反映训练系统横向联系的“综合性训练控制”.另一个是反映训练系统纵向联系的”系统化训练控制”。  相似文献   

国家优秀游泳运动员赛前训练的生化特点及机能评定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了解游泳运动员赛前训练中身体机能的变化规律,测定了在备战2002年亚运会赛前集训的国家游泳队12名男子运动员、14名女子运动员赛前训练期间某些生化指标的变化。结果显示:赛前国家游泳队运动员的各部分机能指标随运动强度呈现不同的阶段变化,赛前1周基本调整至较好状态,提示备战2002年亚运会赛前集训的训练安排基本达到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

随着运动技术、体育科学的不断发展,心理训练,特别是赛前心理训练将成为优秀运动员训练的重要环节。同时,也是优秀选手在国际比赛中充分发挥水平的重要条件之一。  相似文献   

当今游泳运动发展迅速,运动水平突飞猛进,其主要原因是科学化训练在游泳训练中广泛运用。游泳成绩的突破除了游泳技术的不断改进,更为重要的是游泳训练方法、手段的更新,同时运用了许多生理、生化指标来帮助对运动员机体承受运动负荷进行监控(如骨龄、血色素、血乳酸、肌电图等),充分挖掘了运动员自身的运动潜能,提高了机体对运动负荷承受的能力。这些生理、生化指标的测定,一般只能在有一定的经济基础、基本具备各方面条件、运动水平较高的运动队或运动员中实施。在目前对我国众多参加业余训练的青少年游泳运动员要进行测试较复杂、代价较昂贵的生理、生化指标的可行性是很小的。本文通过在青少年游泳训练中,运用脉搏和尿蛋白两项可行的生理生化指标来控制训练强度,使教练员有效地控制运动负荷,尤其是对运动强度的控制,探讨游泳科学训练的方法。  相似文献   

从青少年游泳训练的现状出发,对青少年游泳运动员的训练理念进行分析,旨在为提高青少年游泳运动员的成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、访谈和跟队观察的方法,对山东省古典式摔跤二队运动员备战2009年的山东省摔跤冠军赛,以及滨州市少体校摔跤队备战2010年山东省运动会的赛前训练过程进行总结、探讨。研究认为,科学合理地安排赛前训练时间、布置训练内容、选择训练方法与手段、调节训练负荷节奏,对于青少年摔跤运动员在比赛中获得最佳竞技状态,表现出最佳竞技能力,起着至关重要的作用,而且对于他们职业生涯的延长以及成才也有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of dry-land inertial training (IT) on muscle force, muscle power, and swimming performance. Fourteen young, national-level, competitive swimmers were randomly divided into IT and control (C) groups. The experiment lasted four weeks, during which time both groups underwent their regular swimming training. In addition, the IT group underwent IT using the Inertial Training Measurement System (ITMS) three times per week. The muscle groups involved during the upsweep phase of the arm stroke in front crawl and butterfly stroke were trained. Before and after training, muscle force and power were measured under IT conditions. Simultaneously with the biomechanical measurements on the ITMS, the electrical activity of the triceps brachii was registered. After four weeks of training, a 12.8% increase in the muscle force and 14.2% increase in the muscle power (p?<?.05) were noted in the IT group. Moreover, electromyography amplitude of triceps brachii recorded during strength measurements increased by 22.7% in the IT group. Moreover, swimming velocity in the 100?m butterfly and 50?m freestyle improved significantly following the four weeks of dry-land IT (?1.86% and ?0.76%, respectively). Changes in the C group were trivial. Moreover, values of force and power registered during the ITMS test correlated negatively with the 100?m butterfly and 50?m freestyle swimming times (r value ranged from ?.80 to ?.91). These results suggest that IT can be useful in swimming practice.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、访谈和跟队观察的方法,对山东省优秀摔跤运动员第十届全运会前的赛前训练过程进行总结、探讨。研究认为,科学合理地安排赛前训练时间、布置训练内容、选择训练方法与手段、调节训练负荷节奏并实施有效的医务监督,对于摔跤运动员在比赛中获得最佳竞技状态,表现出最佳竞技能力,起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

为完成2005年第10届全国运动会女子柔道比赛的任务,对参加决赛的北京体育大学女子柔道运动员的赛前训练内容与节奏安排进行了全面、系统的研究。研究表明:科学的训练、客观的生化监控以及有效的恢复措施是赛前训练计划安排能顺利实施的保证。  相似文献   

赵鹏 《体育科研》2013,(5):67-71
目的:对国家男子举重队重点队员在2012中国举重锦标赛(奥运选拔赛)和奥运备战赛前的生理、生化指标进行监控,总结现有的赛前训练的模式,为教练员及时了解运动员的身体反应、修订训练计划和调整训练负荷、保证运动员在大赛前机能处于良好状态提供参考。方法:在国家男子举重队2012年奥运选拔赛和备战奥运的赛前期,运用生理、生化指标对国家队5个重点级别,6名运动员进行训练监控。结果:奥运选拔赛前的训练模式为赛前第2周训练强度和负荷达到最大,之后训练强度和量缓慢降低。奥运备战赛前的训练模式是大强度大负荷周与小强度小负荷周交替出现,总体呈下降趋势。选拔赛的赛前模式优于奥运备战的赛前训练模式。结论:两次赛前训练结果比较发现,锦标赛赛前训练模式优于奥运备战赛前训练;训练强度起始较大随后缓慢下降,整体训练负荷较稳定的训练可以保持运动员在赛前训练阶段的生理机能的稳定,同时提高运动员的肌肉爆发力,增强竞技状态;强度中等、训练负荷较大且整体训练量呈波动趋势的训练易于给运动员造成一定的身体不适,引起运动疲劳的积累,导致赛前竞技能力的降低。  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between prescribed training and seasonal-best swimming performance, we surveyed 24 swim coaches and 185 of their age-group and open-class swimmers specializing in sprint (50 and 100 m) and middle-distance (200 and 400 m) events in a summer and winter season. We expressed effects on training as either multiples of swimmers' standard deviations (effect size, ES) or as correlations ( r ). Coaches prescribed higher mileage and longer repetitions of lower intensity to middle-distance swimmers than to sprinters (ES = 0.4-1.5); as competitions approached, repetition intensity and duration of rest intervals increased (ES = 0.5-0.9), whereas session and repetition distances decreased (ES = 0.4-1.3). The 95% likely ranges of the true values for these effects were about - 0.3. Weekly mileage swum at an easy or moderate pace remained at almost 60% of the total throughout both seasons. Interval training reduced gradually from 40% of total distance in the build-up to 30% at the end of tapering. Older swimmers had shorter rests and swam more miles ( r = 0.5-0.8). After partialling out the effects of age on performance ( r = 0.7-0.8), better performance was significantly associated only with greater weekly mileage ( r = 0.5-0.8) and shorter duration of rest intervals ( r = 0.6-0.7) in middle-distance swimmers. Weconclude that periodization of training and differences in training between sprint and middle-distance events were broadly in accord with principles of specificity. Strong effects of specificity on performance were not apparent, but weak effects might have been detected with a larger sample.  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between prescribed training and seasonal-best swimming performance, we surveyed 24 swim coaches and 185 of their age-group and open-class swimmers specializing in sprint (50 and 100 m) and middle-distance (200 and 400 m) events in a summer and winter season. We expressed effects on training as either multiples of swimmers' standard deviations (effect size, ES) or as correlations (r). Coaches prescribed higher mileage and longer repetitions of lower intensity to middle-distance swimmers than to sprinters (ES = 0.4-1.5); as competitions approached, repetition intensity and duration of rest intervals increased (ES = 0.5-0.9), whereas session and repetition distances decreased (ES = 0.4-1.3). The 95% likely ranges of the true values for these effects were about +/- 0.3. Weekly mileage swum at an easy or moderate pace remained at almost 60% of the total throughout both seasons. Interval training reduced gradually from 40% of total distance in the build-up to 30% at the end of tapering. Older swimmers had shorter rests and swam more miles (r = 0.5-0.8). After partialling out the effects of age on performance (r = 0.7-0.8), better performance was significantly associated only with greater weekly mileage (r = 0.5-0.8) and shorter duration of rest intervals (r = 0.6-0.7) in middle-distance swimmers. We conclude that periodization of training and differences in training between sprint and middle-distance events were broadly in accord with principles of specificity. Strong effects of specificity on performance were not apparent, but weak effects might have been detected with a larger sample.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess responses to taper in elite athletes using computer simulations. Parameters of a non-linear model were derived from training and performance data over two seasons for eight elite swimmers. The fit between modelled and actual performances was statistically significant for each swimmer (r(2) = 0.56 +/- 0.06; P < 0.01). The simulations were used to estimate characteristics of step and progressive tapers that would maximize performance either (1) after regular training only or (2) after overload training of a 20% step increase in regular training for 28 days. The highest performance with a step taper was greater with than without prior overload training (101.4%, s = 1.6 vs. 101.1%, s = 1.4 of personal record; P < 0.01) but required a longer taper duration (22.4 days, s = 13.4 vs. 16.4 days, s = 10.3; P < 0.05). The optimal progressive taper led to a better performance only after the overload period (101.5%, s = 1.5; P < 0.001). Negative and positive influences of training were estimated as indicators of fatigue and adaptations to training respectively. During the optimal taper, the negative influence was completely removed, independently of the prior training, whereas the positive influence increased only after overload training. Our computer simulations show that the characteristics of an optimal training reduction in elite athletes depend on the training performed in the weeks prior to a taper.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈、测试等研究方法,对国家散打队在第5届世界武术锦标赛赛前5周训练时间内的血色素、血尿素、血睾酮、皮质醇的变化进行了测试与分析。结果表明:赛前训练负荷监控期内,血色素和血尿素能有效地监控散打训练负荷;血睾酮通过反映运动员机能状态变化来间接地监控训练负荷;赛前队员皮质醇的变化反映运动员机能状态与队员的主观感觉疲劳度较为一致,并且与整个训练期T/C反映的队员机能情况相吻合。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、现场观察法、数理统计法等,对备战2015年全国锦标赛辽宁省部分优秀男子柔道运动员赛前训练的内容安排、训练方法与手段和生化监控进行研究,旨在为男子柔道赛前训练负荷的安排提供参考.  相似文献   

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