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在篮球运动中,投篮往往是得分的唯一手段,是获得比赛胜利的重要法宝,在影响投篮命中率的众多因素中,心理因素是一项不可忽视的重要因素之一.队员自信心的缺乏、注意力不集中、情绪不稳定、紧张焦虑等都会对投篮的命中率造成影响.面对这些因素,应该进行相应的模拟训练、情绪稳定训练、注意力控制训练及篮球比赛的认知训练等,从而提高队员的投篮命中率以提高运动成绩.  相似文献   

随着篮球运动的发展和训练水平的提高,从国际、国内重大比赛中,统计的投篮命中率数字可以看出,投篮命中率越来越高。特别是中远距离投篮,命中率提高的幅度更大。目前各国教练员和科技人员都在为如何提高投篮命中率进行研究和探索。投篮命中率是有多种因素互相促成和相互制约。下面我简单的谈谈提高投篮命中率的几个因素。  相似文献   

通过对中国女篮历史的回顾,阐述双手胸前投篮的重要作用,并根据影响投篮命中率的各个要素,分析双手胸前投篮的优越性,建议中国女篮应重视双手投篮的培养及其训练。  相似文献   

探讨初学者投篮命中率,提高篮球运动员在短期内快速提高比赛能力,建立规范的投篮技术定型,有效提高投篮命中率是着重要意义。通过文献资料、走访专家、理论分析等研究方法,对投篮技术结构以及投篮技术训练理念和方法体系进行探讨和分析。研究结果表明,在初学者训练期间运用合理的有针对性的练习方法,强化动作规格,将其他攻防技术合理有效的结合到篮球初学者的投篮技术训练中,是提高篮球初学者投篮命中率的几个关键环节。  相似文献   

篮球训练的目的及其方法手段的实施,都是围绕着进攻、防守、冲抢篮板球和中锋技术四个环节而进行的。而进攻命中率的提高是训练的关键环节.投篮命中率要靠勤学苦练来获得,对于业余训练队来说,在训练实践中如何在有限的时间里增加投篮的练习密度,提高投篮命中率是业余训练队面临解决的难点。我在训练实践中,曾通过半学期对全体女篮队员(12人)采用多球训练进行定位多球投篮练习;移动中多球投篮练习;锋卫多球投篮练习;对提高抢篮板球及其意识的培养;对提高防守技术及其能  相似文献   

1影响投篮命中率的因素 1.1影响投篮命中率的技术因素 规范的投篮技术动作是获得较高命中率的前提,在日常训练中,应加大重视力度。掌握正确的投篮动作,并通过大量的练习,形成良好的动力定型,是提高投篮命中率的基础。  相似文献   

为模拟篮球比赛攻守双方激烈对抗时投篮瞬间运动员与球篮不同的动态位置,三面组合篮板变径篮圈旋转投篮训练应运而生。实验选择训练器三档渐进的旋转速度和间歇运行方式,进行单动和双动条件下控制训练,增加投篮训练的难度,实验中采用180 s、距离7 m投篮100次命中率作为评价指标。运用内径37 cm、40 cm和43 cm等3种篮圈分别模拟罚球、中距离投篮和远距离投篮等3种投篮场景,并进行投篮的运动学图像分析,变径篮圈投篮训练指标最接近比赛时的运动学指标。组合旋转变径篮圈训练法提供了培养投篮运动员方位感与空间感的新环境。通过对青年男子篮球运动员的应用实验证明,对运动员投篮技能和投篮认知感觉的提升取得了良好效果,使投篮训练条件接近实战比赛的场景,具有明显的投篮技能的体验效应和投篮命中率的提升功效。  相似文献   

二、对抗投篮的训练对抗投篮训练的根本目的是使队员能掌握在对方堵、抢、封、盖等严密防守下的投篮技术,提高对抗投篮的命中率。对抗投篮训练要解决的主要问题:(一)在严密防守中,队员能捕捉或制造投篮的时空差;(二)在激烈对抗中,队员能控制投篮时的身体平衡,尤其是能控制与对方碰撞时的身体平衡。对抗投篮训练方法的设计必须尽可能地符合现代篮球比赛  相似文献   

如何提高投篮命中率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、个人投篮训练 个人投篮训练是自信心的训练过程,运动员在投篮练习过程中,不断增强信心,巩固提高投篮命中率。练习方法:  相似文献   

投篮是篮球比赛中主要进攻技术,在一场势均力敌的比赛中,心理因素对投篮命中率尤为重要,它往往成为一场比赛成败的关键,因为心理状态是充分发挥技、战术水平的保证。历年来我校篮球队在参加市级比赛中,平时有“神投手”之称的队员,在关键比赛中却表演失常,这就要从心理学角度找原因,除了在训练中抓好投篮技术、投篮时机,身体素质训练外,重视加强心理训练是提高投篮命中率的有效途径.  相似文献   

定距离原地投篮的弧线轨迹主要取决于出手速度和出手角度。为了探究优秀青年男子运动员不同距离原地投篮命中率的各影响因素,采用平面定机高速摄影和运动技术解析法,采集12名U16中国国家男子篮球运动员罚篮、中投和三分投球中篮过程投篮手臂的腕、肘、肩、膝等相关关节的线速度和角速度等参数,运用关联度和回归分析(Matlab2018a)探究规律。发现8项因素对原地投篮对命中率有不同程度的影响,其中,球初始高度、球离手高度、腕关节速度和膝关节速度4项因素,通过投篮角度和投篮速度对不同距离投篮中命中率的影响最大。  相似文献   


In this study we examined the timing of optical information pick-up in basketball jump shooting using an intermittent viewing technique. We expected shooters to prefer to look at the basket as late as possible under the shooting style used. Seven experts with a high shooting style and five experts with a low shooting style took 50 jump shots while wearing liquid-crystal glasses that opened and closed at pre-set intervals. In principle, under this constraint, the participants could control when they saw the basket by actively modulating the timing of their movements. Analyses of the phasing of the movements relative to the events defined on the glasses revealed that low-style shooters preferred to see the basket just before the ball passed their line of sight, whereas high-style shooters tended to view the basket from underneath the ball after it passed their line of sight. Thus, most shooters preferred to pick up optical information as late as possible given the adopted shooting style. We conclude that, in dynamic far aiming tasks such as basketball jump shooting, late pick-up of optical information is critical for the successful guidance of movements.  相似文献   

篮球技术训练系统的控制理论研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在现代篮球技术训练发展趋势中,系统论、控制论等理论思想越来越深入到其中,通过对系统的控制要素研究和系统的控制机制研究,促进篮球技术训练的科学化、现代化。  相似文献   

现代篮球运动是在快速多变的情况下进行的。投篮命中率是制约比赛胜负的关键因素。因此各队都在不断地探索提高命中率的途径。影响运动员投篮命中率的因素很多,其中最关键的是运动员的各种感知觉能力及心理状态。本文主要研究各种感知觉与投篮命中率的关系,为科学选材与训练提供参考。  相似文献   

A rationale and geometric parameters for optimal basketball shooting are provided. The premise is that shots requiring the least energy are the easiest to control and thus have the greatest probability of success. The kinematics of the ball movement are modelled and simulated for the free throw, for the direct shot, and for the bank shot off the backboard (the ‘layup’). For the layup, the analysis includes the effects of friction, ball inertia, ball spin and impact restitution. The results provide a means for shot planning and for coaching to improve shooting technique. The advantage of the layup for close-in shooting is demonstrated. Results of numerical parameter studies are also presented, demonstrating the ranges of allowable shooting error for the various shots, and thus also identifying the shots with highest probability of success.  相似文献   

程利群 《湖北体育科技》2003,22(4):519-520,523
研究了“加重球”练习在投篮技术训练中的运用,结果表明,对提高投篮动作的规范化和命中率有显著作用,从而为投篮技术训练提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

黄启明 《体育科研》2007,28(6):78-80
通过对12名少年篮球爱好者近两年4个阶段,有计划科学地进行严格的、规范的投篮技术动作训练,使他们从不会投篮,到初步掌握投篮技术。通过规范的投篮基本技术的强化,提高了他们的投篮命中率,对他们今后的发展,也是十分有益的。  相似文献   

In this study we examined the timing of optical information pick-up in basketball jump shooting using an intermittent viewing technique. We expected shooters to prefer to look at the basket as late as possible under the shooting style used. Seven experts with a high shooting style and five experts with a low shooting style took 50 jump shots while wearing liquid-crystal glasses that opened and closed at pre-set intervals. In principle, under this constraint, the participants could control when they saw the basket by actively modulating the timing of their movements. Analyses of the phasing of the movements relative to the events defined on the glasses revealed that low-style shooters preferred to see the basket just before the ball passed their line of sight, whereas high-style shooters tended to view the basket from underneath the ball after it passed their line of sight. Thus, most shooters preferred to pick up optical information as late as possible given the adopted shooting style. We conclude that, in dynamic far aiming tasks such as basketball jump shooting, late pick-up of optical information is critical for the successful guidance of movements.  相似文献   

The ability to shoot an effective jump shot in the sport of basketball is critical to a player's success. In an attempt to better understand the aspects related to expert performance, researchers have investigated successful free throws and jump shots of various basketball players and identified movement variables that contribute to their success. The purpose of this study was to complete a systematic review of the scientific literature on the basketball free throw and jump shot for the purpose of revealing the critical components of shooting that coaches, teachers, and players should focus on when teaching, learning, practising, and performing a jump shot. The results of this review are presented in three sections: (a) variables that affect ball trajectory, (b) phases of the jump shot, and (c) additional variables that influence shooting.  相似文献   

The additive effects of self-regulation training in forethought, performance, and self-reflection phase processes on acquiring a novel motoric skill (i.e., basketball free throws) and self-reflective beliefs were studied with 50 college students. The results showed a positive linear trend between the number of self-regulatory phases, in which the participants were trained, and their free throw shooting performance and shooting adaptation. The two- and three-phase training groups displayed significantly more accurate free throws and were able to self-correct their shooting form more frequently following missed shots than all other groups. Participants who received three-phase training displayed the most adaptive motivational profile, characterized by making strategic attributions and adaptive inferences and by using self/process criteria during self-evaluations.  相似文献   

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