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本文介绍一个功能较齐全、实用性强的陶瓷制品行业管理信息系统,对各子系统的主要功能作介绍,并给出数据库设计和程序设计的方法技巧。  相似文献   

随着在国际化办学理念上的逐步深化和国际环保产业的快速发展,国际化人才培养已经成为一种趋势,本文着重论述了环保专业在国际化教学标准开发过程中在课程体系建设的探索和思路。  相似文献   

信息技术与课程整合是我国新世纪基础教育课程改革的新视点。文章采用内容分析法对2000年至2008年间核心期刊中关于信息技术与课程整合的论文进行了分析,梳理了信息技术与课程整合的发展脉络,发现了研究工作中存在的问题,并为后续研究提供建议。  相似文献   

阅读素养是语文教育的核心内容,但其内涵不明。本研究拟比较中美两份语文课程标准,厘清阅读素养内 容,反思当前语文教育改革。结果显示,两国课标都视阅读能力和文化养成为阅读素养的构成维度,但侧重点不同。中 国课标以内容为导向,强调其文化养成功能,着重建构课程的文化内容体系。美国核心标准则以过程为导向,重视发展 文本信息处理的认知能力,着重培养学生的学术阅读能力。籍此,论文还探讨了阅读素养对外语阅读教学的启示。  相似文献   

信息管理与信息系统专业实践教学探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高速发展的经济社会对专业人才能力的要求,围绕影响能力培养目标实现的关键环节(实践教学体系、实践教学内容以及方法和手段、实践教学效果评估、实训平台建设等方面)进行有益探索与实践,取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

课程的选择和组织问题是教育中的一个关键性问题。着眼培养"能打仗,打胜仗"的高素质新型军事人才,院校课程改革,需要开阔视野,从深入比较中获得启示。本文选取MIT、TUM两所一流大学,从人才培养目标、课程体系及结构、课程及其教学特点等维度,进行一般剖析与综合比较。军队综合大学课程改革,应借鉴有益经验,从人才培养目标、教育模式、课程体系、课程内容和教学形式进行变革。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the common educational challenges faced by curriculum developers in the UK at the turn of the 21st century and the steps taken to address them by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in England and the Council for Curriculum Examinations and Assessment in Northern Ireland. The paper explores how the solutions emerging during the three curriculum review phases of 1998–1999 and 2005–2007 in England and 2000–2004 in Northern Ireland came about largely as a result of collegial working between the two bodies. As well as considering steps taken to develop aims that would drive curriculum change and a curriculum that would address the learning needs of students in the 21st century, the article also considers the lessons learnt about managing and supporting curriculum change. Developments in England and Northern Ireland serve to illustrate that an effective curriculum needs to: articulate clearly the key aims that will shape and drive it; be sufficiently visionary and flexible to allow teachers to respond to the needs of students now and in the future; and provide on-going support to help embed and sustain change. The three are inter-related and successful curriculum development involves considering them together.
Carmel GallagherEmail:

Ian Colwill   is a freelance educational consultant. Until his recent retirement, he was a member of the executive of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in England with responsibility for curriculum development. He began his career teaching history in a secondary school in inner London before becoming an advisory history teacher for the Inner London Education Authority. He has since held senior posts in a succession of bodies advising the government on curriculum and assessment development with responsibility for developing and revising the national curriculum and producing a wide range of support materials. Carmel Gallagher   is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster. Until recently, she was the manager in charge of Curriculum and Assessment Development at the Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), a post from which she has been seconded. She began her career teaching history in a large comprehensive school in West Belfast during some of the worst years of the Northern Ireland Troubles. She was seconded from this post to a number of curriculum development projects before she became the officer in charge of the history curriculum at the newly formed Northern Ireland Curriculum Council (NICC). Soon after this organisation merged with the Northern Ireland Secondary Examinations Council to form CCEA, she took over responsibility for the curriculum review process from 1996–2006, the production of a wide range of support materials and the development of an implementation strategy.  相似文献   

This research advances the understanding of how to define, evaluate, and promote e‐learning success from an information systems perspective. It introduces the E‐Learning Success Model, which posits that the overall success of an e‐learning initiative depends on the attainment of success at each of the three stages of e‐learning systems development: system design, system delivery, and system outcome. To study this model, an online version of an undergraduate quantitative methods core course for business students is developed using a prototyping strategy. Four cycles of development are traced, each comprised analysis, design, implementation, testing, and enhancement. Findings from the study confirm the validity of using the proposed success model for e‐learning success assessment. In addition, an action research methodology is also found to be a valuable impetus for promoting e‐learning success through an iterative process of diagnosing, action planning, action taking, evaluating, and learning.  相似文献   

Since the ratification of the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act of 2002, both publicly traded companies and their respective financial statement auditors have struggled to comply with the requirements of the legislation. Utilizing three individual Delphi studies, separately, I surveyed partners, managers, and staff associates in the United States from each of the “Big 4” international accounting firms to ascertain from each respective group what knowledge domains and technical skills are most important in the practice of Sarbanes‐Oxley–related information assurance compliance. Analysis of the data collected provided the basis for the development and subsequent implementation of a new interdisciplinary business curriculum in information assurance.  相似文献   

美国高中课程百年发展轨迹的原因分析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在客观地描述美国高中自形成直至20世纪90年代以来掀起的新课程标准运动这长达一个多世纪历程中其课程发展的轨迹,试图从多个角度对这样的发展轨迹进行解读,同时挖掘其对于课程改革和发展的启示意义.  相似文献   


The authors provide an overview of what capstone courses do by presenting information from across the field based on materials received from and interviews with technical and professional communication program administrators and faculty. The authors then point to opportunities to improve the course. Finally, the authors argue for sustainable program development as the theoretical framework to perform programmatic work.  相似文献   

美国整合性STEM教育框架基于STEM理念,阐明对整合性STEM的共识性理解,首次提供了涵盖K-12阶段的整合性STEM课程资源,绘制了STEM课程路线图,提供在课堂层次实施STEM的课程路线,为整合STEM方法的系统转型提供支持,以数据驱动STEM教学与评价,制定有效的STEM课程项目和STEM教师专业发展框架,推动整合性STEM课程实施与教学方法改革,培养学生运用STEM知识去解决真实问题,提高创新、批判性思维和解决问题的能力,培养21世纪技能。美国整合性STEM教育框架的课程理念、课程路径与课程支持系统,对我国在基础教育阶段推进STEM教育改革,开发全学段的STEM教育整体框架和课程路线图可以提供有益借鉴,包括基于标准的整合性STEM课程框架,赋能STEM教师的整合性教学实践和推动整合性STEM教育的系统性转变。  相似文献   

民族地区信息管理与信息系统人才培养方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐明了民族地区高校信息管理与信息系统专业的培养目标和培养方向,从实际出发,通过人才培养方案的设计,提出了具有民族地区特色的“信息管理与信息系统”专业人才培养思路。  相似文献   


This article aims to study the design and the organization of auditing systems to develop environmental or quality assurance schemes at the farm level and the role that extension services could play in these processes. It starts by discussing the issue of combining auditing and advisory activities and developing auditing competences. Empirical data is based on a case study conducted in northern France with Chambers of Agriculture including: a) the study of the organizational design set up for the auditing system in order to guarantee its credibility and reliability; b) the analysis of audit training sessions delivered to agricultural advisers. Our results provide a formalization of what can be an audit work and the independence of the auditor. It is argued that the interpretation of independence and the management of the human resources and their competencies determine how extension services get involved in quality assurance systems at the farm level.  相似文献   

围绕高职教育培养目标,克服传统课程考核方式中考核方式形式单一,考核环节及指标设计与教学目标脱节,考核过程及成绩不能体现学生能力发展、与行业标准及企业岗位要求的不足等现象,高职经济管理类专业课程考核的基本思路应重视过程考核、实践考核、综合能力考核,以物流管理、市场营销、连锁经营管理等专业的部分课程为例,分析及探索从职业素养、职业能力、专业基础等三方面设计考核指标。  相似文献   

There is increasing acknowledgement that differences exist in the levels of achievement of boys and girls in English primary schools, as evidenced by performances in National Curriculum tests at Key Stages 1 and 2. This article briefly examines the nature of these differences, both nationally and specifically within the context of a pilot study of four schools in different socio-economic contexts. Some of the underlying factors behind these differential achievements are considered, particularly within the context of literacy issues and of boys' constructions of masculinity. An analysis of the approaches towards creating a context for achievement of both girls and boys in these four schools is then offered, with a focus on pedagogic, organizational and socio-cultural strategies. It is suggested that, while intervention strategies which have the potential to raise the achievement levels of boys (and girls) are being successfully developed in each pilot school, there is as yet only limited evidence to suggest how and why these interventions are most effective, and indeed, how these interventions might be successfully adapted and transferred to other school contexts.  相似文献   

国际教育技术学会(ISTE)于2018年发布了《计算思维能力标准(教育者)》,这是国际范围内首个以计算思维命名的标准文本,对指引智能时代的计算思维教学具有里程碑意义。《计算思维能力标准(教育者)》旨在为智能时代的教学变革提供路线图,分别从智能时代计算思维教育者的五种身份——计算思维学习者、教育公平的领导者、围绕计算的协作者、创新者与设计者、计算思维与课堂教学融合的促进者入手,围绕计算思维、公平的领导者、围绕计算的协作、创新与设计及融合计算思维,界定了教育者应具备的计算思维能力。该《标准》的启示在于:就教师专业发展而言,要明确计算思维教育者的多重身份,履行相应职能;构建教育者计算思维能力发展框架——CTPACK,在学科教学中有效落实计算思维;以计算思维为牵引,带动数据素养与人工智能素养的共同提升。就学科建设而言,在信息技术学科中有效落实计算思维,促进计算思维与学科教学的深度融合,加深跨学科活动设计,从而推进学科间的协同发展。  相似文献   

现代企业对信息管理与信息系统专业学生的能力需求与毕业生能力供给间存在较大的差距,原因在于传统课程体系设置模式在促进知识学习向实践能力转换过程中存在五大瓶颈。以培养学生的创新思维和动态适应能力为导向,结合现代企业经营环境的复杂性特征,本文提出了在信管专业培养方案中增设复杂系统相关课程的改革方案,对复杂系统课程体系的四层知识模块以及各层次知识模块与传统知识体系的逻辑关系做了重点研究,并制定出构建复杂系统课程体系的实施规划。  相似文献   

毕业设计在高等教育中是非常重要的一个环节,对培养大学生的综合能力和素质有着非常重要的作用.然而,当前很多高校毕业设计的质量令人担忧.本文针对我校信管专业毕业设计中存在的问题进行了探讨,通过思考和创新,提出了提高其毕业设计质量的方法和途径.  相似文献   

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