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西方女性主义教育述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西方女性主义已成为教育研究的一个重要理论分支,其中自由主义女性主义、激进的女性主义和批判的女性主义具有比较明确、比较系统的教育观点,其核心是关注两性平等和性别公平的教育。这些女性主义流派对西方现行教育体系中的管理、教育过程以及学校实践中体现的性别不公平现象进行了尖锐的批判。西方女性主义的教育观点及其教育批评对我们的教育研究与实践具有启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

女性主义的翻译观提出了许多新的理论主张和观点。文章着重研究了翻译性别化的历史、女性主义翻译观的具体主张、女性主义在翻译实践中所采取的技巧与方法等,同时指出女性主义在翻译理论上的创新。  相似文献   

分析了女性主义教师观的主要内涵,其中主要包括教师的角色定位、教师与课程的关系、师生关系和教师专业素养等。认为实施性别平等的教育已是世界各国教育发展的必然趋势,性别平等是女性主义的基本观点,女性主义教师观是一种体现性别平等的教师观,对性别平等教育的有效实施有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

阶级和性别不仅是社会主义女性主义批评的理论立场,也展示了女性受压迫的两种模式,二者是辩证统一的而不是相互分割的,这也正是社会主义女性主义突破过去所有类型女性主义的地方。社会主义女性主义批评将阶级作为核心观念,并结合诸多观念和理论,诸如心理分析、语言学、符号学,以及公共领域理论、文化生产观念等,发展起了一套行之有效的批评策略。  相似文献   

陈薇 《文教资料》2013,(24):36-38
性别语言文化的研究契合了“语言与人”这个关乎语言本质的主题,一直是语言学界研究的一个重要课题,其理论研究呈多维化、多视角化.女性主义语言学从女性的角度分析语言本身和个体的语言行为.文章回顾了英语女性主义语言学研究背景和内容,从语言和话语风格层面上分析了女性语言的特点,介绍了非性别语言使用标准和来自语言学界的不同观点.  相似文献   

柏云彩 《英语广场》2022,(25):49-53
本文基于朱迪斯·巴特勒的四部主要著作,梳理出她提出的性别建构理论、性别操演理论、身份差异理论和话语权力理论,并阐述她在这些后现代女性主义理论中所表达的女性主义思想。巴特勒的后现代女性主义理论思想可以主要概括为:(1)反对性别本质主义,支持性别建构论,解构性别二元对立等级制;(2)创立性别操演理论,消解父权制性别规范;(3)提出身份差异理论,尊重身份认同的多元性;(4)主张话语权力理论,创建女性主义话语,争取性别平等。巴特勒的后现代女性主义理论思想有助于人们重新审视女性问题,进一步促进妇女解放。  相似文献   

以当代女性主义文学文化理论,从女性主义视角出发,解读素有“英国文学经典之作”盛誉的康拉德短篇小说《黑难的心》,并对作者在小说中展现的性别政治观点展开批判。在性别建构和人物塑造问题上,康拉德小说文本中父权思想充斥,男性幻想弥漫。  相似文献   

父权规训与男性想象——解读康拉德小说《黑暗的心》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以当代女性主义文学文化理论,从女性主义视角出发,解读素有“英国文学经典之作”盛誉的康拉德短篇小说《黑暗的心》,并对作者在小说中展现的性别政治观点展开批判。在性别建构和人物塑造问题上,康拉德小说文本中父权思想充斥,男性幻想弥漫。  相似文献   

女性主义翻译理论是翻译研究的"文化转向"的最新动向与西方女性主义运动结合的产物。本文从女性主义翻译理论的性别观切入,分析传统忠实观念包含的性别隐喻,展现女性主义译者对"忠实"的再度阐释。同时对于出现的个别问题,比如研究对象单一、缺少实例等提出建议。  相似文献   

本文从女性主义角度出发,运用当代女性主义批评理论,解读康拉德中篇小说《黑暗的心》。通过分析马洛话语下的女性形象,在父权思想占统治地位的社会,女性只能作为男性的附庸,或者被边缘化。作品中展现的性别政治观点,折射出作者康拉德受父权思想的影响,在性别的建构和人物的塑造问题上,塑造了二元对立的女性形象,体现了他的性别歧视。  相似文献   

女性主义翻译理论从性别研究的角度对传统译论中的译者主体性进行了重新阐释,颠覆了传统译论中译者“隐形人”的角色,彰显了译者尤其是女性主义译者的主体性。但女性主义翻译理论由于过分强调“性别意识”,因而在译介活动中会在某种程度上偏离,甚至歪曲翻译活动的本的质。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with ethnographic research from a feminist perspective, focusing upon outdoor and adventurous education. In this paper participants' views and perspectives are located within the wider social, material, and economic context. Evidence suggests that stereotypical assumptions about masculinity and femininity are challenged and gender relations altered through adventurous activities. Not only is it important to recognize the structural inequalities of patriarchy, but it is important to examine situations that could provide opportunities for a shift in gender power relations. Although outdoor education in research in mainstream physical education and feminist research is generally nonexistent, reflexive, sensitive research from feminist perspectives can further develop the understanding of contexts and processes that may promote social change.  相似文献   

基于女性主义文化理论的视角,解读革命宏大叙事的性别话语中现代花木兰郭俊卿个案的性别生态。郭俊卿在上世纪五六十年代是现代花木兰、杰出的女战斗英雄和媒体人物。女性主义文化理论从生理性别一社会性别的两分思维出发.发展到后来认为话语及其隐含的权力一知识生产机制建构了性别和社会现实。  相似文献   

本文作者认为,女权主义批评家凯特·米利特从政治的角度分析了男性与女性之间的关系。她认为社会是父权制的社会,男性控制女性。这一理论为我们解读文学作品提供了新的视角。本文分析了《嘉莉妹妹》中的父权制压迫与父权制的解构。  相似文献   

This article examines the application of a recent interpretive trend in the field of gender studies to the study of Talmudic texts as well as its potential role in the teaching of Talmudic literature. It explores what kind of contribution we can make to our students' education in seminaries and Jewish Day schools when we open our texts up to theories of interpretation drawn from the academy. As a theory that views women as “literary devices” rather than as “real” women who convey something about the status of women in antiquity, this method raises the question of what our students stand to gain from this type of feminist inquiry.  相似文献   

性别是女性主义介入世界秩序研究的根本起点。但受不同思想传统的影响,女性主义理论内部形成了众多流派.进而提出了不同的世界秩序观。自由主义女性主义主张妇女具有同等参与国际事务的权利,女性议题、女性利益诉求在世界秩序中受到同等关注;马克思主义/社会主义女性主义认为国际关系中的性别问题应当被当做一个系统的统治问题来对待:激进主义女性主义弘扬女性的道德优势.尝试以女性特征取代男性特征:后现代女性主义更关注妇女作为研究对象在历史文本中的边缘地位及其作为研究和实践主体在世界秩序研究与历史模式中的边缘地位。未来女性主义诸流派之间的分化与认同、冲突与融合、碰撞与互补仍将继续。  相似文献   

In this article, we research and revisit our own experiences of gender equality work to determine the societal and discursive power relations that have shaped gender equality. We conducted our study in Finland, a ‘Nordic model of gender equality’, but we argue that these results have worldwide relevance, especially since Nordic models of gender equality and education have been exported globally. By combining earlier research, our own extensive experience of conducting gender equality work, and previous literature on feminist pedagogy, we examine the possibilities of what we call ‘gender equality pedagogy’ in an era of marketization. To develop the concept of gender equality pedagogy, we ask how combining an analysis of gender equality work with feminist pedagogy can help to acknowledge and utilize power relations. We suggest that understanding gender equality work as a form of pedagogic practice might help overcome some of the barriers that gender equality work has encountered for decades.  相似文献   

The article discusses contributions towards female higher education made by a group of women whose views on gender roles were conservative, rather than feminist or suffragist. Four women's conservative ideals and interconnected work for women's education are reviewed in the context of late Victorian Oxford. This study is prefaced by a discussion of historical literature on women's higher education which concludes that twentieth century feminist historians have sometimes downplayed the role of reformers who deliberately disassociated women's educational reform from the advance of gender equality. A study of conservative reformers complicates definitions both of feminism and anti‐feminism, and provides an important reminder of the broader intellectual and political contexts which produced them both.  相似文献   

This article explores the expansion of feminist ideas as both a conceptual and a political issue. It focuses on two major theories of social change, world culture theory (WCT) and world system analysis (WSA), comparing and contrasting how they frame gender as a factor shaping society, how they account for the diffusion of feminist ideas and how they assess the impact of gender norms on sociocultural outcomes. Through the examination of texts and research based on these theories, this article weighs the ability of the theories to meaningfully and justly recognise the place of gender politics within the dynamics of social change. Both WCT and WSA predict isomorphism in the way gender is framed in modern society, but their explanatory accounts traverse drastically different paths. One asserts a conflict-free diffusion of values, whereas the other, decidedly based on conflict, sees gender as emerging from resistance or anti-systemic movements. The article concludes with an assessment of the contribution and missing aspects of each theoretical perspective.  相似文献   

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