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《汉语大词典》具有义项完备、释义精确、引证详实、源流并重等优点。本文借用文献学中的“本校法”,对《汉语大词典》进行分析研究,发现它在选立词目、释义、书证、校对等方面所存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

竺法护译经词汇丰富,其中的一些词语词义,对大型语文类工具书《汉语大词典》在词目、义项、释义、书证等四个方面存在的不足有重要的补正作用。  相似文献   

《洛阳伽蓝记》是北魏时期一部重要的著作,《汉语大词典》共引用该书76条例句作为词语或义项的唯一书证即孤证。经调查,76个例句中除28个确为孤证外,其它48个则存在着孤证词条书证可补、孤证词条释义不确、词目处理不当等问题。厘清这些问题,将在一定程度上有助于《汉语大词典》未来的修订工作。  相似文献   

在《汉语大词典》中,“青李”条义项①的书证《来禽帖》标点有误,“胡笳”条释义不全面,“却月眉”条的释义不准确,“起夫”和“锈床”条的书证迟后,“斗”条的义项⑤引用书证不当。《汉语大词典》修订时可作参考。  相似文献   

刘基的诗以《二鬼》艺术成就最大,词汇学成就也最高。考释《二鬼》诗复音词,可以管见《汉语大词典》失收词目、漏收义项、误释词义、误引书证等缺失。  相似文献   

《汉语大词典》是最大的汉语词汇宝库,本应将汉语词汇包揽无遗,实际上却漏收了许多应收的词语。笔者发现仅漏收《青楼梦》中的词目就有200多余。漏收的词目主要有成语典故、普通词语和专科词语。漏收词目对《汉语大词典》的影响有:又项残缺、释义失误、立目不当、书证过晚等。《汉语大词典》修订的时候,这些漏收的词目如能够得以补录,将会使祖国的语言宝库更加丰富。  相似文献   

《论语》是汉语典故词语最重要的来源之一.《汉语大词典》在《论语》典故词语的立目、释义和书证方面都还存在一些问题:一是标举语源时将本来与《论语》没有关系的词语错误地溯源到《论语》;二是在分列义项时将本来与《论语》关系密切的用法错误地别立义项;三是在确立词目时存在曲解文义立误目、漫无标准立疑目以及失于稽考未立目等问题.  相似文献   

在《汉语大词典》中,"青头"的释义与所举书证存在不对应的情况。并且在方言和传世文献中,有它的一些新义项。为准确把握其词义,应进行释义辨别和义项增补。  相似文献   

《汉语大词典》是目前规模最大、收词最广、最具权威性的一部语文辞书,注重“古今兼收,源流并重”,释义准确,书证充实,是一部重要的工具书。但由于规模宏大,编纂任务繁重,《大词典》出现部分书证迟后、孤证、义项未收、词形未收等情况。因此,我们主要以前人关注较少的晋南清代戏曲碑刻为主要语料,从提前书证、补充孤证、增补义项、补充词形四方面进行分析探讨,希望对《大词典》词语的编纂进行有益的修订和补正。  相似文献   

《汉语大词典》书证滞后的现象相当严重,本文就平时所记尽可能补出有关词条的最早书证。既可供《汉语大词典》修订时匡补,亦为文史工作者提供一些材料。另外,有的词条下有义项而无书证,也按上述原则补出。  相似文献   

从语言理解最佳关联的角度,可以看到对外汉语词典编纂中的不足主要是:词条解释过于生僻;汉英解释和英汉解释不一致;义项选择区别性不强;文化意义阐释不足;示例不够浅近、典型,书面语过多,时代色彩过于陈旧;例句过少或缺失;例句未按语法分布特点编排;词典的规模过小;例句的趣味性、针对性不强等。必须有针对性地制定相应的语用对策,解决这些问题。  相似文献   

Second and fourth graders received 1 of 3 lists of items differing in category representativeness in either a free recall or a sort-recall task. The selection of list materials permitted a separation of the effects of age differences in category knowledge from those of that knowledge per se on children's recall behavior. Proximal and distal measures of metamemory also were derived. Levels of recall and clustering were superior in the sort-recall task and for items of high category typicality. Recall also increased with age, while grade effects for clustering were restricted to the sort-recall/high typicality condition. The deliberate use of an organizational strategy increased with items' category typicality and with age, and was more frequent in the sort-recall than in the free recall task. The results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that most 10-year-olds are capable of strategically activating category knowledge in appropriate task environments when items of high category typicality are provided.  相似文献   

The present experiment contrasted the recall of gifted and nongifted middle-school children for sets of categorically related items. Subjects were given a single free-recall trial on each of two lists consisting of category-typical and category-atypical words. The typicality of the items for one list was based on each subject's unique typicality ratings, whereas the typicality of the items in the second list was based on adult norms. A preliminary category-rating task indicated that gifted students were somewhat more similar to adults in their ratings of category typicality than nongifted children. Recall was comparable between the gifted and nongifted subjects for typical items, but greater for the gifted subjects for atypical items. The latency between the recall of unrelated words was faster for the gifted than the nongifted children. Subjects were classified as strategic or nonstrategic on the basis of clustering and interitem latencies. Gifted subjects were less apt to be classified as strategic than nongifted subjects on the typical items of the self-generated list; there were no differences in the classification between the gifted and nongifted children for all other contrasts. These results were interpreted as indicating that the cognitive advantage of gifted relative to nongifted children is more apt to be in terms of nonstrategic rather than strategic functioning.  相似文献   

The study of categorization and prototype has been an interesting subject for the scholars in psycholinguistics. They have done different studies to investigate the reasons for the formation of the prototype in people‘s mind. Some scholars believe that cultural factors play an important role in the formation of prototype. This paper is intended to look into the categorization of the fruits in China, and the researcher hopes to get the factors which may to some extent influence their idea of typicality. The researcher believes that the regions where a person grows up in may have a subtle effect on his or her idea of typicality of certain items.  相似文献   

标点符号是书面语中意义表达的重要手段,在语言测试中也起着非常关键的作用。本文通过具体实例(主要来源于NMET)阐述了如何将标点符号用于英语单项填空题设计中。  相似文献   

20世纪初,学习词典作为一种新的通用语文词典出现,其例证在用法说明、释义凸显,以及标示语法、语用信息等方面的作用日显突出,并逐步发展成为学习词典的一个重要区别特征。本文在分析现有学习词典例证的基础上,初步探讨了例证的选配原则,认为学习词典的编纂者在选配例证时应特别注意把握例证的真实性、典型性、实用性、自足性等特点。  相似文献   

王红谊、惠富平、王思明3位学者撰著的《中国西部农业开发史研究》,既是区域经济史研究的典型之作,又是一部全方位地展示五千多年来西部地区农业生产力和生产关系发展演变及其内在规律的开拓创新之作。该书选择新视角,开拓西部历史研究的新领域;构建新框架,探索西部历史研究的新途径;提出新观点,实现西部历史研究的新突破。  相似文献   

郑小春 《巢湖学院学报》2007,9(1):127-131,134
徽州诉讼文书收藏分散、保存形式多样、史料来源广泛,与其他地方档案中的诉讼文书相比,具有连续性、多样性、民间性、典型性、真实性、丰富性等显著特点。  相似文献   

要解决学习现代汉语枯燥问题.重要的是要改进教学方法。适当的举例,可调动学生学习积极性,使抽象的概念通俗易懂,使教学内容生动活泼,加深学生印象。举例要注意典型、生动、全面、有针对性。只要留心,例子无处不在.无时不有。  相似文献   

以very,rather,quite为例,运用语料库的研究方法,探讨了语义搭配在区分同义词中的重要作用,以及它对于我们准确使用英语的重要意义。得出结论:三者存在语义上的交叉,但在搭配的典型性上是有区别的,同时又各具其语义特点,rather倾向于和标记性的形容词搭配,而very,quite更倾向于和无标记性的形容词搭配。这也证明了"语言的范畴化是从具体用法中抽象出来的并且有典型到非典型的变化特征"这一认知理念。  相似文献   

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