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通过对1998—1999“石狮杯”全国排球优胜赛(福州赛区)的8个队的比赛情况进行现场统计、观察和询问,总结归纳出各种发球技术运用效果,以及影响发球技术的各种因素,旨在提高发球技术水平与心理应变能力。  相似文献   

G846.148.7 9904909乒乓球比赛中运动员发球和接发球前的心理分析=Research on the psychology of table tennisplayers before serve and serve-receive in thegame[刊,中,A]/陶亦海,高峰//山东体育学院学报.-1999.-15(2).-47-49参5(TY)乒乓球//心理分析//发球//接发球对乒乓球运动员实战中发球和接发球的心理状态进行了分析,认为发球和接发球前,运动员的心理特征是复杂的。因此,在发球和接发球前必须有充分的战术准备及心理准备,发球应灵活多变,迷惑对方,接发球应消除紧张心理,猜测对方发球*对突发事件作到头脑冷静等。  相似文献   

通过对2002—2011年四大网球公开赛的发球进行长期跟踪研究,结果表明:世界网球运动在过去的十年中发生着很大的变化。发球速度在不断增加,ACE球数量不断增多,双误的数量持续减少;运动员的发球速度与身高呈正相关,获胜方平均身高一般比对手高1~2cm,发球时速平均快2~4km;在所有的场地上,运动员的发球局优势越来越明显,尤其是温网,出现抢七的几率最高,每盘打的局数最多;法网的发球速度在大幅增加,但ACE球的数量少于其它3个大满贯网球赛事。  相似文献   

发球是排球五大基本技术之一,也是比赛三大得分手段之一,其重要性不言而喻。国际排联从1999年开始实行每球得分制,由此带来了排球攻防体系的一系列重大变化。这对所有球队来说都是一个机会,同时也是一个挑战。从排球得分失分规律入手,剖析每球得分制对发球攻击性的影响。  相似文献   

我国是在98~99年全国排球甲级联赛中正式实行新赛制后,发球在比赛中的运用发生了很大的变化。旧赛制发球得分制比赛中发球方任何环节的失误最多仅造成失去发球权而已,所以其只有得分的机会,而没有得分的担忧。而每球得分制使发球成为失分的因素之一,它要求运动员发球既不能“死拼”(攻击性)而失误太多,也不能力求“保险”(准确性)而无攻击性球。  相似文献   

中国男子排球队接发球阵式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于新规则的实行 ,中国男子排球队的接发球阵式已不能适应快速发展的发球技术的需要。本文通过对中国男子排球队在 1999年世界杯男子排球赛的电视现场观察和技术统计 ,运用运动心理学和分析推理方法提出 :后排 4人的接发球阵式可以适应快速发展的发球技术的需要 ,提高接发球的到位率 :“4- 2”阵式配备可以做到后排 4人接发球 ,提高防反效果 ,同时不影响一攻的效果。  相似文献   

通过对 1998年世界女子排球锦标赛、1999年世界杯女子排球赛与 1999年、2 0 0 0年全国女子排球甲级联赛的研究 ,对每球得分制条件下影响一攻和防反的主要因素进行论证。结果表明 :发球、一传效果、防守效果、不同风格打法和运动员心理素质是影响每球得分制条件下一攻、防反效果的主要因素 ;与世界强队相比 ,中国女子排球队在后排进攻方面存在着显著性差异  相似文献   

通过对我国选手郑洁2008年温网全程比赛的录像观摩,对其发球技术从身高体重、发球落点区域分布、发球球速、ACES和双误、发球成功率、发球得分率等方面与其他优秀选手进行对比分析,得出结论:郑洁的发球比较稳定,但在速度、力量方面与世界优秀女子选手存在较大差距;发球是其技术较薄弱的环节.建议从加强速度力量素质的训练、提高发球技术和完善发球技术动作、增加发球落点变化三方面弥补身高、体重带来的劣势.  相似文献   

根据"风洞"流体力学实验对飘球技术发展的探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许浒 《体育科学》2002,22(1):57-59
采用调查法、统计法、实验法、论证分析法,对1999年世界杯比赛中不同发球技术效果进行了统计与分析,并根据“风洞”及“自由落体”流体力学的实验,对飘球中的潜力进行了进一步的探究。研究表明:(1)当前飘球威力减弱,一是与发球技术动作不细腻、不规范有关。二是与目前运动员习惯于远距离高弧度的发球有关。根据理论和实验研究,要挖掘和利用飘球技术的潜能,应中远距离站位,发接近球网上沿的大力平;中飘球。  相似文献   

王啸 《体育风尚》2021,(5):97-98
网球发球是运动员唯一由自己掌握而不受对手控制与影响的击球环节。在比赛中,许多优秀的网球运动员巧妙地运用发球来搭配战术抢得先机。本文主要以2018年郑洁杯和2018年尤尼克斯杯男子十二岁组决赛的四名少年网球运动员为研究对象,运用文献资料法、录像观察法以及逻辑分析法这三种研究方法来分析少年网球运动员发球失误技术的特点。通过对这两种比赛的视频进行发球技术数据统计,得出以下结果:在发球总失误中,因为抛球高度不正确导致发球失误占64.03%,其中抛球高度过高占抛球高度不正确的59.57%;发球时没有顶髋导致发球失误在两场比赛中存在45颗,占总发球失误12.26%;发球时动作脱节导致发球失误有57颗,占发球总失误15.53%;发球时握拍偏正手导致发球失误30次,占总失误率8.17%。对上述结果分析得到了以下结论:少年网球运动员在发球技术上的问题常发生于抛球高度位置不合适,会出现抛球偏高偏低或者靠前靠后,发球时顶髋动作缺失,发球的整体动作节奏感混乱,正手击球后的握拍出现发球中。  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的相关方法,对1999-2009年《体育科学》刊载的2245篇学术论文的著者、载文、引文及被引用等情况进行统计分析。11年间,共发表合著论文1501篇,平均合著程度为66.86%,合著指数为2.61。发表学术论文7篇及以上的有17人。参照国家标准学科分类与代码表,将所有论文分为15个类,12%的论文属于运动训练学。著者的所在地以北京最多,远远超过其它地区。有82个单位发表论文达到或超过5篇。引用文献共计29806次,篇均引文量为13.28篇。引用《体育科学》所刊载论文1397次,自引率为4.69%。由统计结果可看出,《体育科学》的论文质量优于同学科其它期刊,具有一定的新颖性、连续性和稳定性。  相似文献   

In 1999, Wilson and Batterham proposed a new approach to assessing the test-retest stability of psychometric questionnaires. They recommended assessing the proportion of agreement - that is, the proportion of participants that record the same response to an item - using a test-retest design. They went on to use a bootstrapping technique to estimate the uncertainty of the proportion of agreement. The aims of this short communication are (1) to demonstrate that the sampling distribution of the proportion of agreement is well known (the binomial distribution), making the technique of 'bootstrapping' redundant, and (2) to suggest a much simpler, more sensitive method of assessing the stability of a psychometric questionnaire, based on the test-retest differences (within-individuals) for each item. Adopting methods similar to Wilson and Batterham, 97 sport students completed the Social Physique Anxiety Scale on two occasions. Test-retest differences were calculated for each item. Our results show that the proportion of agreement ignores the nature of disagreement. Items 4 and 11 showed similar agreement (44.3% and 43.3% respectively), but 89 of the participants (91.8%) differed by just +/-1 point when responding to item 4, indicating a relatively stable item. In contrast, only 78 of the participants (80.4%) recorded a difference within +/- 1 point when responding to item 11, suggesting quite contrasting stability for the two items. We recommend that, when assessing the stability of self-report questionnaires using a 5-point scale, most participants (90%) should record test-retest differences within a reference value of +/- 1.  相似文献   

In 1999, Wilson and Batterham proposed a new approach to assessing the test–retest stability of psychometric questionnaires. They recommended assessing the proportion of agreement – that is, the proportion of participants that record the same response to an item – using a test–retest design. They went on to use a bootstrapping technique to estimate the uncertainty of the proportion of agreement. The aims of this short communication are (1) to demonstrate that the sampling distribution of the proportion of agreement is well known (the binomial distribution), making the technique of ‘bootstrapping’ redundant, and (2) to suggest a much simpler, more sensitive method of assessing the stability of a psychometric questionnaire, based on the test–retest differences (within-individuals) for each item. Adopting methods similar to Wilson and Batterham, 97 sport students completed the Social Physique Anxiety Scale on two occasions. Test–retest differences were calculated for each item. Our results show that the proportion of agreement ignores the nature of disagreement. Items 4 and 11 showed similar agreement (44.3% and 43.3% respectively), but 89 of the participants (91.8%) differed by just - 1 point when responding to item 4, indicating a relatively stable item. In contrast, only 78 of the participants (80.4%) recorded a difference within - 1 point when responding to item 11, suggesting quite contrasting stability for the two items. We recommend that, when assessing the stability of self-report questionnaires using a 5-point scale, most participants (90%) should record test–retest differences within a reference value of - 1.  相似文献   

通过对参加第 9届世界杯男子排球比赛的 11支世界强队和中国队比赛得分情况的统计分析发现 ,中国队在主要得分环节上得分能力均低于其它参赛队。一攻总成功率和前排 3个位置成功率均低于其它参赛队 ,特别是 4号位强攻差距最大 ;防反总成功率低于其它参赛队 ,4号位和 2号位进攻成功率低于其它参赛队 ,但 3号位成功率却高于其它参赛队 ;拦网总成功率和 3个位置成功率均低于其它参赛队 ,主要表现在被打手出界球过多 ,拦网运动员触网也不少 ;其它参赛队发球得分虽多 ,但失误也多 ,中国队破攻球稍多于其它参赛队 ,一般球多于其它参赛队。  相似文献   

我国体育类核心期刊网球运动科研论文现状分析研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了自1992年第1版《中文核心期刊要目总览》确定中文体育类核心期刊13种到2006年期间中文体育类核心期刊所有网球运动科研论文,从中发现:自1992年到1999年,我国网球运动科研论文方面的研究几乎是一片空白,但自1999年后网球运动科研论文方面的研究越来越受到科研工作者的重视,本文从1999年开始通过专家访谈法、文献法、数理统计法对1999—2006年间我国13种体育类核心期刊网球运动科研论文进行分类分项统计处理,并针对数据的分布以及其间的关系分析我国网球运动研究的发展现状及一些规律特征。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Sport in History》2013,33(2):128-149

Peter Bishop, Tranmere Rovers Football Club, Images of England Series, Stroud: Tempus Publishing Limited, 1998, Pp. i+128., Paperback ISBN 0 7524 1505 0.

Timothy J. L. Chandler and John Nauright (Eds.), Making the Rugby World: Race, Gender and Commerce London: Frank Cass Publishers, 1999, Pp. 256, hardback £42.50, ISBN 0 7146 4853 1, paperback £16.50, ISBN 0 7156 4411 0. Reviewed by Martyn J. Powell

Fan Hong, Footbinding, Feminism and Freedom: The Liberation of Women's Bodies in Modern China, London: Frank Cass, 1997, Pp. xiv + 342. $54.50 hardback and $26.50 paperback, ISBN (hardback) 0 7146 4633 4 and ISBN (paperback) 0714643343. Reviewed by Susan Zieff

J. A. Mangan, (ed.), Sport in Europe: Politics, Class, Gender. London: Frank Cass, 1999, Pp. 268 + ix. ISBN 0-7146-5 (cloth) £45, 0-7146-8005-2 (paper) £25. Reviewed by Tony Collins

R. Potts and P. A. Croxson, Bibliography of Model Yachting London: The Curved Air Press, 1999, £12, Pp. 149, ISBN 1 873148 10 0. Reviewed by Richard William Cox

Samuel O. Regalado, Viva Baseball! Latin Major Leaguers and Their Special Hunger, Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1998, Pp. 224, $16.95, ISBN 0-252-02372-2. Paperback. Reviewed by S.J.S. Ickringill

James Riordan and Arnd Krüger (eds.), The International Politics of Sport in the 20th Century, London and New York: E. & F. N. Spon, 1999, £17.99, Pp. x + 254, ISBN 0-419-21160-8. Reviewed by Peter J. Beck

Peter J. Seddon. (Comp.), A Football Compendium: An Expert Guide to the Books, Films and Music of Association Football Boston Spa: The British Library, 1999, £30, Pp. Xvi + 815, ISBN 0-7123-1118-1. Reviewed by Richard William Cox

Alan Tomlinson, The Game's Up: Essays in the Cultural Analysis of Sport, Leisure and Popular Culture Aldershot and Vermont, USA: Arena, Ashgate Publishing, 1999, Pp. xvi + 306, ISBN 1-85742-248-1 (hbk) £45.00 1-8742-249-X (pbk) £19.95. Reviewed by Peter J. Beck  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计、比较等方法,对晏紫,郑洁在2006年澳网双打比赛中技战术指标进行统计与分析。结果表明:晏紫,郑洁在技战术的运用上发挥较为出色;破发率、一发成功率、二发成功率、双误次数等技术指标优于对手;非受迫性失误相对较少,但主动得分能力相对较弱。  相似文献   

Body mass index is a common proxy for proportion of body fat. However, body mass index may not classify youth similarly across ages and ethnicities. We used sex- and ethnic-specific receiver operating characteristic curves to determine how obesity classifications compared between body mass index and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry-based body fat percent. Male and female participants 9- to 18-years-old (n = 944; 487 female) were measured 1 to 13 times (1999–2012; 4,411 observations). Body mass index identified < 50% of those classified as obese from body fat percent. Specificity was 99.7%, and sensitivity was 35.8%. Using area under the curve and standard error values, body mass index performed significantly better for: Male versus female at 10 years, Asian versus European female except at 13-, 15-, and 16-years-old, Asian female versus male except at 10- and 15-years-old, and for European male versus female, 9- to 11-years-old (p < .05). Our findings provide evidence that users of body mass index should use caution when comparing body mass index across age, sex, and ethnicity.  相似文献   

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